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SOCIAL GROUP: Atheists, agnostics, free-thinkers, non-believers

Guest inoubliable

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Guys. I think I just need some virtual hugs today from other non-religious folk.


I had this entire post typed out and decided it was too personal for the public forum.


Suffice it to say that one of my very best friends has become more and more religious to the point that I'm worried for her and for one of her children (my 12yo's best friend). She's become a submissive, helpmeet wife. Gag. She has given over so much control over her own life to her husband (as the "sprititual leader of the household").

My son's friend is becoming so legalistic that my ds is confused.


I had originally wanted advice. Now, I just want to be around people who aren't religious. Who see how scary it is to give up your life like that to any other person. I am honestly sick to my stomach over it. She is a good friend. I don't want to lose her (the advice that I had originally wanted). I almost feel like I've lost her already.


I'm just sad and lonely, the saddest kind of lonely. They kind where your friend is sitting right there, but you just feel alone.


I don't argue religion with people. I don't ever bring it up at all. She knows I'm an atheist. I was fine with her being religious. It wasn't a defining point in our friendship. Now? It's just the conversations. How conservative she's gotten. How submissive (it really, really, really bothers me!).


Don't know where this post is going. But, I know I'm safe to express it here, even if it doesn't make sense. My dh gets it and he is so sad for me. I guess I just needed hugs.



:grouphug: That would be so hard for me to watch. :( Unfortunately, she will probably get in deeper. I think it would be nice for her to know you're her friend but trying to talk sense into her will only drive her away. By now she's been taught she will be persecuted for her beliefs so your questioning her would just reassure her path. I'm sorry :(

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That's too bad. I wonder if she ever wonders why her god gave her a brain if she doesn't want to use it. I mean if woman were meant to be servants to men they wouldn't really need a fully functioning one. Kind of like the appendix....would have just withered to a meaningless organ, right?

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That's too bad. I wonder if she ever wonders why her god gave her a brain if she doesn't want to use it. I mean if woman were meant to be servants to men they wouldn't really need a fully functioning one. Kind of like the appendix....would have just withered to a meaningless organ, right?




Don't forget that there are many many men (and whole societies) who do believe that women don't have fully functioning brains.


And honestly, I come across some things from women that make me wonder if they maybe don't have a fully functioning brain....well, and men too of course.


Hand slap to forehead about something I just read online this morning which I can't post because we are not a private group.

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Guest inoubliable

Don't forget that there are many many men (and whole societies) who do believe that women don't have fully functioning brains.


And honestly, I come across some things from women that make me wonder if they maybe don't have a fully functioning brain....well, and men too of course.


Hand slap to forehead about something I just read online this morning which I can't post because we are not a private group.



Ugh. That's just gross.


PM the link! Now I'm curious about what you read. LOL.

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16 hours of sleep, 3 doses from a z-pack and I am feeling almost clear headed! Well mentally, physically I am still all swollen and stuffy. :bored:

I will try to refrain from waxing poetic about my dogs......especially since she just stole a plate off the coffee table and hunkered over it like starving wolf.


I have lost friends to religion, and my husband is subjected to weird almost unintelligible rants from his cousin whom he used to be very close with every couple of weeks. It breaks my heart.

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Ugh. That's just gross.


PM the link! Now I'm curious about what you read. LOL.



Pass it on to me via PM too please!


Dh and I were just discussing the issue of women and religion, I really don't understand what the fear so many men have of women. Because it seems like it is only fear that would cause them to feel the need to control, fully cover, and dominate them.

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Guest inoubliable

16 hours of sleep, 3 doses from a z-pack and I am feeling almost clear headed! Well mentally, physically I am still all swollen and stuffy. :bored:

I will try to refrain from waxing poetic about my dogs......especially since she just stole a plate off the coffee table and hunkered over it like starving wolf.


I have lost friends to religion, and my husband is subjected to weird almost unintelligible rants from his cousin whom he used to be very close with every couple of weeks. It breaks my heart.


Glad to hear that you're feeling better! I hope you can continue to rest over the weekend.

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Guys. I think I just need some virtual hugs today from other non-religious folk.


I had this entire post typed out and decided it was too personal for the public forum.


Suffice it to say that one of my very best friends has become more and more religious to the point that I'm worried for her and for one of her children (my 12yo's best friend). She's become a submissive, helpmeet wife. Gag. She has given over so much control over her own life to her husband (as the "sprititual leader of the household").

My son's friend is becoming so legalistic that my ds is confused.


