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Things I like to do to drive my children batty.


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Today they were being such pills about school work. I went in the bathroom mohawked my hair, put on an obscene amount of red lipstick and played KuFu fighting over and over with crazy moves till they got up to dance with me. I don't embarrass them in public often, I leave that to dh.

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When the kids say "guess what" I say "Oh, I love this game!" and start spouting off whatever ridiculous thing comes to mind.


Today when dd6 fell asleep on the couch, I couldn't wake her up. So I got some peanut butter,dabbed it on her face and called the dog! It was hilarious. I got it on video and am debating posting it on facebook.

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I'm big on the singing and dancing in public, too. Ds1 doesn't care so much, but ds2 is mortified.


I also croon out the philosopher Jagger's (love that!) famous words on occasion.


But the thing that annoys them both the most is when they ask me what time it is, and in my best Morris Day voice, I say, "It's time to get down to the club, and you ain't gonna like what's happenin'."

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But the thing that annoys them both the most is when they ask me what time it is, and in my best Morris Day voice, I say, "It's time to get down to the club, and you ain't gonna like what's happenin'."


This reminded me that when High School Musical was really big one of them had a song-What time is it? Summertime. Everytime they asked I would do the dance and sing the song.


If they ask me what time it is I will often respond the way my father did to me: "Why do you need to know? Do you have a date?"

This thread is fun. I never realized how many little things I do just to drive my kids batty. Being a parent is sweet.

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"You can't always get what you want...." whenever they ask for something in the store or start whining about what they don't have or can't do.

They hate that song. :D


I need to use this one on dd. lol

When the boys were younger, I used to sing, "They call me meanie momma, that's right, They call me...." to the old Mellow Yellow tune. When they asked if it was a real song, I assured them it was!

To " where are we going" we've always replied, "nuts, wanna go with?"

Or there's always, "That's for me to know and you to find out" for various questions.


You know, the timing of this question during spring break is perfect! New ammo for the rest of the year. lol

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It wouldn't be the Christmas season without me crooning away with Elvis' "Blue Christmas."



That one wouldn't work on my daughter. She loves it. She also says it wouldn't be Christmas without Bing Crosby singing White Christmas. She is a funny one. Other people her age (24) look at her like she is insane.

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This thread is fun. I never realized how many little things I do just to drive my kids batty. Being a parent is sweet.




Ain't it, though?


Bwaahahahahahahahahahaha! (Yup! Evil laughter gets 'em, too!)

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Wave back at the little people on Farmville.


Deepen my Southern accent.


Walk through the house with my laundry roller hollering "Bring out your dead"


Demonstrate my Rebel Yell in public.


Hum in Walmart.


Watch Honey Boo Boo, Duck Dynasty and Swamp People.


What do you do?


ETA- can't drive dh batty. He enjoys the hijinks.



I sing. Loudly. And every comment out of his mouth reminds me of a song. He really can't believe I know so many songs.


Also playing music loudly in the car mortifies him.

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Oh I forgot a good one. When they are driving me nuts with asking me questions over and over I answer them in tv/movie quotes. my favorite being "what's with today, today" from empire records. And when asking for a bite or a sip of what I'm having "Joey doesn't share food" or "My sandwich...MY SANDWICH" from Friends

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I am so enjoying this thread.

When one of mine say "Mom, she's got my doll" or whatever, I always put on an exagerated angry face and say "Dick's doll, don't touch! Dick's pants, don't touch!"and whatever random stuff I see. That is from one of the Mrs. Piggle-wiggle. Another from the Piggle wiggle audio book is when someone says they are hungry I start squeeling like a pig "Feeeeeeeed me, feed me feed me feed me"

Dancing in the store too. I have never seen anyone else dance in the store, but apparently I am not the only one!

Get all of the youngers into a very loud rendition of "We are the Champions" for no reason (That one seems universal)

When one goes into time out sing And Another One Bites the Dust

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I am so enjoying this thread.

When one of mine say "Mom, she's got my doll" or whatever, I always put on an exagerated angry face and say "Dick's doll, don't touch! Dick's pants, don't touch!"and whatever random stuff I see. That is from one of the Mrs. Piggle-wiggle.



We do this, too!


Edited because what was a perfectly G-rated comment somehow came out sounding filthy.

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Well tonight I compared Harry Stiles (from onedirection) hair with donald trumps hair and had dd13 in a huff.


I also laughed for a long time and posted on facebook about our oops dyeing her hair today(tried to dye the green and purple out of her hair and just have a full head of dark blond hair, similar to her natural color. Yeah now it is strawberry blond and green rofl) rather than commiserating with her about it. THough once it dried she decided she loved the color.


I use their nicknames in public.


I kiss them in public.


