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Dd's friend has the flu - confirmed...


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They went to the ER Sunday night after she could not get out of bed for 2 days.  We are praying for this young lady and her family.  


We were with them at a 4H meeting last Tues.  They helped us carry things to our car.  We did not get flu shots.  I was planning to get them this week.  I'm wondering if we were exposed on Tues.  Now I'm going to hold off.  What can I do to keep us healthy?  I have not been feeling so well since yesterday.  Extremely tired, funny throat and sinus symptoms.


Should I send an email to the other families so that they are aware and if they should get sick they will know to be seen by a doctor?

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I know this is weird, but it sounds a little gossipy to me, to send an email about someone else. Maybe you could ask the family how their sweet one is, and then ask if it would be ok to give others in the group a head's up via email re possible exposure?


And I'd see my own doctor pronto--so you can get that flu-stuff (Tamiflu?) now, or see if it's warranted in your case.

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I know this is weird, but it sounds a little gossipy to me, to send an email about someone else. Maybe you could ask the family how their sweet one is, and then ask if it would be ok to give others in the group a head's up via email re possible exposure?


And I'd see my own doctor pronto--so you can get that flu-stuff (Tamiflu?) now, or see if it's warranted in your case.

We are very close friends with this family and I know they will not see it as gossip, neither will the families that know me from 4H.  My concern is for people who may blow off the flu thinking it is a cold and wait too long before getting help.  


I co-teach with this mom and we had a long discussion about whether or not to hold class at her house last Friday.  She told me yesterday she is really glad we cancelled now that she knows that what she and her daughter had/have is confirmed as flu.  There have already been emails and discussions among the families who take the class so that we could arrive at a decision and reschedule class.  We all realize the discussion was for decision making, not gossip.  

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We have it right now, and it's pretty miserable.  Incubation period for the virus is ~3-5 days, so Tuesday may have been early enough that you weren't exposed.  I am not up on my natural remedies for flu, but I will be before next year!  This is NO FUN. 

Thanks, I was just looking that up.  Well, the mom was sick by Thurs. which is when we talked and decided to cancel our Friday class.  I think the daughter ended up sick on Fri or Sat b/c she did not have symptoms on Wed or Thurs when I spoke with her mom.

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We have it right now, and it's pretty miserable.  Incubation period for the virus is ~3-5 days, so Tuesday may have been early enough that you weren't exposed.  I am not up on my natural remedies for flu, but I will be before next year!  This is NO FUN. 

Were you seen by your doctor?  Were you given Tamiflu?   :grouphug:  I hope you are feeling better soon.

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I did not mean to offend you, Shanvan. I'm sorry if it came out that way.

I think I am over-sensitive this morning and it's a thought that never crossed my mind.  I probably need to consider some people may see it that way.  I should not have jumped on your comment.

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Just a word of encouragement. The flu hit our family completely out of the blue on a Sunday evening around 6:00. We had spent the entire week and weekend (up to 5:00pm on Sunday) with other families in very close quarters. None of the people we spent time with had received a flu shot and none got sick. I was shocked! You just really can't tell with that kind of thing. I was feeling fine at 5:30 with a slight headache. By 6:00, we were down for the count...definitely sudden onset!!

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I suppose if we make it through the next few days without showing symptoms we are okay -- at least as far as that exposure goes.  Then I am thinking we will all get the flu shot and then stay home for 2 weeks!  I'm not sure I'm kidding either.  

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I would take D3 10,000 I.U, vitamin C, A, Zinc and buy oscillococcinum: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_6?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=oscillococcinum&sprefix=Oscill%2Caps%2C469


I would daily eat raw onion and garlic (I love avocado and a clove of crushed garlic on toast with a tomato & romaine). If you do get infected I would resort to using a poultice.

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When we were clearly exposed last year, first person came down with it 3 days after exposure. It'd stay diligent, but I would not panic. You may have dodged a bullet. Hope the girl who has it recovers quickly!

She is able to eat now.  We are praying for her.  They did wait to go to a doctor.  When I talked to the mom on Sat I made a strong case for finding out if it was the flu.  They went to the ER on Sun.

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I would send a heads up so they know if they get sick, they should go get tested and be able to get tamiflu when it's most effective.


my dd's friend's mother was positive, then her friend got sick (not sure if she was tested too. her mother was.).  even though they'd been doing things together during the incubation period - dd didn't catch it.

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Shannon, you can take primadophilus (good bugs, acidophilus) every hour along with vitamin C, rest, and for lunch make a nice broth soup with lots of onion and garlic...  Just because you're exposed doesn't mean you have to get sick.  Maybe y'all washed your hands and didn't even exchange germs...

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Were you seen by your doctor?  Were you given Tamiflu?   :grouphug:  I hope you are feeling better soon.

We spoke to the pediatrician when my son came down with it on Friday. She agreed that it sounded like flu, but did not suggest tamiflu. The fact that tamiflu only shortens duration by a day and comes with major tummy upset side effects makes it not worth it for me, so even if she had suggested it, I likely would not have filled it for him. I haven't bothered going in myself. I am generally OK with letting viruses run their course, despite the misery they cause.  

