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Shutdown Log Day Thirteen


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Day One: The government shutdown has happened. There is a man in my house interfering with school and joking about driving down to visit the Smithsonion museums on his 'day off.' I am not amused, but may have to admit defeat and hit up the Baltimore Zoo just to get him out of the house. Thus far, our supplies are holding out and we've not felt the financial impact of this little adventure. The Shutdown memes have come out in force.


Anyone else have an entry? Maybe we'll keep this running for the duration?

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Day One:  DH is at work (government contractor).  Just called him and he says no one in his office appears to be affected for now.  There's a business trip in a week or so that might be canceled if this continues (no big deal).  DH is also an officer in the Army Reserves.  Maybe his reserve duty will be canceled this month, or I guess he might still have to go but won't be paid right away.  Remains to be seen.


So...no impact for us so far.


:grouphug: to those who are being impacted.

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DH is a DoD contractor. All but two people (him and one other guy) on his contract were laid off last week, and with the shutdown today he said it is very empty and quiet in the office. Not much work he can do without the civilian workforce there.


I'm getting sick of this happening every October (and sometimes April) on top of the normal contract instability. It's like our financial decisions are on permanent hiatus because we never know when there will be a furlough or layoff or gap in pay.

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My dad today has: played the piano, watched the news, eaten leftovers...essentially what he does every day EXCEPT log into his work computer.  My parents were going to start fixing up their house.  That is on-hold.


My husband and I are still preparing to leave on a Jet plane on Thursday.  But, we canceled the hotel stay for tomorrow night.  I need to go pack some more stuff up and get ready to go.  Have some boxes to ship...some things to clean up...and get some REST.

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DH got home around 10:30. He's watching the baby upstairs while we do school. Which is awesome, b/c I don't feel good, and neither does the baby.


Guitar teacher comes today. We are paid up for October, but I'll have to let him know that if this lasts longer than 4 weeks (I can't even imagine), we'll have to suspend lessons until we are getting paid again.


If I feel better tomorrow, we might go drive into DC to see how vacant it possibly looks and TP the Capitol Building.

Throw a couple rolls for me

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Wish those vets would just keep on walking, straight to the capital and open up a can of old school whoop a$$ on those losers that are supposed to be working for us.


Dh is alone in his cube farm, he is the lone military guy and everyone else save the essential boss is gone. He is hitting the commissary (open only today to get rid of perishables, then closed for who knows how long) after work to see if there are any good deals to be had. Ds has a follow up MRI tomorrow at the military hospital, they called to say it's canceled until? Not a biggie, it's just to check on some surgery he had last year and we know it was successful based on how not sick he is.

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DH got home around 10:30. He's watching the baby upstairs while we do school. Which is awesome, b/c I don't feel good, and neither does the baby.


Guitar teacher comes today. We are paid up for October, but I'll have to let him know that if this lasts longer than 4 weeks (I can't even imagine), we'll have to suspend lessons until we are getting paid again.


If I feel better tomorrow, we might go drive into DC to see how vacant it possibly looks and TP the Capitol Building.


I would pitch in for toilet paper.

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Day One: The government shutdown has happened. There is a man in my house interfering with school and joking about driving down to visit the Smithsonion museums on his 'day off.' I am not amused, but may have to admit defeat and hit up the Baltimore Zoo just to get him out of the house. Thus far, our supplies are holding out and we've not felt the financial impact of this little adventure. The Shutdown memes have come out in force.


Anyone else have an entry? Maybe we'll keep this running for the duration?

The Smithsonian is closed too. Just so the strange man doesn't waste your gas. :)

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Our biggest effect was that our botanic gardens class was canceled. I was very, very relieved that Beach Drive and Rock Creek Pkwy were open as I use them a LOT. Also, I noted they weren't kicking joggers out of the park. We drove past the zoo. Closed, of course.


If it lasts awhile, I'm kinda looking forward to hitting up Baltimore museums and such. I'm guessing the Spy museum is doing major business today for the poor tourists.

