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My dd thinks because today has a name "Valentines Day" it's a holiday and there should be no school.


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Actually, Thursday of every week there is a struggle to do school. Honestly, if I did not think doing an entire week of school on Monday and Tuesday would lead to data overload I would do it. Wednesday goes okay and Thursday is a struggle and Friday she is happy to go to her Friday classes or on a field trip.

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We had this problem for awhile. "But the PS kids don't have to go to school."

I used to take that time to remind them that PS kids can't go jump on the trampoline inbetween subjects. Or be done early and play with legos. :)

I don't hear that response to holidays anymore.

For us, Wednesdays is our hardest day. Monday is our heaviest day with all the new lessons. By Thursday, it's a bit lighter. Wednesday? Ugh.

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Well mine have made peace with the fact that we school year round and get almost none of the holidays school kids get. Punk told a woman in the store a few weeks ago, " Yeah, we homeschool. It means we don't even get a single snow day." He sighed dramatically and told her he liked homeschooling. I told him he needed to work on being convincing when he said it.


That being said, if Thursday is ALWAYS the pits I think I might try to change it up so that Thursday had either a lot less expected in it, or some awesome carrot at the end of the day.

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Well mine have made peace with the fact that we school year round and get almost none of the holidays school kids get. Punk told a woman in the store a few weeks ago, " Yeah, we homeschool. It means we don't even get a single snow day." He sighed dramatically and told her he liked homeschooling. I told him he needed to work on being convincing when he said it.


That being said, if Thursday is ALWAYS the pits I think I might try to change it up so that Thursday had either a lot less expected in it, or some awesome carrot at the end of the day.



I let her have a lot more time to write her stories and do her art on and keep lessons on Thursdays short. It took some getting use to on my part but after listening to a lady tell me about her dd's first grade class......we are doing very, very well with what we get in in a hsing week!

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LOL mine had the same plan! I told them that IF they worked really hard at school this morning, we could have a break this afternoon and watch Shrek Forever After together. They didn't seem to think that was quite as good of an option. ;) Now that they realize school is inevitable they're looking forward to it, though.

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Oh, my kids think this also! Anything that has a name (hey! yesterday was Ash Wednesday! Yes! They feel they should have gotten it off!)


Mine have figured out that we have plenty of time to go to services AND do school. I have to watch them when I am feeling under the weather though, my sweet dears are very, very quick to suggest I put my feet up and take the day off. And of course if Mom has the day off then they should as well, right?


Love thier crazy logic!

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My DD does pretty well at understanding that named days don't mean no-school, but she has a real problem when she finds out her PS friends are out for one of their many little holidays and half-days. For example, I'm expecting a fight on Monday. The thing is, if she actually wakes up and starts working, she can get a full day's work done before anyone is ready to come out and play anyway, because nothing ever happens before noon, and days PS is out are the WORST days to go almost anywhere.


Valentine's day has been OK so far because she had her regular science class this morning. She took valentines to give her classmates then (as did a couple of other kids-probably the others who, like my DD, had been in PS at some point and remember doing valentine exchanges), and was pretty happy doing that. I picked up a conversation heart shortbread cookie for her at Panera. She'll also take valentines to her gymnastics class tonight.

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My son thinks that Valentine's Day = Chocolate


:laugh: :laugh:




Wait, wait, wait.... are you trying to say it doesn't???? Hmph. It does in MY house! :D



And as long as we're going with the whole names=holidays idea, Monday is a name. It's capitalized, right? So no school on Mondays. Oh, and Tuesdays are named Tuesday. No school on Tuesdays, either. And, and, Wednesdays......

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And as long as we're going with the whole names=holidays idea, Monday is a name. It's capitalized, right? So no school on Mondays. Oh, and Tuesdays are named Tuesday. No school on Tuesdays, either. And, and, Wednesdays......



I'll give you a cupcake if you promise to never, ever, ever tell my ds about that!!! :D

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Haha. The radio station where my husband works always mentions what day it is (National Pie Day, National Pancake Day, there's always something). This morning they were talking about Valentine's Day, of course, and my 10 year old said that every national day should be a day off from school, because then he'd never have to go to school.

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