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I have a ridiculously bad migraine. Help!


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Sharp pain over my left eye and throbbing in my left temple. I haven't had one since last summer. I'm not sure if it's the storm, the heat, or both, but goodness, it hurts. Doctor's office is closed for the day, husband is far out of state on a business trip, can't take Excedrin while nursing, and it HURTS. Is there anything I can do to help alleviate the pain?

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Oh yikes. Cool cloth on the forehead? It's not great, but better than nothing.


If you can possibly get a nap. I always had to sleep mine off.

Nap? What's that? Lol. I wish. I do sincerely. Alas, there is no nap in my future.

I will try a cool cloth. If I could find a way to keep moderate pressure on my temple and forehead, that does seem to help, but I'm not sure what I would use to achieve that, lol.

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Ouch. Firing off a bunch of ideas ... Cool cloth is nice, put a few drops of lavender on it. Ice pack sometimes feels good. I use Icy Hot, too. On the back of the neck helps. Caffeine ok, or is that a no no? Advil? Dark room, quiet space. Put the kids to bed as early as you can and sleep. Maybe let them do a movie tonight? Quietly?


Hope it passes soon!

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I suggest 600mg of ibuprofen and a cup of coffee or a soda with sugar and caffeine followed by a nap in a cool, dark place.

I just took 4 ibuprofen and I have coffee next to me. It's been bothering me since yesterday... just when the storm started rolling in again, so that might be why.

Somebody remind me tomorrow to call and get a script from my doctor. It has been so long since I've had one, that I tend to forget how bad they get (especially in the heat - gah! It's cool with the AC in the house, but the summer always makes them bad) and let everything lapse.

I miss my Excedrin.

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Oh I know. I do remember those days. Sorry. :grouphug:


The magical ingredient in Excedrin is caffeine. I know you said you were nursing. But hm....what is worse. Baby getting a bit of caffeine...or you wanting to rip your head off......

Shoo. This kid gets a steady amount of caffeine in the morning and early afternoon. At almost a year old he's still waking up every 1-2 hours to nurse through the night - I wouldn't be able to stay awake without caffeine. I think he likes second hand Mochas as much as I love them first hand...

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Ouch. Firing off a bunch of ideas ... Cool cloth is nice, put a few drops of lavender on it. Ice pack sometimes feels good. I use Icy Hot, too. On the back of the neck helps. Caffeine ok, or is that a no no? Advil? Dark room, quiet space. Put the kids to bed as early as you can and sleep. Maybe let them do a movie tonight? Quietly?


Hope it passes soon!

Thanks :) I'm going to shoot for an early night. We have an early morning so the kiddos need to be in the bed by 8 (I hope).

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You can't take Excedrin while nursing? How young is your baby? I get terrible migraines and I've taken Excedrin through nursing four kids. It's either that or die for me. Nothing else helps. I hope you feel better soon!!!!!

I was told "no" because of the aspirin? Marco is almost a year old. Was the pharmacy just playing it safe? Don't tempt me... lol.

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In the future try to catch it right when it starts. I get the visual auras so I have an early warning. I take 2 Advil, drink a cold caffeinated soda, and go immediately to bed in a very dark room. I've called my husband home from work when the kids were young because migraines can sometimes be disabling to the point that you just cannot take care of small children. The doctor can also prescribe stronger migraine medicine for the future.

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I just took a hot bath, I'm trying to eat something, and drinking some water beside my coffee (maybe I've had TOO MUCH caffeine with the lack of sleep???). I'm also feeding the babe crappy, unhealthy baby snacks so he'll stay in his bouncer and not practice nursing acrobatics on me for a while.

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I just took a hot bath, I'm trying to eat something, and drinking some water beside my coffee (maybe I've had TOO MUCH caffeine with the lack of sleep???). I'm also feeding the babe crappy, unhealthy baby snacks so he'll stay in his bouncer and not practice nursing acrobatics on me for a while.


Pinch the web of skin in between your thumb and forefinger.


Ice pack on the back of your neck.



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I have had luck with a bag of crushed ice on the back of the neck (even though the throbbing is front/side) I just lean back onto it. I also have found cool compresses across the forehead and throat soothing.


drink lots of water too. dark silent room. lay down if you can.

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Urgent care and get a toradol shot if it's to the point of wishing someone would knock you unconscious.


Hot shower, hot as you can stand, then ice cold water on your head. Ice pack, dark room, Coke (real Coke), and 2 Aleve or 2 Advil + 2 Tylenol.


If there's weather changing (big front coming in with pressure changes), a Claritin-D or similar can help.


I wouldn't worry about caffeine re: nursing right now.


Migraines are so miserable. I hope yours eases us soon!

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You mentioned wanting pressure on your head...


Sometimes, when mine get REAL bad, I'll take my Imitrex (my prescription med), then lay down on the floor on my side and put a baseball between the floor and my temple; essentially using the baseball as a "pillow", resting my temple on it. That gives the counter pressure I need to relieve the throbbing. Sometimes I'll roll over and lay with the baseball under my neck, since mine go from my eye, around the top of my head, and down my neck (sometimes all the way down the side of my body). I *do* usually have a bruise from doing this the next day, but it really does help.

