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So, if you have a headache so bad you can't think, . . .

Pick your pain relief  

  1. 1. Pick your pain relief

    • Chug that syrup, baby! Ooo! Bubblegum flavor!
    • Bring out the big guns. Just check the expiry date on the perc. first.
    • Suffer. Wait for dh to get home and send him out for a reasonable solution.
    • Other?

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. . . much less drive, but all you have in the house is Baby Tylenol and a certain Schedule II opioid analgesic medication, leftover from your last C-sect, which do you take?


Do you chug the syrup, and risk adding nausea to your symptoms, or do you pop the dope, and plan not to operate heavy machinery the rest of the day?

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Unmedicated, it's truly unbearable. But a couple of Tylenol usually bring it down to merely annoying territory. I think I have enough of the baby tylenol to get me to where I can drive later.


Perc. would make the headache disappear, but make me feel awful in other ways.


What to do, what to do?!



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Drink something super cold then plug your nose and chug away. That's what I taught my kids. Oh, and have a glass of water in hand to wash down the sludge. Wishing you headache relief~

PS... I've too have take bubblegum flavored med and lived through it.

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Big guns, baby. Big guns. I'd take a half dose, if you can split whatever the thing is - is it a capsule or a tablet. But that's me. I don't eff around when it comes to headaches.


Wait. I didn't check when you posted this. Is this old news? What did you do? I guess we'll know you opted for the big guns if your posts start looking all funny:


dhfas; iogwrw li !!!

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While packing for our upcoming trip to the g'parents, I found some children's tylenol in our travel bag! Yay! I can handle the little chewable things a lot better than the syrup. Hoo-rah!


Will definitely hit the drugstore on the way out of town, though. Maybe the ABD store, too. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


Holy Crap, the ABCCCCCC store, not the ABD store. You can't run to the store and purchase All But Dissertation status, more's the pity.

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The Tylenol plus serious caffeine, a decongestant and heat and/ or ice (whichever feels better) on my head (sometimes forehead, sometimes, sinuses, sometimes neck). A little wine.


Perc didn't affect my headaches - Zomig does.


Wine's a good idea in general, but not with tylenol. No tylenol with any amount of alcohol, not even for a hangover. Your still-intact liver will thank you. :001_smile:

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While packing for our upcoming trip to the g'parents, I found some children's tylenol in our travel bag! Yay! I can handle the little chewable things a lot better than the syrup. Hoo-rah!


Will definitely hit the drugstore on the way out of town, though. Maybe the ABD store, too. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


But don't drink til the tylenol is out of your system!


Feel better, Sarah Dahling.

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Tylenol plus caffeine--that's what got me through many, many dinner shifts!


Pam-o, am I allowed to mix alcohol with ibuprofen? I'll have a whole aisle of pain relief to choose from--I'm definitely not going with the one that interferes with my Grandparent Relations Maintenance Program.

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Well, I'm a bit late voting on this. But I do caffeine and Extra Strength Tylenol. Then in a couple of hours if it's still bothering me, I take some Ibuprofen as well.


I TRY to get away with just caffeine, but the bad ones need more!


Hope you're feeling better!!!



ETA: HA! You just mentioned that while I was typing mine! So....I'm no help! :) But I WILL pray that you feel better and the relationships are all hunky-dory!

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Tylenol plus caffeine--that's what got me through many, many dinner shifts!


Pam-o, am I allowed to mix alcohol with ibuprofen? I'll have a whole aisle of pain relief to choose from--I'm definitely not going with the one that interferes with my Grandparent Relations Maintenance Program.


It won't eat your liver to little shreddy shreds, if that's what you mean. But it's hard on your stomach, combining them. Buy the coated stuff. Space your, uh, remedies. :D

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Holy Crap, the ABCCCCCC store, not the ABD store. You can't run to the store and purchase All But Dissertation status, more's the pity.


I thought you had a good handle on the "AB" -- it's just the "D" you need to find a store for... That's just one letter, not three, so surely it should be easier to find?!?

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Perc. would make the headache disappear, but make me feel awful in other ways.


What to do, what to do?!




