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I lost my first 10% of my body weight...........


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You may remember my post about considering weight loss surgery. I had tried, and tried to lose weight. I knew low carb was the way I needed to go, due to my body's issues.


But I wasn't losing, even on program. Looking back, I think it was a combination of too much dairy, stress, and lack of sleep.


On September 7, I started. Lost a decent amount. Had the car accident Oct. 15. When back on the diet the Sunday after thanksgiving.


I've lost a total of 24 pounds. My 18w's are WAY too big. And the waist on my regular 18's is very loose (but not the bottom or thighs, yet).

Soon, I won't have to - or be able to - shop at Catherine's anymore. I am no longer mordibly obese - "only" severely obese. Soon, I'll hit "obese" and then "overweight."


Best, I feel GREAT.


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Joanne, congrats! So very happy for you. I always love your posts on these boards and you contribute so much. By the way, you don't look obese at all. You're beautiful. Not that obese people can't be beautiful. That does sound rather stupid. Just thought I'd say that you are gorgeous and you don't look obese. 

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Joanne, congrats! So very happy for you. I always love your posts on these boards and you contribute so much. By the way, you don't look obese at all. You're beautiful. Not that obese people can't be beautiful. That does sound rather stupid. Just thought I'd say that you are gorgeous and you don't look obese. 



Thank you. I don't feel obese. Very overweight, yes.


I've always weighed more than I look. I had a coworker ask me when I was going to quit losing, with the tone that it would be soon. I told her I had a long way to go. I shared I still weighed over 200 pounds and she was shocked.



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Fantastic!  You are an inspiration.


Are you still doing the Trainer's Diet thing?



I still have some Personal Trainer Food in my freezer. I am saving it for when I am back to work (both jobs close during the Christmas holiday). One of the reasons PTF works for me is my busy life and the fact that I have to eat most of my meals away from home. I plan on another order when I need it and budget allows.


In the meantime, I am going old school low carb - meat, eggs, veggies. Minimal dairy, good fats (avocado, coconut, olive)

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