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Exercise Thread ~ 2/24-3/2


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I need to find yin yoga online to do today. I got up this morning and when I bent slightly over to pick up my dog's ball my back did protest in acute pain. Weird. I've never had this happen before. It's like I twisted/pulled the muscle. I guess because my muscles are cold.


I heard from my neighbor (a cop) that a guy in his squad tore the ligament on his calf. He is a very fit man and works out all the time. He just happened to push a broken down car away from the side of the road and the ligament snapped. The doctor said it was because the leg was cold and when things are cold they are not flexible they are brittle. Yikes! Makes me want to buy leg warmers.


Now, to find a good yin yoga on youtube.....

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I walked 6 miles with the running club yesterday.

I walked 3.5 miles with my bother today, did day 1 of week 3 of the 200 squats program and did Booty Time from Shaun T's Rockin Body *note to self Booty Time relies heavily on squats it probably was not the best thing to follow 5 sets of squats with.


I'll do more Rockin Body and Hip Hop Abs videos and maybe go out with my brother one more time. I'm shooting for 60 minutes a day/ 6 days this week.

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Day 5 of BeFit in 90. Very much enjoying Gareth or Garrett (can't catch the name quite right).


My back hurt all day yesterday and I was careful to take it easy. This morning it still hurt and I figured I needed to work out or it would just get tighter. I'm glad I did. My back feels so much better now. Still tender but not tight and locked down.

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I have a question to those who work out in the mornings. Do you eat before? If yes how long do you wait before working out? What do you eat?


I'm trying to find the right balance. I hate working out if I've eaten within 3 hours. I have a high probability of vomiting. Yet, I will really feel drained if I workout since not haven eaten dinner the day before.


I used to drink a small glass of juice with a bit of protein powder. However, I've stopped drinking juice. This morning I ate an orange and that seemed to work well.

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Day off today.

I tend to eat about two to three hours before I run. My best running fuel happens to be a banana. Now I hate bananas, but they are one of the few things I can eat and not feel like throwing up during a hard run. I can also get away with about half a cup of yogurt. So it's either the banana or the yogurt.

What's hard for me is getting enough water before I run, but I'm learning how to hydrate on the fly.

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Today was a tough day of karate for an hour with an instructor that had way too much energy. I skimped on breakfast this morning and by 30 minutes in, my body was taking its revenge. This was the first class I thought I wasn't going to make it through since the first class I did. Must fuel body to make it move.

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About to do Quick Callanetics: Stomach. Hoping to do some Leslie later today if I have time.


I have a question to those who work out in the mornings. Do you eat before? If yes how long do you wait before working out? What do you eat?

I used to drink a small glass of juice with a bit of protein powder. However, I've stopped drinking juice. This morning I ate an orange and that seemed to work well.

It depends on how long I've been up. So far this morning, I've only had water and will likely not be eating anything before working out. If I'm hungry, I might have some nuts or a banana or some other fruit. On the days that I have protein powder, I mix it with almond milk.


Good reminder for me and any of us who have a tendency to worry about weight. Focus on habits instead. :)



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BeFit in 90 again. I'm starting to get bored with it. I have exercise ADD.




I have that, too.


Last week was not that great. I went ballistic with junk food, some kind of hormonally mood disorder or something.


Picking up P90X again. A day late but I just finished Core Synergistics. I used to hate that workout but I am really enjoying it. Last week I couldn't even do a bow pose. Today I was able to do it just like old times.


ETA: Also did CardioX so that I am on schedule.

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I've had a change up this week. So far I've done:

Sunday - Yoga

Monday - Walking

Tuesday - Rest Day

Wednesday - Changed it up this morning with a short workout on the recumbent bike (15 min.). I was disappointed to find that I burned far fewer calories on the bike than walking. I'm not too concerned about it, though, as my point in working out right now is to be healthy, not to lose weight.

