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my brother is having twins...shower present question


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First question...I'm strongly considering getting them a carseat cover thingy that keeps baby warm....we have cold winters where we live.  I'm looking at the jj cole bundle me...anyone know if it's warm?  Any carseat cover rec's?


Second question, for those of you who have twins...what gifts really helped you?  I already got a bunch of diapers...can't really help out as far as hands on (I live far away).  I want a gift that others won't think of that will be used and appreciated.



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Loved the Bundle Me! Had both my girls in Oct in Salt Lake City. However, since it wasn't part of the actual car seat the hospital staff made me remove it before we left with the baby. Why? Because it could be a fire hazard. I went right home and put it back in the car seat where it stayed all winter and never once caught fire!

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Loved the Bundle Me! Had both my girls in Oct in Salt Lake City. However, since it wasn't part of the actual car seat the hospital staff made me remove it before we left with the baby. Why? Because it could be a fire hazard. I went right home and put it back in the car seat where it stayed all winter and never once caught fire!


strange question....does it go over babies head or just up to their chest?

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I think the Bundle Me goes between baby and the carseat, which is a big no-no as far as safety is concerned. You can get a shower-cap style carseat cover that provides warmth without any concern about safety. This is the kind of thing I mean: http://www.amazon.com/JJ-Cole-Seat-Cover-Khaki/dp/B003ZUXQXU.


I just bought a twin nursing pillow, and we are going to get a big ol' armchair/recliner for me to park myself in to nurse babies.


I am having twins in January/February, and meal help and older childcare help are big on my list, too--we are considering hiring a part-time nanny. I already have housecleaning help, but that is welcome, too!

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Also, they all love the my breast friend nursing pillow. 



Agree about the My Brest Friend nursing pillow—the twin version. I found one in a consignment store, used it daily for a year, and it still had enough oomph to pass along to a friend afterward.


My sister gave us a double stroller that could be used with the car seats we bought. That was great. We still use it (without the car seats) now that they're nearly two.


The best gift was my parents coming to stay with us for a month after they were born. :)


Erica in OR

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We needed two swings. Couldn't do without. Also bassinets are typically not large enough for two to sleep together, which my two preferred as newborns. We found a packnplay that the entire top could be made as a bassinet. Also, a cribwedge. Double amount of bottles. Extra nipples and pacis. Millions of bibs, socks disappear like gold. Gas drops, tylenol, etc. They get used up twice as fast.

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Everyone I know that had twins swears by this book: http://www.amazon.com/Youre-Expecting-Twins-Triplets-Quads/dp/0061803073. They say it is what got them full term. 


Also, they all love the my breast friend nursing pillow. 


If I ask them what they suggest, they always mention those two things. 


Thanks for the reply. They are due in a few weeks so I think they are past needing the book.  I was looking at that nursing pillow just now...

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I had two different types of strollers. A side by side umbrella and what I called " the bus". I found as newborns, both attracted too much attention and strangers touched them more than the typical newborn. So I recommend two single strollers if you are shopping with spouse, etc. A single stroller just doesn't grab the looneys eyes. I found I constantly wrecked the bus, too. Preferred the side-by-side when I had to push both at once.

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I think the Bundle Me goes between baby and the carseat, which is a big no-no as far as safety is concerned. You can get a shower-cap style carseat cover that provides warmth without any concern about safety. This is the kind of thing I mean: http://www.amazon.com/JJ-Cole-Seat-Cover-Khaki/dp/B003ZUXQXU.


I just bought a twin nursing pillow, and we are going to get a big ol' armchair/recliner for me to park myself in to nurse babies.


I am having twins in January/February, and meal help and older childcare help are big on my list, too--we are considering hiring a part-time nanny. I already have housecleaning help, but that is welcome, too!


hmmm.... I just went on jj cole website and they say their products have been safety tested and passed.  I don't want to get something unsafe for them.  Did you read something about it being unsafe?

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Meals were the things that were the most helpful for us with our twins.


We did need two slings, as Mandy mentioned.  I also had a "twin sling" and never could make it work.  I also had twin carriers, but they were carp.  Also, you couldn't really go out with them as people thoughts I as INSANE.  Like staring at me to the point of serious discomfort.


If I could go back in time, I would want a baby hammock most.  But that's because I think maybe my boys would have slept in it.  Cribs and pack n plays were useless for us.

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hmmm.... I just went on jj cole website and they say their products have been safety tested and passed.  I don't want to get something unsafe for them.  Did you read something about it being unsafe?


