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Help me! It's day 4 w/o caffeine


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I am on day four of no caffeine cold turkey and my head is killing me. Drank a big glass of water and took two tylenol, but it is not helping. If I live through this headache, will tomorrow be the shining light or more of the headaches? I want to do this so bad, help me!

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So I have 2 or 3 more days of this?!? Aahh! Is taking the tylenol a waste of time, or is it helping and w/o it this would be much worse?

Thanks for the encouragement.

What other withdrawl symptoms did you have? I have had this weird "off" feeling all day, like I am looking through someone else's eyes.

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Taking Tylenol does not work for me. No medications worked. Only sleep helped me get through it. One day the headaches will be gone but I think it is different for everyone on how long it takes.


Btw, I have quit a few times and it really is unbearable. Worse headaches I have ever had. So now I just enjoy my coffee. No plan of ever quitting again. :D


Good luck to you though. You are a stronger woman than me.

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What other withdrawl symptoms did you have? I have had this weird "off" feeling all day, like I am looking through someone else's eyes.


I would say that is normal. I also would break out in sweats, get pretty pale and sick to my stomach. I am highly sensitive to caffiene and other things in general though.


One day several years ago, my husband made decaf coffee and did not tell me. By the afternoon, I had a really bad headache, cold sweats and nauseous. I had to leave work early because I thought I was sick. Came home and my husband said he had given me decaf. He made me a coffee and within 30 minutes I was back to normal.


Hang in there! If you have gone 4 days then you are close.

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You can do it. It is a bad headache, but it is worth it in the end.

(You could also, drink one swallow of something with caffeine... then go off until unbearable headache, and do it again. Eventually, the headache will go away and not return.)

This worked for me.

I'm so glad I'm off it now. You will be too.

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I went cold turkey from coffee when we decided to TTC the first time. We were out of town and my head hurt so bad that I handed my dh my insurance card and told him if I went unconscious, I was having a brain aneurysm and to call the number on the back for the appropriate hospital. I wasn't kidding. I started drinking it again after he was born and never quit again. Like pp said, the only thing that got me through was sleep. Good luck, surely you must almost there.

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Dh has quit about 10 times now! He is 3 weeks caffeine free right now, and he's hoping he can stay off it this time. He suffers from headache and really bad irritability for about 5 days then is OK. He notices soon after that he doesn't ache anywhere, has more energy, and sleeps better. Unfortunately he usually starts on the slippery slope back to it when we go on a big trip somewhere and he gets tired driving. Rather than let me drive, he has a coffee, and literally sighs with bliss! Before I know it he is having a couple a week, then a couple a day again! He hates himself for getting back on it - I think the longest he's been off was about 6months.


I've never had a coffee addiction, and I hope I never do. I would usually only have 1 iced coffee every month or so, and that when I'm driving. It's a great pick-me-up for me, but I can't stand the thought of being dependant on it multiple times/day.

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Thank you all for your support!

I even made it through my daughter's birthday party without giving in, pop is my stress go to. Some people smoke, I drink a pop.

My problem isn't coffee, it is Coke (the soda kind) and it got so bad that I am sure it is responsible for the last 5-10 pounds I put on, and all of those chemicals in high quantities everyday. I am trying really hard to kick this habit, but it is really hard. Today I woke up with my neck and shoulders hurting, and we are meeting some friends at McD to play in the play place, and we'll want to buy something to justify us being there, and I will really REALLY want to sip on a coke while the kids play and we visit. Do you think if I have one today, it will start the whole process with the headaches again? Does anyone who had quit caffeine as a habit been successful just having it occasionally?

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I gave it up for a year or three. I now drink the occasional Dr. Pepper (I'm in TX so I think it is the *national* drink) and sweet tea (second only to Dr. Pepper).


I lost 10-15 pounds when I gave up caffeine, so there is a definite upside to giving up soda.


Do not fall off the wagon now. Eat some french fries and drink water while you are there. Don't give up now!


Nothing touched the headache when I was quitting caffeine. I just suffered. It made me decide not to ever allow myself to get addicted to any chemical again.

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Today I woke up with my neck and shoulders hurting, and we are meeting some friends at McD to play in the play place, and we'll want to buy something to justify us being there, and I will really REALLY want to sip on a coke while the kids play and we visit.


Hmm.. how about sipping on a caffeine free drink? Don't they have Hi-C or Sprite? Aren't those caffeine free?

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I went off coffee around Christmas. I have tried having just one cup, but it gives me a racing heart which is the reason I originally quit. I can have a can of pop or a couple cups of green tea w/o a problem.


I had 3 days of headaches, with one day being of the killer, I can't move my head variety. Hang in there, it will get better.

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I was just coming here to complain about being tired all the time. This thread made me realize that literally everything I drink is caffeinated. I drink coffee, iced tea an Diet Dr. Pepper. Wonder if giving it up would help me get up on time? I'm so tired, I even had my thyroid checked!

