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What are you up to today?


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I am briefly taking a break from cleaning the refrigerator. What else did I do today? I took my daughter to work at 8 this morning. I am going to go pick her up at 5 pm. I emptied the dishwasher, washed all the pots and pans.... did a couple of loads of laundry. I still need to take out the trash and get groceries. Those aren't going to get done until after I pick her up from work. It is almost 3 pm.. I have to leave at 4:30 pm and I still need to take a shower. *stinky*

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Cleaned out the fridge. Washed two loads of laundry. Loaded the dishwasher. Made a list of items still waiting to be made for the wedding. Ran some errands. Worked on 4-H paperwork.


Making 80 napkin rings for dd's wedding.


Now getting ready to relax with a movie for a few minutes while I sew flowers onto the napkin rings.



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I went grocery shopping, practiced violin, goofed off here, cleaned the kitchen, played cards with DH, and that's about it.




Goofing off is what I hope to do tomorrow. That is why I was trying to get everything that needed done today. I'd like to learn how to play a violin. I used to have one, but had to sell it when I needed the money.

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Cleaned out the fridge. Washed two loads of laundry. Loaded the dishwasher. Made a list of items still waiting to be made for the wedding. Ran some errands. Worked on 4-H paperwork.


Making 80 napkin rings for dd's wedding.


Now getting ready to relax with a movie for a few minutes while I sew flowers onto the napkin rings.






Other than the wedding stuff, our days were almost identical.

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I got up at 6:00 so I could take the dog outside and then wake my son by 6:15. He had built in 15 minutes to go back to sleep, if necessary. It was. So, I went back and did a second wake-up call at 6:30.


Meanwhile, I made breakfast for my daughter, who was getting dressed and ready to attend the Quidditch World Cup today and wanted to be at the park in time for the 8:00 a.m. opening ceremonies.


I then made my son's breakfast and went over his ACT checklist with him one more time so my husband, who wasn't here when we pulled together everything last night, could be assured everything was ready.


By 7:30, all four of us (five, if you count the dog) were out the door. My husband dropped our son at a local high school for the exam, while I drove our daughter out to the quidditch venue.


I got back at 9:00-ish and went more or less directly to work on the front yard. I mowed all of it as best I could with our cheapy non-powered mower and edged about half. At that point, I ran out of line in the weed wacker and couldn't be bothered to find more and replace it.


I finally got in the shower at about 11:00, then ran up to the high school to collect my post-exam, brain-fried son.


He and my husband decided they wanted to rent a movie to watch this afternoon. I offered to go pick up the DVD and get them some junk food, since my husband is not feeling great today. (His back is giving him more trouble than usual.) My son and I scooted over to the market and then stopped at Redbox for the DVDs.


When I got home, I did the dishes and straightened up and swept the floors in the front room and kitchen.


I took a nap.


I am now attempting to coordinate pick-up with my daughter. My son has a pair of tickets to the ballet tonight, and my husband was scheduled to go with him, which would have left me free to pick up our daughter and and friend and bring them home to spend the night whenever they were ready to leave. However, my husband is unsure he's in good enough shape to drive to the theatre and sit cheerfully in an uncomfortable seat and is afraid he won't be good company for our son. So, I'm trying to find out if my daughter and her friend are content to hang out an additional 90 minutes or so at the quidditch field and have me pick them up after the ballet so that my husband can stay here and rest.


I had planned to bake a tray of brownies to offer as snacks for the evening, but I haven't managed to get to that yet.

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I ran my first 5K this morning at 7. When I finished, DH and I went to Home Depot to get a new blower, as the old one caught fire yesterday. We had Zaxby's for lunch before heading to the pitch for the little people to play soccer. Then I did a Whole Foods run to get ready for our dinner party this evening. The salad is made. The shrimp are kabob-ed. The potatoes are cooking on the grill. I got lazy with dessert, and we are having Hummingbird Cake and gluten-free cupcakes from Whole Foods. The wine is chilling, and I may need to start the first bottle now...

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Morning soccer games for both boys,

then out to a restaurant for a birthday lunch for their Grandma, who is now 82!?

Then commisserating with dh about how to find storage room without sacrificing books...

He rearranged shelf to stack book boxes more closely.

Went to town to pick up a few groceries, took 2 hrs, because I got distracted and browsed the books at Ollies (I didn't buy any).

Brought home hot dogs and smores fixings to roast over the fire in the back yard.

We are still trying to burn up the tree root from the walnut tree blown over by the derecha (inland hurricane) last year.

