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Guest inoubliable

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They probably just don't like Florida tomatoes, which if you've ever had "real" tomatoes, just don't taste as good. Tomatoes weren't meant to grow in this climate.


Oh don't tell me that. Growing tomatoes is one of the things I'm really looking forward to.

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Shit! What testament is THAT from??



dh is having a friend over to play war games - they usually go there because said friend is allergic to cats, but dh is sticking close to home until i'm walking, apparently. I hate to tell him i dont really need him, because in some ways I think he prefers working from home, and he feels good about standing by my side. it is hard to keep the boys quiet enough, tho.

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Guest inoubliable

No weekend plans as usual. My older DD is babysitting tonight and the other one is attending a sleepover. If it's not raining all weekend I'll get started on cleaning up the garden. We lead exciting lives around here :tongue_smilie:


You've reminded me to add one itty bitty thing to my list tomorrow - place my order at Baker Creek! I've been drooling and lusting over the catalog for so long, it's completely marked up with post-its and pen marks. I really need to order. Some stuff, I'm pretty sure, I've already screwed up by not having it started indoors already.

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Guest inoubliable

I don't bother starting anything indoors anymore. I don't have any sunshine this time of year anyway. I just get starts from my local nursery.



I've never been successful at it. :( I still always want to try though. I won't get a huge order, just a few things. I'd like to get starts from my local nursery but they don't carry anything organic. And they act like I'm a HUGE pest when I start asking questions about anything. And I'm pretty sure that Lowe's isn't carrying anything that I'd be okay about if I knew more about it, kwim?

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Alas, DH is gone tromping in the snowy woods and doing research this weekend. Just me and the kiddos. Piano lessons, volleyball tournament, etc. I already look forward to his return, so we can eat a couple of oreos and watching something on Netflix in the evening. I think about the poor woman who lost her husband this week. Man, breaks my heart.

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I've never been successful at it. :( I still always want to try though. I won't get a huge order, just a few things. I'd like to get starts from my local nursery but they don't carry anything organic. And they act like I'm a HUGE pest when I start asking questions about anything. And I'm pretty sure that Lowe's isn't carrying anything that I'd be okay about if I knew more about it, kwim?



We have a small local nursery that only sells stuff that will grow here and it's all organic and produced from local places. If my only choices were Lowe's or Home Depot I'd be rethinking my plan.

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ROFL! Am I dating myself if I admit to remembering when ketchup was declared a vegetable for school lunches?



No more than I am.

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No big weekend plans here. I'm doing my duty as a good citizen by teaching myself to like wine. I tried a glass of chocolate cherry wine tonight which wasn't too bad. I tried a glass of some sort of sweet pear wine the other night which was awful. Poor me, I will just have to sample different wines until I figure out what I like. :D


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ROFL! Am I dating myself if I admit to remembering when ketchup was declared a vegetable for school lunches?



I was like a baby when this Reagan pulled that and I "remember" it. I don't think my parents ever stopped mentioning it so it stuck. I was on free school lunch. Not even a whole box of fresh organic tomatoes could make a year's worth of those meals healthy. Rectangles of cardboard topped with rubber, a near ketchup like "tomato" sauce and little cubes of something claiming to be meat is NOT even the pepperoni pizza it is purported to be, much less a healthy lunch.

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Oh don't tell me that. Growing tomatoes is one of the things I'm really looking forward to.



Are you moving to Florida or have you recently moved here? Gardening is totally different here. For one, don't plan on tomatoes, or much of anything, in summer. Cherry and grape tomatoes can handle the heat, but not regular size ones. Zucchini, summer squash, and hot peppers are about the only other things I can grow in summer. The good news is that although you give up the summer growing season, you still have 3 other seasons.





ROFL! Am I dating myself if I admit to remembering when ketchup was declared a vegetable for school lunches?


No more than I am.



Me three.

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Are you moving to Florida or have you recently moved here? Gardening is totally different here. For one, don't plan on tomatoes, or much of anything, in summer. Cherry and grape tomatoes can handle the heat, but not regular size ones. Zucchini, summer squash, and hot peppers are about the only other things I can grow in summer. The good news is that although you give up the summer growing season, you still have 3 other seasons.