I had originally wanted advice. Now, I just want to be around people who aren't religious. Who see how scary it is to give up your life like that to any other person. I am honestly sick to my stomach over it. She is a good friend. I don't want to lose her (the advice that I had originally wanted). I almost feel like I've lost her already.


I'm just sad and lonely, the saddest kind of lonely. They kind where your friend is sitting right there, but you just feel alone.


I don't argue religion with people. I don't ever bring it up at all. She knows I'm an atheist. I was fine with her being religious. It wasn't a defining point in our friendship. Now? It's just the conversations. How conservative she's gotten. How submissive (it really, really, really bothers me!).


Don't know where this post is going. But, I know I'm safe to express it here, even if it doesn't make sense. My dh gets it and he is so sad for me. I guess I just needed hugs.


It's like patriarchy is sneaking in more and more to these churches. I am convinced it is a virus. It seems way more prominent now than it did 20 years ago. I think it is part of the ongoing backlash against feminism.


I read about a year ago that the word translated as helpmeet in the bible was selectively only translated for women/Eve. At various other points in different books when the same term is used for males, it got translated differently. I don't have the language skills to verify that but I found it interesting.


I am so sorry for your friend and her son. What gets me more than anything is the kids brought up like this are being so damaged by the worldview, and crippled by the terms of a crushing set of proscribed gender norms. The fact that your friend seems to need to talk about it so much almost makes her seem like she needs validation for her choices, so many she is shaky on them.

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Guys. I think I just need some virtual hugs today from other non-religious folk.


I had this entire post typed out and decided it was too personal for the public forum.


Suffice it to say that one of my very best friends has become more and more religious to the point that I'm worried for her and for one of her children (my 12yo's best friend). She's become a submissive, helpmeet wife. Gag. She has given over so much control over her own life to her husband (as the "sprititual leader of the household").

My son's friend is becoming so legalistic that my ds is confused.


I had originally wanted advice. Now, I just want to be around people who aren't religious. Who see how scary it is to give up your life like that to any other person. I am honestly sick to my stomach over it. She is a good friend. I don't want to lose her (the advice that I had originally wanted). I almost feel like I've lost her already.


I'm just sad and lonely, the saddest kind of lonely. They kind where your friend is sitting right there, but you just feel alone.


I don't argue religion with people. I don't ever bring it up at all. She knows I'm an atheist. I was fine with her being religious. It wasn't a defining point in our friendship. Now? It's just the conversations. How conservative she's gotten. How submissive (it really, really, really bothers me!).


Don't know where this post is going. But, I know I'm safe to express it here, even if it doesn't make sense. My dh gets it and he is so sad for me. I guess I just needed hugs.




I'm way to outspoken to sit back and watch that happen. However if you push her it may just drive her away. :grouphug:

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Don't forget that there are many many men (and whole societies) who do believe that women don't have fully functioning brains.


And honestly, I come across some things from women that make me wonder if they maybe don't have a fully functioning brain....well, and men too of course.


Hand slap to forehead about something I just read online this morning which I can't post because we are not a private group.



PM me the link please!

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Don't forget that there are many many men (and whole societies) who do believe that women don't have fully functioning brains.


And honestly, I come across some things from women that make me wonder if they maybe don't have a fully functioning brain....well, and men too of course.


Hand slap to forehead about something I just read online this morning which I can't post because we are not a private group.



This is what bothers me most. I mean she's educated! From a 'normal' family. When I met her many years ago, she had no religion. This has been a slow progression. And the changes I'm seeing her husband are kinda disturbing me, too. Please PM me that article link, too. I'd like to get angry, too. :)

It's like patriarchy is sneaking in more and more to these churches. I am convinced it is a virus. It seems way more prominent now than it did 20 years ago. I think it is part of the ongoing backlash against feminism.


I read about a year ago that the word translated as helpmeet in the bible was selectively only translated for women/Eve. At various other points in different books when the same term is used for males, it got translated differently. I don't have the language skills to verify that but I found it interesting.


I am so sorry for your friend and her son. What gets me more than anything is the kids brought up like this are being so damaged by the worldview, and crippled by the terms of a crushing set of proscribed gender norms. The fact that your friend seems to need to talk about it so much almost makes her seem like she needs validation for her choices, so many she is shaky on them.



I've always been irritated that the Bible has had so many translation. I mean, my personal view is that Jesus did exist. He is documented in other sources as having lived, like Siddhartha, Confucius, other great minds. And I *do* like what he has to say, from a philisophical view. But, Man got ahold of those good teachings and turned them into misandry. I mean it's been discovered that the Magdeline wasn't a prostitute at all. But, the plot wouldn't have been nearly as good if she isn't a villain.


