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7th grade planning thread

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In order to avoid the laundry pile, the mail pile and to jumpstart the February blahs, I thought it might be fun to start a 7th grade thread!


Here's what I'm thinking:


Math: TabletClass Geometry plus weekly tutoring.

Writing: WWS 2

Latin: Latin Prep 3 

Spanish: Breaking the Barrier Spanish

Vocab:  Caesars English 2 and vocabulary.com

Grammar: Hake 7

Science: Derek Owens Physical Science - self paced. 

History: Human Odyssey Volume 2 and 3 (we're about halfway through Human Odyssey 2 now, so we'll finish that up). Need to figure out how to make this more substantial-papers? 

Music: Classical Guitar

Physical Education: martial arts



We'll do one semester of each of the following (hopefully that's enough time)

  • Logic: Art of Argument
  • Poetry Analysis: currently exploring a few options. Maybe Walsh's Poetry and Prose, but we'll have finished Figuratively Speaking, so not sure it will be repetition. If so, then we'll move to Classical Academy Press' Art of Poetry.


no spelling planned right now. We may decide to incorporate it. 


Not sure about reading list yet. My son reads very slowly, so I can't assign more than 4-5 heavy duty books. 

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Ok, I'll play.


Math... Jousting Armadillos or AoPS. Still debating. LoF pre-algebra A/B

Language Arts... AG Season 2/ BTBR Season 2, WWS2, Vocab from Classical Roots

Science... CK12 Earth Science, but contemplating Supercharged Science.

History... Finish OUP Ancient World and start OUP Medieval and Modern World/ History of US

Literature... AO poetry and Shakespeare rotation, read good books

Music... Planning to join homeschool music coop.

Spanish... Hiring tutor


Oh, I forgot! Geography- Trail Guide to World Geography

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So far for 7th, this is my list:



Math: CLE 700 alternating with AoPS Pre-A

Writing/Vocab/Lit: online through Landry Academy using MCT books.  I'm SUPER apprehensive about this.

History: American History via Memoria Press Materials

Spanish:Destinos online, other free online materials

I'm doing my very best to talk him into taking Latin again. He's not interested.

Spelling: Rod & Staff 4. I REALLY hope he can pass the 4th grade text this year. Ugh.

Science: BJU Science 7


Whew!  That seems like so much...and yet so little all at the same.

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Ugh...I'm trying to survive this year.  But I will be following for ideas.


I have a few of the CK12 books on Kindle.  I haven't done more than skim them. 


I just downloaded the Earth Science one onto my ipad--i think they'll work better on a bigger, color screen--plus, they have links. We'll see. I personally find Earth Science to be a bit....dry. I think DS does too, although he really likes Chemistry. So maybe this will be a fit for him. 

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I just downloaded the Earth Science one onto my ipad--i think they'll work better on a bigger, color screen--plus, they have links. We'll see. I personally find Earth Science to be a bit....dry. I think DS does too, although he really likes Chemistry. So maybe this will be a fit for him. 


Could you share a link for the downloading?

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arcadia was kind enough to link to all the flexbooks on this thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/503230-so-of-7th-grade-threadthe-free-ck12-science-books/


Looks like there are now online questions with immediate feedback for the student, which would be great, and teacher's editions that list vocab etc that could be used to make up quizzes, if you wish. My son does well with occasional quizzes for retention, so that's a good resource. Hmmmmmmm. The Flexbook interface seems to have improved since I last looked at it. 

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Oh, I might as well post, it's not like I can pretend I'm not thinking about it!


Math:  Well, at some point between now and this time next year - probably sometime in the fall - we'll finish PreA and be ready to start Algebra.  I have Jacobs and LOF.  I will soon have AoPS.  I am trying to resist buying the next two books that follow JA - because I have Jacobs, after all!  We'll see what clicks.  I'm hoping we'll use AoPS, but we'll just have to wait and see.



Vocab - MCT Word within the Word

Spelling - once a week, working off a list.  We'll be doing this forever, I think!

Grammar - MCT Magic Lense & Killgallon Paragraphs for Middle School

Writing - a hodge-podge of intro essay stuff.  I am looking at Bravewriter's Help for High School, Don't Forget to Write, Writing Extraordinary Essays, and Lively Art of Writing

Lit - I'm planning a short story study which will include the last bit of Figuratively Speaking and all the great short stories for this age group.  Once we get to Greece & Rome, we'll do some history-linked lit.