Yes, there is a lot of information out there about anything puffy or fluffy that comes between baby and the carseat or its straps. Here's one very readable link: http://thecarseatlady.wordpress.com/2011/01/06/aftermarket/


Here are also many, many posts about Bundle Me and carseats on car-seat.org: http://www.google.com/cse?cx=partner-pub-6743078720868723%3Acsts5zx0lou&q=bundle+me&sa=Search#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=bundle%20me&gsc.page=1


If I could go back in time, I would want a baby hammock most.  But that's because I think maybe my boys would have slept in it.  Cribs and pack n plays were useless for us.


Oh, now don't tell me that! I'm selling my Kanoe Baby Hammock because I can't imagine how I would use it for two babies and I don't want to buy another one!!

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I super puffy heart loved my twin snap and go when they were little. If you know what sort of car seats they have, it holds many models and was light enough for me to pick up post c/s. And because they were both facing me and I could partially cover them with a strategic blanket so I could see them but others could not, no one could touch easily.


Meals and cleaning help would have been AWESOME (think a service you could set up maybe for a couple months).


Top items would be 2 swings, 2 boppies (some days I only survived by propping them up on the boppies in front of me on a big blanket on the floor and keeping the older 2 busy next to me, laundry? cooking? what are these things you speak of?), 2 exersaucers (preferably different models for variety) and my skip hop double duo diaper bag. Holds enough for twins and snaps to the stroller (even the extra wide side by side) and is very organized. 


As they got older I loved my Inglesina double stroller (I think maclaren makes one similar). High weight limits, reclines, fits anywhere a wheelchair will and turns on a dime.

My second choice would have been a combi (great if they travel much).


Also  if I had to do it again, I would get the arm's reach full size co sleeper as it has a higher weight limit and can hold 2 babies for longer. 

One thing we never got that I kind of wish we had was a double seater decked out wagon like this: http://www.amazon.com/Step-Versa-Seat-Wagon-Canopy/dp/B003DJ3A5W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1381029364&sr=8-1&keywords=double+seat+wagon . If they live in an area that would be "walkable".



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Oh, now don't tell me that! I'm selling my Kanoe Baby Hammock because I can't imagine how I would use it for two babies and I don't want to buy another one!!


Hindsight is always 20/20, but I wouldn't sell it.  When I first had my boys, I thought it was totally normal to have children that never let you put them down ever, ever.  Now I know some people are able to put babies down to sleep for whole hours.  Who would have thunk it? So if you get lucky and have those babies, then such things are just extras, but I think the baby hammocks that bounce are one of the most sanity creating things ever made and I wish I had discovered them in time to use them with my boys.

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Hindsight is always 20/20, but I wouldn't sell it.  When I first had my boys, I thought it was totally normal to have children that never let you put them down ever, ever.  Now I know some people are able to put babies down to sleep for whole hours.  Who would have thunk it? So if you get lucky and have those babies, then such things are just extras, but I think the baby hammocks that bounce are one of the most sanity creating things ever made and I wish I had discovered them in time to use them with my boys.


This made me laugh. All four of my kids (including my twins) were like this.


I really wanted to like my twin nursing pillow. Sadly, my twins refused to stay latched on if they could see or sense the other baby.


My vote is for two swings. Or a stack of gift certificates from restaurants that deliver to their home. Or a maid.


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Okay, now I'm not comfortable buying the bundle me for them.  They're got bought for them already swings, bouncers.  I'm wondering if  a nursing pillow is a personal purchase kinda thing.  What if she ends up not breastfeeding??? ACK!!! This is driving me nuts... I wish she would just do a registry!!!!  I wonder is maid service would be insulting to her ... I know my bro but really don't have any relationship with her.


I've got 4 little one's of my own...you would think this would be easy for me :p



I was thinking some sweet books they could read to the babies might be nice in addition to something else....anyone got any suggestions on sweet books?


BTW thanks everyone for the input...hubby's not being much help in this department:P

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I was thinking some sweet books they could read to the babies might be nice in addition to something else....anyone got any suggestions on sweet books?



How old are your own kids? For a friend's baby shower last year I had my three oldest kids each select a book to give along with a note they wrote telling why they chose that book. They ended up giving The Runaway Bunny, Ten Apples Up on Top, and But Not the Hippopotamus, along with a gift card (diapers).


Erica in OR

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How old are your own kids? For a friend's baby shower last year I had my three oldest kids each select a book to give along with a note they wrote telling why they chose that book. They ended up giving The Runaway Bunny, Ten Apples Up on Top, and But Not the Hippopotamus, along with a gift card (diapers).