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Shannon, you can take primadophilus (good bugs, acidophilus) every hour along with vitamin C, rest, and for lunch make a nice broth soup with lots of onion and garlic...  Just because you're exposed doesn't mean you have to get sick.  Maybe y'all washed your hands and didn't even exchange germs...

Okay, good.  I have the primadophilus on hand but haven't been taking it.  Vitamin C I'm already taking, though I'm going to run out of the powder and will have to resort to the pills or tablets I don't like.  


I am hoping we aren't going to get it.  Seems like we would have by now.  I don't have a fever and I started feeling bad yesterday morning, so maybe I have something else going on.  I've got some pain, but that might be a flare up from fibro.  We've had a lot of stress with Dh's new job, long hours, and me taking care of great uncle's pony twice a day.


ETA: Uncle is recovered (from pneumonia) and taking care of his pony w/o my help now, so I have nowhere to go and will be directing Dc from the couch so I can rest.   Now I need to decide if I will go to 4H tonight or not.  I am one of the leaders and the other leader isn't going to be there, though she does have someone to fill in.  I might skip it.  Ds will not be happy.


Good news is Dc do not feel sick. 

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We spoke to the pediatrician when my son came down with it on Friday. She agreed that it sounded like flu, but did not suggest tamiflu. The fact that tamiflu only shortens duration by a day and comes with major tummy upset side effects makes it not worth it for me, so even if she had suggested it, I likely would not have filled it for him. I haven't bothered going in myself. I am generally OK with letting viruses run their course, despite the misery they cause.  

I have zero experience with Tamiflu.  I keep hearing it hailed as a hero.  Too bad there isn't something better.  Hope you and your Ds make a speedy recovery.

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I don't mean to sound like this is unimportant;  I know it is.  Getting the flu is miserable!  But it surprises me when people believe they need to go to the doctor when they have the flu, or when they think they might have it in order to confirm that they have it.  Lots of people in our community get the flu, every year.  You lay low, try and drink lots of liquid, feel absolutely miserable for 3-4 days, and then you get over it.  It would not even occur to us to go to the doctor or the ER unless there were clearly a unique health risk involved.  I have heard public service announcements on the radio over the years that tell people NOT to go to the clinic or hospital if they think they have the flu, unless of course there is an urgent health concern.

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I would appreciate getting the heads up e-mail, and know of plenty of other families who would too.  Some friends might find this a reason to avoid them or to somehow help them with prayers, food etc.


Hope the friend recovers fully and quickly and no one else catches it.

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I don't mean to sound like this is unimportant;  I know it is.  Getting the flu is miserable!  But it surprises me when people believe they need to go to the doctor when they have the flu, or when they think they might have it in order to confirm that they have it.  Lots of people in our community get the flu, every year.  You lay low, try and drink lots of liquid, feel absolutely miserable for 3-4 days, and then you get over it.  It would not even occur to us to go to the doctor or the ER unless there were clearly a unique health risk involved.  I have heard public service announcements on the radio over the years that tell people NOT to go to the clinic or hospital if they think they have the flu, unless of course there is an urgent health concern.

Yes, this how I normally think, but I am more afraid this year, for a variety of reasons.   Could be I am getting older and more easily duped by reports.  Idk.  I do know that my friend has never seen one of her kids that sick before.  She went to the ER b/c it was Sunday and she didn't want to wait until doctors office opened Monday morning.  I probably would have done the same.


ETA: From all I've read, I don't think I have the flu b/c I have been feeling more and more exhausted since yesterday.  It wasn't sudden, I have no temperature.  I am probably having symptoms related to sinus issues, which I hope will not turn into another infection.

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Ocillococcinum is much, much better than Tamiflu and is completely natural (homeopathic) so there are ZERO side effects to worry about. If you keep your immune system in good shape, the flu shot is unnecessary. I avoid it at all costs (does more harm than good in the long run). Elderberry syrup (as mentioned above), colloidal silver (if you feel ill, take max dose of 1 tsp. 7x/day), oil of oregano (nature's antibiotic) at the max dose, Vit. C and probiotics will really help (Kefir is a good source). Lots of rest, lots of fluids if you suspect you are becoming ill. Ocillo can be found nowadays at most grocery stores/pharmacies and is over the counter. It works! I always keep a box or 2 on hand every winter. Do you make your own bone broth?  Bone broth/stock from good quality chicken or turkey is full of nutrients that can help keep your immune system healthy and strong. I freeze it in mason jars and warm it up and drink a couple mugs throughout the day when I am feeling under the weather. Kids love it, too!  Sorry this sounds rambling…trying to help kiddos with math while I type. ;)  

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 Do you make your own bone broth?  Bone broth/stock from good quality chicken or turkey is full of nutrients that can help keep your immune system healthy and strong. I freeze it in mason jars and warm it up and drink a couple mugs throughout the day when I am feeling under the weather. Kids love it, too!  Sorry this sounds rambling…trying to help kiddos with math while I type. ;)

Ds is working on this in the afternoon.  I had plans to make chicken soup this afternoon.  Thanks for all the recs. 

