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Anyone else tweaking already?

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Just checking in... we've done 7 days of "school" and I'm already tweaking.  My dh says that my eyes were bigger than my schedule. :tongue_smilie:


I think part of my issue was that I was trying to blend AO (tweaked) with TWTM.  Oh, and we're doing 2 foreign languages.  But there's only so much time in the day, right?  But I've cut out almost half of the readings, and I've cut back on how often we're covering certain topics.  We're doing MCT, and somehow just that feels like a lot.  


Anyone else?


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I've been tweaking from day 1, since I can't find the maths book I planned to use with DD2. DD1 asked to switch back to WWS from Galore Park. And a wholesale tweaking in DD1's maths from discovering that the Elmwood Press books we used have already covered a fair chunk of the GCSE material.


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I'm tweaking the curriculum quite a bit already.  Adding more beef to Sonlight G with more historical non-fiction books and also reworking the schedule so my DS reads one or two books at a time and not four.  He would rather read a half of a book in a day than 1-2 chapters of three books each day.  It makes more sense to me that way, too, so we are making that change.


I also decided to put Latin off until we get used to working through the basic subjects of history, math, science and language arts.  It's our first year HS and the kids have been in PS until this year (6th and 8th grade).  I want to start slowly and pick up speed so we don't get overwhelmed and throw up our hands in defeat.


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We're tweaking a bit already, but we haven't dropped anything yet. We're just dropping the number or days a week for things. I added a lot of "little" supplements that I thought we'd do either 2 or 3 days a week. I've realized that we can't do everything that often. The basics we'll be doing 5 days a week, but anything that is purely supplemental will be either 1 or 2 days a week, depending on how much the supplement is needed.


Oh, and since my DS (8/2nd grade) loves Beast Academy, we're going to switch that to be his main math curriculum, which puts Math Mammoth into a supporting role. I just haven't figured out HOW to go about this yet.

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We haven't even started the new material yet and I'm already tweaking. I got a crazy good deal on history/English for NEXT year, and now I'm not sure I want to spend all of this year on Middle Ages, just to cover Ancients and Middle Ages again for 6th grade. And if we change, do I want to go through CHOW, or try to get through 3 volumes of SOTW (or 2 volumes of SOTW and leave Modern for 7th)? Ahh!  :willy_nilly: I had so many lovely books lined up for history this year, too. 

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hahaha....the media has been using the word twerking a lot lately and I wasnt sure if you were saying tweaking or twerking. 


But homeschooling makes me do all of the above... 


I enjoy it but then I am stressed as well. I think it would be less stressed if I were not affiliated with a charter school. 

The charter school is good in that we can afford the materials and since I am homeschooling my step daughters-it keeps everything "legal" in case the bio mom decides to start trouble which she does time to time but a nightmare because of having to be sure we are following standards, turn in learning samples, pe and special interest right ups...It is all a big PAIN. 

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We start tomorrow and I sit here already changing the schedule to accommodate the Logic class I'm teaching to a group one day a week...  :willy_nilly:

I might have to change it again once I find out when we're going to do horse back riding lessons.  :willy_nilly:  :eek:  :001_tt1:


The "real" tweaking will occur after I've actually tried out our materials this year & tried to teach four kids. Adding a kid into the mix, even with a gentle Kindergarten, is always a crazy feat.

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Alrighty, I think I need to jump on the tweaking (not the twerking) bandwagon. We are working on week 6.


At first I was concerned about grammar. We are using Holt's Elements of Language Introductory Course, and I didn't like that the book started with sentences, subjects and predicates, and then covered parts of speech, but now that we are past the sentence section and working on the parts of speech I feel better about it. Anyway, I think I will keep it.


However, history and science are something else. We are using a textbook for history. Doodle doesn't care for history and this is quick, but he isn't retaining the information. I need to do something. Doodle loves science, but he isn't enjoying Conceptual Physical Science or Story of Science like I thought he would and that makes me sad. I don't know what exactly to do, but this week I am definitely am going to dedicate some thought to it.



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Yes, but we're already 5 or 6 weeks in, and I knew that we would. We just finished up some things from last year that we hadn't quite gotten though. 