When I had perc for childbirth, the rx was for 2 tabs. I asked the nurse for 1/2 tab. It took away the pain without making me woozy and sleepy. So that's my suggestion - take 1/2 tab. I wouldn't worry about the exp date. Most meds are fine for a good while after the exp date. Besides, if it really is too old, it will just be ineffective, not unsafe.

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Since it's not a migraine, I'd go for the big guns. (And from the poll - what a bunch of pill poppers we are!!:lol:)


I'm sorry to hear of such an awful headache - I do get terrible migraines and if I don't get something in my body at the first sign of it, I'm done for the day. It's awful not feeling good.

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Here's a big hug for you :grouphug:


Well, another migraine sufferer her to comiserate with you.


If you don't get too loopy, I'd take the big gun and get rid of it. If you can't function with the pain, your not going to be much help anyway, right? Plus, if the med is past the date, it's not going to be like a full dose anyway; they usually aren't as strong.


Can your 10yo help out with the 1yo while you rest for a bit? Maybe put on a video while you lay on the couch?


Hope you feel better soon!

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Take the dope. You may want to start with half and work you way up to the other half if it hasn't subsided within 45 minutes. I say 45 minutes because if you have food in your stomach it may take that long to get into your blood stream. If you haven't eaten, take the other half in 20 minutes, tops.

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Baby tylenol is still tylenol. That other stuff, well, if it were me, the side effects are almost worse than a migraine. And I wouldn't be capable of caring for my kids.


Am I the only one who thinks the side effects are half the fun?



The pain is gone, you feel a bit spacey, and then you take a nice nap.



Of course my youngest is 8 years old so I can afford to be spacey and take a nice nap. Five years ago I would not be so eager to raid the prescription box looking for leftovers.

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Am I the only one who thinks the side effects are half the fun?


The pain is gone, you feel a bit spacey, and then you take a nice nap.


lol! If that was how I felt on that stuff, maybe I'd agree. ;) But I itch like crazy, my body twitches like mad, and I'm sooo sleepy and out of it. Imagine being nicely spacy and sleepy, only to have your body jerk wildly every time you were just about to fall asleep. And itching like crazy. Oh, and the dizziness... I have to be in a *lot* of pain to find narcotics worthwhile.

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Am I the only one who thinks the side effects are half the fun?


The pain is gone, you feel a bit spacey, and then you take a nice nap.




Stadol - yes. I wanted some of that to take home from the hospital with me. My dh laughed and laughed at me, because I have never done drugs in my life, but when given stadol, I said now I can understand why people get addicted. I never fell asleep but I sure did feel good. :D


Percocet only makes me sleepy. If I take a small dose, it's perfect because it takes away the pain with no side effects whatsoever, not even the sleepiness.


Codeine - no, I don't like feeling like my head is stuffed with cotton. I'd rather be sick than take that stuff.

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Stadol - yes. I wanted some of that to take home from the hospital with me. My dh laughed and laughed at me, because I have never done drugs in my life, but when given stadol, I said now I can understand why people get addicted. I never fell asleep but I sure did feel good. :D
They gave Stadol to my siser with her last baby. It scared her to death---she hated it!


They gave it to me with my last baby and I was so glad they did! The "swirls" were interesting at first, but it really took the edge way off, and I was happy! :D

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I am writing this on Demerol and phenergan because of a migraine. I don't play with headaches anymore. They debilitate me. but I have to have bad pain or the medicine will make me woozy. If you have bad enough pain the effects of the medicine are minor and almost not noticeable. So if it isn't a migraine don't use the big guns. Do the Tylenol.

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. . . much less drive, but all you have in the house is Baby Tylenol and a certain Schedule II opioid analgesic medication, leftover from your last C-sect, which do you take?


Do you chug the syrup, and risk adding nausea to your symptoms, or do you pop the dope, and plan not to operate heavy machinery the rest of the day?



I'm not voting. . .though I guess I would have said other.


I would call DH at work and tell him to stop en route home.


I'd also start drinking water. A number of my headaches are dehydration related. (Or sinus related, and I learned that lesson years ago, so I'm never without meds now.)

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