Erica in OR


I have a 7, 5, 2, and 1.  I think that might  be a sweet idea...they can choose their book to give and that way they will be included.  Thanks for the suggestion...I'll ask them when they're up tomorrow.  I've never read this one but I like the sample on amazon "you are my I love you"....

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Another idea if they are near enough to town, is to grab up menus from their favorite restaurants that deliver and include giftcards and cash for them to order what they wish.


I'm in a different city than them...cute idea but I don't think I'll have time before the shower to grab up menus and giftcards.   I know her mom is coming to help out so I think she'll be doing meals.


I guess I'm going to sleep on it .... blah....I'm so tempted to just buy some cute baby outfits but I know everyone else will be doing that.  My husband says just buy what I would of like to have gotten but I think maybe I'm a little different than her in what I would want.


Do you think a nursing pillow is too personal???  Bad choice if she doesn't turn out to breastfeed?  Diaper bag is probably personal to...people like different designs.

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I guess I just didn't see the issue with the Bundle Me? Granted, I used them in 2005 and 2007. They had Velcro openings where the car seat straps could come thru. I felt that the babies could be strapped in really snugly. Anyway, congrats on the new additions to your family!

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I guess I just didn't see the issue with the Bundle Me? Granted, I used them in 2005 and 2007. They had Velcro openings where the car seat straps could come thru. I felt that the babies could be strapped in really snugly. Anyway, congrats on the new additions to your family!


Thanks for the congrats!  Maybe I'll go in the store and see how thick it is.  I've always use the cover that just goes on top with my kiddos...not because of safety but because I'm cheap:P

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I really would skip the Bundle Mes. Every car seat manual will tell you not to attach any after market products to the seat. I'm pretty sure using a Bundle Me would void any potential warranties. It's a nice thought, but if I received one, I would return it.


If they live in a cold climate where the kids are likely to be dressed warmly, the last thing they need from a safety perspective is another layer of cloth to compress in their car seat. Google car seats and puffy coats to learn more about the compression problem.


My very favorite baby item is a four pack of Aden and Anais blankets. They're expensive, but they're awesome. I use them constantly.

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She could still use the nursing pillow for bottle feeding them both at once, couldn't she?


Lots of places (grocery stores, Lowes, etc) have racks of gift cards for places all over. We buy dh's sister and husband gift cards for a restaurant local to them that is not local to us at all. Some places you can buy gift cards and print off menus online.


I would ask before I did something like a cleaning service. Not everyone is comfortable with that.

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I wish I could remember the brand... My sister had a shower cap style carseat cover. The only reason I bought a bucket carseat for #5 was to use that cover when she handed it down! (He's my only winter baby.) It was fabulous for our PA mountain winter.


I always try to share this one point that I learned when I was babysitting my niece. Once the car is toasty, PULL THE COVER OFF! I had opened up the top half, but I didn't realize how warm it would actually get in there until she had been crying for a while and I pulled over to find the poor thing sweating like crazy. Had I ignored her (she was a car cryer to begin with,) it could have been dangerous.

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Yes to the shower cap style carseat cover; I love that for PA winters!


I don't think a breastfeeding pillow is a bad idea; even if she doesn't end up breastfeeding, she can use it to hold one baby if she ends up trying to feed two babies at once.


I'd get her a baby carrier -- probably a mei tai.  I would think a carrier would be essential with twins; I use mine all day long and that's just with one newborn!

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My ds received a tied two-layer fleece blanket when he was born, and it has gotten a TON of use.  You can throw it over a carseat, and it is still warm if it's left in the car and gets cold.  It's big enough that he still uses it, 5 years later.  Wouldn't cost a ton, wouldn't be duplicated.  For my friend's twins, I made cute bibs.  I figure you can never have too many bibs.  I made mine with chenille on one side, flannel on the other, and then picked a coordinating print of flannel to cut like pictures from to stitch on.  You can find patterns online for free.

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Yes to the shower cap style carseat cover; I love that for PA winters!


I don't think a breastfeeding pillow is a bad idea; even if she doesn't end up breastfeeding, she can use it to hold one baby if she ends up trying to feed two babies at once.


I'd get her a baby carrier -- probably a mei tai.  I would think a carrier would be essential with twins; I use mine all day long and that's just with one newborn!


I totally loved my sling and ergo with my babies...I still use my ergo with my youngest.  Around here, parents don't really use them...I found them soooo useful but I doubt she'll use it.  Maybe she'll be open to the idea...I should get her feelings on it.

