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Not to be all "public schools are so, so bad". But....

Did anyone notice how one of the kidnappers was a Cleveland SCHOOL bus driver?


How does that happen? I know where I am there was a huge racket with drug dealers using the school buses as a way of dealing.


Do background checks for people involved in schools need to be ramped way, way up?

Even according to the Department of Education, 10% of all school aged children will be sexually abused by someone involved at the school, and that's a conservative estimate since so many don't even get reported. http://www2.ed.gov/rschstat/research/pubs/misconductreview/report.pdf

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I noticed he was a bus driver and wondered if he knew the girls from that. I don't think anyone could have predicted that he was a nut job, however. I saw his facebook page and he seems so normal. He's a grandfather and father, proud of his kids, positive attitude.....I don't understand how someone's personality can be so split.


It makes me wonder how many other people are trapped in seemingly normal homes under the control of other apparently normal and respected people. It makes me wonder if I have ever met one of these people.

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Maybe for this particular case, there was nothing that could be done. Where I am though (in Ohio), bus drivers are always in trouble! There was a case not far from me where the bus driver drove high school students to Cedar Point while drunk. The bus flipped, a couple students died and many others were seriously injured. The driver's background checks were outsourced to another company and they hadn't run any for something like 10 years!

I guess the problem is so many people walking around, trusting that the school is doing a good job of vetting the people who will be spending massive amounts of time with their kids, not realizing that the job has been outsourced even further. And, if domestic violence arrests are ok with the school board, I should have the right to chose as a parent if I'm ok with that with my kids.

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Maybe for this particular case, there was nothing that could be done. Where I am though (in Ohio), bus drivers are always in trouble! There was a case not far from me where the bus driver drove high school students to Cedar Point while drunk. The bus flipped, a couple students died and many others were seriously injured. The driver's background checks were outsourced to another company and they hadn't run any for something like 10 years!

I guess the problem is so many people walking around, trusting that the school is doing a good job of vetting the people who will be spending massive amounts of time with their kids, not realizing that the job has been outsourced even further. And, if domestic violence arrests are ok with the school board, I should have the right to chose as a parent if I'm ok with that with my kids.


That's awful! It seems like bus drivers aren't any worse than the rest of the pack, I'm constantly reading about teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, youth counselors, all getting in MAJOR trouble for offenses ranging from pornography to drugs to having sex with students. One recent one was the PRINCIPAL of a nearby "A-rated" elementary school, who was caught with pornographic pics of students in the school on his computer. (he had created them using the photos of the students' heads and had added random nude pre-teen bodies) Another of my growing list of reasons why I never post pics of my kids on Facebook!
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It doesn't really make me want to send my kids out "free-ranging."



This is an odd time to make parental paradigm commentary.


OP, predators go where the kids are. I'm nos sure this is an appropriate, or prudent, time to bash "public schools". Kids have been victimized in homes and churches, also.


Companies and school districts can't afford psychological testing for each employee. If the basic background check is a pass, and all other things are a "go", companies hire.


Predators are (often) employed, engaged, active, charming, smart people.

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I have an extended family member that is a functional alcoholic and drives a school bus. Clean record. Nothing can be done until they are caught.


But - there are levels of security clearances for government employees and they can catch people or trip them up when they have a clean record. An immediate family member used to have such a security clearance - they check neighbors, friends, friends of neighbors, previous employment records, question previous co-workers, etc. I have been questioned quite often for the immediate family member as well as for neighbors goiing through such clearances - some neighbors I knew, some I didn't. They question behavior, drinking habits, driving habits, etc. Not that such a security check would have caught this guy, but I do think school bus drivers need more than a routine background check.

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This is an odd time to make parental paradigm commentary.


OP, predators go where the kids are. I'm nos sure this is an appropriate, or prudent, time to bash "public schools". Kids have been victimized in homes and churches, also.


Companies and school districts can't afford psychological testing for each employee. If the basic background check is a pass, and all other things are a "go", companies hire.


Predators are (often) employed, engaged, active, charming, smart people.

It depends on how confident you are there no predators are in your area. My brothers and I free-ranged as kids with no problems. However with the prevalence of online child pornography I believe today's landscape has changed significantly. I had a cousin who was kidnapped and killed at a young age, so that affects my outlook. YMMV.

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OP, predators go where the kids are. I'm nos sure this is an appropriate, or prudent, time to bash "public schools". Kids have been victimized in homes and churches, also.


I agree. Let's not forget that there have been abuse (and more) cases that have come to light in the past where the kids were 'homeschooled' (or not schooled at all, but still kept out of school under the guise of 'homeschooling').


Abuse, exploitation, & murder can & do happen every single day around the world.


It's tragic each & every time it happens, regardless of circumstances.

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It depends on how confident you are there no predators are in your area. My brothers and I free-ranged as kids with no problems. However with the prevalence of online child pornography I believe today's landscape has changed significantly. I had a cousin who was kidnapped and killed at a young age, so that affects my outlook. YMMV.


You missed my point *entirely*.

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I agree. Let's not forget that there have been abuse (and more) cases that have come to light in the past where the kids were 'homeschooled' (or not schooled at all, but still kept out of school under the guise of 'homeschooling').


Abuse, exploitation, & murder can & do happen every single day around the world.


It's tragic each & every time it happens, regardless of circumstances.