We're moving to South Florida this summer. Tomatoes will grow here but it takes forever. Last year I started them in March(under a cloche) and finally had some in October! And last year was a "good" gardening year. In the bad one's you're lucky to get 3 tomatoes from 2 plants! Peppers won't grow at all. But I can grow kale like no other!!

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Guest inoubliable

I started watching Freedom Writers the other night! I didn't finish it, though. I should finish it tonight - thanks for reminding me.


I had to look up the Ketchup is a Vegetable thing. No wonder I'd only "heard of it" but hadn't "really" heard of it. Er, I'm on cough medicine. Anyway. 1980? Was a wee babe at the time. The wiki on it is interesting.

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I was gonna say I had just turned 4 when Reagan was president, but I didn't want to brag. My first impressioned memory of politics was Dana Carvey playing Dan Quayle on SNL. Wait. Not entirely accurate. I remember Reagan falling asleep at some function. That might have been an SNL skit too, though.

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I was gonna say I had just turned 4 when Reagan was president, but I didn't want to brag. My first impressioned memory of politics was Dana Carvey playing Dan Quayle on SNL. Wait. Not entirely accurate. I remember Reagan falling asleep at some function. That might have been an SNL skit too, though.




Meh. We were safer when Reagan was asleep. ;)

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Weekend plans: Saturday = good = going snowboarding!


Sunday = wah = going to FIL and his wife's for supper. It's hard to take them in long doses because they're such downers, always talking about who has what disease/disorder and about what if they have such-and-such disease/disorder, and about the details of the diseases/disorders they do have, and what funerals they've been to lately, and... you get the idea. Also, FIL is the most unsupportive, discouraging person on the planet when it comes to farming (we bought the farm from him). He hated it so everyone else has to, too. I always go with the firm conviction that I will remain so cheerful it puts Pollyanna to shame, but man! They can really wear me down if it goes on too long.


This weekend ds is also putting in some final practice for his speech for 4H, which is on Tuesday. It's pretty funny actually -- a comparison of how Donkey Kong is to video games what Shakespeare is to literature. He's doing very well and I don't think you could pick out his stutter. He should be good for Tuesday. Most people get nervous in front of an audience, but he actually seems to get more perky and animated.


Dh is trying to put together a draft plan for a new bed for ds. His current bed was cheap and is starting to fall apart. Dh wants to make him a captain's bed with drawers under it attached to a headboard with shelves.

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Lots going on, Audrey! You have my sympathies with the inlaw thing. I wish you good luck. I have I laws like that and they gratefully disowned us or moved far away.


Your ds's speech sounds awesome!


And when your dh is done with the bed, I'd love to commission a loft bed please. ;)

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We're just back from the last nature study tour of round one. I/3 success, 1/3 failure, 1/3 should have bought someone else to help or a leash for ds. Hope to go again next season, so late April. Very happy there was no flies down at the coast like there was on our inland trip.

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I nearly spit coffee on my screen. :lol:


Oh! I am also writing a 2-3 page "personal statement" and touching up my résumé this weekend, so I can send in my application to Amherst and (hopefully) get accepted and finish my degree. <insert happy dance>

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Wish me luck, everyone! I'm diving into the living room with a goal of cleaning and tantrum proofing it.


I'm finishing my schedules and just trying to survive.


EEG is in 17 days. 18 days away from normal and consistent bedtime. 18 days from what will hopefully be *the* test to figure out my son's problems.

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Audrey, sometimes I miss having a handy dh. The ex built a high chair one day when our daughter tried to sit at the table and fell. He made her a dollhouse that looked kinda like our house. Oh, we'll, this one can hold a job and will have sex with me . . . .


Good luck Angela. And good luck amo . . .is this his first EEG? I hope they find something fixable.

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Sex is very, very good and vital to human functioning!


This is his first overnight EEG. I've suspected seizures for about 6 years. He finally had a 45 minute EEG a few years ago and when it was normal, i was blown off.


The living room is almost clean!!! I cleaned ds's room first.