I chit chat with their friends. (apparently having your friends think your mom is hilarious and crazy-in a good way- is not a good thing when you are 13 or 14)


I make up songs about whatever I am doing, whereever I am, and sing them outloud. Sometimes I try to sing them in in operatic voice, which sounds more like cats dieing in a washing machine.


I will randomly announce "No soup for you!" They don't get it, but it annoys them anyway.


I will ask the teens in a stage whisper if they think x boy or x girl *over there* is cute.


I have been known to ask them in public if they have remembered their brains and ensured the leak guard was functional before leaving the house to prevent any brainless moments (I say things like that before leaving them with a bunch of other teens), usually right before reminding them of family rule #1 "Don't do anything to embarass the family"

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I need to use this one on dd. lol

When the boys were younger, I used to sing, "They call me meanie momma, that's right, They call me...." to the old Mellow Yellow tune. When they asked if it was a real song, I assured them it was!

To " where are we going" we've always replied, "nuts, wanna go with?"

Or there's always, "That's for me to know and you to find out" for various questions.


You know, the timing of this question during spring break is perfect! New ammo for the rest of the year. lol



That reminds me, when mine ask that question I typically reply with "crazy", now the teens let out an exasperated sigh and say "yes, but where else?" apparently I have used that one too long


Also in small stores or the library etc I will often be in a different aisle than my kids. So when they call me "mom/momma where are you?" I always answer "hiding from you"


And if we are doing something and they say "be right back" I always say in a shocked tone "Don't threaten me!"

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I'm FB friends with lots of my kids' peers; I've never asked a kid to be my FB friend, cuz to my generation that would be way too uncool for the kids. They don't seem to see it that way, which surprises me cuz I'm really not a hip, cool person. At all. But that puts me in a position where I'm aware of a lot of pop culture references that they don't expect. Its always fun to blow a kid's mind by starting to hum or sing a current song. My kids were embarrassed at first, but now they roll with it.


Last night we needed something soft to pad a huge piece of furniture we were moving with a handtruck (dolly) at our church garage sale. I had a couple of teen guys to do it, but durn it, none of them had furniture blanket in their back pocket. ;) I peeled off my hooded sweatshirt, a thrift store find, to use for padding. One of them thoughtfully questioned messing up my hoodie, and I said, "Nah, I got it at a thrift shop," and spontaneously, without thinking that I was in the middle of a Baptist church parking lot, starting singing, "I wear my grand-dad's clothes..." The teens that knew me collapsed with laughter; the ones that didn't starting looked around for the PC police to show up. On the way home, ds18 laughingly admonished me that it wasn't nice to do that to the poor confused children.

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I do a great Ethel Merman, they don't like it for some reason!!??!!


I do it a lot. :)


They also don't like it when I do interpretive dance during their daily piano practice.

I just really think I should have been a dancer. :tongue_smilie:

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You people are instigators! I now find myself looking for ways to make my kids crazy!


Today at Walmart, I made the kids walk like a penguin through the parking lot (thanks for that one to a pp!).


Then when we were leaving the checkout line, I had the kids walk and talk in slooooow motion while we waited for dh to finish up. Ds10 walked ahead of us and pretended not to know us :)


Then on the way home, we were driving down a fairly steep on ramp and I put my hands in the air and pretended to be on a roller coaster (I wasn't driving).


All this before noon. My work here is done!

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You people are instigators! I now find myself looking for ways to make my kids crazy!


Today at Walmart, I made the kids walk like a penguin through the parking lot (thanks for that one to a pp!).


Then when we were leaving the checkout line, I had the kids walk and talk in slooooow motion while we waited for dh to finish up. Ds10 walked ahead of us and pretended not to know us :)


Then on the way home, we were driving down a fairly steep on ramp and I put my hands in the air and pretended to be on a roller coaster (I wasn't driving).


All this before noon. My work here is done!


See being an instigator = being a fun mom. I want my kids to look back and laugh at my antics, especially once they are parents, and realize just how cool I really was (actually dd13 is starting to notice it already and comment on it-the rest not so much)


I don't want them to remember my yelling, or pms temper tantrums as much as my singing and dancing and laughing etc.


My gramma used to be up at 5 am cleaning and singing, drove my mom batty growing up. When we went for visits for 2 weeks every summer it drove us all batty, but now that she is gone we all will suddenly burst into one of her 5 am songs and laugh and talk about gramma and her stupid morning cheerfulness(we are not a family of morning people).


Gramma is also the one that embarassed my mom by running outside with her best friend in the middle of the night and sledding down beacon hill on cardboard after a rare snowfall. Mom was mortified at the time, now she talks with pride of my gramma and that sledding day. How she didn't give a crap about being proper but instead enjoying the joy of the moment (and gramma on the whole was very proper).


Gramma would sing and dance in public all the time, and embarass mom. Mom did it to us and we were mortified. And now we do it to our kids, only now if we are out with mom she joins in so then the kids are forced to put up with 2 of us doing this.


