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Anyone ever refused an induction while pregnant?


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I didn't let them break my water with any of my children. It is the only cushion that helps baby not to get too much pressure and helps mama too as a cushion. I can't imagine my fist child (from pitocin to birth almost 48 hrs with no pain meds) If the water would have been broken I would have ended in a C section I think.


I've had to have two inductions by breaking water because of complications that required getting the baby out fast (cholestasis). Luckily, they turned out to be eventful, unmedicated births, but man did I enjoy the third time around so much better with my water in tact. That cushioning really does make a difference! And the fourth time? Even better... It's also possible to go through an entire labor and delivery without an internal exam or having any clue how dilated you are.


OP, I hope you'll cancel or reschedule in the morning. Do what you can to make this easier on yourself.

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No my midwife was distinctly unhappy with the obstetrician scheduling an induction at 10 days after because she thought I shouldn't be induced due to my c-section scar. I went into labour at 41 weeks so it didn't become an issue. With the first my waters broke at 38.5 weeks, the tried to ripen my cervix for 3 days then offered me a drip that probably wouldn't work with a far from ready cervix and an U engaged baby or a c-section. I was examined at 6 days over to check my cervix actually knew how to ripen but then not until labour.

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What good is an internal exam even if I'm past due?  I'm refusing it because he stripped my membranes without permission at 38 weeks the last time he performed one.  I don't trust him not to do it again since he tried to tell me it was "routine."   I had my membranes stripped THREE time with #2 and he STILL went to 10 days past my EDD.  The last stripping was 3 days prior to his delivery, so they didn't do anything for me but make me crampy and more uncomfortable. :/ 



Your right, they don't need to check you ever. How many of us walk around for weeks slightly dilated? :laugh:  It doesn't change anything unless you want your membranes stripped. It doesn't work for a lot of people anyway, but it did for me :) But who knows, maybe I would have had the baby the next day anyway!

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Your right, they don't need to check you ever. How many of us walk around for weeks slightly dilated? :laugh: It doesn't change anything unless you want your membranes stripped. It doesn't work for a lot of people anyway, but it did for me :) But who knows, maybe I would have had the baby the next day anyway!

Yeah, for repeat moms, being a little dilated for a while is common. The only person who did any cervical checks on me for my last three pregnancies and labors was. . . me. I pushed when my body wanted to push. By my own check, I was 1-2 cm dilated for a long time, but I went from 1-2 cm to bulging bag of water/bloody show/several cm in half an hour to holding my baby in 45 more minutes. A check at 40 weeks would have told me nothing. (And as for water breaking, the last three times, it's been the water breaking on its own 15-20 minutes prior to birth that has dropped the baby enough to do the last little bit of dilating. Would definitely not want to do that too early and risk cord prolapse, not without a really good medical reason.)


I hope Dustybug is holding her sweet baby right now!

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I'm still here. :)  41 weeks today.  I did keep my appt., just to ease DH's mind.  It went surprisingly well!   I didn't even HAVE to have a discussion.  The dr. came in and said, "Did the nurse tell you what mw and I have been talking of doing?"  

I said, "No." 
Then he told me that they'd been discussing what to do so that I could have what I want (try to avoid induction) and to have what they want (not go too far past).  So he said that he was going to send me for an u/s today and if everything looked good, then he'd schedule me an NST at the hospital on Sat.  and since Monday was Labor Day and the hospital wouldn't schedule any procedures, we'd wait to schedule an induction until Tuesday.  That would put me at one day short of 42 weeks (which is when I wanted to wait until anyway).   U/S looked great.  Tech said that my fluid was a little up, but that since baby was moving around just fine, it wasn't anything to be concerned about.  So, I have to go Sat. for the NST.   I was so relieved. So now I'm just hoping the little guy decides to come before Tues! 

My longest over so far was 41 weeks, 3 days, so we will see! 
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So tomorrow is induction day. Baby is still not here (12 days past now). I am going to call later to make sure they know that I will not consent to cytotec (which is what my dr. wants to use). I'm rather disappointed that baby has not made his appearance. :/

Still got almost 24 hours!


(((Hugs))) sending good thoughts

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So tomorrow is induction day.  Baby is still not here (12 days past now).  I am going to call later to make sure they know that I will not consent to cytotec (which is what my dr. wants to use).  I'm rather disappointed that baby has not made his appearance. :/


Have you tried any of the more natural methods to try to kick-start labor? Red Rasberry Leaf tea helps I think, as does n*pple stimulation. And of course a little tea-time with hubby too. Lots of walking / working - many a grandma in my family had labor start after doing a huge washing day {back when washing laundry was a all day hard work process}.


At this point I'd be trying anything I could.


Hope you are holding your little one soon!

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Have you tried any of the more natural methods to try to kick-start labor? Red Rasberry Leaf tea helps I think, as does n*pple stimulation. And of course a little tea-time with hubby too. Lots of walking / working - many a grandma in my family had labor start after doing a huge washing day {back when washing laundry was a all day hard work process}.


At this point I'd be trying anything I could.


Hope you are holding your little one soon!

I did all those including going up and down our stairs.