I have changed my goals. I have selected 1 major area per child that I want to work hard on, and cut out everything else to make room for that goal (plus math). From oldest to youngest: Writing, Reading, Letter sounds, and Big Boy undies. They are making huge progress in the selected areas, and we have a lot more time and less stress. 


I will add more stuff in later, but I want to hit the weak areas first, and then move on to more content. 

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Lol Strawberry Mama, just wanted to comment that my goals for my three kids this year, from oldest ds10 to youngest dd2, are Writing, Reading, and Big Girl Undies :)


I am starting today, but will resist the urge to tweak. I have thought long and hard and planned for this year and I'm going for commitment and vary my teaching style rather than materials. Will report back if I actually do end up tweaking something.

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This may not quite qualify as tweaking just yet, but we've begun our first week of studies and we're finding that R&S English 6 is *not* our favorite - to say the least.  I don't know if it's the seemingly drawn-out wordiness or what it is exactly that makes us... oh, I don't know... unenthused? (for lack of a better word at the present moment), but we're finding the first few chapters to be simplistic review after coming from FLL (1-4) and (some) MCT.  


However, what I do like about it, and two of the reasons I'm making us stick with it, is that... 1- the review is good for him, and 2- right now he completes a lesson rather quickly, as well as independently.  First, I glance through the lesson to make sure there isn't any new concepts, quickly give him an overview, and then set him to the task of completing the worksheet, wherein he may have to refer back to the text for further instructions or information.  


All that being said, since he completes his assignment so fast, and I'm still deciding on whether or not we'll continue with R&S, we immediately dive into a lesson from the sample ALL 1.  Oh, how I wish it was finished!  We definitely prefer it, but that'll only take us so far.  I still have MCT on the side, but I want a Christian perspective, hence R&S.  


PLEASE tell me that R&S is worthwhile... and that it gets better.



ETA (10/09/2013): R&S English 6 is proving its worth, so it's staying.  We're using a different writing program, so on the days that there is a writing lesson in R&S we just skim through it, possibly do a worksheet page (when applicable), and then move on to poetry with Poetry Primer.  That being said, I'm glad we have those extra "writing" discussions with R&S, even if we don't actually go through the motions of completing one of their "writing" assignments.

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*Sigh*  I have tweaked so much stuff already.  If I think about how much money I've wasted, I'll get REALLY tweaked!!  I learned within five lessons or so that Hake Grammar was not going to work for us.  So, I switched back to GWG (why in the world did I change what was already working??) and added in WWS.  Well, DS is not ready for WWS.  Of course.  So now that's on the shelf for next year, and I bought IEW's All Things Fun and Fascinating, which is going well.  And don't even get me started on science.  I HATE science!  I started with a great plan for The New Way Things Work, and that totally didn't work.  Then I figured we'd just use Spectrum Science since he's now going a weekly homeschool class at a local environmental center.  Well, Spectrum is not working out (he just does not get it for whatever reason).  So then I tried Plato Science.  Another bust (a very pricey waste, even with the HSBC price).  Now we're going to try Mr. Q's.  At least I already had that, so I won't be out any more money.  Ugh.  This year has been one tweak after another. 

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All that being said, since he completes his assignment so fast, and I'm still deciding on whether or not we'll continue with R&S, we immediately dive into a lesson from the sample ALL 1.  Oh, how I wish it was finished!  We definitely prefer it, but that'll only take us so far.  I still have MCT on the side, but I want a Christian perspective, hence R&S.  


The first part of the R&S English books is always review from previous years. Since it is developed for Mennonite schools it is assumed kids will need review after summer break. I bet you will find it much more challenging once you get past the beginning.

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Yes. I'm trying to deal with some underlying attitude issues with ds9 and I think a lot of it is due to his little sister (by 2.5 years) being very bright, reading better than him, and working about 1.5 years ahead, so I had been teaching them together. Therefore, I'm switching dd6 over to CLE for math (well, she still wants to keep doing her MM, too) and LA so that they will be on different tracks. It allows her to get her workbook fix (she loves them!) and work independently, and it also allows me to work one on one with ds more, which he needs and enjoys. Ds will also start using GWG, since baby brother is now taking much longer to go to sleep at naptime (and I sit with him until he's asleep), which is when we had been doing an extended LOE session. I will now be able to skip the grammar sections in LOE and hopefully we'll still complete the program this year.

