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Headache after being out in the sun?


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My kids started playing soccer last week and after both practices they have had so far, I have come home with a headache. I wear my sunglasses while there so I'm not squinting in the bright sun, but I still get a headache. Dd had a headache the last time also.


Is there any way to prevent it?

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Drink lots of water before you go, and you may need better sunglasses. Ones that block the sun from your peripheral vision, not just the front. Keep your back to the sun as much as possible, use an umbrella to keep sun from your eyes. Take ibuprofen before you go out, and immediately after if you forget beforehand. I have the same problem. I hate bright sunny skies, because it means massive headaches for me.

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Drink lots of water before you go, and you may need better sunglasses. Ones that block the sun from your peripheral vision, not just the front. Keep your back to the sun as much as possible, use an umbrella to keep sun from your eyes. Take ibuprofen before you go out, and immediately after if you forget beforehand. I have the same problem. I hate bright sunny skies, because it means massive headaches for me.


Yep! The water is really important for me. I didn't realize the link between my headaches and dehydration until I was pregnant. Even now DH sometimes has to remind me when I complain of a slight headache, "GO DRINK SOME WATER!"

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I get headaches from being in the sun too (from the heat and also because of light sensitivity). If the headaches are because of the heat -- drink water, find shade if you can (or bring an umbrella), and bring a spray bottle to cool off. If it's because of light sensitivity -- wear good sunglasses with wide sides and wear a hat.

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Water, water, water, and good sunglasses. I used to have a pair of el cheapo sunglasses that always gave me headaches. I think the lenses might have had a slight curve or something.


I also need a bit of salt to help retain water. The last time I was pregnant I was always drinking homemade gatorade-type stuff, or the heat and dehydration would cause too many B-H contraxtions. A salty snack should work too.

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I have another idea -- if you haven't had a similar problem in the past when you've been out in the sun for extended periods of time, your headaches may not be from the sun. I was getting vicious headaches every time I went for a walk in a particular park, and it was really strange because I could walk in other places with no problem. The culprit turned out to be a combination of chemicals they were using to treat the soccer fields by the track. It was some sort of fertilizer/insecticide type stuff.


You may want to see if you can find out if the field has been treated with anything, because that could be causing the headaches.

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So, to summarize what has been suggested so far:

Water, and lots of it

Electrolytes, because just water isn't enough at times

wrap-around sunglasses

hat or umbrella to shade your head and face

really good sunscreen

check into which chemicals have been used on the field and the surrounding area

Seasonal allergies might be contributing


I agree with all of these, especially the electrolytes. If you are shy of electrolytes you can do an injury to yourself. I live in a hot, humid environment that I just can't seem to adjust to, and I find I get headaches at times in the summer. When I do I usually drink some Gatoraide, then some water, and it goes away. I'll then make sure I'm alternating electrolytes and water, just to make sure.


There's another thing to consider -- are you getting hungry? If hunger is creeping up on you you might not notice, but this could be part of the cause as well. Take along snacks, and nibble regularly. Make sure your kids also get a snack and fluids after they get done playing. One thing I keep in my work-out basket whenever I go to the gym is honey sticks. If I get shaky, weak, or feel queasy I'll go suck on a honey stick, and that usually helps tide me over until I'm done, at which point I make sure to eat soon.

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