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Rainbow Resource Catalog

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I received my first Rainbow Resource yesterday and holy cow!!!! One of my first thoughts was 'How on earth can they afford to print these things??'


And then I started perusing. And my single item wishlist turned into a (no less than)10 item must-have-now list. They have magnetic dolls! Geography books for kindergarten! Sign language resources! School supplies, planners, science kits. Seriously...is there anything they don't carry??


I now understand how they afford to print and distribute said catalog.

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I got mine last week and immediately went through and compared my Amazon wish list for next year to their pricing. They beat Amazon on every one! Next spring, RR will be getting my main order and I'll use Amazon for my more obscure items.



I've found this to be true for me as well. Now that they offer free shipping on $50 orders RR has become incredibly competitive. Plus, as long as what I order isn't out of stock, their shipping tomes to my house are super quick. More often than not, the email with the tracking nformation arrives *after* the package does.

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It's a wonderful, wonderful thing. :001_tt1:





They have everything, their prices are great and they offer wonderful customer service! :hurray:


More than once I have placed my order, realized I forgot something and called. If I catch it before it is ready to ship they will add that item for me.


I got my catalog in the mail a few days ago and have already placed an order. :lol:

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I love it! And I love that they stick a random sticker on the box when they send out your order--I wonder if some child is sitting there doing it, or what. :)


The sticker has been a source of great speculation here as well. I have often wondered if it's someone's kid's "after-homeschool" job.

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LOL, the first year I homeschooled, their catalog listed their "7,000 favorite things." The next year it was 12,000. Then 17,000. Then 20,000. I think they dropped the wording about their favorite things when it got to 30,000. I mean, really, who can have that many favorites? LOL! Love ordering from them, and have always gotten great service. You can opt out of getting the catalog if you want (I kept one from a couple of years ago but mainly just browse online now. Still...part of me might want a new one next year...) Merry :-)

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I usually find things in there I miss when browsing online. And DD has totally gotten into looking in it. She's trying to sell me on curricula to teach her to play guitar, and music theory. Since I already had something picked out for music theory, I might indulge her there. I may negotiate the guitar course. She might have to choose between playing clarinet in band at her enrichment program or sticking with flute for a second year (as we own a flute and would have to rent the clarinet) and getting a guitar program...


She also wanted a voice coach program, but I pointed out that she was doing choir already and it would be redundant.


One more year, and as I have no musical talent or clue, I'm sending her to an arts school for 6th grade. And I may have to introduce her to that thing called "afterschooling" to have an excuse to keep perusing the catalog...

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I don't hs anymore, but I still read the catalog. Weird, huh?


Not at all! My youngest son graduated homeschool in 2002; about 5 years later, I started wanting to go to curriculum fairs. But they are so darned expensive, I didn't. AFter all, I didn't have any curriculum to buy - I just wanted to look at what was new!

Two years ago, I almost went to the Phoenix curriculum fair then hurt my foot.


Last summer, I ended up with a new student but too late for the fair. This year, i went.


I like Rainbow, too~it is also great for grandparents to choose gifts from.

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It seems like they improved their search feature a year or two ago? Prior to that I had a lot of issues finding things, even with pretty good search terms. I found myself relying on the catalog more at that point as I would look it up in there and then plug the # in. I still find things in the catalog that I'd never think to look up on the site, which is a blessing and a curse!

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