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So tomorrow is induction day.  Baby is still not here (12 days past now).  I am going to call later to make sure they know that I will not consent to cytotec (which is what my dr. wants to use).  I'm rather disappointed that baby has not made his appearance. :/

I hope your labor goes well. Just curious, why no cytotec? That worked very well for both of my dd's and I didn't need any pit, which I was happy about. I'm sure there is some research I missed here. ;)

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I could be wrong, but isn't cytotec for cervical ripening is actually an off-label use? (Meaning, doesn't it have some other use?) It is quite commonly used but there are qualms out there about it's safety. Maybe someone else knows. I vote for tea-time with hubby. That was always my favorite induction method. lol. I think taking castor oil is another one, but it does have an icky side effect :glare:  The night isn't over yet!

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I could be wrong, but isn't cytotec for cervical ripening is actually an off-label use? (Meaning, doesn't it have some other use?) It is quite commonly used but there are qualms out there about it's safety. Maybe someone else knows. I vote for tea-time with hubby. That was always my favorite induction method. lol. I think taking castor oil is another one, but it does have an icky side effect :glare:  The night isn't over yet!

Yes it is an off label use, but it works well for some people. That is all it took to put me into labor with my girls. Don't get me started on the castor oil or any other supposed way to start labor. I tried everything with oldest ds and still had to be induced at 42 weeks. I was 5 cm when I got there and still not in active labor thus no cytotec for that one. Hopefully Dusty is either in labor or resting today. :)

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Cytotec has been scientifically proven to be extremely risk when used to induce labor. Deaths have occurred. Google it. It is also off label. Even the maker specifically states to NOT use it for labor. Saying you were fine when it was used is the same as saying you smoked and it was fine, except we're talking more immediate life and death.

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Cytotec has been scientifically proven to be extremely risk when used to induce labor. Deaths have occurred. Google it. It is also off label. Even the maker specifically states to NOT use it for labor. Saying you were fine when it was used is the same as saying you smoked and it was fine, except we're talking more immediate life and death.

Interesting. I had never heard anything like that before using it. I know a lot of people who have and none with side effects that I'm aware of. I would never want someone to base their personal health decisions on my opinion or experience. ;)

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Cytotec has been scientifically proven to be extremely risk when used to induce labor. Deaths have occurred. Google it. It is also off label. Even the maker specifically states to NOT use it for labor. Saying you were fine when it was used is the same as saying you smoked and it was fine, except we're talking more immediate life and death.


I understand that this drug is controversial. And I was not implying that because I was fine, everyone else would be.


But I was at a major hospital, under the care of a team of highly trained and experienced Midwives. I personally trusted their opinions and was completely comfortable using it, even after doing my own research. 

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists holds that substantial evidence supports the use of misoprostol for induction of labor, a position it reaffirmed in 2000 in response to the Searle letter.[10] Misoprostol is also on the WHO essential drug list for labor induction.[11]


I hope the OP goes into labor naturally and best wishes on the joys of newbornhood.

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FDA ALERT – Risks of Use in Labor and Delivery


This Patient Information Sheet is for pregnant women who may receive misoprostol to soften their cervix or induce contractions to begin labor. Misoprostol is sometimes used to decrease blood loss after delivery of a baby. These uses are not approved by the FDA. No company has sent the FDA scientific proof that misoprostol is safe and effective for these uses.


There can be serious side effects, including a torn uterus (womb), when misoprostol is used for labor and delivery. A torn uterus may result in severe bleeding, having the uterus removed (hysterectomy), and death of the mother or baby. These side effects are more likely in women who have had previous uterine surgery, a previous Cesarean delivery (C-section), or several previous births.


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He came! He came!  I went walking yesterday with DH and started having sharp painful contractions.  We headed to the hospital to be checked and I was only 2cm.  They were going to send me home after some observation, but my water ended up breaking.  Our little boy came last night at 9:44.  He weighed 9lbs 11oz!  My biggest baby yet. :)  We are so happy. NO induction!

I didn't want to use cytotec because I was induced with it with #1 and believe it was the major contributor to my rather horrible experience there.  Didn't mean to start a debate about it.


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice and for helping me talk this all out!


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He came! He came!  I went walking yesterday with DH and started having sharp painful contractions.  We headed to the hospital to be checked and I was only 2cm.  They were going to send me home after some observation, but my water ended up breaking.  Our little boy came last night at 9:44.  He weighed 9lbs 11oz!  My biggest baby yet. :)  We are so happy. NO induction!

I didn't want to use cytotec because I was induced with it with #1 and believe it was the major contributor to my rather horrible experience there.  Didn't mean to start a debate about it.


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice and for helping me talk this all out!


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He came! He came! I went walking yesterday with DH and started having sharp painful contractions. We headed to the hospital to be checked and I was only 2cm. They were going to send me home after some observation, but my water ended up breaking. Our little boy came last night at 9:44. He weighed 9lbs 11oz! My biggest baby yet. :) We are so happy. NO induction!

I didn't want to use cytotec because I was induced with it with #1 and believe it was the major contributor to my rather horrible experience there. Didn't mean to start a debate about it.


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice and for helping me talk this all out!



YAY! How wonderful!


I had a feeling he was coming when you didn't come back.


Enjoy your wonderful littlebig boy!

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He came! He came!  I went walking yesterday with DH and started having sharp painful contractions.  We headed to the hospital to be checked and I was only 2cm.  They were going to send me home after some observation, but my water ended up breaking.  Our little boy came last night at 9:44.  He weighed 9lbs 11oz!  My biggest baby yet. :)  We are so happy. NO induction!

I didn't want to use cytotec because I was induced with it with #1 and believe it was the major contributor to my rather horrible experience there.  Didn't mean to start a debate about it.


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice and for helping me talk this all out!



Congratulations!!!  Great news!!

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