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Alright, ladies, bring it on--I've got 16 hrs--

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A friend gave me a book on natural childbirth. I had had two c-sections and wanted a natural childbirth..

I was so shocked I couldn't believe what I was reading.

S*x during labor!

I was wondering the same Aubrey was...who volunteers to study for this book!

they didn't call it labor or contractions..it was "flashing" or "flushing" , my brain won't let me remember!

I did have 2 natural labors and deliveries after the c-sections, but I did not contribute to any further editions of that said book.


4th baby. Up all night Monday with contractions. DH took care of the older 3 kiddoes and I slept. 7pm Tuesday. DH is running a 102 temp. Took him to the Med Center..acute flu. Take him home and put him to bed. But Dr.?? I am probalby going to have this baby tonight.

He felt sorry for me, but your DH is sick.

GOt home about 9-pm. 19 month old is crying..he has the same said acute flu.

I got him to bed and IMMEDIately contractions started.


About midnight I told DH we had to go to the hospital.

He was way less than enthused!


But DD#4 made a very prompt arrival and DH was back home in bed by 2AM!

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Gee, Jessica, we must have been downing the same cocktail at the same time. I induced my summer-born 8yo with castor oil, too. Only I DID get sick, so sick that I was weak in the knees as I went into labor. My whole body was contracting violently all day long and I was chained to the toilet. I finally gave up after the third dose of castor oil, and it was a good thing I did, because otherwise I wouldn't have had the strength to have the child. I was able to eat supper after a couple of hours off the castor oil, then we went to a Tibetan monks concert. Labor started there. I will never forget having contractions in time with

. Sitting there for hours, I regained my ability to use my legs, and it was a good thing, because I delivered after twelve hours of active labor, all standing. But had it not been my first, and I had not therefore had a long time to recover from the shakiness that the castor oil left me with, it would have been a disaster.


Aubrey, maybe you should try finding your nearest Buddhist temple and having them chant for you.


Tea-wise, cohosh will work, but be sure to understand what it does before you try it.

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This brought labor on for three of our babies! Within an hour I was in labor. Just "sex" doesn't work -- mama's gotta have a goooood time, lol.


LOL! So you're getting the picture right Aubrey? It doesn't *have* to be s-e-x. There are other ways ya know.....;)



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Yep! The orgasm thing works. Lots of them!:D Started labor with my son in a couple of hours. Of course he being almost 10 lbs meant I could not push the little sucker out after 3 hrs of pushing.:glare: So I had a C-section. A complicated labor and delivery at that. Needless to say my daughter was a scheduled C-section so I can't tell you if the orgasm thing worked for her. A ladies got to stock up for the dry season ahead.:):001_smile::D

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This brought labor on for three of our babies! Within an hour I was in labor. Just "sex" doesn't work -- mama's gotta have a goooood time, lol.


Yeah, but, I'm always so sleepy afterward - I can't imagine then going and giving birth! :svengo:

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A lot of walking and some spicy popcorn chicken did it with my youngest. The other 2 were 3.5 weeks and 11 days early respectively. Little man was 6 days early, which was as late as I was willing to be.


I wouldn't do the castor oil thing....I have this irrational (?) fear of having diarrhea and/or vomiting during labor. Saw it with my sister; no thanks.

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Seeing an old boyfriend. :D


Seriously, she'd been trying all the suggestions listed below, except castor oil...she couldn't find any in the stores...all sold out for some reason...and nothing worked. Then an old boyfriend called her out of the blue.


They met on Monday to talk about old times. Tuesday morning at 4:15, her water broke...on said ex-boyfriend's birthday! It was quite ironic.


Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out as a weird suggestion. Good luck and hope all goes as planned.

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My #4 (who was almost 2 weeks early) came after I had ripped everything out of my closet... emptied my dresser to move it.... and on the hottest day of the year... My dh walked in from work and wanted to know WTH I was doing ripping our bedroom apart. I had to pee, lol... sat down and gush, my water broke...:glare: I looked at dh told him my water broke... what a mess. I called my midwife and arranged to have the baby at her place because I had effectively erased all sense of peace and order in my home. She has a water jet tub and so it was great. Baby out in 2 hours! My sister and dh had piled my chaos in corners and I just had to deal with it later.


IMO babies never come when we want them to!:glare:

Now that I think about it # 3 came after a really long day of cleaning.....

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...there are a number of women here who volunteered quite willingly to be "subjects" for this research project. :D

It didn't work for me, sigh! Well, I mean....it did work.....but it didn't cause labor. And I was 10 days overdue. And we really tried!! ;)

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Well every single one of my kids were late. The earliest I have gone is 9 days over and I tried everything I could. Praying you have your baby today, but in the meantime relax and pamper yourself. :grouphug:


Yup, we tried everything too! Induction was the only thing that worked for me. I'm pretty sure my babies never would have come out on their own.

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Just thought I'd give my suggestions.


Dehydration brings on early labor and seems to be a common result of some of the other strategies like biking and walking long distances. If you are inclined to drink lots of fluids then maybe you can cut back. I wouldn't suggest going without for the day but maybe just not gulping it back.


Fresh pineapple is suppose to be good if you have a not so confident start on labor. Perhaps you could pick some up on your way home from the mall!


Red raspberry leaf tea will bring on Brackston Hicks that can lead to labor. It is tasty too.


I hope you get that baby born soon. How exciting for you. Almost there! (or here as the case maybe!)

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Dehydration brings on early labor and seems to be a common result of some of the other strategies like biking and walking long distances. If you are inclined to drink lots of fluids then maybe you can cut back. I wouldn't suggest going without for the day but maybe just not gulping it back.


