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What was the very first movie you remember seeing on the big screen?


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Bambi - we had to leave because my mother got so upset (she's a nurse and usually quite tough;) )



Ok, that's a first for me.  I've never heard of having to leave that movie due to a parent being upset before.  I'm guessing she didn't know that part was in there?  Or could she have been worried that you would get upset?


I grew up in the land of hunting and eating deer.  Many people around us were worried their kids would get an unrealistic impression of hunting and how deer live...  That may have happened to some, I suppose, but it didn't affect us.  It never affected my kids either.

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Pretty normal for my mum. She cried her way through lots of read-alouds (What Katy Did, Pollyanna, The Velveteen Rabbit (this was a biggy and I could never bring myself to read it to my son)). By day, she was a palliative care nurse and not prone to tears. She's mortified if I ever mention the Bambi incident!


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I pretty sure I saw ones before this, but don't remember them. 


But for a birthday my brother took me to the theatre. We saw, "Super Mario Brothers". It was a live action movie. He bought me popcorn with extra, extra, extra butter. You could feel your artiers clogging when you ate it. I vomited after the movie. 


My brother doing that for me was a fond memory. 


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I'll admit to feeling old with some of these "firsts," but considering my youngest is graduating high school this year, I guess that's to be expected (sigh).


Well I did the math and I was 14 when I saw the first movie I remember. I know I had been many times before I just don't remember what movie or when, or well any details. 


Wait. I also saw, "Who framed Roger Rabbit". My friend got so into the movie that at one point he put the popcorn bucket on his head. 


Same friend who when watching a sad movie about unicorns ended up blowing his nose in kleenex. He was so into the movie he then started eating the kleenex without noticing what he was doing.

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I don't remember it, but the first movie I ever saw was Star Wars (the original), because my parents couldn't get a sitter.  I was 4, and sat in my dad's lap.  They said I liked it.


The first movie I remember seeing in the theater was The Aristocats.  Actually, it was the first movie I saw after Star Wars.  My cousin (who is much older than I am) took me to see it.


Star Wars (the original) is the first movie I remember seeing.



Star Wars for me. There are a lot of us!


I was four and fell asleep in the middle. To be honest, I have never been able to watch any of the Star Wars movies all the way through without falling asleep or at least daydreaming awhile. My ds picked Empire Strikes Back for family movie night tonight and I had to go grab my laptop a little while ago. This movie could have been 40 minutes long and told the whole story just as well. The only good part is mocking the cheesy dialogue.


ETA: "It's a trap!" Whoops, we're watching Return of the Jedi, not Empire Strikes Back. My head hangs in shame.


Star Wars.  The original one.  I was 9 years old and went to see it with a bunch of family (aunts, uncles, cousins).  We ended up sitting in the front row so practically lying down looking up at the screen.


Star Wars. I don't remember it making much of an impression. To be honest, it still doesn't.


Star Wars but I don't really remember it.


E.T is the first one I really remember. I was in second grade I think.


Star Wars. Kids were allowed to share seats and kids cinema ticket was $1.50 and adult ticket was $2.50.

My parents brought me to the cinema when they watch Jaws and my dad said I kicked a fuss. I was a toddler.


Star wars --- in the balcony of the Cooper theater in Denver


Star Wars was also my first movie! I was 5, and I slept though a lot of it. All I really remember from the big screen s that scene where they swing across that rope thing.

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Disney's animated Cinderella. I was no more than 4yo, and my aunt and uncle took me to the drive-in to see it. I was entranced by the story (my mom says everything, even the fork and spoon at the dinner table, was "Cinderella and the Prince" after that), and the experience of a drive-in. We played "drive-in" at home for weeks afterwards. ;)



I also have a vague memory of seeing a matinee showing of Hello Dolly at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood when we on vacation when I was 8yo. I didn't quite "get" the stars on the sidewalk, but knew they must be important 'cause my family was very excited about finding stars of favorite celebrities. :D




REALLY enjoying this thread! :) The several mentions of Herbie the Love Bug reminded me of the first movie I ever got dropped off to see (no parents!) -- my sister and 2 girl cousins went to see Herbie.


I didn't realize I wasn't the only one who ever got sick at a theater; I remember one of our rare movie theater outings was to a re-release of Mary Poppins, but don't remember a thing about it as I was almost delirious with high fever and coming down with strep throat... a MAJOR disappointment, because we almost never got to go. :(


Just remembered the first "what were my parents thinking?!" movies -- Poseidon Adventure! Totally stressed me out for months afterwards.

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I have vague memories of going to the drive-in theater. We would wear our jammies and play on the playground until it got dark enough for the movie. After the first cartoon movie or two, we kids would fall asleep in the back of the station wagon and my parents would watch the main feature. When we got home, Dad would carry us in to our beds. It was a cheap way to go, because Mom would pack a picnic-style dinner for us to eat. I do not remember a single title, though.


I do remember getting all dressed up in our "Sunday best" to go see The Sound of Music when it was released. My grandparents were visiting from out of town, and they bought the tickets.

This! I've actually been wanting to do this with the kids so we can bring our own food and hopefully get to watch a grown upon use with kids who are knocked out after the first kid movie :)

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It was Jaws at the drive-in with my parents.  I barely remember this so I must have been quite young (6-7 maybe?).  My brother was there, and he is 2 years younger than me.  :)  This so goes against my mom's parenting style so I have asked her in the past why in the world would she have us at THAT movie so young?  It scared me to death!  She just answered that she was young, and kids were tougher "back in the day" (she was 24-ish?).  :)

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Just remembered the first "what were my parents thinking?!" movies -- Poseidon Adventure! Totally stressed me out for months afterwards.


I remember being spooked by this one for a while.  A couple years ago we watched it (the original) via Netflix with my guys... they were ok with it at their age, but I think I was a bit younger with my first intro to it.


I skipped Jaws (until much later).  I wanted to play outside instead.  My sister still won't go far into an ocean.  I love scuba diving... including seeing sharks (though I've yet to see a dangerous type).  I wonder how much of that would have happened if our movie watching choice had been different back then.

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