I'm also ditching our current reading program after this unit (DITHOR) and switching everyone to CLE. This will give dd11 and I time to work through some of the WTM 6th grade reading list the TTC way.


Still loving our new Latin and Math choices for dd11!

This is actually an unusually small amount of tweaking for me. But, the even better news is that I think I have most of 7th grade (NEXT year) planned out. Haha!

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Not with curriculum so much yet, but definitely, with the schedule.  DD11 was starting in the afternoon, but I have realized that her brain dies by 3 o'clock and wanders off into space.  So she is now getting up with me in the morning, and starting at 9:00am.  The youngers still do afternoons and evenings so far.

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I'm not sure tweaking is a strong enough word for it, but yes. We started up this week, using my Option A, and while parts of it went very well, we all feel there is too much going on. Next week will be an experiment in Option B.


Sigh. At least I know math and language arts are working really well, so I feel we made good choices there!

Your Option B looks similar to our option A. Lol

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Major tweaking here. I have dumped my entire LA plans twice now.


What I settled on was Logic of English Essentials followed by IEW SWI-B, Logos School reading list and {hopefully} guides.


Not sure about vocabulary yet. We will see how GSWL goes. If we move to Latin Prep, I will not bother with a program.

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Tweaking our schedule but no material choices have changed.


I was not feeling well and got going two days late so I gave him an extra work load to catch up (great way to start off, right? You'd think I'd know better) and he did it in less than two hours. That includes meandering out to the couch where surfed online and looked at pictures of the serpent mound in Ohio.


I'm not sure if this means I should add more or not, honestly.


If I could tweak in a way that would have my son doing more independent work, that would be awesome, because he is going to be bouncing around between different caregivers a lot for the next four months... but this seems to be more of a personality and confidence issue.

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Yep, tweaking here too (I'd break something if I were twerking  :blink: ).  We started mid-August and while most things I've been able to stick with, I'm already changing some things for DS.  Primarily, it's because this is his first year home with me most of the time and not in a teacher-led co-op, so there's some adjustment to the curriculum we're using.  DD is finishing much faster than I anticipated, so naturally, I'm thinking of what to add to the day for her (but it feels like we already have a full schedule!).

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Happy to report at the end of week one that I am not tweaking (still afraid to google "twerking" :scared: ) any of the basics! Reading, writing, math, all happy over here (knock on wood)!


Now, the great weekend debate... actually stick to this schedule (with the exception that their Fridays are our Sundays) and use this list for literature, or go for option B? :blink:

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Oh man, if you really want to go  :eek: , just google tweaking!!!  You guys are making me giggle every time I click on this board.


See, for example:

Um, yeah Oregon is like the Meth capital so when I hear that word I go. :blink:  I try my best to avoid tweakers. :lol:

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Curriculum addiction?


I seem to have a good schedule going for DD's independent work, but we're still way off on the stuff she does with me.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  so that's why I start twitching if I go a few weeks without buying any new curriculum!


Seriously, yeah, I've made changes.  We've added in Jousting Armadillos into our PreAlgebra & Problem Solving Math Mash-Up.  So we have a math session each day which is mostly focused on practicing skills, and another session focused on problem-solving.  It's going really well, I think the math learning is way deeper this year, using this strategy.


My schedule is in a constant state of tweakiness, because I've added significantly more writing assignments to the schedule, and I'm trying to be sure not to double up on those.  So, coming up we have an artist report, a literary analysis, and a planet report, boom boom boom, along with daily note-taking for either science or history reading.  It is intense, but it was the step up we needed to do.


In addition, she's working through the Research section of WWS, which I am really, really not liking very much . . . again.  I just do not get these reading selections for a 5th grade writing curriculum.  Today she was reading and taking notes from a 1901 text on Julius Caesar that has got to be college-level reading.  So the tweaking with WWS is that I'm having to work with her on every lesson, pretty intensively, to translate it for her.  The skills being taught are solid, but the teaching itself is really confusing, and the content is just way over the head of most 10 and 11 year olds.  Sigh.