If one of the kids (usually oldest) grabs my arm to stop me I start singing "he wants to hold my hand" or I loudly announce how fabulous it is to have a son that wants to dance with his momma, and attempt to waltz with him standing stock still wishing he could sink into the ground.


We also relay messages to him from my mom. When he was little gramma would pretend to eat his ears and lick them a little. Now out of the blue we say "A gramma left a message for you, and lick his ears" He pretends he doesn't like it while giggling and blushing the whole time. Of course he will never have a girl nibble on his ears without the thought of his mom and gramma coming to mind so we have ruined that for him lol.


Being the embarassing one now will give them the laughter and memories for decades to come imo.

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See being an instigator = being a fun mom. I want my kids to look back and laugh at my antics, especially once they are parents, and realize just how cool I really was (actually dd13 is starting to notice it already and comment on it-the rest not so much)


I don't want them to remember my yelling, or pms temper tantrums as much as my singing and dancing and laughing etc.




This is what I want too. I get way too serious. Fun is not usually in my vocabulary. I seem to get bogged down in the care and feeding of the fam and forget to enjoy them.


However, driving my kids batty is kind of like revenge but only in a fun way. I might be able to do this!

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All of my boys play baseball.


I have two sons, two nephew, a little cousin, and my best friend's son on one team. The stands look like a family reunion, and we're a pretty big family. We do the wave whenever one of our boys comes on deck. They make up half of the team, so it gets ridiculous. Sometimes they'll try to ignore us, but sometimes they give in and flash us an annoyed smile (in vain hope that this will get us to stop).


My boys that don't play on this team refuse to participate in the wave, in solidarity with their brothers and cousins. They cave under lures of snack stand nachos and churros about 80% of the time, though. That is double the fun because it annoys ALL of the boys that I have THIS POWER of CASH and I'm not afraid to use it!


I bring a cow bell to my daughter's soccer games. She loves it though LOL. I ring it when she scores. She has her own little end-zone type dance that she does as I ring and hollar/hoot. Amazingly enough, when she and I do our thing at her soccer games it's the boys who are embarassed. The only thing I do that gets to her is when we're at the beach and I walk around with a bathing suit wedgie. Drives her nuts. I don't even notice half of the time, but she's quick to. We're good now that we've gone over her being allowed to TELL me about it but not to try to FIX it for me. That's not cool.

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I scored today, IMO. Family gathering for SIL's birthday and Easter (family from out of town has to leave tomorrow). Dear niece (13) was playing cards with several of us "adults". She was eating some chocolate, and declared, "I need something salty." I said, "Salty language?" and told her if she gave me a chocolate I'd swear in her ear (her Dad was playing with us, but was distracted at the moment).


She looked at me funny, then pulled out a Reese's and handed it over, saying "I just want to hear you swear!" I leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I SWEAR, ... you are the best niece ever!" And promptly ate the Reese's!


What got me was the part she complained about was the motherly kiss on the ear I gave her, too. Go fig.

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I like to push my pants halfway down my butt with my granny undies showing, stick out my butt, walk around the house saying, "yo, yo, my homies!" while flashing my version of gang signs.


The boys hate that. (lol)




Mum of the year right there!!!



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My kids reminded me of another one tonight. Actually dd13 said (in her frustrated teen girl voice) Mooooom why do you alwaaaaays say that? Why can't you just be normaaaaaal?


The thing in question is when they ask for something (as they did tonight at Walmart), and I say no at times they question it. My response is "Because I am a mean mom, and I had to study really really hard to earn that title and if I gave in now I would have to give back my mean mom benefits card and it is too cool for me to want to do that. So you are stuck with the mean mom forever" (and at the word forever I say it in a creep ominous voice)


Only once have they asked what the benefits card gave me and I told them they had to wait until they were parents to find out.


So apparently I use this response far too often for their liking.

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Dh and I dance and sing...a lot. Sometimes they join in but usually they walk in a different direction. Dh also likes to try to get the girls to use fun vocabulary while we're out so he experiments with waitstaff at restaurants. His words get more ridiculous the less the girls try. So, when a waitress asks how things are you are likely to hear one of us answer with, " Splendid", or "Delectable", or "Scrumptious". Sometimes they all embarrass me.

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"You can't always get what you want...." whenever they ask for something in the store or start whining about what they don't have or can't do.

They hate that song. :D



I tell mine (with the exaggerated twang of my people) "Wantin' ain't gettin'


I also dance in the car.


If I lose them in the store or in public, I will zhagareet so they can find me. You know, that super-high pitched 'lalalalala' thing that middle eastern women do.


I've also been known to yell 'I know her' or 'That's my baby.' when one of my children takes the stage.


Lastly, my kids are not fond of DH and me behaving like we like each other in any way. I think they'd really rather have parents who aren't remotely attracted to one another.

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