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We've just got word that our dear son-in-law, only on the job with Lockheed Martin since July 31st, is being let go because he's on a Navy contract and even if this thing gets resolved soon, the look of things indicates a 30% reduction to Navy contracts with LM. They have work for him until October 18th unless something gives. They like his work and they are trying to find a non-governmental contract to put him on, but this thing is going to have long reaches into the private sector contracts as well. We are worried for them. DD finally just got her paramedic license in NJ issued. She has a good job offer and can begin work next week, but they really needed to be a two income family due to NJ COL and his student loans, the first payments coming due Nov. 15th. Dh and I are going to float them some funds from our own emergency savings. After that, I'm not certain what they'll do. We can help, but not totally make-up his lost income. He's frantically applying for other jobs, so hopefully something will turn up. Otherwise, she still has a valid paramedic license in Michigan and a medical response company that would be happy to have her back. Since dh can help dear son in law get JAVA and Oracle certified so he can land a job in GM IT, I think they'll move back here. My folks have room while they find a place to live and get some paychecks.


It's worrisome, but we'll manage on their behalf if worst comes to worst. We don't mind in the least. Just sad for them that what has been such an exciting time for them as a new married couple has abruptly become very stressful. My great concern is for the sheer number of people who do not have willing and able family members who can be a safety net for them. I'm very thankful that nephew and wife are both off of contracts that are federally funded. It appears that they'll be just fine.



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The Smithsonian is closed too. Just so the strange man doesn't waste your gas. :)

He knows they're closed. He just thinks he's very funny. I swear I don't encourage him. He's just a brat. Now he's a brat hanging around my 'office.' :-/ I may as well plan some field trips because we get nothing done when he's home.

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He HAS to keep working? Or what?


Not being snarky, truly just asking bc I've read this from many people and unless they are in the middle of combat I figure tat can't quite be accurate or legal?


Yes, it is rotten. I had to explain to my kids how the government can get away with having someone come to work and then not pay them until many weeks later. Many of the payroll people are "non-essential" and pay will be delayed for the "essentials" even if it is authorized. In industry, you can take someone to court for not paying you on time. Very likely the government workers will not be paid on time this round.


During the 1995-1996 shutdowns, I got paid eventually for the days that I was forced to stay home.  That was crazy too in a way, although it wasn't my fault that they wouldn't let me work.  I cleaned the house from top-to-bottom and painted one whole floor of rooms.  And I got paid like I was sitting at my desk doing my usual bureaucratic duties. 

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That still doesn't answer my question. Just because someone expects you to work for free doesn't mean you have to.


So boss says, "I think you are essential, so come in tomorrow and you might or might not get back pay at some point for it,"


Employee says, "okay" or "I don't think so." And goes home.


Ideally all the employees decide this together and make a collective effort.


I would support that.


Of course the negative is they wouldn't have any work to be backpaid for either. Unless they were salaried.

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Many departments of federal agencies are more complicated than you might think. My husband is essential and is having to run the nuts-and-bolts of his whole department by himself. Unless he is deathly ill and can prove it, he cannot take sick leave. He might also have to miss a conference that is out-of-state. Although the necessities will get done, the shutdown will create a huge backload of work for everyone once they get things up and running again.


He was on the phone with some people in DC who are saying there is a lot of talk there of not paying those who are not working. I can't imagine that would fly but who knows.


ETA: People continue to work because if they don't, they'll likely find themselves without a job. Also, most don't expect this to last too long.

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Yeah, I know someone who was saying he has to go in if something goes wrong, but if he does and they review it later and say he shouldn't have gone in, he can face criminal charges. Whoa.


I have been to the Walters, but not in ages. Ditto the Baltimore zoo and the science museum and so forth. I think of Baltimore as DC counter-programming. Even all the zoo animals are the ones we don't have.

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I am hesitant to post because this is so minor compared to what others are going through....


Dh is the scoutmaster for our troop and the next three activities/ events which have already been planned and paid for are:


Overnight camping trip and hike at a national park which is currently closed


Overnight trip to stay on a WWII submarine that is currently available through the national maritime park service also currently closed.


