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Do you dress up for church? Just curious. Fun poll.


Do you Dress Up for Church?  

261 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you dress up for church?

    • Yes. I feel it's very important. All women in a dress. All boys in button down shirt and dress shoes.
    • Yes. Everyone has to wear dress shoes, and slacks, or khakis. But not necessarily button down shirts or dresses.
    • Sort of. We dress a little nicer than usual. We might choose a polo shirt, for instance, or perhaps wear nicer shoes. Things like that.
    • No. We wear jeans, sneakers, and tee shirts and shorts. We are all clean and neat of course. But we look exactly the same as we would on our way to go shopping or out for pizza.
    • Other. Please explain.

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I put other. 


Dh always wears a button down shirt & tie (and suit coat to the service) but he's on staff at our church. :) Dd & I always wear dresses. Ds5 usually wears a button down shirt for Sunday morning, and something on the nicer end (collared shirt at least) for Sunday & Wednesday evenings. The little guys wear something clean & nice looking for Sunday morning, and whatever they have on when we're going out the door to Sun/Wed evenings (everything but their pjs). ;)


Our church is pretty formal (dress-wise), but not necessarily fancy. And we always have visitors wearing whatever they are comfortable in. We try to make them feel at home, too. :)


With our kids we stress the importance of looking nice out of respect to the Lord...but we also teach them that we're not trying to be fancy, or to try to draw attention to ourselves. 

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We absolutely dress up at least a little bit; more than every day wear for sure.  We're going to the place where heaven touches earth!  We'll be received by and will be receiving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I think about the comment above where it was suggested we ought to dress down in consideration of the poor among us -- but it's not about them and it's not about me.  It's about Him.  I give my best and trust that they can/will do the same.  I don't watch and form an opinion about what is their best (I ought not!), but we do maintain the attitude that we're with Christ during the Divine Liturgy at church, and ought to dress accordingly. 

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I voted other because it depends on the church. (We move around a lot.) Generally, I require a collared shirt from the boys and skirts or dress pants for the girls.   In Hawaii, the boys wore polo shirts and shorts and the girls wore skirts and short sleeve tops.  Here in Alaska, our church is pretty casual and I usually wear jeans but the boys still wear collared shirts and dress pants.  DH always wears dress pants and a bottom down shirt no matter where we attend. He's just weird like that. ;)

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We dress up more than normal, except for my husband. During the week i wear sweats and tee's :) so i usually wear jeans or pants and a blouse. I usually wear tennis shoes though (thats mostly because shoes kill my feet.) my boys wear jeans or khaki's with a polo or button up (not too formal, more casual) and tennis shoes (sorry, not buying shoes just for one day a week.) husband wears jeans (or shorts) and a polo every day. He usually wears his hiking boots.

I don't really notice what others wear at church but we seem to be more casual than everyone else.

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I answered Sort Of.

I like to wear dresses or skirts when I can, but some Sundays I'd rather just wear jeans or khakis, so I do that, too.  It's not really about 'how I should' dress for me, it's more just how I feel like dressing.  I like dresses and I've got some nice ones (that still aren't super-formal or anything) that I don't really have the chance to wear unless I wear them to church.  I wear skirts randomly but dresses, unless they are casual, don't really work for every day.

DH wears a collared shirt (polo or casual button down) and jeans, usually.  He has other, dressier clothes, too, but he doesn't wear them for church on a regular basis.  They're more 'special occasion' wear.

I've always just told the boys their pants can't have holes.  Right now I still let them wear shorts, because they are in children's church.  When they are older and sitting in service, I may require pants.  They've always just done the same as DH shirt-wise - polo or casual button down. 

Pink adores fancy dresses, so she's dressed up every week.



That reminds me, you should have seen the look on my grandparents' faces when Link came out for church when they were here in November... he had longer hair then and he decided to spike it.  It was probably...4-5 inches, sticking up on top of his head.  :lol:  Oh, and it was green at the time, too. 

My grandparents weren't huge fans.  They're my grandparents, after all- my grandma will now wear black dress pants to church, and sometimes my grandpa doesn't wear a tie.  :D  So they are much more traditional in terms of church-wear (which I think would be typical of people in their mid-70s), and they attend a church which is pretty similar.   (I wonder if they're secretly very thankful that Link doesn't have green hair any more?  He cut it, too, but my grandparents didn't mind the length... they just thought he looked like he'd stuck his finger in an electric socket. ;)  I thought he looked cool.  :D )

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I used to have a no-jeans rule for church - everyone had to wear either khakis or dress slacks and a nicer shirt and no gym shoes.  I wear a skirt or dress every once in a while.  Dd would like to wear dresses, but most things for teens are just so skimpy and lightweight and she is always cold.   But, over the years, I have relaxed a little bit.  When we are serving in ministry, I enforce that rule because it is part of the dress code for service.  However, there are some masses that we will wear jeans (and be more dressed up than many people.)  Hubby HATES to wear a tie - he had to at work for many years.  Even now, on jeans day at work, he still changes out of his "work clothes" and puts on his every day clothes.  I can only get him in a tie and jacket for special occasions.  Also, we walk to church as often as we can since we are only a few blocks away, so that means wearing "sensible shoes." 