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Went to a Vintage/Artisan fair and lunch with a girlfriend. Met DH in town to buy groceries for the combined baby blessing/birthday (for older DS) family dinner we are having tomorrow night. Getting a pedicure now, and then back home to prep for family pics tonight. I'm exhausted. I don't usually book weekends this full.

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I got woken up at 4:15 by Dog #1. He's almost 13 and gets restless sometimes. I'm an early bird, but that was a little earlier than I would have preferred to start my day. So I played on the computer and consumed a LOT of coffee until the rest of the household started stirring. Then I bathed and groomed Dog # 2 (Shih Tzu), cleaned up all the mess from that and did a couple of loads of laundry. Vacuumed the kitchen and Windexed everything in the house that needed it. And that was about it. Late afternoon we took youngest DS to the batting cage and then went out for supper.

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I got to spend the afternoon in the ER. I was frying some beef before throwing it in the oven, and ended up accidentally splattering myself in the face with boiling oil. Burned one eye (the actual eyeball, not the eyelid) so badly that I had to go in to the hospital. Now I'm on some heavy-duty pain pills, so excuse me if I start bringing the crazy. If you've never burned your cornea with boiling oil, I don't recommend it. The pain was so bad I almost passed out at the hospital.

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Shaved one dog and did some snipping on the face and ears of another. Played some games with the kids. Worked on packing the holiday trailer. Baked some cookies. Now I am doing absolutely nothing in an attempt to settle myself down a little before I have to handle the crowds at church and a family get together with the in-laws tomorrow.

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I got to spend the afternoon in the ER. I was frying some beef before throwing it in the oven, and ended up accidentally splattering myself in the face with boiling oil. Burned one eye (the actual eyeball, not the eyelid) so badly that I had to go in to the hospital. Now I'm on some heavy-duty pain pills, so excuse me if I start bringing the crazy. If you've never burned your cornea with boiling oil, I don't recommend it. The pain was so bad I almost passed out at the hospital.



I'm so sorry, Mergath. I hope it heals quickly.

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Holy cow. That doesn't sound, ummm, pleasant. At.All. Did they say if there was going to be any residual damage/problems to your eye???


As for the crazy....bring it on.



Yeah, it was about the most painful thing I can imagine, lol. They think it should heal okay, as long as I use my antibiotic eyedrops.


I've got another round of vicodin coming in about ten minutes here, so the crazy is on its way. ;) Or at least the incoherent and nonsensical.

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I ran my first 5K this morning at 7. When I finished, DH and I went to Home Depot to get a new blower, as the old one caught fire yesterday. We had Zaxby's for lunch before heading to the pitch for the little people to play soccer. Then I did a Whole Foods run to get ready for our dinner party this evening. The salad is made. The shrimp are kabob-ed. The potatoes are cooking on the grill. I got lazy with dessert, and we are having Hummingbird Cake and gluten-free cupcakes from Whole Foods. The wine is chilling, and I may need to start the first bottle now...



Gluten free cupcakes from Whole Foods... are those pretty good? I'm always looking for something gluten free that is good.

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The gluten free cupcakes from Whole Foods are pretty good. We get better ones from the gourmet cupcake shop, but those are more expensive and have to be ordered in advance.





Gluten free cupcakes from Whole Foods... are those pretty good? I'm always looking for something gluten free that is good.

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I got to spend the afternoon in the ER. I was frying some beef before throwing it in the oven, and ended up accidentally splattering myself in the face with boiling oil. Burned one eye (the actual eyeball, not the eyelid) so badly that I had to go in to the hospital. Now I'm on some heavy-duty pain pills, so excuse me if I start bringing the crazy. If you've never burned your cornea with boiling oil, I don't recommend it. The pain was so bad I almost passed out at the hospital.






Last week I was in the mountains, an hour away from any medical care, with dd and her friend. I had a bit of oil hit my eye. The second it happened I was trying to figure out what to do. You know how your brain starts racing? It hurt! but I was waiting for excruciating pain to settle in. I had no idea how I was going to drive to town to get to a doctor with only one eye, in the snow/rain slush that was dumping around us. Fortunately, I wasn't hurt to bad and a few hours later I was fine. I can't imagine if it had been any hotter, it was so painful as it was!


I hope the rest of your face is okay too. Burns are soooo very painful.

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It's our last day of Easter break, so I'm trying to relax as much as I can. I've done some laundry, played games with the kids, helped dd practice her recorder, worked on my Spanish, and worked with my 9yo and 15yo ds to help them get their room cleaned up a bit. That's in addition to the usual cooking and dishes that just never end. :-/

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