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What did you NOT get done this summer that you had hoped to accomplish?


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I got most everything that I had planned completed this summer.


I wish I'd been able to write more on my book.  I did get started though, and I almost constantly have ideas running through my head.


I had planned on painting all the trim in the house. HA! I couldn't bear the thought of taping everything off, so my trim still looks terrible. Oh, well!

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We still need to finish chemistry, I still need to finish reading a book about Rome to my son, and they have some more Daily Grams to finish and daily math review.


I still need to sew a curtain for the play room closet.  And, get stuff ready for next year.  Oh, and I have boxes of books to sell.


My priorities have been exercise, healthy eating and genealogy.

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Well, I've cleaned. So that is done although I had no thought to doing such a huge cleaning in the summer heat. We didn't have the money to rent a tractor and bush-hog to cut the grass out on the homestead. I would have liked to have been able to go to the pool more, but it has rained an awful lot.

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Nothing - or do I mean Everything?  How do I say that I haven't gotten anything done?  We're not done with last year's school.  I haven't planned next year's school.  The bathroom that I started to paint at Christmas break still isn't done.  I could go on and on. . .     Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming. . . 

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Not enough bandwidth to list :P


Actually, we've done some fun things. Gotten some major pegs in place. But I still see things all around me that need doing. Maybe if I think on this question again around Labor Day, I'll feel like more has been accomplished.


I'm looking forward to settling back into our routine. This summer has been off the charts erratic.

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I had planned to continue schooling through the summer.  Didn't happen.  I also had a long list of home improvement projects I wanted to work on.  Some got done, but not everything.


But, there's a lot that was accomplished.  And we've had fun.  Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.  :)

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Hmmm :mellow:  Well, I had planned on doing a lot more reading (for myself) this summer, but that hasn't happened. I wanted to get the front porch cleaned off (leftovers from our recent move), and didn't do that either. I wanted to work in my gardens a lot more than I have.


Schoolwork, however, is going just fine. :laugh:  I'm in such a groove with school that we never really stopped.

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Summer's not over yet! (I am in denial. :-P )


I didn't get as much stuff out of the basement as I had hoped, but did make some progress and now have some spiffy new outlets down there and (I think?) light fixtures. I haven't been down there lately.


Once that's a bit more cleared out, I'm going to move the treadmill down there and the rest of my tools adding to the fitness area and creating a workshop (for me!!!).


I did get some projects out of the family room, and now have a shelf to finish and an armoire to redo or relocate.

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