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Um, that's not how texting works.

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I taught my MIL to text in hopes that it would cut down on the annoying calls I get from her every day.  (Can you help me understand Shutterfly?  How do you cook a chicken on the grill?  What size pants does DD wear?)


So now she sends a text.  Then calls me to let me know she sent a text.  Then has my FIL call my DH to let him know that she sent me a text and would I check it please...


:confused1:  :cursing:

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It doesn't get better with time. :(


My Mum sends a text, then emails to tell me there is a text, then phones if she doesn't get a response in five minutes. She also can't figure out who she is sending the text to, so I get texts meant for a friend of hers all the time.


She has been texting unsuccessfully for four years now.

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Not quite the same but, sometimes dh will email me something. I don't happen to check my email and when we see each other he will ask, "did you get my email". When I respond that I didn't and ask what it is about he will sometimes say, "well you will have to check it and see." so I get up go over to the computer, .l.. And finally look at the email to see it was a picture of a cat with the tag line, "you are cute."


Um, you could have just told me the content dear dh.

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Can you set up an automated response? "Ekmom has received your text and will get back to you in the order in which it was received. Additional texts, emails, calls, or other communication will only delay your reply. Thank you and have a great day!"


My mom used to call our house and not leave a message, call my cell and not leave a message, call DH's cell, then call back to our house and leave a message saying she was going to try my cell again. She's not even 60 yet!!!

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I taught my MIL to text in hopes that it would cut down on the annoying calls I get from her every day.  (Can you help me understand Shutterfly?  How do you cook a chicken on the grill?  What size pants does DD wear?)


So now she sends a text.  Then calls me to let me know she sent a text.  Then has my FIL call my DH to let him know that she sent me a text and would I check it please...


:confused1:  :cursing:

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I know this is annoying you and I do sympathize, but as soon as I read it I wished I wrote scripts for television.  This is such a great gag for a sit com! You could keep it running as a side story/funny for the whole series in lots of variations....

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I once had a boss who sat in a cubicle directly across the aisle from me. He would send me email, then print a copy, walk down to the printer at the end of the hall, walk back to my desk, and hand me the printout "just to make sure you saw this." I'd have thought it was some sort of elaborate joke if he wasn't so clueless in other areas as well.


My mother used to be one of the call-and-don't-leave-a-message types, then she'd get upset that I didn't call her back... before widespread caller ID. Now that everyone has caller ID, she leaves a message and emails me the same thing. @@

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My grandmother had 2 four drawer filing cabinets filled with funny jokes, stories and useful tips.  She was convinced the internet was going to go down and she just had to have all this saved for future use!  She even had a system for how it was all filed!  When she had to move to assisted living, she just about had a fit because her boys were taking it all out of her apartment.  To the trash.

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Y'all are hilarious! All my mom does is cut-and-paste grammatical mistakes she finds on the internet. She follows the Jon&Kate+8 stuff, so there are always plenty of people who use there/they're/their wrong. Last time she tried to show me her file, it was 20 pages long.  :crying:  But she still has time to try to run the lives of all her kids, so it can't be too time consuming of a hobby...

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Can you set up an automated response? "Ekmom has received your text and will get back to you in the order in which it was received. Additional texts, emails, calls, or other communication will only delay your reply. Thank you and have a great day!"



THIS is hilarious!!!  :hurray:  :lol:  I wish could use this on DH. :lol: :lol:

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These are so funny, and I can't believe they are true.  My in-laws are on the opposite end of the spectrum...there is nothing too big to not tell us.  Last year we found out my FIL was in Israel for several weeks with a church we didn't know he attended.

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These are so funny, and I can't believe they are true. My in-laws are on the opposite end of the spectrum...there is nothing too big to not tell us. Last year we found out my FIL was in Israel for several weeks with a church we didn't know he attended.

Once when I was an early teen we went to visit my grandfather who was living several hours away. When we arrived we were greeted by a woman named June who knew all about us and Grandfather didn't show up till two hours later.


Turns out he had moved I with her and had been living with her for over a year and he didn't bother mentioning it. Same thing happened years later. When he was dieing there was concern over his stuff (June was a lovely person and we hoped she would get it instead of his poopy previous exwife) When my dad brought it up grandfather said, "no worries I married my June years ago, I guess I forgot to mention it."

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These are so funny, and I can't believe they are true.  My in-laws are on the opposite end of the spectrum...there is nothing too big to not tell us.  Last year we found out my FIL was in Israel for several weeks with a church we didn't know he attended.


We had one like that once. We didn't know Grandpa had gone to Kakadu with the Jehovah's Witnesses until we got a postcard saying the goannas were as big as dogs. :lol:



Oh Julie, that's hilarious! And absolutely the sort of thing my brother might do if he were the marrying kind. Mum'd kill him. :lol:

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My mom used to say "How do I get rid of KDE"? when she meant "How do I make the start menu go back down?"


I was so tempted to say "sudo apt-get --purge remove KDE" and then, "Well, you TOLD me you didn't want a GUI!"


My parents are the type who'll tell me how tragic it is when the grocery store runs out of their pets' favourite brand of kibble but not mention than they have pneumonia or that their cancer is out of remission.  I love them dearly, but they drive me nuts.


I've got one of each: technophobe who still uses cassette tapes and hates her PC and technophile who bumbles around on the internet like a bull in a china shop posting my kids' pictures and personal info all over Facebook.


I am so incredibly grateful that the neighbour's kid already "switched [Mom] back to Lennock's"  when her WinXP install got a pwned by a botnet and Dad bought an iPad "just like the one on 2001: a Space Odyssey" instead of upgrading the RAM in his laptop like I told him to or I'd be in major crisis mode about 4/8!

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I once had a boss who sat in a cubicle directly across the aisle from me. He would send me email, then print a copy, walk down to the printer at the end of the hall, walk back to my desk, and hand me the printout "just to make sure you saw this." I'd have thought it was some sort of elaborate joke if he wasn't so clueless in other areas as well.


One of my very first bosses, many years ago, used to call his desktop computer "the tellie and typewriter".

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