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If you walk in the morning


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I walk on the treadmill in our bedroom first thing in the morning. I do just fine waiting for breakfast until later. I walk or walk/run, then get my disabled dd up and on the bus, then I get my own breakfast about an hour and a half after waking up. I have no problem waiting until then to eat--plenty of energy for the treadmill.

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Before I head out the door, I grab a banana or one of my homemade P90X muffins. I can't eat a big meal before my long walk with my dog. Usually, I'm out the door soon after a wake up. After I get back, I then eat breakfast. I saw a poster with this: "Exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what you are doing." Makes me laugh but it's true. ;)

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I am up at 4:30 with dh. Then I have kids up at 6 and 7. I get horse chores done in between this time as well.


Usually when I walk with a friend it is about 8am, sometimes a bit later or earlier. I usually grab a small snack---cheese stick, fruit, or a handful of nuts or something--early in the morning. I eat breakfast when we get back.

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Before I head out the door, I grab a banana or one of my homemade P90X muffins. I can't eat a big meal before my long walk with my dog. Usually, I'm out the door soon after a wake up. After I get back, I then eat breakfast. I saw a poster with this: "Exercise in the morning before your brain figures out what you are doing." Makes me laugh but it's true. ;)



Is there a reason your text is large and bold? It's distracting.

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Is there a reason your text is large and bold? It's distracting.


Gently: I'm not sure this is the best way to make a new member feel welcome.




To answer the questions asked in the original post:


I get up early enough to be dressed in walking-appropriate clothes and be out the door before I'll be in anyone else's way. Usually, that means my alarm goes off at about 6:15. I toss on clothes, pull my hair into a ponytail, put on shoes, grab my keys and my iPhone loaded with podcasts and audiobooks and get the leash on the dog. On a good day, we walk for about an hour.


While we're gone, my husband gets up and gets himself ready for work. He wakes our son before leaving, usually right about 7:00. So, when everything is on schedule, my son is in the shower or getting dressed by the time I get back from my walk.


I feed the dog and the cats and make my son breakfast, then go take my own shower.


I get something to eat usually shortly after I'm dressed.


My daughter started a part-time job a couple of months ago that has her working early in the morning between one and three days each week. She doesn't drive yet and so catches a ride with my husband. And sometimes they have to leave earlier than his regular time in order to have her on site by her scheduled start time. After a few of those, when I chose to "stay out of their way" by staying in bed, I found our whole morning routine slipping later and later and discovered I was finding more and more creative ways to talk myself into shortening or skipping the walk. So, over this past weekend, I vowed I'd get it under control and get back in the groove. I did well this morning, and I'm feeling optimistic I can keep it going now that I've forced myself to re-start. We'll have to see if I'm up for the challenge, though, beginning tomorrow. My daughter is scheduled for shifts beginning at either 6:30 or 7:00 for most of the rest of the week.

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Since I take thyroid meds, I can't eat for an hour, so I take the dog for his hour-long walk as soon as I can get my sleepy self organized and out the door. I wish I had someone making me tea and breakfast when I get back, but I am lucky to have anyone up ready to wipe paws and feed the dog. I have to figure out how to add music, podcasts and audiobooks to my android phone. I do use a Rosary app, though.

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I don't eat before I walk. I do have 1-2 cups of coffee. ;-) I take a snack if I'm walking more than 90 minutes.


Before I go I wake my kids. While I'm gone they do chores, 20 minutes of piano, eat, and start their schoolwork. It's pretty awesome. We all get going and I have a mental health break. :-)

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I am out the door between 5:15 and 5:30 am. I might drink some water before I go. I actually drink a lot before I go to bed so I am reasonably hydrated when I wake up. It's dark so I use a head lamp. If I am alone I walk/run a 1/2 mile loop 7 times. The loop is my very well populated street and at that time a few dog walkers and commuters are starting out. If I'm not alone, my partner and I will head out on some bike trails.

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I have to force myself to eat in the morning because I don't feel hungry (that's about the only time I ever have for force myself to eat!) so sometimes I have a banana or a cup of coffee. Sometimes a spoon of PB. I usually only walk for an hour though so if I don't eat before I go I'm not too miserable when I get home.

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I eat after. I can't eat right after I wake up because I am simply not hungry. Bleah. I take my thyroid meds, go for a walk/run, and eat breakfast when I get home. I fit it into the morning routine by getting up way earlier than I want to. I remind myself that I am protecting my brain from aging. That's way more important to me than the size of my jeans, lol.

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Get up, walk the dog while listening to podcasts. Pick up coffee, and drink it at home in peace. I'm home by 8, but don't eat until about 9:30, when I have breakfast with the kids.

