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Baby Name Nerds Unite!

Hunter's Moon

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I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?

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I'll start :laugh:


I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


Boys - Castiel (DH and I both loooove this name, we'll see in a few years when we have kids though), Dean (okay, a little bit of a Supernatural theme going on), Brady, Henry (popular, but so timeless and strong), Benjamin (another strong name).


Girls - Moira, Audrey/Audriana, Angelina, Eden, Natalia, Kaelyn, Talia, Vivien.


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?


Boys - Thomas (I really do not like the nickname Tom and wouldn't want to fight people on that), Cedric (I hate the nickname Rick), David (I love this name, but there are bad associations of it within our family).


Girls - Shalom (It is a bit too out there for me), Sophia/Sophie (too popular), Olivia (too popular), Ella (too popular), Mya (popular).


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?


I can't think of one really. I like more classic names.


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I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


Lydia, Eleanor, Adelaide, Asher, William


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?




3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?


I named my girls the first three names I listed, so aparently I like names from the 1800s.

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I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child? Apart from the names I've already used, I love these:













Garrison (more likely a middle name)




2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?



Mary Katherine



Carol Anne






Drew (Well, maybe Drew, but there is already an Andrew. But I might consider it anyway.)





3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?


I like names that are classic or sound classic, but are not over-used. I would err towards a name being different rather than common. I do not like invented spellings.

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I strongly prefer very classic, very traditionally masculine or feminine names with common spellings. So far, I think all of our kids' names are of Greek, Latin, or Hebrew origin (then again, so are DH's and mine). Three of the four of them have family names for middle names (actually, one of those names is of Welsh origin; it was DH's grandfather's name). I don't love nicknames, but I chose names, especially for the boys, where I was okay with the nicknames if that's what the kids chose. Our first son always uses his full first name, but we tend to shorten the little boys' names (which are both three syllables, whereas DS1's is two, and so is the nickname).


As for a theme, other than classic, we wanted Biblical names for the boys, and we inadvertently also chose Presidents' names for the first two boys. DD's name happens to be the name of a First Lady, which was not intentional, but then we felt that we had to keep the tradition with DS3. The pressure is on (and the pool is small!) for the baby due this summer so that he/she isn't left out!


Have you seen the Nymbler site? It can be helpful in finding names that "go" with names you like. Then again, last time around, I typed in my first three children's very classic names, and Nymbler's first pick was Dexter, which IMO did not go at all, LOL.


As for what I wouldn't do, I wouldn't pick names that are super trendy, but at the same time, the classic names (like my own, Sara) tend to be in the top 100 perenially. I think all three of my boys' names have been very close to the top at one time or another, but we know enough of them of every age that nobody thinks they're unusual, yet there aren't tons of them around either, which is a nice balance for me. I also don't go for creative spellings, personally, but that's because I've had my name misspelled many, many times. I also stayed away from the same first letter thing or other trends like that.

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I prefer classic names that go with everything. I try out the name with President in front and see if that sounds right. I've been asked if I'm a big fan of British royalty due to my name choices, but it's more a matter of drawing from the same name pool, probably.


I'm a name snob, but I hide my disdain for trendy or outright weird names from those who show a preference for such names.


I recommend to be really careful not to start following some sort of narrow theme in your name selections. I've seen people get really stressed because they followed a theme, and then another baby comes along and they can't find a name they like that fits the theme.

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I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.



1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?









2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?








3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?

I like a variety of names, but I tend to prefer those with history. I usually like traditional names used in the US and England, but I also like some more international names. I am not a big fan of mid to late 20th century names, probably because those are the ones I grew up with, as friends, parents, etc.


I like to look through my family's genealogy records and see the interesting names some of my ancestors had.

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1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?

If we had more kids there names potentially would have been:


Raymond Alex

Patrick John "Jack"

Bridgette Veronica

Phoebe Elise




2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?

I can't think of any



3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?

I like classic names.

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Absolutely would use:


Arden, Nina, Angeline, Auben, Elise, Signe


David, Elias, Neal, Alec, Thomas, Kurt


Would use, if only:


Olivia, Sophia, Tabitha, Haddasha, Niobe, Inae, Magnolia, Emily, Seraphina, Freya, Lydia


Wyatt, Javier, Diego, Graeme, Auden, Owen, Lane, Calvin


Reasons vary.




