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Say you discovered fifteen cucumbers in the garden.....


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And you loved cucumbers, but you needed to eat them all soon because there are many tiny cucumbers on the vine turning into big cucumbers....


What would you make? Recipes/directions, please! :)


These are not pickling cucumbers, and I don't want to can anything, so we've got to eat them all. Fortunately, we all like cucumbers. I've set aside a couple to slice for sandwiches.



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I love cucumbers too. My recent favorite salad combines cucumber, quinoa, dried cranberries, spinach, feta cheese, artichoke hearts, slivered almonds, and a splash of balsamic vinegar. I also love pickled cucumbers with onions. I think the only ingredients are cucumbers, thinly sliced onions, vinegar, sugar, and water. I don't know the quantities though. I just go by instinct...

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Freezer Pickles


4 pounds cucumbers thinly sliced (I usually peel about 1/2 of the peel off but that is optional)===I usually do more cucumbers and less onions

8 cups thinly sliced onions (again I usually do less onions and more cucumbers)

1/4 cup salt

3/4 cup water


Put cucumbers and onions in a very large bowl.  Sprinkle with salt.  Add water.  Stir to mix well.  Let sit on the counter for 2 hours.



4 cups sugar

2 cups apple cider vinegar (the real stuff is best)


Stir until sugar dissolves.


Pack in 1 pint freezer containers (or freezer zip lock bags).


We often eat at least part of these before they ever make it to the freezer :-)

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We grew up eating cucumbers sliced into a vinaigrette ....white vinegar, sugar, salt, a bit of oil. Sweet and sour. We all still love that recipe.


This is sort of how we do it, but we add mayo or miracle whip instead of oil.  We add enough sugar to take away the vinegary taste a little, and put onions in as well.  We make up a batch and the next day after it has soaked in it it taste even better.

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The little ones I love to eat fresh!  Otherwise, I like to slice cucumbers and make this Asian marinated salad:  http://www.foodiewithfamily.com/2012/05/03/asian-marinated-cucumber-salad/


I started with this one at dinner tonight, and it's mostly gone. That's three down, twelve to go! I can't wait to try all of these ideas. I will slowly work my way down the list. Yummy!


Thank you so much! (And keep the ideas coming, I've got lots more cukes coming on!)



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I had some yummy water at a restaurant that was infused with cucumbers, lemon, and mint. It was so refreshing.


Thank you for posting this! We had guests and it was our exchange students' last dinner, so I wanted things to be a little bit special. I made cucumber-lemon water and threw in some frozen strawberries as ice cubes at the last minute. It was delicious. I had to refill the pitcher twice. Next time I'll "steal" a little mint from the neighbor's yard (she won't mind :D ) and try it with mint. Perfect for a warm summer evening.


I sliced the rest of that cucumber onto our dinner salad, along with some carrots and yummy tomatoes. I also sliced and ate one for lunch, so that's two more down. ;)



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