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Yesterday I did NMTZ. I don't know what I'll do today-----either NMTZ again or I'll try a yoga DVD I got from the library (it was recommended on this thread one week, Yoga for Weight Loss (?))


Dh tried NMTZ this weekend. It kicked his butt :D


I've lost an inch from my waist since Feb 1 :party:

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Yesterday ended up being a rest day. DD2 has a cold and didn't sleep very well Mon night and the baby was nursing more than usual as well so we just got a late start to the day and I was tired to be honest. I'm up early today so I'm optimistic that I'll get yoga done. Walking is not looking very promising this week, it seems the weather people were seriously wrong. I'm not really keen on taking all the kids out in windy, sleety, and cold weather, especially with 2 of them now having colds.



luckymama- congrats on the loss!


Friday I'm doing official weigh in and measure for the month. I don't think I'll have much loss but I'm hoping for a bit.

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I've lost an inch from my waist since Feb 1 :party:




WooHoo! Great job. You've been working hard.



Weight is just not the best indicator of one's fitness. Just the other day I came across a woman who is my height and weighs less than me. However, my measurements are smaller. So while I weigh a few pounds more I'm pretty sure it's muscle as muscle weighs more yet takes up less space than fat cells. I'm still wondering how someone who weighs 92-93 lbs (and same height as me) can have a bigger bust, hips, and waist than I do. I mean I know the difference between fat cells and muscle cells but it still baffles me.

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Sunday: jogged and walked on the treadmill for 2 miles; did the stairstepper for 5 minutes (ARGH!!!); used weight machines and actually added weight to a couple of them.

Monday: Yoga - I saw an improvement from last week. I was able to balance more easily.

Tuesday: Ultimate Core - again I saw improvement from when I first started (this was my 3rd class). My upper body is much stronger. I can actually do a real pushup!


I have lost almost an inch off my natural waist since the beginning of February. The area around my middle (belly button area) is still measuring the same. I'm blaming it on the boys :)


Does anyone have a recommendation for a good yoga mat? I don't want to spend a fortune, but would like a nice one because I have bony knees and my wrists bother me a lot.

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I bought my mat at a yoga studio. It was $15. I also see them all the time at TJMaxx if you have one of those around you. I want one of the EcoWise ones I've seen there. Target has mats as well. You just want to get one that doesn't slip. There's also Amazon.



Oh, as for your stomach check to see if you have diastisis recti. It will prevent you from being able to get a flat stomach. I have it, but it's not bad. It's a one finger split. I should work on fixing it.

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WooHoo! Great job. You've been working hard.



Weight is just not the best indicator of one's fitness. Just the other day I came across a woman who is my height and weighs less than me. However, my measurements are smaller. So while I weigh a few pounds more I'm pretty sure it's muscle as muscle weighs more yet takes up less space than fat cells. I'm still wondering how someone who weighs 92-93 lbs (and same height as me) can have a bigger bust, hips, and waist than I do. I mean I know the difference between fat cells and muscle cells but it still baffles me.



I'm like this, only at a higher weight. I've always been pretty muscular and probably weigh 15 pounds more than I look. I am overweight now, but my optimal weight (ah I remember those days) is the high end of the normal BMI for someone my height.


Sunday: off

Monday: off

Tuesday: 15 minutes strength training - mostly upper body work

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Yesterday I did NMTZ. I don't know what I'll do today-----either NMTZ again or I'll try a yoga DVD I got from the library (it was recommended on this thread one week, Yoga for Weight Loss (?))


Dh tried NMTZ this weekend. It kicked his butt :D


I've lost an inch from my waist since Feb 1 :party:



This is on my wishlist. Is it a big step up from 30 day shred?

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I just bought my yoga mat at Wal-Mart it was aobut $8.


I went ahead and did my weight and measurements this am. I'm down 3.4lbs for the month, .5 in on my waist and 1 in on my hips. My short term goal is 2 in on my waist and hips and 10 lbs. I'll ease up after that and work on building strength and eating healthy and see where I end up.


