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Totally overwhelmed

Jean in Newcastle

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We just started school last Monday.  That was because we did last year's school until the end of August, and then took the month of September off as our summer vacation.  I've been trying to get a handle on my chronic pain and fatigue and have had some headway there but it is still an issue.  I am exhausted.  The house is semi trashed.  It's been worse and it's been better.  I'm tackling each day and am working hard.  School actually is going fairly well. But Monday comes again in two days!  I have this nagging (anxiety perhaps?) that things are getting away from me and that if I don't get my ducks in a row, they will all fly off and leave me again.   I just wish that everyone would go away for an afternoon so that I could regroup again.  In fact I just snarled at my kids because they wouldn't leave me alone to sit here for twenty lousy minutes.  Ok - vent over.  Now I'm going to tackle my kitchen so that I have one more thing to cross off my list.  

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I've felt that way off and on this week as the baby hasn't slept very well. I had dh pick me up some chocolate on the way home last night, it did improve my mood. Just last week I was thinking of adding to my to-do lists and this week I was pretty happy w/ the basics, so, it goes w/ a baby in the house. I'm trying to practice forgiveness of myself. I'd love sometime to myself as well and to actually get a bit of time w/ my husband but it is not likely to happen anytime soon.

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My son thinks he has a class that randomly appears on the schedule in my head.  It's called "Hiking class"  When he is being a pill and I'm going to blow a gasket. I walk over to the cupboard with the walkie talkies, hand him one and tell him it's time for "take a hike" class time.  I then send him out on a errand to find something like five different red leaves.  He has 1/2 hour and heads back to our back farm fields to just be outside for awhile.

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And I told ds that he is not allowed to have a teen meltdown.  He has 3 days to get his work done.  Millions of other young men his age handle a similar workload (or worse).  He can take a break when he likes.  He can go take a walk.  He can have a snack.  He can put every thing off until tomorrow or Sunday.  But he may not melt down.  



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And. . . I have told dh that I don't need him to fix anything but I am stressed and I just want everyone to leave me alone.  (So then he started to troubleshoot my homeschool schedule. . .  Gah!)  But everyone knows that there are leftovers available to eat and no mom around to serve it.  I will work on my to do list on my own and on my own pace because that works to lower my stress but only if everyone leaves me alone!  

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You know, being overwhelmed wouldn't be so bad if I could just hide in a hole and work through all the stuff piled up and get things under control.  But people (and even the animals!) keep coming at me with more requests and more stuff and Aaaaaaaaaargh!  Now dh wants to "run up to Canada" in a couple of weeks.  I've realized that part of my feelings of being overwhelmed are due to going through "the change" but a lot are just from simply being. . .  overwhelmed with stuff and people and stimuli and . . .   

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You know, being overwhelmed wouldn't be so bad if I could just hide in a hole and work through all the stuff piled up and get things under control.  But people (and even the animals!) keep coming at me with more requests and more stuff and Aaaaaaaaaargh!  Now dh wants to "run up to Canada" in a couple of weeks.  I've realized that part of my feelings of being overwhelmed are due to going through "the change" but a lot are just from simply being. . .  overwhelmed with stuff and people and stimuli and . . .   



This is me right now too!  Things aren't too different for me than usual (aside from house being a construction zone because of new plumbing being installed, a leak that caused floor and wall damage.)  but even with everything involved with that mess i'm able to handle it.  What's got me entirely overwhelmed is children, dogs, and the constant noise and touching that comes with that.  My 3 are hung (almost 5yrs, 3.5 yrs, and 8 months) so there is the constant need for mom, even when dad is around.  I just want to hide under the covers for a day with no one but my dogs to cuddle

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