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Vitamin C (we like Emergen-C), vitamin D3 drops, or drink orange juice with added vitamin D.  Garlic in any form you like.  Oscillococcinum and/or Sambucol if anyone starts with symptoms.  Warm tea for throat issues or ear congestion.  Warm dilute salt water gargles for sore throats.  If anyone has a lot of coughing or chest congestion, go to the doctor.  We all use a nebulizer at home with prescription meds (albuterol) for chest congestion because we all have asthmatic tendencies. 

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I don't mean to sound like this is unimportant;  I know it is.  Getting the flu is miserable!  But it surprises me when people believe they need to go to the doctor when they have the flu, or when they think they might have it in order to confirm that they have it.  Lots of people in our community get the flu, every year.  You lay low, try and drink lots of liquid, feel absolutely miserable for 3-4 days, and then you get over it.  It would not even occur to us to go to the doctor or the ER unless there were clearly a unique health risk involved.  I have heard public service announcements on the radio over the years that tell people NOT to go to the clinic or hospital if they think they have the flu, unless of course there is an urgent health concern.

Oh - I totally agree with that. We were clearly exposed to a confirmed flu case last year, and first kid got it 3 days later. We had classic symptoms - fever for 7 days, body aches, etc etc etc exactly like the confirmed kid. We never went to the doctor though. We had gone through it before with a confirmed case when my youngest was 4 and running crazy high fevers. Why spend $50 on a copay to have someone say lay low for a week+? Our ped only does Tamiflu for high risk kids because of the mixed reviews on side affects.

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I feel like I must be living under a rock!  Why didn't I know about the Tamiflu side effects?  I must not have been paying attention!  I also learned (from great uncle's experience this winter) that antibiotics can cause hallucinations!  He called me to tell me he needed to switch b/c the one prescribed was making him see infomercials!  I asked him what they were about.  Apparently they were promoting a brilliant mathematician and his formulas.  Too bad he didn't take notes.  Great uncle is definitely not a math person, so I would love to know exactly what he heard/saw.  Anyway, the infomercials went away after his antibiotic was switched.

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Ok I am normally in the no flu shot camp and the letting things run their course. I AM concerned about the cytokine storm thing that was brought up here on the forum in another flu thread. How much merit is warranted with that? I mean young, seemingly otherwise healthy folks ARE dying from the flu this year which is not the norm.


I did do some research from the 2009 H1N1 where they obtained tissue samples from 50 people that died (they apparently had some young, healthy adults die during that outbreak as well). Of the 50 seemingly healthy people that died, 30 had asthma problems. In my mind that is a group that WOULD be more affected, and not what I would consider a perfectly healthy adult with the flu.


Anyway, I am older and more paranoid now. I feel my immune system is strong, but I don't want that to work against me as in the case of the cytokine storms.


Also, with regards to Tamiflu, my nephew is a doctor, and he said even some of their drug reps have said it is a joke.


Can someone enlighten me with regard to the cytokine storms? Am I missing something? How likely is something like that to happen?

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I don't mean to sound like this is unimportant;  I know it is.  Getting the flu is miserable!  But it surprises me when people believe they need to go to the doctor when they have the flu, or when they think they might have it in order to confirm that they have it.  Lots of people in our community get the flu, every year.  You lay low, try and drink lots of liquid, feel absolutely miserable for 3-4 days, and then you get over it.  It would not even occur to us to go to the doctor or the ER unless there were clearly a unique health risk involved.  I have heard public service announcements on the radio over the years that tell people NOT to go to the clinic or hospital if they think they have the flu, unless of course there is an urgent health concern.


I agree.  We never go to the doctor for the flu or a cold.  In fact, I can't remember the last time any of us got the flu.  It must have been several years ago.  We never get the flu shot either.  I'm always amazed at the number of people who tell me they got the shot and then end up with the flu. 


I'm sure the shot helps many people, especially those with weak immune systems or other health issues.  I just haven't seen the necessity of any of us getting it.  Of course, now that I've said this, I'll probably be the first in my family in about 8 years or so to come down with it!


My heart goes out to those of you dealing with it! May you recover swiftly.


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Well I have to say that I do understand why she's concerned.  Not everyone gets sick right away.  When I get exposed to something like that, it drags on, with me not all the way sick and not all the way well.  Lots of hand washing and giving the whole family vitamin C and primadophilus and C every hour when they start to have symptoms.  I kept BOTH my kids home from church Sunday, because dd was moping, sort of half well, half sick.  It was to protect ME.  


Absolutely I'd cancel if you're getting sick and stuff is going around.  It's January, and frankly I think people expect it this time of year.

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In regards to Tamiflu - it was a miracle worker for us this time around. The doctor gave it to us two years ago when we all had the flu and it did nothing. We had zero side effects but it didn't help us at all. We didn't start it until the end of the second day that time.


This time the doctor encouraged us to try it again because he said it seemed to be very helpful this year. I started it within 12 hours of feeling sick and felt so much better the next day. The only one it didn't help this time around again was oldest dd but she also has asthma and it's just harder for her.

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