Day trip to tour an aircraft carrier that retrieved the Apollo 11 capsule as well as participating in WWII.


Hopefully the shutdown will be short-lived.


Our thoughts are with those who are more dramatically impacted.


Amber in SJ





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That still doesn't answer my question. Just because someone expects you to work for free doesn't mean you have to.


So boss says, "I think you are essential, so come in tomorrow and you might or might not get back pay at some point for it,"


Employee says, "okay" or "I don't think so." And goes home.


Ideally all the employees decide this together and make a collective effort.


I would support that.


Of course the negative is they wouldn't have any work to be backpaid for either. Unless they were salaried.


Essential workers (like my neighbor the air traffic controller) are expected to show up for work--but who knows when they will get paid.


These people work for me (and you).  I find it unconscionable that we expect some of our government employees to work but cannot tell them when they will be paid.  How do you feed your family?


The furloughs have already taken their toll. 


I like to treat the people around me as the professionals they are.  Unfortunately members of Congress are playing politics instead of being politicians. Shame on them.



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That still doesn't answer my question. Just because someone expects you to work for free doesn't mean you have to.


So boss says, "I think you are essential, so come in tomorrow and you might or might not get back pay at some point for it,"


Employee says, "okay" or "I don't think so." And goes home.


Ideally all the employees decide this together and make a collective effort.


I would support that.


Of course the negative is they wouldn't have any work to be backpaid for either. Unless they were salaried.

Some jobs in the federal government are truly *essential* to keep our country running. Do you want all of our airports to shut down? The people who put out weather alerts-do you want them to endanger lives in order to make a point? This is not to mention a desire to keep their jobs once the shutdown is over. 

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Some of the offices that are open versus not have more to do with Appropriated Funds versus Non-Approproated Funds rather than by how essential they are. 




A non-appropriated fund is controlled by statute or other law rather than by the Legislature through the general or special appropriation process. A non-appropriated fund is controlled by the amount of cash that is in the fund and has continuous spending authority in that it does not require further legislative action. However, any disbursements from this fund must be for a valid public purpose and are subject to audit. Therefore, non-appropriated funds must be accounted for in the State Accounting System (AFIS). Non-appropriated funds include, but are not limited to, Federal Grants and Land Endowment Funds.
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He HAS to keep working? Or what?


Not being snarky, truly just asking bc I've read this from many people and unless they are in the middle of combat I figure tat can't quite be accurate or legal?

Yes, my DH is considered "essential".  I suppose he could stop working, but then he'd most likely be out of a job, and have to start looking for a new one.  Obviously, with the prospect of back pay once the shutdown ends, his position is better than those who simply lose their jobs outright with this shutdown.  It is still a precarious situation when we don't exactly know when he'll be paid next.  Grateful he still has a job, but still very worried.

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I will chime in. 


DH is 'non-essential', went in this morning to sign the paperwork and then came home.  

He wrote a letter to our Congressman and Senator (I hope he feels better now) and is now mowing the lawn. Yea. :huh:


This should be an interesting couple of days/weeks/whatever it will be.  I love having him here, but it is the *unknown* that worries me/us.  How long?? UGH.  :chillpill:

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I'd like to know why Congress is "essential." Every last member should be out of a job.

But then there'd be no constitutional way to resolve the problem.


I'll try to to get too political, but I am a bit sick of the supposedly bland sentiment that everyone is to blame or we should throw them all out. I would like to have congress men and women who do have some experience actually. Not that anyone lets me vote.

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Yeah, I know someone who was saying he has to go in if something goes wrong, but if he does and they review it later and say he shouldn't have gone in, he can face criminal charges. Whoa.

I have been to the Walters, but not in ages. Ditto the Baltimore zoo and the science museum and so forth. I think of Baltimore as DC counter-programming. Even all the zoo animals are the ones we don't have.

The American Visionary Arts Museum is super cool too and has a very cheap and very cool gift shop. The restaurant is amazing and cool, but NOT cheap and not for picky kids.