We haven't started all the stuff I had planned for English yet, we just haven't had a full week yet, so we've not yet made it through the full loop.  We'll get there though.  August was a month of interruptions and distractions, I feel like now with September here we'll be focusing more and having full school weeks.

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We haven't started all the stuff I had planned for English yet, we just haven't had a full week yet, so we've not yet made it through the full loop. We'll get there though. August was a month of interruptions and distractions, I feel like now with September here we'll be focusing more and having full school weeks.

We just started Write at Home composition and Derek Owens Alg2 this short week. Also, while you would think Sept would calm down there always seems to be a ton of stuff scheduled at the first of the year. This week we went the the Nashville Symphony' Dress Rehearsal for their Russian Spectacular and attending the Q&A with piano soloist Joyce Yang. This month we also have A Wrinkle in Time at the Nashville Children's Theater and a science lab at the Adventure Science Center. So, I have one full week at home in September. (But I have to say I am super excited/ fascinated about the field trip to A Wrinkle in Time. There are 91 of us going and I have never been on a field trip that large in all my years at home. Sure, field day is larger. Home school prom and graduation is larger, but a group that large from my area going to The children's theater?!? Never) :)


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Oh, yes. In fact I just ordered a shameful number of Galore Park and CGP books to try to encourage some independence, because I'm just not getting enough time in with the little kids. Math has been switched at least three times with the oldest two kids, already! Hopefully the books I ordered help. I'm also pretty close to dropping OM. It's too writing intensive, and underwhelming for the price I paid.

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We just tossed out WWS last week.  I don't know what I was thinking.  I had tried WWE a few years back and that didn't work well for my kids, either.  Wordsmith Apprentice arrived in the mail today, so we'll give that a try.  Also, 2 of my kids were giving me blank stares when I went over the Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking Company) lessons.  One of my kids "gets it", so I'll keep it for him.  I purchased Building Thinking Skills for the 2 who aren't quite ready for the Critical Thinking book.


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It canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t just be me who read the subject line as Ă¢â‚¬Å“anyone else twerking yet?"




Your title made me laugh.  I have tweaked every day since I started homeschooling 8 years ago.


Ruth in NZ



I don't think there is a single subject I don't tweak. I recently realized that I tweak so much that I don't even realize when I'm doing it. Tweaking is a way of life.


Which puts these posts in a whole new light. 

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We just tossed out WWS last week.  I don't know what I was thinking.  I had tried WWE a few years back and that didn't work well for my kids, either.  Wordsmith Apprentice arrived in the mail today, so we'll give that a try.  Also, 2 of my kids were giving me blank stares when I went over the Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking Company) lessons.  One of my kids "gets it", so I'll keep it for him.  I purchased Building Thinking Skills for the 2 who aren't quite ready for the Critical Thinking book.


Hah, I tossed WWS across the room on Monday morning!  I really, really, really hate the Research section.  My dd has the best attitude, but found the explanations in this section soooo confusing, and after looking at it closely, I don't blame her in the least.


So I'm going to teach this section myself - we have an artist report and a planet report all lined up, we'll see how I do, using WWS as a guide.


I almost cancelled my order of WWS2, but I look at the sample and it looks so much better . . . am I deluding myself???

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It canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t just be me who read the subject line as Ă¢â‚¬Å“anyone else twerking yet?"







Which puts these posts in a whole new light. 


That would make for some in-shape homeschool moms!  


(Now I'm off to the Immodest group... some of them might just be twerking daily)



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Ok, I feel a major tweak coming on - my dd is doing what was planned to be a short unit on the solar system as part of her physical science this year.  She's been reading The Planets by Dava Sobel, and watching some documentaries.  Well, after watching The Cosmos, she told me last night that she thinks she wants to be an astonomer!  :eek:   After we spent some time looking at the definitions this morning, she is leaning more towards cosmology or astrobiology, but still!!!!!  Some of you have noticed that I've been whining about teaching physics for awhile now, guess I gotta get my game on!!