At my homeschool *I* conduct the background check. Anywhere else you're trusting those running the place to do that. That isn't to bash public schools, private schools, or any other kinds of activities. It's just a fact of life. Here in Florida there is a law that anyone who works at a camp or provides summer or break activities for kids MUST have a background check. How do they enforce that? THEY DON'T. You have to voluntarily comply. If you don't want to obey the law, or aren't aware of it, there's no one to say boo to you. In fact, there was a recent article (past year) that uncovered summer camps set up BY people with sexual predator/criminal backgrounds for the express purpose of having access to kids! Obviously they weren't worried about the background check. A lot of abuse was uncovered. So I wouldn't assume the authorities are doing their job. They may not be.
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It depends on how confident you are there no predators are in your area. My brothers and I free-ranged as kids with no problems. However with the prevalence of online child pornography I believe today's landscape has changed significantly. I had a cousin who was kidnapped and killed at a young age, so that affects my outlook. YMMV.


Do you really believe there were no predators where you lived as a kid. Today, because of 24 hour news and the internet the public is much more aware of predators. But they have always existed. Additionally, the response to the victim is far different today. My FIL was raped by a family friend as a child. The incident was never reported to anyone. His parents reacted with shame and embarassment. The response years ago was to cover up what happened to the victim, so unreported incidents allowed predators to exist easily anywhere and they did exist everywhere as they do today.

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At my homeschool *I* conduct the background check.


That's what 'homeschooling' predators rely on too. Nobody is checking on them.


So I wouldn't assume the authorities are doing their job.


I didn't say I assumed that.

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These are terrible cases for the victims and the families involved.


In dealing with traumatized children, statistically the most dangerous person to a young child (not sure about teens) is MOM'S BOYFRIEND.

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It depends on how confident you are there no predators are in your area. My brothers and I free-ranged as kids with no problems. However with the prevalence of online child pornography I believe today's landscape has changed significantly. I had a cousin who was kidnapped and killed at a young age, so that affects my outlook. YMMV.

:confused1: These things have nothing to do with each other.


I don't believe the world is any more dangerous now than it was when I was a kid.

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unless someone has a record - background checks won't raise any flags. many things get plea-bargained down to lesser charges - only the lesser charges show up in a background check.


pedophiles actively seek employment around children.

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pedophiles actively seek employment around children.


Pedophilia is irrelevant here, unless they find some much younger victims we don't yet know about. The youngest victim here was abducted at age 14. The others were 17 and over 20. Only the 14yo was on her way home from school at the time of the abduction. This has nothing to do with free range kids. Nor bus drivers. Nor public schools. What about all the kids who have been abused and murdered after being withdrawn from public schools, because public school employees are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse? :/ Beware of excessive stereotyping because it will bite you in the @$$. [ETA, my comment is not just toward gardenmom but anyone who is stereotyping / blaming in this thread.]

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I have an extended family member that is a functional alcoholic and drives a school bus. Clean record. Nothing can be done until they are caught.


But - there are levels of security clearances for government employees and they can catch people or trip them up when they have a clean record. An immediate family member used to have such a security clearance - they check neighbors, friends, friends of neighbors, previous employment records, question previous co-workers, etc. I have been questioned quite often for the immediate family member as well as for neighbors goiing through such clearances - some neighbors I knew, some I didn't. They question behavior, drinking habits, driving habits, etc. Not that such a security check would have caught this guy, but I do think school bus drivers need more than a routine background check.


My dh has a high clearance, and I used to. These cost an obscene amount of money to obtain. It's not feasible to do for so many people.

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It depends on how confident you are there no predators are in your area. My brothers and I free-ranged as kids with no problems. However with the prevalence of online child pornography I believe today's landscape has changed significantly. I had a cousin who was kidnapped and killed at a young age, so that affects my outlook. YMMV.

I am sorry for your loss. I'm sure that sort of family tragedy would influence anyone's outlook.

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I noticed he was a bus driver and wondered if he knew the girls from that. I don't think anyone could have predicted that he was a nut job, however. I saw his facebook page and he seems so normal. He's a grandfather and father, proud of his kids, positive attitude.....I don't understand how someone's personality can be so split.


It makes me wonder how many other people are trapped in seemingly normal homes under the control of other apparently normal and respected people. It makes me wonder if I have ever met one of these people.


This is what I've been thinking about too. Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th in recent time where a child went missing for many years only to be found in someone's home and kept as a s*x slave? Seriously, it makes be wonder about all those poor kids whose bodies have not been found. Are most/some/any!!?? of them just wasting away in someone's basement. So frightful and sad. I feel for the parents of other missing children too. What emotions they must be going through today.

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My dh has a high clearance, and I used to. These cost an obscene amount of money to obtain. It's not feasible to do for so many people.


And the amount of time it takes is also incredibly long. We're talking a year or longer. If a high security clearance goes through before a year that is considered fast.

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This man had several incidents as a bus driver and was eventually fired. One involved him leaving an elementary aged child on the bus while he stopped to eat at a fast food restaurant and telling the child to lie down and hide. He dropped the child off two hours late.


There seems to be some evidence now that two of the kidnapped girls knew the abductor's daughters. Maybe that's why they were willing to get into his car.

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This is an odd time to make parental paradigm commentary.


OP, predators go where the kids are. I'm nos sure this is an appropriate, or prudent, time to bash "public schools". Kids have been victimized in homes and churches, also.


Companies and school districts can't afford psychological testing for each employee. If the basic background check is a pass, and all other things are a "go", companies hire.


Predators are (often) employed, engaged, active, charming, smart people.



I think Trish is just saying it makes her re-think what freedoms children can enjoy while parents can still feel safe and protective. It was a constant evaluation when I was still parenting and it is a decision where you do not want to make any mistakes.

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