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I'm wiped and it's only 3pm Saturday. I had a Special Olympics competition this morning. I didn't have any of my kids with me because it's for players with less developed skills, but it was still exhausting just coaching even without the parenting part. Then I had to buy Geezle's new boy scout pants which come with unfinished bottoms. Too bad, he'll wear them rolled because there is no way that I'm hemming pants when he's due for a growth spurt any day now. Now I just have to sew on a couple of badges and we're set. Unfortunately no one will see his sparkly new uniform because it's dropping to 39 degrees and I have to dig out the "visiting the north in winter" parkas I keep in storage. I'll be so glad to collapse on the couch tonight and watch the rest of the Homeland dvds I've got waiting for me.

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Slopes were a bit of a bust today. It was okay this morning, but it got a bit warmer and then drizzled around noon so came home after lunch.


Now, I'm bored. :bored:

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Lovely weather today: up to 9 degrees C and sunny. Bought some perennials and summer bulbs at Aldi - three plants for a pound, 12-40 bulbs for a pound. Planted them in a sunny new bed next to the house. Pruned back some shrubs. Husband and Hobbes worked on shovelling and sieving out the gravel that the previous owners laid straight onto good earth, so I can plant another bed in a sheltered patio area. We all sat outside to eat lunch.


This evening, went to the leaving drinks for friends who are moving out of the village - they are going to the nearest town, five miles away. We will still see them, but will miss having them just up the road.


Tomorrow? Clean the house in the morning. More planting, weeding and pruning, plus seed sowing. It's meant to be cloudy but still fairly warm.



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well, i got caught up on grading my teen's lllotr and watched the next episode of touch . . . and tentatively planned out menu for next week. poor dh is so exhausted doing the shopping for me and carrying things for me. i'm getting a little more independent and the boys are helping, but he also had a big crisis week at work.

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Db, it's gotta get better soon!


Easter baskets are done except for a small order from Amazon. Dh and I dropped the kids off at pokemon league and headed to Walmart. I'm doing a basket for my momma, too. Dad used to do it. I'm finding lots of little things that Dad used to do that are now on my plate. I don't mind, but I'm so scared I'm going to forget again. I forgot Valentine's Day. We don't celebrate at all here. I took Mom grocery shopping and she was distracted and very sad. I didn't get it. I dropped her off at home and as I was leaving, I gave her hug. She said "Happy V Day." ugh. I felt like poop.

So, now I'm paranoid that I'm going to forget something.


Having dinner with a friend tonight and one of my favorite restaurants. Then, I'll be home watching the last Twilight movie like the nerd I am. (No bashing Twilight, please! I gave up lots of other vices. The crappy vampire habit isn't going anywhere.)

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Oh. Ugh, DR. I hate that feeling.


I spent 5 hours in arctic wind (it comes with lax fields) and still haven't warmed up... Still wearing 4 layers, drinking tea and huddling by the fire. I hate early lacrosse season.


Black bean soup and biscuits for supper. Lots of hot sauce.

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mmm, i made some black bean soup before the surgery and i still have some in the freezer. frozen in ice cube trays - wonderful for lunch! no one else in the family will eat it. and we had biscuits tonight! gfcf biscuits, wrapped around hot dogs lol

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mmm, i made some black bean soup before the surgery and i still have some in the freezer. frozen in ice cube trays - wonderful for lunch! no one else in the family will eat it. and we had biscuits tonight! gfcf biscuits, wrapped around hot dogs lol

Hey! Mine were GF, too!



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Yuck, Angela. I take a warm shower and that helps. I love watching lacrosse but not when it's that cold. Ugh.

I know. But I'd have to take my clothes off... :lol:


I love watching (and playing) but, man oh man, with the boys and girl child having back to back practices with temps that only got to the low 40s stunk. Of course, summer tournament season is hideous the other way... And then we continue into crazy cold fall season.


Maybe I should change my screen name to LaxMom. Heehee


And then I did! It's really more accurate. The house is way less crazy than it was in '08.

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i use mostly starches . . . they are like savory cookies, no nutritional value lol. ok, a tiny bit of bean and coconut flour, but mostly corn starch, potato starch, tapioca starch

Oh, no. There was no nutritional value. Cup4cup, butter, milk, yogurt (I never seem to have buttermilk), leavening... Happy. Total comfort food.

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