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Help QUICK! My skirt is clinging to the back of my legs. I've never had this problem before - must be the kind of fabric.


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Slips? I've never had a problem finding them--JCPennys, Macy, just about any department store I know of carries them.

That's what I thought, but then I tried to remember the last time I went looking in the lingerie section for a slip and... Well, it's been a while. I mean, once you have one or two full slips and a couple of half slips, you're really set for life, right?

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Laxmom, slips are difficult to find anymore. And if you want a cotton one, you have to have it made. I have made them for people because of this.




I looked (in vain) for a slip for my daughter for the dress that I made for for Easter. The only thing that I could figure out (since I realized on Saturday that it needed a slip) was a pretty t-shirt that was way too big. I was planning to alter it, but she liked it the way it was. Anyway, this is my question - are cotton slips slippery enough? Can you explain in more detail what kind of cotton you use and what kind of pattern you use so that I can make one that actually fits!?!



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Slip!!!! I was seated behind a poor young woman's who's dress was totally stuck to the back of her. I felt sorry for her. I did restrain my mom instinct to reach out and pull the thing down.


Winter Silk has slips. Also Amazon has them but you need to search on a brand: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dapparel&field-keywords=vantity+fair+slip&rh=n%3A1036592%2Ck%3Avantity+fair+slip

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I always though of slips at as a matter of practicality, not style.


I guess it could be considered both. Wearing a sheer dress that everyone can see through isn't, in my opinion, desirable. Nor is wearing clingy fabric that hugs in all the wrong places when a slip could smooth it out and make it hang correctly. Sure, women do both of those things, but I don't think of it as stylish. Then again, I'm no fashion plate, lol!

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L, I have used cotton Broadcloth, muslin, batiste, and eyelet. Patterns depend upon what one wants and is planning to where it under...straight, gathered, full, half, etc. Patterns can be bought, use of regular garment patterns converted for slip use, drafted, etc. Length can be adjusted to whatever one chooses.


Luckymama, at one time, yes, but no, not required. The lining should be suitable as a slip, but even I have had static issues with those, because of the synthetic. Cotton is less likely to stick, ime.

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Well, that's not good! Our local Kohl's also has them, and it appears that they also have them at Kohls. Com.


The last slip I bought was a couple of years ago at Kohl's.


The elastic waist of half slips eventually gives out, so they aren't a lifetime purchase. I need to put new elastic in the one I had planned to wear for Easter.


And a slight tangent -- I've discovered oodles of online tutorials for making petticoats and crinolines -- apparently they're back in style due to the retro dresses that need the poof in order for the skirt to look good. Who knew?

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I rarely wear skirts or dresses anymore, but I'm sure I would feel utterly naked without a slip. What does one wear if not a slip?



I grew up always wearing a slip with a skirt or dress (born in 1961) but haven't worn one in years. All my lighter weight skirts are lined.


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