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So the big red (nickel sized) bump on my hand wasn't arthritis - TMI!


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After three weeks of telling curious folks that it was "just arthritis" there was a white pus pocket visible under the upper left side. 


Yup, I popped it. And it was green. And it kept coming, and coming and coming. 



I didn't get the core to come out because I didn't want to squeeze. I just pushed from one end of the pocket to the pinprick by the white part. But I pushed until it wasn't pus coming out. 


I've got it covered with bacitracin. Anything else I need to know? Do you think I got it all. 


It hurts like the dickens. But i'm relieved it wasn't a bot. :)) 


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When I got an infection in my finger last year the doctor told me to soak cotton balls in aluminium acetotrate solution and taping it to my finger. It will draw out the puss and kill icky stuff (and trust me my finger was icky. I would post a picture but I don't want anyones breakfast to return on them :D)


ETA: I also got antibiotics so I second the get ye to a doctor advice

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Since I am too poor to go to the Dr--- If it were me, I'd open it some more and burn it out with some hydrogen peroxide and keep it covered for a few days and keep an eye on it.   If it gets worse, or red starts to creep up or down your arm/hand- then I would see a Dr.


I really get tired of "finally" seeing a Dr. and being told it was curable at home.

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My hubby drains multiple abscesses every day at work. Here's some stuff your doc probably won't tell you but should if this is MRSA. You should consider taking mild bleach baths or using Hibiclens until you are sure you aren't colonizing this stuff. It can live on your counters, blankets, etc. for a long time. Definitely wash your bedding and towels thoroughly as well as anything else that you touch frequently. You can get a special antibiotic cream to use if you see it coming on again (not sure about the name). I think some docs prescribe it for nasal use as well since that is one place people colonize MRSA. I highly recommend using a really good probiotic, esp. if you are prescribed an antibiotic. The ones they give for MRSA can cause an overgrowth of C. Diff bacteria, and C. Diff can make you really ill too (sometimes months later). It's all very treatable, but it's really astonishing how often docs don't tell you what environmental things to do to keep it from coming back (or even tell you that it's MRSA). He sees people who come in that get it from co-workers all the time ("oh, everyone in my line of work gets these funny pus pockets..." "it's going around our construction crew..."). If you simply picked it up from touching a grocery cart while you had a cut on your hand, it's not as big of a deal, but it could be more pervasive than that.

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Since I am too poor to go to the Dr--- If it were me, I'd open it some more and burn it out with some hydrogen peroxide and keep it covered for a few days and keep an eye on it.   If it gets worse, or red starts to creep up or down your arm/hand- then I would see a Dr.


I really get tired of "finally" seeing a Dr. and being told it was curable at home.


Not to hijack the thread, but:


I have heard good things about a book called, Where There Is No Doctor. I haven't used it myself, but I hear that it is pretty widely respected by people who live in out of the way places.

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Since I am too poor to go to the Dr--- If it were me, I'd open it some more and burn it out with some hydrogen peroxide and keep it covered for a few days and keep an eye on it.   If it gets worse, or red starts to creep up or down your arm/hand- then I would see a Dr.


I really get tired of "finally" seeing a Dr. and being told it was curable at home.


I shall disagree.  Do not apply straight hydrogen peroxide to a wound.




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Yeah, DON'T use hydrogen peroxide for deep wounds.  I'd go to the doctor & have it tested for MRSA, and until the lab test came back I'd be soaking it in an epsom salt solution and the hottest water you can stand, as often as you can. Probably a minimum of every 2-3 hours I was awake, until the water gets cold.  Repeat for a full day after you can no longer feel the strange drawing sensation that is the feeling of infection being pulled out of the wound.  You may be able to feel the drawing clear up your arm.

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My hubby drains multiple abscesses every day at work. Here's some stuff your doc probably won't tell you but should if this is MRSA. You should consider taking mild bleach baths or using Hibiclens until you are sure you aren't colonizing this stuff. It can live on your counters, blankets, etc. for a long time. Definitely wash your bedding and towels thoroughly as well as anything else that you touch frequently. You can get a special antibiotic cream to use if you see it coming on again (not sure about the name). I think some docs prescribe it for nasal use as well since that is one place people colonize MRSA. I highly recommend using a really good probiotic, esp. if you are prescribed an antibiotic. The ones they give for MRSA can cause an overgrowth of C. Diff bacteria, and C. Diff can make you really ill too (sometimes months later). It's all very treatable, but it's really astonishing how often docs don't tell you what environmental things to do to keep it from coming back (or even tell you that it's MRSA). He sees people who come in that get it from co-workers all the time ("oh, everyone in my line of work gets these funny pus pockets..." "it's going around our construction crew..."). If you simply picked it up from touching a grocery cart while you had a cut on your hand, it's not as big of a deal, but it could be more pervasive than that.



It is used directly on the wound and is also used to swab nasal passages.  It is a prescription antibiotic ointment.  It was prescribed for my dd when she had a pretty extensive case of MRSA.  She was also prescribed an antibiotic.

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To have an infected pocket that size is not normal. To have it come out green is worse. And you said you didn't get it all out, either.


Get to a doctor IMMEDIATELY. Gangrene is a real danger, and/or blood poisoning or further, deeper infection. Get it checked out NOW.

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After three weeks of telling curious folks that it was "just arthritis" there was a white pus pocket visible under the upper left side. 


Yup, I popped it. And it was green. And it kept coming, and coming and coming. 



I didn't get the core to come out because I didn't want to squeeze. I just pushed from one end of the pocket to the pinprick by the white part. But I pushed until it wasn't pus coming out. 


I've got it covered with bacitracin. Anything else I need to know? Do you think I got it all. 


It hurts like the dickens. But i'm relieved it wasn't a bot. :)) 


Yes, go to the doctor.  It could be staph, MRSA, or some other infection.  You probably need antibiotics.  I wouldn't mess around with it.

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So, its healing. I did schedule an appointment but somehow the day got away from me and I had to cancel. I did soak, with epsom salts and it's looking better each day. 


I I hadn't thought about it being MRSA. Hmmmm, 


It is so much better though it feels kind of foolish to do the doctor thing when it's almost better. 


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Yep,see a doctor. And another vote for no on the peroxide. If it is MRSA or similar, things can go bad very quickly, even if you think you are ahead of it. I would draw a circle right now around the outside of the wound so you can monitor how large it is. I would still see a doctor, but draw that circle around it right now so you can track and give your doctor more info about how it is progressing, etc. when you are seen. It can get bad quickly when you have an infection that size or with a nasty pathogen, and it is nothing to play around with.

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