I really worked on diastasis recti exercises after this baby and wore the splint as well. I really think it helped my belly go down faster than usual. My waist is right at 30 in now. That is not super small but pretty good for 3.5 months post-partum. I don't have a split that I can feel anymore but still avoid certain exercises. Generally my core work is plank and such. I'm getting stronger but I've got a long way to go in that dept.


Oh, and I did my Short and Sweet Yoga workout this am.

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Welcome to new people.


Chapter Wednesday-a four mile or so run in which it is discovered that I do NOT like the turf course, and a resolution is formed to build a portable walking bridge to cross the creek when it is just too wide to leap.

My ankles may never be the same.

Off to elevate and ice.

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Negin, sorry you didn't sleep well. I hate that. It seems to happen more and more these days. Have a great swim. It always sounds so fun, when you post you're going swimming in the ocean. :)


I'm on a rest day today. I did kettlebells yesterday and I ran as well as yoga on Tuesday.

Friday is kettlebells, Saturday a run/yoga, and Sunday more kettlebells.

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This is on my wishlist. Is it a big step up from 30 day shred?


Honestly, I think NMTZ is easier than 30 Day Shred, at least for me. It's a heck of a lot longer but it's not nearly as jumpy and doesn't rely on as many plank-based moves (I have a weaker right shoulder that is recovering from biceps tendonitis followed by frozen shoulder 18 months ago).


When I don't have time for the full workout I just do the warmup, 3 or 4 circuits (out of 7), and the stretch/cool down.

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What is frozen shoulder? I have weak shoulders and at times they ache. I ignore it and push through.


Kim, you're enticing me to try kettle ball. I haven't yet and I love to do new things.


I did a cardio mix this morning. Running, dance, threw in some weights and body weight training. Just kind of jumped around doing what ever I wanted.


Did everyone see Denise Austin this morning on Yahoo? She looks amazing! I want to look like that at 55.

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Yesterday was 45 minutes of karate. My normal Wednesday instructor wasn't there and my torturous Monday instructor was her fill in. Needless to say, I am seriously stiff again and don't know how I am going to make it through 1 hour of karate today, but I will try.

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I bought my mat at a yoga studio. It was $15. I also see them all the time at TJMaxx if you have one of those around you. I want one of the EcoWise ones I've seen there. Target has mats as well. You just want to get one that doesn't slip. There's also Amazon.



Oh, as for your stomach check to see if you have diastisis recti. It will prevent you from being able to get a flat stomach. I have it, but it's not bad. It's a one finger split. I should work on fixing it.


Thanks. I'll check Amazon because I have free 2 day shipping :)


As for the stomach area, I never thought about it being anything but flab. I'll look into the diastisis recti. It seems to be just flab - it jiggles and I can grab it between my fingers.


waist: (-2 inches)

belly button area: (-2 inches)

hips: (-1 inch)

weight: stayed the same

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Honestly, I think NMTZ is easier than 30 Day Shred, at least for me. It's a heck of a lot longer but it's not nearly as jumpy and doesn't rely on as many plank-based moves (I have a weaker right shoulder that is recovering from biceps tendonitis followed by frozen shoulder 18 months ago).


When I don't have time for the full workout I just do the warmup, 3 or 4 circuits (out of 7), and the stretch/cool down.


It's been such a long time since I did the 30DS, that I don't remember much about it. NMTZ is definitely less jumpy, which I prefer. I don't know if I would say it is "easier," though. When it started to seem too easy, I upped the amount of the weights. I use 8 lbs for all the circuits except for the first one where I only use 5 lb-ers. Like you, if I am low on time, I only do part of it. To do less time, I like to do each of the circuits one time through and the last one in its entirety, since she doesn't really go through it twice.


Tuesday: BBL - High & Tight

Wednesday: Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training

Thursday: Bob Harper's Yoga Abs and BBL - High & Tight

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