Not any really. I think we ended up with short, classic, Biblically-leaning names, but we have boys and a long last name. It turned out that way.

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1. Right now I really like Beatrice, Amelia, Christopher, Walter, Peter and Joseph.


2. So many! I like nicknames, but I'm picky about them. William (don't like Bill/Billy), Henry (Hank), Charles (Chuck), etc. My sister also stole two of my favorites - Oliver and Simon.


3. Classic, easy to spell, easy to pronounce, with cute nicknames.

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Love and would use:














Love but can't use cause dh either doesn't like or a friend has used it:


Gabriel (we have a dd Gabriella)








We obviously lean towards Biblical names, and I also love flower names for girls.



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I love doing that for characters in my stories. IRL ds is named after dh's late father.


I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?













Kira (if ds had been a girl...)


Cassandra - Cassie (I always like that name)



Seamus (afraid no one would pronounce it correctly)

Odysseus - called Odie (probably more fitting for a pet)


Lennon (yup, we're John Lennon fans)

Augustus - Augie

Aristotle - Ari

Harrison (it's a family name, but would remind me of Harrison Ford too much - I've been a tad miffed at him since he divorced his first wife and for Indiana Jones IV)



3. I like names that have some history to them, either rich in meaning or history to the people. I know I would have been more adventurous in names than dh. When I'm creating story, I love researching names, how they might sound at each stage of a person's life, whether there is a nickname, what kind of personality that person might have.

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1. Declan, Lucas, Paige, Lauren


2. None, that I can think of


3. No, we just like what we like :). Asher and Piper were very uncommon, but are rising quickly in popularity. Jackson, however, was the most popular boy name the year he was born. So we really didn't have consistent criteria. Actually, now that I think about it, they were all named after characters on my favorite shows, Charmed and Gilmore Girls :).

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2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?

Atticus (sounds ridiculous with my last name) and Scout (Demi ruined it!)


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?

We generally use last name sounding names for first names.

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I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child Piper, Zoie, Hayley, Levi, Josiah, Micah


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?


Margo, Gretchen & Greta--both sounded HORRIBLE with our last name. Clare (Breakfast Club--sounds like a fat girl's name), Cordelia, And many other names that end with -en, -an, -in and on, because they don't sound good with out last name. It sounds a lot like the little GPS thing, Garmin.


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names? Nope. Well, except happy and perky.

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1. I love the names:






Madys ( a combination of Madalene and Gladys, my grandmothers)






2. I like but would not use:


Emma, Abigail, Isabelle, Olivia, Madison, Ava, Emily, or most any name very popular. I use to like the last name as a first name thing (Carter, Tucker, Carson, etc) but it is much too trendy for my taste.


3. I like names that I consider to be classy but a bit unique. My sister told me her favorite baby girl name tonight (she and her husband are trying to get pregnant). It is Paisley. I'm not sure what I think. Any thoughts??

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1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


Coyle (DH says no way, "It's not a name.")

I love Karina--I might talk DH into this one except my son is Keaton and he's not a big fan of matching sibling letters.

Conrad (but unfortunately I got this idea from a somewhat messed-up woman and I'm not sure if it's wise to have any hint of a "connection" to her at this point)


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?


I used to like Connor but then it got popular.

I love the names Canon and Creed but think they would be too "out there."


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?


Looking at my answers above and my DS's name, apparently I like a hard C/K sound! I like a handful of boys' names that were popular in the 1950s (like Conrad).


BTW, elīsheba', you look SO MUCH like this college senior I know that every time I read one of your posts I do a double-take to make sure I'm not on Facebook!

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I looooove baby names, DH & I are always discussing them!


Apart from our children's names:


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


Current contenders would be:

Girl - Olga, Verity, Arietty/Arrietta, Pearl, Hazel, Vanessa/Esther/Agnes/Inessa

Boy - Artyom, Ivan, Enoch, Lyov, Eleazar.


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)

Anything too popular or already in the family. Susan is one, David is another. We both adore Absalom but unfortunately the biblical character taints it. There are also lots of names that I love that DH would veto - mostly Welsh names! We're pretty gutsy, there's not really any name we like that we'd consider too out there (boy we copped some flack over our youngest son's name!)



3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?

We like biblical, Eastern European, old/classic but slightly obscure.