History - Ancients using OUP's World in Ancient Times

Science - Continuing with Conceptual Physics & some beginning chemistry

Spanish - Easy Spanish Step by Step and Allinonehomeschool's Easy Peasy Spanish

Logic - Art of Argument


Extracurriculars will probably continue to be horseback riding and theater

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Math:  We're still playing catch-up with MUS...I'm hoping she'll be able to work through Zeta and Pre-Algebra next year

Writing: Bravewriter activities, Write On, written narrations

Spelling: Spelling Wisdom 2

Grammar: Winston Grammar

Literature:  I haven't started a booklist for her yet


History: MOH 2 

Science: We'll probably be finishing up 106 Days of Creation next fall, haven't decided what we'll use next

Getting Started with Spanish and/or continue with Memoria Press Latin

Piano lessons

CM style poetry/art/nature/music/hymn/etc.

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Well, how fun! I have been waiting for a 7th grade thread.


Math -- Finish Saxon Algebra 1/2, which we have started this year. We've been interspersing it with supplemental word problems, and we're doing two lessons over three days, which is working very well, so I think we will continue that.


Writing -- Finish WWS1, start WWS2, and also use The Creative Writer. Probably will not finish WWS2 and TCC in 7th, and I'm okay with that.


Language -- Continue LNST (we're almost done with Level 4 now, so 5 and probably 6 will be for next year). Continue Spanish with Mango, and then I'm not sure. I might have her run through DuoLingo Spanish, and/or we might also work through Getting Started With Spanish. I think I would like her to complete at least one of those two things before moving on to a different modern language. Might also have her try Mango Latin, just for a different approach.


Logic -- Probably The Fallacy Detective, maybe also some logic problems.


History/Geography -- Finish whatever of History Odyssey's Early Modern Level 2 that she doesn't finish this year, then on to HO's Modern Level 2. Mapwork to accompany that.


Poetry through Art of Poetry -- I want to work through it with her.


Fine Arts -- continue Artistic Pursuits, and picture and composer study with artists and composers to be determined later. She will probably continue to draw on her own, both with paper and computer programs, and she will probably continue to teach herself to play things on the keyboard using youtube. Also Adventus MusIQ. And we'll continue reading the Mr. Pipes series and listening to the hymns from it on youtube.


Literature -- reading independently from a list of classics, family readalouds. We're going to try working through Narnia and FUFI as a family next year, and I am intending to have DD read some of Lewis's other works (considering Surprised By Joy and Of Other Worlds), as well as a very fascinating book I just got that talks about the allusions and such in the Narnia books. I think she will enjoy some of the inside jokes, references, and deeper meanings.


I'm hoping to do some religious biographies with the kids, plus daily Bible reading and memory verse work. FUFI and some of the other books I got to go with it have Bible lessons in them too.


Science -- Not entirely sure. We started this year on Mr. Q Chemistry, and we've really enjoyed it. We took a break to do the student book with our big SnapCircuits set, so we won't finish the Chemistry this year. I also bought the Earth Science book from Mr. Q, and that would be good to do in the summer when we're outside. So we might not pick the Chemistry back up for a while, and that's okay with me too. I may also look into some other Earth Science stuff for DD, since Mr. Q is maybe a little easy for her.


Geography -- I'd also like to work through A Child's Geography: Explore His Earth with the younger kids, and DD will probably come along for the ride.


Extracurriculars -- tennis over the summer, not sure about during the year -- possibly swimming and/or martial arts.


Plus typing, and DD will continue to improve computer skills as needed. Might have her learn PowerPoint or something too.


I need to put together some Civics stuff and find stuff for fulfilling the portfolio requirements for health/safety/fire safety. But I'm pretty pleased with how things are looking so far. It seems like a lot, but it's really only eight subjects a day, six independent ones, and two group ones, plus family reading at breakfast, lunch, in the car, and in the evenings (although not necessarily all four times every day).

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Math: Lial BCM or Prealgebra (I bought both, with solutions and worksheets) and 7th Grade Math Minutes.


Lit: Lightning Lit 7 and Figuratively Speaking


Writing: Killgallon, maybe an IEW theme book


Grammar: Exercises in English 7 (G?) or GWG 7


Spelling: LOE


History: K12 World History B ( uses Human Odyssey 2)


Science: K12 Life Science

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Thanks for starting this thread, Halcyon! 


Most of our 7th grade materials will be just the next level of our current stuff. We're really happy with this year's lineup and things are going well, so I'm not going to change it up too much.