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Question for those who have migraines and very young children.


How do you deal with the migraines when your husband isn't available (say you couldn't even call him at work because he travels out of state on business semi frequently) and your sitter isn't available on short notice?


I was wondering what I could mention to the doctor, in terms of medications, that wouldn't make it impossible for me to function as their sole caregiver. When I was younger, and had only one child (who was in school), I would go and get a shot, but that was at my private physician's office and I recall that the only reason he allowed me to drive myself home is because I was literally living down the same street as the office (I'm not sure if that was because of the shot or the migraine, lol).

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Question for those who have migraines and very young children.


How do you deal with the migraines when your husband isn't available (say you couldn't even call him at work because he travels out of state on business semi frequently) and your sitter isn't available on short notice?


I was wondering what I could mention to the doctor, in terms of medications, that wouldn't make it impossible for me to function as their sole caregiver. When I was younger, and had only one child (who was in school), I would go and get a shot, but that was at my private physician's office and I recall that the only reason he allowed me to drive myself home is because I was literally living down the same street as the office (I'm not sure if that was because of the shot or the migraine, lol).


That is really tough. Mine usually happen at the end of the day, so I can just hand the kids off to DH when he gets home and go to bed for the night. I have a good friend who also suffers from migraines, more frequently than I do, and I've taken her kids before when she has one coming on. Do you have a close friend you could call?

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That is really tough. Mine usually happen at the end of the day, so I can just hand the kids off to DH when he gets home and go to bed for the night. I have a good friend who also suffers from migraines, more frequently than I do, and I've taken her kids before when she has one coming on. Do you have a close friend you could call?

I do have a friend who would drop everything to help; she also has 3 kiddos though (home during the summer) and there is no way I could get sleep with all of them playing in the rather small house, lol!

I have thought about seeing if I could hire a neighborhood friend to randomly come help with the children (older; not a teenager, as I have a dare devil 1 year old prone to climbing/falling).

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I do have a friend who would drop everything to help; she also has 3 kiddos though (home during the summer) and there is no way I could get sleep with all of them playing in the rather small house, lol!

I have thought about seeing if I could hire a neighborhood friend to randomly come help with the children (older; not a teenager, as I have a dare devil 1 year old prone to climbing/falling).


Can you make up an emergency fun kit you can have available for you 11 yo to implement with the younger ones? And fill it with stuff that is new, seldom used, exciting, etc? Like a video if they rarely watch them, special toys, special dress up stuff, etc?


Sometimes if I fall asleep, just for a bit, the edge is taken off the headache.

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I have severe migraines all the time - at least one or two a week - and that is with doing all of the right things, taking prophylactic meds, and migraine abortives (Imitrex or Relpax).


I took Imitrex all through my last two pregnancies and during nursing. It isn't considered ideal (not tested during pregnancy...) but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. I figured there was no way I could adequately parent my children if I was in that much pain.


I hope you find relief. I've lived so many years with migraines I understand the pain. I wouldn't wish it on y worst enemy.

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I hope the OP is over the migraine now, but I want to suggest acupuncture. It is less convenient than Imitrex, etc., but for an occasional migraine, especially while nursing, it might be just the thing. My husband has had it twice for migraines that were not responding to the usual cocktail of Imitrex and OTC meds, and it worked instantly both times. We found our acupuncturist through Google, and we have used him for a number of things since then.

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Hot shower, hot as you can stand, then ice cold water on your head. Ice pack, dark room,


This is what I do to!!!


I get those same kind of headaches when a strong front is moving in (had one today in fact). It's probably too late this time around but I find that 3-4 Ibuprofen and 2 psuedophendrine (the real stuff) work wonders. I hope you're already feeling better.



This is me also -- get them when certain fronts are coming through. Take both meds as soon as you feel it coming on.


You mentioned wanting pressure on your head...

Sometimes, when mine get REAL bad, I'll take my Imitrex (my prescription med), then lay down on the floor on my side and put a baseball between the floor and my temple; essentially using the baseball as a "pillow", resting my temple on it. That gives the counter pressure I need to relieve the throbbing. Sometimes I'll roll over and lay with the baseball under my neck, since mine go from my eye, around the top of my head, and down my neck (sometimes all the way down the side of my body). I *do* usually have a bruise from doing this the next day, but it really does help.



I will have to try this! Mine go on all the way down my right side! Horrible...


OP, hope you are feeling better this morning!

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I've only had 2 bad migraines in in my life, but I've had a several PREmigraines (aura) that I stop in its tracks by IMMEDIATELY going to bed and shutting out all sound/light. I put on a dark thick cloth over my already-shut eyes to block out every ray.



My aunt, who is a regular migraine sufferer, swears by sticking her head in the freezer and breathing in the cold for 5-10 minutes then getting a cloth (can't recall if she said a hot cloth or a cold cloth) and put it across her temple. She says she'll stick her head in the freezer about every 30 to 45 minutes and leave it in there to breath the cold for the 5-10 minute sessions. She swears by it.




And. lastly.....my pre-migraines coincide with excessive computer screen viewing.......FWIW

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