This is my nature-loving, horse-loving dd who I have been thinking was more of a biology/gardening type . . . although of course I'm projecting!  :tongue_smilie: I'm not getting attached to the idea or anything, but I am surprised, because this is the first thing in about 2 years that has shaken her resolve to do "something to do with horses" when she grows up.  


The really funny part is that she said she wants to to astrobiological research part-time and have a horse farm on the side!  :lol: Clearly she has no idea what research or farming require, but I think it's a lovely dream!


So I've been reading up on what people have liked for astronomy studies, and we're going to try and beef that up some.  I have the Intelligo Astronomy unit that I got for free, and when I showed it to her she was really excited.  We'll see what else I turn up.  But science just went from "covered" to "more planning required!"   :rolleyes:

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I think with every year of homeschooling that goes by I get more and more confident about tossing stuff early on that isn't going to work!  In past years, I would try to hang on to something (even if it had "doomed" spelled across its forehead) in an effort to somehow make it work.  Now I can more clearly see what will ultimately be a failure and move on!  Fortunately, this year I've only needed to pitch Evan Moor Daily Science (it was only going to be a supplement, and I had only printed out a week or two worth from Teacher Filebox so I don't feel too terrible about it). 


WWS is also driving us bananas here, so this is in need of major tweaking!  DD13 and I are both strong writers, and neither one of us can stand the research chapters near the end.  So glad that I didn't start my rising 6th grader in it this year.  He is weak in language arts, so the latter part of WWS would send him jumping off a cliff!  DD wants to know why on earth they would make middle school kids do research from books from the early 1900s.  Going to take a page from Chrysalis Academy's playbook and just use WWS1 as a guide in our own research projects.  Makes so much sense - I have no idea why it didn't occur to me!  Still trying to decide if I should cancel my order for WWS2 - but then I would have to do major tweaking with her writing this year because I have no idea what I would replace it with!!! :willy_nilly:


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All right, it's been about two weeks of school now and here is what I'm tweaking.

-Living Books Curriculum, LBC 1 Teacher's Guide. I bought it to simplify my planning with dd6. Turns out that I use it loosely. Although she's not reading fluently yet, the program has her prereading and writing activities. She likes to write, and does copywork very well. I am using it as a framework, and I'm grateful for the ideas and auto pilot it puts me sometimes, but.. It turned out to be rather expensive if I use it just for that. Oh well, maybe when we start with more History it will get better.

-1st grade Math. I'm thinking of adding more Miquon, making it 2 times a week and MM 3 times a week. I printed out all of MM 1A (why, oh why did I do that?) and now feel obliged to finish it! She does well with it, but I anticipate just adding 1B topics and continuing with Miquon. She likes the discovery approach, but it is more work for me (figuring out the sheets first hehe). I'm also teaching a fifth grader and keeping a two-year-old safe.

-Schedule. I love my schedule. I did a good job planning, and it flows well. However, I did not write in Spelling and Vocabulary quizzes, or daily Math drills/reviews. As a result I have had to make on-the fly decisions as to where they go. I'm tweaking it ever-so-slightly with these this weekend.

-Ds10 needs so much hand-holding. He really does. I leave him alone and he makes a mess out of things. He understands things "creatively" or el makes sloppy mistakes. Or doesn't understand at all. As soon as I sit next to him and guide him, though, it all goes smoothly. This makes it feel like I have two first graders, except for the reading part. Ds is a very good reader. I am exhausted at the end of the day. Ds needs a lot of refocusing too, or he'll talk our heads off about any fantastical idea that pops in his head, which largely have nothing fo do with school (but get triggered by lesson subjects).

-I think I'm dropping Critical Thinking Press/Social Studies Gr. 5-12. Ds is not ready for the inference parts yet. He needs to build more knowledge, I guess. He has been reading so much in school time, but I don't know if he forgets much of what he reads. He even reads Calvin and Hobbes over and over again to remember (he loves C&H).
We'll try this next year until he can do it on his own. I have to work with dd using Mindbenders (she's new to it). She loves it so far.