Writing:  finish WWS1, start WWS2, use parts of Killgallon's Paragraphs for Middle School when we need a WWS break

Grammar:  finish Hake 7 (started in 6th grade, taking it slowly, after this I expect to be finished with formal grammar since Hake 8 is a repeat of 7's topics and his writing shows he's retaining/applying what he's learned)

Vocabulary (I think he could drop vocab as a separate subject but he's asked to keep it, seems to have an interest in linguistics):  Caesar's English 2 (first semester) and Wordly Wise 9 (second semester)

Literature:  Mosdos (love!) level Jade and a homemade book list from which he can choose about one book per month to be discussed, the rest he just reads

Math:  finish PreAlgebra with video lessons from LiveOnlineMath and a Ron Larson text. I'm also pulling from Dolciani and a Blair/Tobey text for supplemental problems, and I have Math Mammoth's PreAlg worksheets and Math Minutes 7 for keeping things fresh.  Might be ready for Algebra by halfway through 7th grade, haven't decided yet what we'll use for that, but I just bought Foerster and the related Math Without Borders video lessons, and it seems like that might be a good fit - we'll see. I'm cracking down on serious note-taking and showing all work, neatly, and I'm pleased to see DS is rising to that challenge.

Science (DS's favorite subject, so this looks like a lot):  CPO or Holt Life science as a spine (have both in pdf, will let DS choose), McHenry's The Brain and maybe also Cells, and Mr. Q's Anatomy & Physiology. DS also likes doing one-day classes at a nearby science museum so I sign him up for those as often as I can.

History:  finish our 3-year world history rotation with K12's Human Odyssey 3 (Modern Times to Contemporary Era)

Logic:  The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox (DS grabbed these and read through them independently this year, but I want to go through them together slowly at some point) and Perplexors (love!)

Other:  Review US and world geography occasionally via SheppardSoftware.com, do art & music appreciation informally via documentaries and local performances/exhibits, continue Visual Link Spanish, continue martial arts & competitive swimming

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We're mostly doing the next thing, but I'm getting a little bit tired of it. :glare:


Math - AoPS Intro to Geometry, plus whatever he comes up with

English - WWS 2, Magic Lens 2, and finishing Word w/in Word 1 and continuing on to 2

Science - I think we're going with Zumdahl's Introductory Chemistry, but I still need to pick a lab book/pack

History - finish k-12 HO 2 & then do HO 3

Latin - he should have finished most of Latin Prep 3, so we're going to review and go through Wheelock's until hs

Chinese - continuing on with tutor

Logic - ????? Traditional Logic

plus - some programming, religious studies, piano, baseball, and swimming



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Two of you mentioned using Human Odyssey 3. Is that a print textbook? I thought the content was online.


I bought it as a hardcopy textbook a year or so ago, used.  Here's a link for it on Amazon.  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1601530188/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&psc=1


As far as I know, there are no hardcopy student or teacher guides for volume 3, like there are for the first two volumes.  Apparently that portion (student and teacher guides) of the course content was only available online through K12 at the time the text was printed.


I haven't looked in a while but I heard some time ago that K12 was moving entirely to online content only, so if that is true then any hardcopies of their materials that are out there will probably become more difficult to find.  HTH.



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Math - Foerster Algebra 1

History -Story of US 1-5 plus portfolio, videos etc...

English -American lit to go along with history, also DBQs based on US history for writing

Science - Story of science Einstein

Geography - McHenry Mapping the world

French - outsourced!

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So far: 


Math: Finish up pre-algebra in the fall, then we'll choose between Jacobs and Dolciani for algebra

English: Warriner's English Grammar and Composition 8

History: The Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation Times

Literature: Haven't started working on this yet. 

Science: The New Way Things Work and whatever other physics Dh wants to throw at her for a semester, then she'll start Biology (Miller-Levine)

Latin: Slowly starting Wheelock's 

French: Breaking the Barrier 2 / Bien Dit! 3

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Tentative plans:


Math--Finish Pre-Algebra and move into Algebra (Derek Owens)


Grammar--Rod & Staff 7 with some MCT as a supplement


Writing--Finish IEW Following Narnia, Killgallon 


Vocabulary-- Finish Caesar's English 2


History--Possibly TOG year one--still deciding 


Science--Looking at the Life Science from Catholic Heritage Curricula which is currently being updated into the Behold and See science series 


Logic--Art of Argument


Literature--TOG if we go that route; possibly slowly working through Windows to the World if not


Latin--Latin Alive 2


Bible--Continuing through The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study by Starr Meade; Memorizing the Bible guides by Kimberly Garcia


We'll be transitioning from piano to voice lessons. I'll need to seek outside art lessons as her current free community class ends at 6th grade. She'll be taking dance for p.e.