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I usually walk in late afternoon or early evening b/c it's the only time in the day. BUT, funny you should ask, BECAUSE - my almost 14 yo dd and I went on 2.5 mile walk this morning. We live in NC and the days will only heat up faster. We decided that morning is the best time to walk for that reason and others, such as: I came home pumped and full of energy for the day, if done early enough there is the whole day ahead of you, etc. I made the mistake and did not stretch nor eat before walking. Mistake. We left at 7 am and arrived home at 8 am. It took longer than usual b/c we walked our lab and she got loose - had to fetch her. LOL! I'd like to get up at 6:30 am, stretch, coffee/light snack for feul/energy, and leave by 6:50. Would like to do this 3 days a week and other days do different exercises, etc. My dd as a walking partner made a BIG difference. She likes morning better too!

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I eat breakfast first.

I agree and was told 25 year ago (I realize this may be old info) that one should consume something before they do any kind of exercise, b/c it starts the metabolism for the digestive process. I've always remembered that. Interesting - wonder if it's still accurate!
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I don't eat before I walk. I do have 1-2 cups of coffee. ;-) I take a snack if I'm walking more than 90 minutes.


Before I go I wake my kids. While I'm gone they do chores, 20 minutes of piano, eat, and start their schoolwork. It's pretty awesome. We all get going and I have a mental health break. :-)


Ok, Im sorry to derail, but I have to know... HOW do you get your kids to do this and stay on task, especially without you there?


I am depressed and ready to throw in the towel with homeschooling today after another disaster of a morning. My kids know exactly what is to be done every morning and in what order. Just last week I sat them all down and explained again that absolutely NOTHING besides chores, practicing and starting school were acceptable morning activities. This morning after breakfast I quickly reminded them of what to do then sat down to nurse the baby who fell asleep unexpectedly so I was there a bit longer. My 13 and 16 year old boys were found lying on their beds, having done NOTHING I asked and one was playing on his(now confiscated) ipod. This is not a new routine or anything. We have been homeschooling for 10 years. The only one of my children who did as they were asked was my 14 year old daughter. The 10 and 7 year old were off hiding and playing with the 5 and 3 year olds. But as they are a bit younger I can be patient and keep working with them. But these TEENS who have no respect and won't do what I ask is just so exhausting. I dont know how to keep this up.


My husband and I go the rounds with this as he thinks they need a stated consequence if they dont do that they are told. So, "Please go do your chores and if you dont have them done by 8:30 you will have no TV today" or similar is what he wants to me say. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I feel like doing variations on this is what has CAUSED this problem as they dont feel the need to do anything unless or until they know what will happen if they don't and decide if its worth it. He says the way they behave is normal, and then I see a post like this where a mom can leave the house and come back and kids have done as they were told?!?! HOW??? I am not exercising or doing anything like that and I dont know where I could possibly fit it in because Im having to following people around all day to keep them on task. Oh, and often they will tell me they did their job only to have me notice(but sometimes hours later due to craziness and baby etc) that they didn't or only half did it. Same with school work. The 16 year old can not be trusted to do his assigned work completely and well and I am just DONE. I really am done homeschooling him. He will be doing online charter or dual enrollment next year as I just cant do it anymore.


Anyways, sorry to go off on an unrelated direction, but I was already bummed out and wanting to cry over the sheer exhaustion of being so completely outnumbered and not capable to do this and then I read this and thought, see? someone has taught their children to do as they are told AND without supervision. Made me feel worse :( But I gotta know what I am doing wrong.

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I don't walk in the morning, but go to the gym and do strength training and cardio as soon as I wake up. Actually as soon as my alarm goes off. :) I don't eat anything before, but I do consume about 24 oz. water while I'm doing cardio.


As far as weight loss goes, I did read once that exercising in the a.m. before eating helps lower your levels of cortisol, which are higher in the morning. This lowering is suppoed to help burn calories or fat or something. ??? However, I think cortisol levels actually go down naturally throughout the day, so I don't know how accurate that tidbit is, but that's what I read a few years ago.


If I'm going to go on a long run or do a race in the morning, I eat oatmeal and eggs about 2 hours prior, 'cause I need the fuel. But then I don't consume any gels or other fuels during the run/race (10-13 miles) and I'm fine.

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do you eat before or after? How do you fit walking into your morning routine?



I ready my workout clothes, socks and ipod the night before and Set the alarm To 5:30 am. As soon as the alarm goes off, I brush, change and I'm out of the door before My mind can convince my body to stay back. :-)


I have breakfast after the 30-45 min walk. If I have breakfast before, I tend to linger over it, and invariably miss my morning walk.



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