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I don't really need BOTH eyes, right?


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For those of you who didn't hear about my little incident yesterday, I basically had a glob of boiling oil fly onto the surface of my eyeball and burn the heck out of it. I went to the ER, got some strong pain meds (woo-hoo!) and antibiotic eye drops, and spent last night curled up on the living room floor in a vicodin coma. Today, quite a bit of the cloudiness is already gone and the raw, burned feeling is mostly gone, but now my entire eye is throbbing and I'm seeing three of everything on that side. And the three things are all blurry. :p And when you get motion sick very easily, this is not a good thing. I'm in a constant state of queasiness.


So... I should probably go see another doctor, right? Maybe an eye doctor? The ER doctor was very nice, but I'm guessing he's not an expert in cornea injuries. I know it's going to take longer than this for my eye to heal completely, but I'm worried I might have keratitis, and I really don't want to end up with scarring on my cornea. The doctor's visit will all have to come out of pocket though (and I'm sure I already owe the hospital, what, like a hundred thousand dollars for the ER visit? :p) Should I make an appointment with my family doctor, or just try to see an eye doctor right away?


I can't believe I did that. Ugh. I'm so clumsy that from now on, any time I'm in the kitchen, I'm just going to wear a heavy apron, rubber gloves, and safety glasses.

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Yeah, last night was pretty bad. I don't recommend it. I had to take so much pain medication to get through the night with my sanity intact that I couldn't walk without falling down until three o'clock this afternoon.


I'll go in and see an eye doctor tomorrow, then. Thanks everyone!

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Sorry this happened. Be sure to see an ophthalmologist, and if you can find one specializing in the cornea, that would be best. I have bad retinas, so I see a retina specialist in addition to a general ophthalmologist. Best wishes.

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I'm shocked the ER didn't have an opthlalmologist look at you there. (or tell you to follow-up with one.) get thee to an Opthlal ASAP! if you must have a referral for your insurance, call your family dr and do it over the phone - but this something you need to do fast.

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I'm shocked the ER didn't have an opthlalmologist look at you there. (or tell you to follow-up with one.) get thee to an Opthlal ASAP! if you must have a referral for your insurance, call your family dr and do it over the phone - but this something you need to do fast.



The ER doctor hardly looked at me- I think he was in the room for a grand total of thirty seconds. Long enough to throw in some dye and say, "Yup, you burned it good, all right." He didn't tell me to follow up with anyone, not even my family doctor. Which is sort of odd, now that I think about it. I don't think the ER doctors here are very good. And I was the only patient there at the time, so it's not like he was too busy.

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Oh dear, that sounds painful!


Echo, echo, echo, ophthalmologist first thing!


There's something about sudden vision impairment that makes one feel truly vulnerable. Not a good feeling, on top of the fact that your eye hurts.


You know we will all be looking for an update tomorrow, right? Hope you can get some sleep and that you will feel improved tomorrow.

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Ow! and :grouphug:

Yes, I would want to see an ophthalmologist if it were me. Because he would know more and be more thorough than an ER doctor in most cases.


That he didn't give you follow up instructions is really, really weird to me. Every time I've been in the ER I get a page or two of instructions on when to follow up, what to do if X occurs, and the treatment plan.


:grouphug: Hope you are better soon.


And OW again!

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Ow! and :grouphug:

Yes, I would want to see an ophthalmologist if it were me. Because he would know more and be more thorough than an ER doctor in most cases.


That he didn't give you follow up instructions is really, really weird to me. Every time I've been in the ER I get a page or two of instructions on when to follow up, what to do if X occurs, and the treatment plan.


:grouphug: Hope you are better soon.


And OW again!



I always have, too. Maybe I was intruding on this guy's dinner break or something. :p

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Oh dear, that sounds painful!


Echo, echo, echo, ophthalmologist first thing!


There's something about sudden vision impairment that makes one feel truly vulnerable. Not a good feeling, on top of the fact that your eye hurts.


You know we will all be looking for an update tomorrow, right? Hope you can get some sleep and that you will feel improved tomorrow.



Is that a hint that I should be giving my poor eye a rest instead of sitting up on the computer? :p That's probably sensible. Good night, all! I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes, and if I get to wear an awesome pirate patch or not.

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Is that a hint that I should be giving my poor eye a rest instead of sitting up on the computer? :p That's probably sensible. Good night, all! I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes, and if I get to wear an awesome pirate patch or not.



If you get a pirate patch, you should demand some rum too.

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I'm not an ophthalmologist, but I am an MD. Did he tell you any diagnosis? If he put purple stuff in your eye and shined a weird light on it, then pronounced the sentence, he probably thinks you have a corneal abrasion. And if you are markedly better already, that's probably a good bet.


If you do have a corneal abrasion, then a visit to ophthalmology may not be needed. I don't know if you have insurance, but I'm remembering maybe not? Anyway, if the visit is going to cost you a bunch, if might be worth: 1) a call to the ED to find out what the diagnosis is, if you don't know it 2) a call to ophthalmology to ask if a followup is needed.


Most corneal abrasions heal fairly quickly, like in less than 3 days, with no intervention except keep the eye patched.


Regardless, I hope you are feeling much better very soon.

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I'm not an ophthalmologist, but I am an MD. Did he tell you any diagnosis? If he put purple stuff in your eye and shined a weird light on it, then pronounced the sentence, he probably thinks you have a corneal abrasion. And if you are markedly better already, that's probably a good bet.


If you do have a corneal abrasion, then a visit to ophthalmology may not be needed. I don't know if you have insurance, but I'm remembering maybe not? Anyway, if the visit is going to cost you a bunch, if might be worth: 1) a call to the ED to find out what the diagnosis is, if you don't know it 2) a call to ophthalmology to ask if a followup is needed.


Most corneal abrasions heal fairly quickly, like in less than 3 days, with no intervention except keep the eye patched.


Regardless, I hope you are feeling much better very soon.


He said that I had burns over a good portion of my cornea. I do remember having some kind of stuff put in my eye before he looked at it, so that was probably the purple stuff. Though I think this might have been yellow.


I woke up this morning, and I'd say my eye is three-quarters of the way better. Definitely much, much better than last night. It seems to get better more while I'm sleeping, which makes me wonder why they didn't tape it shut or something, but oh well. I'd asked the nurse about having a patch or something, and she told me they don't do that anymore.


I think I'm going to hold off one more day before I go to the doctor. Poor dh has been awake most of the day helping me and then working at night for the last couple days, and he needs a day to sleep. If I go to the doctor, he's going to insist on driving me. :001_rolleyes: He was so tired this morning at work that he locked the keys in the car and had to pay the tow company to get them out.


If my eye isn't one hundred percent better tomorrow though, I'm going straight to the eye doctor.

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Thanks for the update! I've been rubbing my eye for you all morning!


(honestly, I just have itchy allergy eyes today. but I really was thinking about ya)



Lol! Thanks for thinking of me. :) And I'm sorry I made you all read about my injury. It was pretty horrible.

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