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Hmmm...I don't have a solid plan yet, I haven't given it much thought yet, but here is what I am considering:


Math: continue with AOPS Pre-A, move on to Intro to Algebra when she finishes, Daily Mental Math 7

English: R&S 7

Spelling: R&S 7

Lit: I haven't planned it out yet, but it will include selections from LCC and MP...nothing formal (unless I feel like doing something like Figuratively Speaking)

Science: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Investigations in Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences (read selected units, then read other books to explore the topics deeper)

Logic: The Fallacy Detective

History: undecided

Music: piano lessons and choir

Bible: MP Christian Studies III

Latin: 3rd Form Latin

Writing: undecided

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Yes, we're doing that this year and will continue next year.  This year, she's done biographical sketches of historical figures, she's written about an artist and an art movement, and she's written an essay comparing & contrasting the rise of Hitler, Stalin & Mussolini, and she's written about some of the historical fiction books that she's read.  I expect we will continue this kind of assignment next year, working up to developing and supporting a thesis, which she's not really done yet, at this point I'm still supplying topics and the writing is more expository than supporting a thesis.  We'll get there.


You're doing WWS, right?  So having him do a lot of those kinds of assignments, the kind he's learned to do in WWS, but applying them to his own history and science topics will help to cement those writing lessons as well as learn his content subjects in more depth.


For learning real-live essay writing, I'm looking at these resources for 7th grade:  Bravewriter's Help for High School (looks very doable by a strong 7th grade writer), Writing Extraordinary Essays by David Finkle, and Lively Art of Writing.

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That's part of why I like History Odyssey, because it incorporates writing. DD says that the WWE/WWS skills she's worked on help with the history writing. HO suggests writing brief summaries, lengthy summaries, essays, biographies, etc., and from what I can see, it helps the student break down the larger projects. I like that I don't have to think about it, although I do feel free to skip things as needed.

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has anyone considered incorporating writing into History and Science at this age? As in, assigning writing topics on, say, the life of Copernicus? If so, can you suggest books that might be helpful for essay writing at this age?

Sure! That's how we've always done our writing. I like history better than science, so I just incorporate writing assignments into our history/literature time. We started a few years ago with History Portfolio which gives ideas for assignments, but have since just been using blank portfolios and card stock and making my own assignments. I assign pictures, times lines, lists, outlines, maps and paragraphs or essays. We're doing world history in a unit form. Most of the paragraphs are summaries of events or biographical paragraphs of famous people, but we've done an essay each month too. Right now, my 11 yr old is writing an essay on the effect of European colonization on aboriginal Australians. Other assignments this year have been: why early humans humans migrated, compare/contrast essay of the Jungle Book and the Graveyard book, Compare/contrast essay on Disney Mulan and one of the earlier Chinese legends of Mulan, and a summary of a story from 1001 Nights. I'll probably have them do an essay on how Spanish missionaries converted the Aztecs, causes for the French Revolution and what was the effect of European colonization on native Americans. The nice thing about the portfolio concept is that my daughter regularly looks through it. She doesn't just toss the finished essay out, but it gets glued in and read again with pride.

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DD will probably start 7th very late in the year, rather than the usual August/September date, but will do:


Calvert 7 for history/geography/reading/science/computer technology

Calvert 8 math, although this may be Algebra 1 if the current pace keeps up 

Calvert 6 grammar/composition/spelling

Art, woodwork, PE, cookery at local school


It's so nice not to have to think about planning - but I do enjoy seeing what everyone else is going to use.

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My 7th grader will be doing:


Continue piano - maybe start some free guitar lessons online?

Artistic Pursuits

Mystery of History - we plan to condense Vol I-III over 2 years instead of 3, so we'll do all of Vol I and half of Vol II

Apologia General Science

Saxon 8/7 - I wish he'd like Math Mammoth but he doesn't, so we'll continue with Saxon until he's ready for Video Text

Progeny Press lit guides - right now I'm thinking The Golden Goblet, The Bronze Bow, King Arthur, Robin Hood

Finish Wordsmith Creative Writing

Do 2nd season of Analytical Grammar

Vocab from Classical Roots 4 & 5

Critical Thinking Book 1

Do some NXT Legos stuff as well as Scratch for programming

Play around with Visual Link Spanish


Wow, I didn't think he would be doing much next year but when I write it all out like that, it looks like a lot!  :)

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Hmmm...I don't have a solid plan yet, I haven't given it much thought yet, but here is what I am considering:


Math: continue with AOPS Pre-A, move on to Intro to Algebra when she finishes, Daily Mental Math 7

English: R&S 7

Spelling: R&S 7

Lit: I haven't planned it out yet, but it will include selections from LCC and MP...nothing formal (unless I feel like doing something like Figuratively Speaking)

Science: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Investigations in Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences (read selected units, then read other books to explore the topics deeper)

