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What are your big kids (esp boys) going to be for Halloween?

Janie Grace

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My ds12 really wants to ToT. Our family didn't ToT for years and I think he is reluctant to miss out now that we finally do it. We really want him to put some effort into a costume so he's not being the jerk big-kid who goes around in his football uniform getting free candy (we also plan to talk a LOT about etiquette, especially as it relates to being aware of and preferential towards little kids). So... I'm looking for ideas for him. We're not into the super-gory/evil stuff, so no zombies or ax-murderers or anything.


What is your big boy going to be?


Note... please let's not turn this into a "your kid is too old to ToT!" thread. I remember that from last year and it was heated/messy. We feel okay with letting him ToT. Just looking for ideas! Thanks.

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My brother was a totem pole one year when he was a preteen.  Now he is in his 20s and dressing up for Halloween parties and his two most recent costumes were Beakman and bait (he made a fishing hook out of a hanger that went "through" him and the hook was tied to a fishing line aka ribbon attached to a helium balloon).



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My nine year old is going as Percy Jackson. We made a t-shirt for him that says Camp Half-Blood on it and we painted a foam sword from the store bronze. We're working on writing Anaklusmos in Greek on that and a pen at the moment.

My younger boy is going as Link from Legend of Zelda. We made a shield out of cardboard and foam pieces.

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Blues Brothers  -- suit, hat, sunglasses

Forest Gump -- khaki pants, plaid button up shirt, red ball cap with index card stuck to front saying "Bubba Gump Shrimp"

CSI agent -- black vest, black ball cap, CSI letters cut out of white construction paper and stuck to cap & vest

Old man -- old man clothes, glasses pulled down on nose, cane

Skateboarder -- jeans, t-shirt, skate pads, helmet, carry skateboard

Cowboy/Farmer -- jeans, button up shirt, boots, cowboy hat


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Squirrelboy is going to be Harry Potter, but, of course, he's still well within standard trick or treating age. I trick or treated well into high school, so I say it's awesome that your 12 year old wants to dress up. One year in high school I was Robin Hood, even though I'm a girl :). Robin Hood is much cooler than Maid Marion.


My brother, who is 41, still dresses up every Halloween. Usually he and his girlfriend wear coordinating costumes. One year they were Pac Man and a Ghost. Another year they were the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan (they live in Traverse City). They make their costumes on a very limited budget, usually using cardboard, spray paint, and duct tape.


If my kid were looking for ideas, I'd suggest picking either a book character or a mythological figure that he likes and figuring out how to pull together a costume for that. I was very impressed when we went to a Halloween event at the Louisville Zoo and I saw a tween girl dressed as a Greek goddes (I'm not sure which one).


Oh, and I encourage you and DH to dress up, too, if you want to. This year DH and I are going to be Hogwarts professors. We're just going to wear graduation robes. Kittygirl is going to be a Hogwarts owl. I just got a standard owl costume and I'm going to attach a letter to her :). 

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Ok, this is what my daughter was one year but I got the idea from Dick van Dyke and he was a pretty big boy in Mary Poppins. It was a great costume and people even stopped to see how we did it and it got tons of compliments.


She was the Chimney Sweep. She already had a black t shirt, black pants, and black boots. I got her a black blazer/jacket from Goodwill and a black cap from walmart. I used a cork to put soot all over her face, neck, and hands. Burn the end of the cork; blow it out; let it cool (for just a few seconds); color his skin. We found we needed to reapply so we carried the lighter and cork with us in a little baggie.


For the chimney sweep's broom I got one from the dollar store, cut off the handle, used scissors to cut out a couple of cardboard circles and some of the broom straw, hot glued the straw around one circle, topped with the other circle and stuck them on the handle. I spray painted the whole thing black and it was done.


She won a contest and the admiration of lots of strangers and it cost less than $10. The hat cost more than everything else put together.


For extra points he could learn the dance and earn his candy!

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My kids aren't going this year, but a couple years ago, the oldest son of a friend of mine went as the Hulk. He used green body paint, a wash out hair dye and some frayed green shorts (I think his mom just home dyed some old shorts of his). It was a big hit. He had to shower a couple times to get it all out, but he said it was soooo worth it.

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DS is going as an FBI agent.  My mom sent us a costume that included a badge, earpiece, tie and "bullet proof vest."  She also found a cap that said FBI and a cheap pair of plastic handcuffs.  We are adding a white collar shirt.  My son is  SO happy he has been arresting all of us for a week!

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