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I wear something nicer than I do during the week.  It's one of the few times I wear jewelry or makeup.  I haven't worn a dress or skirt since October though since the weather has been so freakishly cold!  Now that it's coming on Spring I'll probably break out the dresses again.

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Nope, it's jeans and a hoodie or a long sleeved T in the winter. Jeans and tank tops in the summer. I actually stopped attending church for a while because there was a period of time that I couldn't afford to get dressed up and people would treat you like dirt if you weren't dressed up in other churches in the area. I was really glad when God brought us to this church where even the pastor wears jeans because it had been a long time of no church family partially because of that issue.

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It depends on which service we go to.

Sunday mornings the services are more formal (the pastors wear vestments, music is traditional hymns accompanied by the pipe organ) and so DS and DH will wear dress slacks w/ collared shirts, while my DDs and I will wear dresses/skirts.


Our Saturday evening service is typically much more casual, so if we attend that then we will wear jeans with sweaters/blouses or polo type shirts for the boys. 

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Women in dresses or skirts and men in suits and ties. 


What would you wear to meet the president or go to court?  Would you think it was disrespectful to wear jeans and sneakers? 


Obviously, if someone was coming for the first time and they didn't have dressy clothes whatever nice clean clothes they were wearing would be acceptable.  Still would smile and greet them and not be judgmental!

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In my traditional liturgical church there is a range in how people dress, from jeans to suits. I usually wear a long black skirt and dressy pullover blouse. My girls wear dresses and my son and dh wear nice slacks with a dress shirt and tie. I have tried to get dh to add a sport coat to that, because the white shirt/tie/khakis combo just screams "frat boy" or "high school ball player dressing up on game day", but he ignores me.

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Nope, it's jeans and a hoodie or a long sleeved T in the winter. Jeans and tank tops in the summer. I actually stopped attending church for a while because there was a period of time that I couldn't afford to get dressed up and people would treat you like dirt if you weren't dressed up in other churches in the area. I was really glad when God brought us to this church where even the pastor wears jeans because it had been a long time of no church family partially because of that issue.

Wow, this makes me sad. I am so glad you have found a hospitable place of worship.

The Bible tells us that God looks at us through the righteousness of Christ our Savior. If He can see through the clothes into our hearts - hearts made new by His great sacrifice - I'm pretty sure He's focusing past our wardrobe issues.

I like to imagine the church around the world in its varied array of Sunday dress. Parkas to barefoot, no doubt, and everything in between.

We recently changed over to a church that is a tad less dressy than our previous one. It's not that big a difference, but just that little bit of relaxation is freeing for me. We've gone from dress/sport coat to country club/casual. Jeans are fine and there is honestly a variety. Warmer temps bring skirts and casual dresses, more for comfort that a fashion statement; just as many will be in Bermuda shorts.

After church yesterday we went out to lunch and sat next to a table of women who had been at their church service, in a tradition including dressing up tip to toe, fancy hats and all. They were beautiful, my dds were fascinated. I found myself genuinely wanting to join them one Sunday morning, feeling pretty sure the exuberance of their worship would match that of their clothing.

Where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is. I don't see anything in that verse that says there's one certain way to dress for that.

(Sorry for the editorializing, this just happened to be in my thoughts today anyway.)
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I love to dress up for church because it is my only time to dress up all week. I don't care what other people wear. We all dress up for Sunday morning, but are more casual at other church functions. Our church is a real mix of dress up and very casual.

This is us, too. It's not unusual to see jeans at mass, and I don't judge, but I really feel better in my nicer clothes at Sunday mass. I require my boys to wear nice pants (usually khakis) and either a nice polo or button-down shirt, and my daughter likes to wear a dress. On a weekday we can wear more casual clothing, like jeans, if we need to.
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It is interesting to see how theology effects individual clothing choices.


We don't believe that we are going to church to 'meet' God. We go to church to worship God together with our community of believers.

I do not believe that worshiping God in jeans is any less honorable than worshiping God in a dress. In fact, if wearing a dress makes me self-conscious and turns my focus away from God, than it may be more profitable for me to always wear jeans to church.

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