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EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! a/k/a a Lego Movie thread


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To my surprise, I loved the Lego movie - perhaps more than anyone else in my family.  Certainly more than dh, who asked at the end, "What exactly was that about, again?"


I think I loved it not only because it is funny and visually creative, but also because it is deeply ambivalent about Lego, as I myself am!

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I liked the movie, and my boys liked the movie. I thought it was creative, thoughtful, and funny.  Actually, I've seen the Lego tv shows, they seem more like giant Lego commericals.  This felt different.  It was more like a homage to Lego and how much those toys have come to mean to our culture and to the past and current generation.  


That song does get stuck in your head, but that was the point. :)  The whole thing (movie) was a clever juxposition of ideas and ideals when it comes to culture, play (as in playing with toys), and values.  


It was fun on the big screen.  We didn't see it in 3D, and I don't believe it will lose anything if you wait to see it at home. 

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We loved it. My son has done nothing but quote Batman all week. I thought it was witty and multi-dimensional, which is what makes a kid movie a gem.


And even though it had the somewhat pat message of "Be Yourself," it actually had a creative twist on it that held a little more depth.


I also loved the ending.

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We really enjoyed it.  Indy and I saw it in 2D, but James Bond took him to see it the next day in 3D.  Jealous!  We've been singing that song for weeks!  Even Han Solo sings it, and he hasn't seen the movie.


I did like the overall message that you should be yourself no matter what and that creativity (and not always following the directions!) is a good thing.  It didn't feel like a commercial to us, because the movie was entirely Legos, so we knew what we were getting before we even walked through the door.  


Indy and James Bond like to quote Batman too.  All day I hear "First try!"

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We loved it. My son has done nothing but quote Batman all week. I thought it was witty and multi-dimensional, which is what makes a kid movie a gem.


And even though it had the somewhat pat message of "Be Yourself," it actually had a creative twist on it that held a little more depth.


I also loved the ending.


We took our kids to see it a couple weeks ago. The kids and I loved it. DH fell asleep. I agree that it had the typical "be yourself" message for the kids. I loved the twist and the whole ending. I thought there was a message for parents/adults too. I might be overthinking this, but my takeaway was that we shouldn't box our children's creativity in with the "rules" of the adult world. I thought the end of the movie illustrated this very well.

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We saw the previews when we saw Desolation of Smaug, and I was hooked. We rarely see movies in the theater, but we all enjoyed the LEGO Movie. I think I might have enjoyed it even more than some of the children, but everyone is anxiously awaiting the DVD. I thought the references were clever and the plot twist clever too. There was at least one point where I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.


(The only thing that I thought really would have made it 100% perfect was for Batman to have said, "I've made a huge mistake" after crashing into the sun. That would have been the most perfect reference ever.)

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I liked it more than I expected, and my boys really enjoyed it. We all liked Frozen better though.


And Cloud Cuckoo land isn't an original idea:




In ficiton there is a character troupe called a "cuckoo cloudlander" which can be someone like... oh, the 11th Doctor in Doctor Who is often a Cuckoo Cloudlander. We often call my oldest boy our cloudlander kid because he only joins us here on planet earth on occasion. Most of the time he is off in his own dimension

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DD12, DS18 and I went to see it a couple of weekends ago.  Both DD and DS enjoyed it.  I really liked it - right up until the end.  I am a Will Ferrel fan, but I found the ending to just be plain old creepy.  And possibly a cop-out. 


Would it have been so horrible to let the little hero-guy save the Lego World?

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We took our kids to see it a couple weeks ago. The kids and I loved it. DH fell asleep. I agree that it had the typical "be yourself" message for the kids. I loved the twist and the whole ending. I thought there was a message for parents/adults too. I might be overthinking this, but my takeaway was that we shouldn't box our children's creativity in with the "rules" of the adult world. I thought the end of the movie illustrated this very well.


I got that message too.  And it's a good, important message.  But I couldn't help sympathizing with the Dad.  I'm totally a directions reader/toy segregator.  When I clean I put the Playmobil in one box and the Lego in another and it feels REALLY good for the 15 minutes it's "correct" then someone comes along and uses their imagination.  *pfft*

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I have a friend that posted on Facebook the other day that she was having a terrible day, so she was making herself sing the Everything is Awesome song. It is a peppy song with invigorating music, but I thought it was an odd choice to combat a bad day since the song basically represents the Lego people having no original thoughts and being forced to follow directions all the time. It amused me.

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Why, WHY would you put the song in the title like that?! I didn't even have to open the thread to have that thing stuck in my head for an hour!


*grumble grumble* *Everything is not awesome when you have that song in your head*


I did love the movie for the kids though. I mean, from my perspective it was just another kids movie and not what I'd choose for my own entertainment.... but as far as kid's movies go, it was one of my favorites from the past few years.

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Why, WHY would you put the song in the title like that?! I didn't even have to open the thread to have that thing stuck in my head for an hour!


*grumble grumble* *Everything is not awesome when you have that song in your head*




"Allergies!  Dogs with fleas!  A book of Greek antiquities!"


I have had great fun asking my sons why they think certain items are listed as AWESOME!


But sorry if I have changed your inner soundtrack for the day.

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 since the song basically represents the Lego people having no original thoughts and being forced to follow directions all the time. It amused me.


Yes.  My DH and I laughed through the whole movie.  We actually thought it was making a bit of a mockery of our "everything is awesome" society.   We cracked up at Unicorn Kitty and her "think positive" statements -- we thought that was a bit of a mockery too, because you hear it so often, "...if I can just stay positive."   I have a certain group of (much younger, ahem) acquaintances who very much overuse these types of phrases in complete seriousness.   I also thought the movie satirized people who blindly  follow whoever happens to be the "cool dude" of the moment.   I got more of this sort of sentiment out of the movie than the "everyone is special" feeling that others took away.


My boys liked the movie, but I think my DH and I liked it more.  Probably because we're old and jaded, and we feel very much that we live in a Lord Business type of world

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Yes. My DH and I laughed through the whole movie. We actually thought it was making a bit of a mockery of our "everything is awesome" society. We cracked up at Unicorn Kitty and her "think positive" statements -- we thought that was a bit of a mockery too, because you hear it so often, "...if I can just stay positive." I have a certain group of (much younger, ahem) acquaintances who very much overuse these types of phrases in complete seriousness. I also thought the movie satirized people who blindly follow whoever happens to be the "cool dude" of the moment. I got more of this sort of sentiment out of the movie than the "everyone is special" feeling that others took away.


My boys liked the movie, but I think my DH and I liked it more. Probably because we're old and jaded, and we feel very much that we live in a Lord Business type of world

I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this!

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