We talked baby names before we were married, my DD is named what we chose way back in the day! :001_wub:

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I am crazy about baby names! I spend a lot of my time on nameberry, nymbler, and babynamewizard.


When DH and I have kids, I have absolutely no idea how we will go about naming them because I am all over the place with names.


1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?


2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?


3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?


I love when folks here ask for baby names!! I even picked up an old 60's baby name booklet for the occasion. :) It has some unusual names and I couldn't resist.


I'm done having kids, but a few names I love are Cash, Leo, Pablo, Atticus, Socorro, Lara, and Nova

I just told the kids the other day that if I have two boys I'm going to name them Archimedis and Galileo :thumbup: Too much Beautiful Feet: History of Science. Archie and Leo??!! :)

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I am a name nerd too! I love classic and biblical names. We are considering Jonathan and Anna/Annalise for our next child. I'm not sure I'm sold on them though. I love Faith, but I'm not sure it would work with our last name. We need a longer name - at least two syllables. I have always loved Kaitlyn (not my current style, but I still love it) but since it became so popular recently, dh doesn't really want to use it. I seem to like "A" names for girls. Any suggestions? For a middle name we are considering Katherine, Jane, and Faith. We have also talked about Naomi, but I'm not sure how it would go over in "the real world". I am lost on a boy name other than Jonathan, and that's because it is a name dh has always wanted to use. If we don't go with Jonathan for the first name, I like John for a middle name.


Some names we considered for the first two, but didn't go with:

Declan Alexander

Rowan John

Jonathan Roy


If ds1 was a girl, he would have been Ashlyn Rose.

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Oh, I forgot to put this. Names I would use (and which are on my list this time): Daniel, Jacob, Jonathan/John, Thomas, Joseph, Josiah, Nicholas, Michael, David. James or Matthew if they weren't already family names. Middle names: Steven, William.


Girls: Katherine, Abigail (those are our top contenders right now), Elizabeth, Julia, Caroline, Alice, Emily, Susannah, Joanna. DH likes Brigid. Middle options: Joy, Grace, Ruth, Rose, Christine.


Names I would not use: Anakin. DH suggested that; I vetoed it. We compromised a bit and used Luke for one of the middle names. It fit well with the first name we chose (and it means light; that child is our sunshine, for sure). I don't hate Anakin at all; I just didn't want to use something so obviously from a movie. Also, I love Isabella, but I wouldn't use it after the Twilight craze.

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Another name nerd here. I still think about what I'd name the next one even though my tubes are tied :)

I'd use Eleanor or Ruth for a girl probably.

We like old man names (only have boys). The baby is Walter. If the name was in the top 10 or so between 1890-1920 it was probably on our list.

Names we rejected for various reasons but I still liked them: Henry, Ambrose, Andrew. (I'm sure there was more!)

Our only theme was old names.

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I am a name nerd too! I love classic and biblical names. We are considering Jonathan and Anna/Annalise for our next child. I'm not sure I'm sold on them though. I love Faith, but I'm not sure it would work with our last name. We need a longer name - at least two syllables. I have always loved Kaitlyn (not my current style, but I still love it) but since it became so popular recently, dh doesn't really want to use it. I seem to like "A" names for girls. Any suggestions? For a middle name we are considering Katherine, Jane, and Faith. We have also talked about Naomi, but I'm not sure how it would go over in "the real world". I am lost on a boy name other than Jonathan, and that's because it is a name dh has always wanted to use. If we don't go with Jonathan for the first name, I like John for a middle name.


Some names we considered for the first two, but didn't go with:

Declan Alexander

Rowan John

Jonathan Roy


If ds1 was a girl, he would have been Ashlyn Rose.



For A names:













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1. If I had another child, these names would be front-runners - Natalie, Julianna, Daniel

2. I think Japanese names are beautiful, but would look weird on white kids.

3. I like names that are not in the top 100, but not too "out there," classic and classy. Daniel would be my exception; I know it's popular but I adore that name and if we had a boy that WOULD be his name, no doubt.

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1. What names do you absolutely love and would name your child?

Astrid (my absolute favorite)





















Gunnar (my favorite)


















2. What names do you absolutely love and would not name your child (either due to being too out there or too popular, etc.)?










3. Is there a certain era, theme, etc that you like best when choosing names?

I prefer mostly old fashioned names.

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