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Go join the WTM blogring, pretty pretty please.

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I just joined. Now you can all read my whiney posts and all the various things that my youngest son comes up with. I am so impressed that the text colors automatically matched my blog. Cool. I did change the background color though.


And just wait until I post the pictures of the driveway that's being replaced. Wooooo doggie....what carnage.

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Now I have to change my blog theme so that I can put the link in the side bar. My current theme doesn't have widgets. Thanks for organizing this!


Edited to add: I just realized that I didn't put my WTM name in the description. I couldn't find a way to change that. Let me know if I need to do something else.

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Well, guys, it's 11:51 pm where I am, and I'm tired.


I've been staring at this screen all day, between approving fifty of you for the blogring and trying to get my own website and e-mail operational again after a small makeover disaster.


I am thrilled that I could make this happen, but I would like to remind everyone that it was not my idea. It was DulcimerAmy's idea.


I have had a record 300 hits on my blog today, thanks to your great idea, DulcimerAmy, and I think you should add your blog to the ring despite not having 25 posts.


I am going to bed now. I will activate anyone else who joins tonight sometime after 10 am eastern time, Sunday. Goodnight.

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Paula - In the very beginning of the html that you pasted is a number of about 350, if you play with that, you can make it smaller. I changed mine to 250 and it fit well.


I had to change mine to 200 to make it fit, but that worked well! ;)

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Haha. Did I say sleep? A pipe dream!


The following individuals have yet to put the widget in their sidebar.


(edited: thanks Quiver of 10!)

Classless and Lovin It

Susan Wise Bauer

(edited: thanks Fourmother!)


Crunchy Mountain Mama

Crazy Everyday Blessings

Cin (at e pluribus unum)


Also, Adventures of 2 Alyns, I can see that you stuck the widget in, but it's white on white, so it can't be used to navigate. Please change the color code of either the background or the text.


I know you ladies are all very busy people, but no one can use the ring unless all of the links are in place. Hop to!

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Link to join is here:




Some potential tags when given that option in the join form: LCC, CM, secular, Reformed, Catholic, quiverfull, rural, urban, lesson plans, forms


Okay, I tried to join. . .don't know if I've succeeded.


Also, I put the web-ring code on my blog, but it's too wide for the sidebar, and I don't know how to fix it. . .

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Okay, I tried to join. . .don't know if I've succeeded.


Also, I put the web-ring code on my blog, but it's too wide for the sidebar, and I don't know how to fix it. . .


There is a bit of code in there at the top that says stuff like:


<table width="215" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="1">


<td style="background: ##347C2C">



The table width is set to 300 or something in the original code,

and I changed mine to 215 and it is great for my sidebar.

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...someone who's using the new Blogger template is going to have to tell me how to install the code!


I belonged to a few webrings when I blogged before...but I was using the old template, where you could just open up the html page and paste any old thing in, lol.


I'm trying to figure out how to add a page element for this in the new format...anyone?


(Great idea, Rose!)

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You're mom4safe, right? Your blog does not suck. I've been reading it for ages.


Yes, I'm mom4safe. Might have to change that in a few months, though.


Thanks for the compliment. I need to figure out a way to put pics in the sidebar. It may mean that I have to upgrade the LJ or switch to somewhere else.


Everything sucked yesterday, so I'm sure my attitude was not the best.

Thanks again.


I'll look at this later today.


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...someone who's using the new Blogger template is going to have to tell me how to install the code!


I belonged to a few webrings when I blogged before...but I was using the old template, where you could just open up the html page and paste any old thing in, lol.


I'm trying to figure out how to add a page element for this in the new format...anyone?


(Great idea, Rose!)



Jill, I may be able to help, if I understand your ? correctly:

1. go to your dashboard

2.go to layout

3.go to add a gadget


5. pulls up your options

6. go to HTML/JavaScript

7.click that

8.paste code into content area of the box that pops up



That should do it.



Donna T.

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  • 4 months later...

I have really enjoyed this resource. I like selecting the "random" to see where it takes me next. I have been able to explore blogs I have never been on before...that's fun. BUT...it gets frustrating when I come to a blog and the "button" is not there for me to push. Some blogs do not have the cool widget in place. If you don't have the widget on your blog, can you please make sure it is there? Kind of defeats the purpose for the "ring" part...(please do not read this as being snarky...I'm really not trying to be :001_smile:)


Thanks! :001_smile:

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mine is there, but the colors blend into my sidebar and it is hard to see..I am a computer klutz so I can't fix it. I am going to have Suzie do an update on my blog soon, and I will ask her to fix the colors.


It's there, you just have to look hard to see it...!:tongue_smilie:

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If you don't have the widget on your blog, can you please make sure it is there? Kind of defeats the purpose for the "ring" part...:


YES! I go through once a month and deactivate the people who do not have the widget on their blog sidebar, but I always find at least two. *Please* e-mail me so I can deactivate you if you want to remove yourself from the ring.

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YES! I go through once a month and deactivate the people who do not have the widget on their blog sidebar, but I always find at least two. *Please* e-mail me so I can deactivate you if you want to remove yourself from the ring.


Wow, that's a LOT of work! Thanks so much for keeping up with it! I was going through the ring a couple of weeks ago and noticed a couple of spots with missing blogs, and thought I should report it ... but you're totally on top of it.:hurray:

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Wow, that's a LOT of work! Thanks so much for keeping up with it! I was going through the ring a couple of weeks ago and noticed a couple of spots with missing blogs, and thought I should report it ... but you're totally on top of it.:hurray:


Feel free to report those. It would cut down on my work a bit. :)


It's really not that big a deal. In fact, it's a handy excuse to spend the time keeping up with your blogs.

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