You are correct, but, contractions brought on because of dehydration will usually stop with an intake of fluids. I never though about dehydration being a result of exersize. Very interesting. Of course I wouldn't want to go through labor dehydrated.

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When our last dd was born, and I was hugely pregnant, I broke down and bawled for about 30 minutes, crying, "This is so stupid! This is so stupid!" I couldn't believe I was so huge, and thought I would explode if I went on any more. Also, we really needed a tax deduction that year, and dd was due January 2. The date was December 29. Four hours later I was in labor. :)


(P.S. I really would have loved dd either way, but it sure helped that she came in December rather than January!)

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I think I'd go for the foot massage. I've heard from docs, chiropractors and massage therapists that this actually does work. And if it doesn't?? You've had an hour to rest before your world changes again. Actually, I'd probably go for the foot massage bookended by the n**ple stimulation for good measure. Won't require much from you and may give you a baby on 8/8/08.


I wanted my youngest to be born on 3/3/03, but she came on 3/6/03 instead. Not the same, but it's OK.


So, in the meantime, know my thoughts and prayers are will you. I don't post much, but I do a lot of reading here....so I feel like I know you. I WOKE UP thinking about you today. How wierd is that!


Anyway, I'll be watching the boards for the arrival of your precious baby!


Come on out, Little One! All of your WTM aunties and uncles are looking forward to meeting you!

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I'm with Mindy. I tried running (as much as a 9month pregnant woman can run) down a hill, and jogging and walking and s*x, and castor oil (I made a rootbeer float with the castor oil in it so it was palatable. Did that twice. Barely did anything. :( )and everything everyone suggested. NOTHING! I wanted mine on 9/3/93, but he wasn't born until the 23rd! And by then he was over 10 pounds and I wasn't sleeping and they had to induce or I couldn't have made it through labor!


So, not sure what to tell ya. But I'll be praying, praying, praying!!!

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Mexican food for lunch.


Walking the mall & running people over who think I will stop for them to cross in front of me or who think they can walk down the left side of the aisle instead of the right. I mean, really. Do I *look* like somebody who would stop????


I'm pretty sure I'm having triplets. (I happened past a mirror.)


Couldn't bring myself to open Door Number One for *ahem* utilitarian purposes. Too awkard.







Except swollen ankles.


And good sales at Sears.


And...possibly heartburn. But that's pretty much a daily thing anyway.


Six hours to go. No baby. No contractions. Feeling kind-of sad.


Otoh, my mom called. Clay Aiken is at her work today. (?????) He had a baby this AM at 8:08. Suddenly...the luster of the date is...gone. I'm not so into celebrity... anything.


On the upside, I did finish ds7's dino quilt.







It looks AWFUL. But, as he pointed out after arguing w/ me, it's not FOR *you,* Mama. And *I* LIKE it.


He got ice cream this afternoon. :001_smile:

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Otoh, my mom called. Clay Aiken is at her work today. (?????) He had a baby this AM at 8:08. Suddenly...the luster of the date is...gone. I'm not so into celebrity... anything.





Well, maybe tomorrow, then. :001_smile:

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Well, I failed to have a baby on 9/9/99, so clearly I know *nothing*. ;) (Little wretch came on the 13th -- where's the fun in that?!? Except the occasional Friday the 13th birthday. hmph.)



We missed 5/5/05, and he came on Friday the 13th at 7:15 am. (I was supposed to be induced at 7 am!!):lol:


Hoping you go quickly!!:001_smile:

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Well...these *could* be contractions, but...since they're only 2 min apart, I'm thinking no.


The one time I went from absolutely. nothing. to contractions, they were HARD, my water broke immediately, & *still* they started about 5min apt.


So I'm thinking I just need to go do something else so whatever-it-is will stop. (Dc & I are finishing SOTW 2 right now.)

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Okay, it's been a whole 30 minutes since you posted last. I NEED AN UPDATE! How are those "things" that are 2 minutes apart? Anything happening? You can get in a car and keep driving west to give you more chance of the baby being born on the 8th! :D

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Okay, it's been a whole 30 minutes since you posted last. I NEED AN UPDATE! How are those "things" that are 2 minutes apart? Anything happening? You can get in a car and keep driving west to give you more chance of the baby being born on the 8th! :D


Yeah yeah, do that! :lol:

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Okay, it's been a whole 30 minutes since you posted last. I NEED AN UPDATE! How are those "things" that are 2 minutes apart? Anything happening? You can get in a car and keep driving west to give you more chance of the baby being born on the 8th! :D


Well...nothing consistent, nothing strong...but dh is finally home, thank goodness, & we've finished 2nd g, so we're officially "ready," lol. (Although if he hadn't gotten home & something had happened, I'm pretty sure I would have told you guys before him or mw. Because I'm less concerned about a false alarm here, ya know?)


I like the idea of driving west for the date, though--I hadn't thought of that. How fast would we have to drive??? :auto: If I could get to the pt that it's *really* happening, that might not be nec...dd5 was born in 19 min.


We have a tradition of cheating at Skip-Bo while watching Ever After the night before. Dh is turning on the movie, & I'm singing, "Happy Birthday."




That'll work eventually, right? :lol:

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Okay, it's been a whole 30 minutes since you posted last. I NEED AN UPDATE! How are those "things" that are 2 minutes apart? Anything happening? You can get in a car and keep driving west to give you more chance of the baby being born on the 8th! :D



LOL. See this is why homebirths are encouraged here ;) we like to keep tabs on birthing mothers THROUGHOUT labor! :D


Good luck, Aubrey! I hope to wake to exciting news!

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