Logic: The Fallacy Detective

History: undecided

Music: piano lessons and choir

Bible: MP Christian Studies III

Latin: 3rd Form Latin

Writing: undecided


I did some more thinking and researching, and here are my updated plans:


Math: continue with AOPS Pre-A, move on to Intro to Algebra when she finishes, Daily Mental Math 7

English: R&S 7

Spelling: R&S 7

Lit: I haven't planned it out yet, but it will include selections from LCC and MP...nothing formal (unless I feel like doing something like Figuratively Speaking)

Science: Prentice Hall Science Explorer Investigations in Life, Earth, and Physical Sciences (read selected units, then read other books to explore the topics deeper)

Logic: The Fallacy Detective

History: Mills' Book of the Ancient World and first half of Book of the Ancient Greeks, using the guides from A Mind in the Light (they include some writing assignments)

Music: piano lessons and choir

Bible: MP Christian Studies III

Latin: 3rd Form Latin

Writing: finish Blackbird & Co. Intro to Lit (covers the descriptive and literary essay), CAP W&R books 3 & 4, and Killgallon Sentence Composing for Middle School

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll have a 7th grader next year. She's not terribly academic but we're making progress. This is a girl who would rather be playing hockey, wrestling around, swimming - ANYTHING but sitting doing school.


History:     Sonlight G

Writing:     hopefully an online IEW class 

Math:        ??  I need something on DVD or online

Language: Spanish

Grammar: R&S 7

Christian studies:  CLE 700

Some MP Lit. studies


Science:   Christian Kids study Chem?  (fulfills the outcomes for our province nicely) or Apologia General 

Thinking about Caesar's English for vocab?


I'm just starting to plan so haven't got very far...

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Wow, seventh grade.

Well, seeing she is doing all BJU distance learning this year, I will probably do that again next year. I don't necessarily like the idea of her sitting in front of the computer all day, but she loves it, and it gets done. Also, with having two other kids to homeschool, and a two year old, it helps this mom's stress level stay in check. If for some chance I can't afford it, I will probably go with things like Teaching Textbooks and Essentials in Writing, and maybe a few independant subjects from Timberdoodle.

Oh, choices, choices. 

I wish I could be one of those moms that love to read aloud and do fun crafts. My poor kids. :( 


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  • 2 months later...

DD will be coming home and (for the most part) repeating grade 7.


Math: CLE Algebra 1 or Jacob's Elementary Algebra. I'm also going to grab the AOPS text (either pre-a or Intro, depending on where she tests) for fun, just to see if she likes it (and if she does, I'll sign her up for a class).

Spelling: Apples and Pears B and C

Writing: IEW SWI-B

Reading comprehension: Stories of the Saints volumes 3 and 4 (Catholic Heritage)

*History: Light to the Nations volume II (very "mom assisted")

*Civics: Notgrass "Uncle Sam and You"

Science: no clue

Grammar: IEW "Fix It!" *or* MCT Town

Mom grown literature :p



Patty Paper Geometry

Mapping the World With Art (Ellen McHenry)

CTC's James Madison Critical Thinking

Excavating English (Ellen McHenry)


*Denotes "either/or", not both in the same semester, or even the same year. In other words, I'm undecided, lol.


CCD and youth group at our parish. Soccer in the fall.

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AimeeM - I thought dd was happy at her school. Did I miss something? (Nevermind - I saw your other thread.)

My eldest will be doing LttN2 next year as well. Do you have the TM?


Poetry through Art of Poetry -- I want to work through it with her.


Are you going to use the DVDs? Are you planning on spending a whole year on it or just a semester?  :bigear:

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I'm going to buy the TM. I think it has literature suggestions (if I remember the TM from volume 1 last year) and writing assignments? I'm also going to buy a second text so that I can read along with her. It's a bit over her head, reading ability wise, but I don't mind holding her hand through it (I'll learn a thing or two, I'm sure, lol).

AimeeM - I thought dd was happy at her school. Did I miss something? (Nevermind - I saw your other thread.)

My eldest will be doing LttN2 next year as well. Do you have the TM?



Are you going to use the DVDs? Are you planning on spending a whole year on it or just a semester?  :bigear:


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  • 1 month later...

AimeeM - I thought dd was happy at her school. Did I miss something? (Nevermind - I saw your other thread.)

My eldest will be doing LttN2 next year as well. Do you have the TM?



Are you going to use the DVDs? Are you planning on spending a whole year on it or just a semester?  :bigear:

I am sorry; I just saw this now when I was searching for literature lists.


I'm planning to do Art of Poetry over a couple of years, and I am not planning to use the DVDs.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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