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If you are so inclined (and not weary of this from me...) to pray...


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Beta testing began today. Level is 171 which is half what my twin pregnancies were but right on track for singletons. Found out my loss in Dec-Feb. (the one that would never end) was twins. :( Then I had a chemical pregnancy in March. I am feeling queasy already which really means nothing, I've learned. Nor do levels mean much of anything, right? Anyway, it sure would be nice to keep this little one and not have to say good-bye too soon.



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Don't ever worry about us being weary. Each and every pregnancy is a gift, and you deserve the prayers with this one just as much as any other. Praying you get good results.

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Don't ever worry about us being weary. Each and every pregnancy is a gift, and you deserve the prayers with this one just as much as any other. Praying you get good results.
Thank you.


Did you ever change doctors and get one who is responsive to your emotional/psychological needs as well as physical needs?

I can't imagine the toll loss after loss is taking on you and your family. I hope you are getting the help you need.

Yes, I changed doctors and found a great one who did the D&C in Feb. He has me on progesterone shots (lovely) and other meds - anything to up my chances of success. I'm a walking pharmacy.


Symptoms that were super strong are fading fast, just like in March. sigh

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