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Talk Me Out of Feeling Silly


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So this week I did something totally impulsive and after almost 3 years of wishing I could, I rented a harp and am going to try and teach myself. The harp isn't even here yet and already I am feeling like I will be wasting my time trying to learn. I am not totally new to music, having played the clarinet all through school and being in choir at church the past 7 years or so. But I don't know keys or chords, bass clef,or anything about the harp (of course). So now I am feeling like I would never allow my kids to feel, like they shouldn't try something new.


Why don't we ever pay attention to our own words???

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I had a high school friend who played the harp. I'm not musical so take this with a grain of salt - playing the harp is very difficult. But is also very cool. I equate it to playing the piano. Even if it is difficult to play really well, doesn't mean you can't enjoy learning and having a great time.

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What a great adventure, plus your kids get to see you try something new! :)



You know, part of my reasoning is for exactly this. I have a lot of learning challenges among my kiddos, and I thought that seeing mom tackle something totally foreign and difficult, watching me struggle for a change, might encourage them to stick with the hard stuff, too.

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I think it's wonderful! I just did something similar. I bought a used harp around Christmas time from an ad on Craigslist. The harp was the one that I had picked out as the one I would get someday. It was about 1/3 the new cost and came with all sorts of accessories. Now that the boys are older, I have a bit more time to do something for myself.


I wish you all the best and think you are being a great example to your children.

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Haha! "Seize the Harp" may become my new motto!



Pardon my quite rusty, and possibly incorrect, Latin. Would that be Carpe Citara?


I love that you took the plunge. I hope you and your harp are soon making beautiful music together!

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Of course it's not silly! You're setting a wonderful example! But (and I really, really don't want to be a gloomy Gus) please be sure you get a good teacher who helps you learn the proper form. I have a dear friend who plays, and she says it is very easy to do permanent damage to hands, wrists, and arms.


Good luck to you, and have fun!

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Two years ago at age 38 I started studying photography. I cannot begin to tell you the joy that this new hobby has brought me. It's not silly to learn something new at any age.


And last year, I started writing every day. Again, the joy that writing brings me is beyond words. (Ironic, since writing is all about words...)

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A full-size pedal harp? Wow!


Nope, Margaret...I'd never be able to afford that. I am renting one for 4 months to see if I will actually use it, like it and think I might stick with it. Not sure how I will pay for it if I see I am enjoying it and learning something. I am renting a lower level yet still good/solid/"real" harp...not the smallest, but not anything close to a pedal harp.


I am so giddy it is sort of ridiculous :-)

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