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Thank you all so much. I feel like such a dork for asking for this hand holding! So made it through the McD's trip with water until near the end, and then ordered a small unsweetened ice tea. I had such a headache already, then we were in that echoing playplace and I was sure I was going to wring some kids neck, probably my own. So I guess I just prolonged the process, but at least I didn't embarass myself by getting arrested! I really appreciate everyone's advice and support!

I don't like coffee, and I figured cutting out both the pop and the caffeine would be a win win, if I survive.

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Ok, so tried the motrin for the headache and it eased up, and took care of the neck and shoulder pain, but I am so crabby. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow w/o headache or neck and shoulder pain. Why would my neck and shoulders hurt?

Anyway, thanks for walking me through this!

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I did cold turkey once. NEVER AGAIN. Mama, you are crazy. Your neck and shoulders hurt because you are seriously detoxing. LOL. Caffeine is a serious drug and don't let anyone tell you different. <hugs>

Next time do a wean. Go down 1/2 cup every couple of days. This doesn't help you now. Since you've already suffered several days, just keep on. You're almost there.

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Found this in case anyone is interested. I didn't realize suddenly wanting to go to bed at 9:00 would be a symptom for me since I usually have my last one at dinner, but I have been really tired at night. I was reading through the comments and lots of people mentioned neck and shoulders hurting, weird.


Top 10 Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms

  1. Headache
    A caffeine headache usually starts behind the eyes and then moves up the front of the head.
  2. Sleepiness
    This just isn’t your normal tiredness, this is sitting up straight but still can’t keep your eyes open tiredness.
  3. Irritability
    Everyone and everything gets on your last nerve. It’s best just to lock yourself in your room during this stage.
  4. Lethargy
    Forget about productivity at this stage because you’ll be unmotivated to do anything.
  5. Constipation
    Caffeine stimulates the bowel, so without its daily does the colon gets a little cranky too.
  6. Depression
    Caffeine withdrawal can take away all hope for living. Temporary blues are one thing, but if you already struggle with depression this could be a big issue.
  7. Muscle Pain/Stiffness
    If you normally have some caffeine prior to exercise then during caffeine withdrawal you could feel as though your muscles have weights strapped to them.
  8. Lack of Concentration
    Forget school, studying, brain surgery, or jet engine repair during this stage of withdrawal.
  9. Flu-like symptoms
    Stuffy nose, blocked sinuses and even vomiting have been reported by people withdrawing from caffeine.
  10. Insomnia
    Some people are strange and actually can’t sleep when going through caffeine withdrawal.

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I don't see any reason to give up coffee at all. It helps prevent several diseases- colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and several other things, and it helps me stay productive and have at least some attention. (Until recently, I was able to just use cofffee drinking to control my adhd, but now as I near menopause, I needed to start on medication).

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I don't see any reason to give up coffee at all. It helps prevent several diseases- colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and several other things, and it helps me stay productive and have at least some attention. (Until recently, I was able to just use cofffee drinking to control my adhd, but now as I near menopause, I needed to start on medication).

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I'm not giving up coffee though, I am giving up Coke. I drink way too much of it.

So today, only minor headache, but went out to buy chocolate bunnies for tomorrow and couldn't find any. Sat in my car and cried. About chocolate bunnies. Crying about bunnies. Then a lady from my church came over to my car to talk to me and there I was sobbing over chocolate bunnies. I am about ready to give it up before I lose my mind.

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Hang in there! I went off caffeine cold-turkey two years ago---you can do it!!


I had to give up the caffeine as I was having heart palpitations and the beginnings of panic attacks. It was an incredibly stressful period between my mother's illness and death and my father's death. After going off caffeine, even dealing with the aftermath of my father's sudden death and all the estate junk, I haven't had those same panic-y symptoms. Caffeine is evil for some people.


I do drink decaf coffee. I make decaf sun tea. I miss caffeine most when we are eating out and my beverage choices are water (ok but boring) and sugary sodas.

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Thank you all so much for walking me through this! No headaces yestereday or today, and even resisted at the family dinner yesterday. I looked over the posts in this thread and am kindof embarrassed about how emotional and irrational I sound, but really appreciate everyone's support. I totally came back to this thread over and over the week to reread all of the encouragement.


Thanks so much! Now, I better loose some weight after that!

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Ha! Irrational is not the word my dh and kids would have used to describe me. Well, it wouldn't be the only word! Last nigth before we went to bed, I must have been in a much better mood, or nicer to be around, and my husband came up to me and hugged me and told me he was proud of me, and that I must be on the upswing. Guess I must have been behaving much better because he has been avoiding me all week, unless he was jumping in to rescue a child!

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I quit caffeine cold turkey over a year ago. I had about a week of headaches, about 2 weeks of fuzzy-headedness, and about a month of seriously crabby temper. It got so, so much better - I promise! A few months in, I lost all cravings for Diet Coke (my beverage of choice), and now, a year+ later - I don't miss it, and don't crave it. Your worst days are already behind you - hang in there! :hurray:

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