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I am hesitant to post because this is so minor compared to what others are going through....



Murphy's Law.  I hate that Murphy guy, and I'm sorry your scouts are feeling the hit of this, too.


Essential workers (like my neighbor the air traffic controller) are expected to show up for work--but who knows when they will get paid.


These people work for me (and you).  I find it unconscionable that we expect some of our government employees to work but cannot tell them when they will be paid.  How do you feed your family?


My ex-husband is ATC. He went to work today, and we'll just wait for the backpay. Again.


The last time this happened, it wasn't too bad - one mandatory furlough day per paycheck. The financial hit was spread out while we awaited backpay, he had an extra day off with the kids every other week, and I had a few unscheduled but much appreciated teacher in-service days.


Here's hoping we're as "fortunate" this time around. We know other families are in it way worse :(

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In DH's furlough letter it said that they were not allowed to "volunteer" their time to work. They can't come in until told to do so.


DH seems to think it won't last long and that we'll get paid after the fact. I hope he's right.


I know non-essential personnel are not allowed to volunteer. I'm not sure how you got that from my post. Maybe at the end where I said that *people come in to work* in which I meant essential personnel.

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He HAS to keep working? Or what?


Not being snarky, truly just asking bc I've read this from many people and unless they are in the middle of combat I figure tat can't quite be accurate or legal?

DD is a medic, and as such, essential/life-death, personnel. She can even be prevented from going home from shift for very long, extended periods of time...till the crisis passes as deemed necessary by the state. She is funded by the state and fortunately, this has never happened, but if it did, she can be compelled to work indefinitely and without breaks with no end in sight. The alternative is jail. It's like being drafted. You do what you are told, and you work when told, and you don't leave until your told. If you disobey, you're "AWOL" ir derelict of duty and they will catch you and place your butt in jail.


Most Americans do not understand this. On the other hand, when it comes to police, fire, and mobile medical response teams, your life may depend on these persons being at work regardless of the amazing jackassedness of elected bobble-heads, and the vast majority of citizens do not want to hear "Your house burned down", "Your loved one bleed to death inside the mangled car" because the government is acting like a spoiled toddler fighting over a favorite toy! So, that's one of the unfortunate downsides that civilian, essential personnel sign on for when they take the job.


Oh, and even doctors, nurses, lab techs, you name it can be locked into a hospital. It happened at Hurley Hospital in Flint a while ago and was perfectly legal. If memory serves, employees were locked in for 72 hours. Patients die when people walk off the job.

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My husband works with members of Congress and some of them truly are decent people. Unfortunately, I think we don't have enough of those types of politicians. It's a big game to so many of them, a game they play to get a lot of money for themselves and their friends.

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He HAS to keep working? Or what?


Not being snarky, truly just asking bc I've read this from many people and unless they are in the middle of combat I figure tat can't quite be accurate or legal?


Dh's leave was cancelled. If anyone in his agency takes even an hour of leave of any kind he/she is not allowed to come back to work.  There is a guy in another sector whose mother just died.  He has to decide to either work or attend her funeral.  There is a guy who works with dh with a wife that needs knee surgery to fix an injury over the weekend.  The wives are pitching in because he can't get off to take care of her.  Well, he could, but he would lose any chance of being paid after this thing is over.

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I'm curious if they managed to track down all of the backcountry hikers in the National Parks and such. 


Last time this happened, they were allowed to maintain a very light crews for law enforcement, search-and-rescue, and critical maintenance.  People with valid backcountry permits were allowed to finish their trips and leave the park, but no one was allowed in for new trips.  Law enforcement checked permits to make sure people didn't overstay.


I don't know what they're doing this time.

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Day one:  DH got his letter this morning and came home, joking about going to visit Mt. Rainier or St. Helens.  He's also retired military and we usually shop at the commissary so we went to stock up on some staples.  The line was wrapped around 3 walls nearly back to the entrance, wheeeeee.   Now he's hiding in his online game for the night, I don't blame him at all.


This has also been a good way to purge my Facebook of people who get my blood pressure up.

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