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Things that were indispensable for me mothering young twins: 


sling and moby wrap (I never wore both babies at the same time, but DH and I would each wear one)

2 bouncy seats 

double stroller

miracle blankets 

for feeding (we didn't manage to make nursing work): 2 boppy pillows, 2 bottle proppers, and a thousand burp cloths.  I never propped bottles and walked away (so don't flame me!!), but I'd sit on the floor or in the middle of the couch with a boppy on either side cradling their heads, prop bottles and chat with them while they ate.  With bottles propped, I could pick up one to burp, etc without having to stop feeding the other, which kept them from screaming at me in frustration. ;) It was way easier to feed them when I used my two extra "hands".  

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Oh, if you want to put something small with it, you might find some little baby toys.  I ended up going out and buying car seat toys for ds and later stroller toys.  You know, the kind that rattle and dangle and attach with velcro...  I also enjoyed using a soft ball with them that had a jingle inside.  Not that you have to do more with the two blankets, but they'd go nicely together.


You realize now you've got me in "I wanna make a fleece blanket" mode...  :D

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I'm in a different city than them...cute idea but I don't think I'll have time before the shower to grab up menus and giftcards.   I know her mom is coming to help out so I think she'll be doing meals.



Unless her mom is moving in permanently, I still think giftcards would be helpful. I've only ever had one baby at a time, but the time I most needed a break from cooking was when the baby was a couple months old.  My youngest is a year old and I'd still like a few more nights off of cooking!

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Unless her mom is moving in permanently, I still think giftcards would be helpful. I've only ever had one baby at a time, but the time I most needed a break from cooking was when the baby was a couple months old.  My youngest is a year old and I'd still like a few more nights off of cooking!


True said hubby likes the idea of giftcards for a meal.  Who wouldn't like a night off of cooking.


Okay....so I think I'll get:


shower cap carseat covers

blankets to put over the babes

giftcard for a meal

some boardbooks


Sound good everyone?  What would you think if you got that?

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I super puffy heart loved my twin snap and go when they were little. If you know what sort of car seats they have, it holds many models and was light enough for me to pick up post c/s. And because they were both facing me and I could partially cover them with a strategic blanket so I could see them but others could not, no one could touch easily.


Meals and cleaning help would have been AWESOME (think a service you could set up maybe for a couple months).


Top items would be 2 swings, 2 boppies (some days I only survived by propping them up on the boppies in front of me on a big blanket on the floor and keeping the older 2 busy next to me, laundry? cooking? what are these things you speak of?), 2 exersaucers (preferably different models for variety) and my skip hop double duo diaper bag. Holds enough for twins and snaps to the stroller (even the extra wide side by side) and is very organized. 


As they got older I loved my Inglesina double stroller (I think maclaren makes one similar). High weight limits, reclines, fits anywhere a wheelchair will and turns on a dime.

My second choice would have been a combi (great if they travel much).


Also  if I had to do it again, I would get the arm's reach full size co sleeper as it has a higher weight limit and can hold 2 babies for longer. 

One thing we never got that I kind of wish we had was a double seater decked out wagon like this: http://www.amazon.com/Step-Versa-Seat-Wagon-Canopy/dp/B003DJ3A5W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1381029364&sr=8-1&keywords=double+seat+wagon . If they live in an area that would be "walkable".

I also LOVED my double snap-n-go!  Loved my boppies and we had 2 of the full size arm's reach co-sleepers.  We only had one swing.  We should have bought another.  ALL LIFESAVERS.


I would have loved some meals, but that didn't happen much.


I never had anyone try to touch my babies while I was out and about.  I received a lot of comments and a lot of people wanted to look and ooh and ahh, but no one tried to touch them.  I didn't have a blanket or cover over them either. 


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Another rec for the Aden and Anais blankets. LOVE them. I only have one baby right now, but I usually have three of them in use at a time (upstairs, downstairs, diaper bag).


We also use a thick, heavy cotton quilt every day as a tummy time/floor play blanket. Ours was handmade by a family friend, so I don't know where to buy one, but it's invaluable to us. Would likely be even more so with twins.

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Do you think a nursing pillow is too personal???  Bad choice if she doesn't turn out to breastfeed?  Diaper bag is probably personal to...people like different designs.



She could still use the nursing pillow for bottle feeding them both at once, couldn't she?


I would have loved it if someone had bought me a twin nursing pillow. I just bought one for myself. :) There is one called the TwinZ pillow that can be used for breastfeeding, bottlefeeding, sitting, playing, etc. I had my eye on it but went with something else.

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The BEST gift came from my brother and his wife (also parents of twins)




I remember that they brought 3,000 + diapers, of various sizes, to the baby shower. I thought that they were nuts! They said, "Trust us".


After we had our twins, I swear we went though all 3,000 in 2 months. Then they sent us a monthly supply for about a year. 9 years later, I still thank them.

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