I think that's it. Everything else is going well: BFSU 1 and 2 are both hits. Kids love science and are engaged. We're growing vegetables and tackling plant science. Ds is growing slowly in his writing. He types up Wordsmith Apprentice exercises. Although he initially thinks it's a lot, he does it without complaining. He likes reading Grammar-Land and completing the worksheets on Mondays foo. They both enjoy music (learning about the orchestra) and art. ILL is going really well.

Since I'm a CM homeschooler, I've been slowly ramping up the time we school per lesson. 35 minutes for ds10 is working out great. Dd6 is doing around 15 min. In Math and Copywork she does sometimes 20-25 min because she has more stamina and enjoys fhese lessons.

We just went on a field trip to the diving museum. It was fun. I see more field trips like this in our future.

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I think with every year of homeschooling that goes by I get more and more confident about tossing stuff early on that isn't going to work!  In past years, I would try to hang on to something (even if it had "doomed" spelled across its forehead) in an effort to somehow make it work.  Now I can more clearly see what will ultimately be a failure and move on!  Fortunately, this year I've only needed to pitch Evan Moor Daily Science (it was only going to be a supplement, and I had only printed out a week or two worth from Teacher Filebox so I don't feel too terrible about it). 


WWS is also driving us bananas here, so this is in need of major tweaking!  DD13 and I are both strong writers, and neither one of us can stand the research chapters near the end.  So glad that I didn't start my rising 6th grader in it this year.  He is weak in language arts, so the latter part of WWS would send him jumping off a cliff!  DD wants to know why on earth they would make middle school kids do research from books from the early 1900s.  Going to take a page from Chrysalis Academy's playbook and just use WWS1 as a guide in our own research projects.  Makes so much sense - I have no idea why it didn't occur to me!  Still trying to decide if I should cancel my order for WWS2 - but then I would have to do major tweaking with her writing this year because I have no idea what I would replace it with!!! :willy_nilly:


I hear ya!  In the same boat.

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Our basics - reading, writing, spelling, math, and now Latin - are still going really well. Ds12 loves. Write With the Best, and after some review with Math Mammoth is ready to jump back into Saxon. Dd10 adores her Saxon Math, and is making good progress with Reading Horizons. We added in GSWL this week, and it's a hit too!


We're ending up going interest led in science, and we're listening to a chapter a day from SOTW on audio book. Lots of reading aloud going on too. I am working on getting my Afternoon Basket going again!

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We have had some major changes and disruptions in the past year, so we are just starting over. We are not behind, we have only just begun. Except that we haven't. . . because I still need to come up with a plan. :ohmy:


It's really not as bad as it sounds. Of course, it may be worse than it sounds. Perspective is flighty some days. ;)


Scrapping the schedules we were trying to catch up on became too depressing. Letting them go made me realize we can do a total reboot of our plans. Maybe this is a good thing!


Oh rationalization, how I love thee! ;)




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We have had some major changes and disruptions in the past year, so we are just starting over. We are not behind, we have only just begun. Except that we haven't. . . because I still need to come up with a plan. :ohmy:


It's really not as bad as it sounds. Of course, it may be worse than it sounds. Perspective is flighty some days. ;)


Scrapping the schedules we were trying to catch up on became too depressing. Letting them go made me realize we can do a total reboot of our plans. Maybe this is a good thing!


Oh rationalization, how I love thee! ;)



Go you!!  We're finishing up MCT Voyage and we're bailing on WWS, so I'm in total reboot mode for English . . . on top of trying to figure out astrobiology.  I'm all  :huh:  :confused1:  :ohmy:  :eek: right now too!

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We dropped:

Abeka Basic Math 7 after lesson 40 or so.


We added:

We added Algebra 1 (Abeka and Teaching Textbooks - yeah we do both).


So did you go straight from Abeka Arithmetic 6 to Abeka Algebra 1? :just curious:   :blink:

We went from 6 to Pre-Algebra & it seems to be going well with my eldest.


. . . And, amazingly, other than scheduling snafus because I'm over-committed to activities-during-the-day, I haven't had to change anything yet.  :auto:

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