I try to sneak my view points in. I try to gently remind her that Middle Path is wise. That we don't need to starve or gorge ourselves. Unfortunately, things are all black or white with this family.

I lost a close family member to religion. There is no return back for her. It's sad, but I know nothing can be done.


Hope your friendship survives this.



Thank you. I do, too. At the core, we are very compatible. And our boys have been raised together. The family was gone for awhile and have now moved back. Maybe that's why this is upsetting me so much.

And Maranda, my tongue was bleeding yesterday from biting it so much. My respect for her as a person and friend usually wins out over my opinions. It's so hard though.


And as a mini-rant: When in the Hades did the word "pray" become a replacement for "think". Are you going to go the movies on Friday? "I'm praying on it." Gag. Vomit. Sputter.


Thank you all for letting me whine a bit. It really wrecked my day yesterday. And today, I'm having lunch with two fellow soccer moms. I was so excited for this until I found out that one of them just left her husband (the other one did last year) and this weekend they are both "Kid FREE". I hate that phrase and now I'm going to be alone there today, too. Dh doesn't want me to go at all. I'm going to because I made the commitment and that's the kind of person I am. But after yesterday, I'm gonna need a big glass of wine with lunch. Lucky, I'm doubling my wine consumption because my friend from yesterday has given up wine for Lent. *snicker*

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I think everyone here has lost a friend to cults Deserts so you are in good company!!


I don't get how people can start out normal and then morph into this. Did you friend wake up one day and just think, "Wow. Thinking is so hard. I'll let my DH do it all now."


I get the giggles about it because I lost a friend to this same thing at the exact same time as I lost another friend to BDSM. It cracked me up how similar the two lifestyles were. At the least the BDSM couple was able to see and acknowledge it. The surrendered wife and spouse didn't get it at all, and honestly that just made it all the funnier.


I don't know what kind of man would want that. Just ew. And dumb and fake.

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Thank you all for letting me whine a bit. It really wrecked my day yesterday. And today, I'm having lunch with two fellow soccer moms. I was so excited for this until I found out that one of them just left her husband (the other one did last year) and this weekend they are both "Kid FREE". I hate that phrase and now I'm going to be alone there today, too. Dh doesn't want me to go at all. I'm going to because I made the commitment and that's the kind of person I am. But after yesterday, I'm gonna need a big glass of wine with lunch. Lucky, I'm doubling my wine consumption because my friend from yesterday has given up wine for Lent. *snicker*


Not to poke at you while you're down, but why do you hate that phrase?


I remember using it from time to time when mine were younger and spending the weekend with my parents or something . . . I didn't realize I was pissing anyone off by saying it.

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It's like patriarchy is sneaking in more and more to these churches. I am convinced it is a virus. It seems way more prominent now than it did 20 years ago. I think it is part of the ongoing backlash against feminism.


I read about a year ago that the word translated as helpmeet in the bible was selectively only translated for women/Eve. At various other points in different books when the same term is used for males, it got translated differently. I don't have the language skills to verify that but I found it interesting.


I am so sorry for your friend and her son. What gets me more than anything is the kids brought up like this are being so damaged by the worldview, and crippled by the terms of a crushing set of proscribed gender norms. The fact that your friend seems to need to talk about it so much almost makes her seem like she needs validation for her choices, so many she is shaky on them.


I think one of the problems is the bible is read SO literally these days. It's like a contest to see who can be the most biblically correct. The men are the ones winning in this and women are left barefoot and pregnant with countless kids and feeling guilty for not being able to do it all. It's very sad but I don't think there's a thing anyone can do to reach these women. Let them hear our voice and hope they ask for help when they are ready to listen.


This is where I wouldn't mind seeing some oversight in homeschooling. These children deserve a chance at a life and there is absolutely no one there to check in on them in some states. IDK what the answer is though. It's way too easy to hide under the guise of religion.

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I think everyone here has lost a friend to cults Deserts so you are in good company!!


I don't get how people can start out normal and then morph into this. Did you friend wake up one day and just think, "Wow. Thinking is so hard. I'll let my DH do it all now."


I get the giggles about it because I lost a friend to this same thing at the exact same time as I lost another friend to BDSM. It cracked me up how similar the two lifestyles were. At the least the BDSM couple was able to see and acknowledge it. The surrendered wife and spouse didn't get it at all, and honestly that just made it all the funnier.


I don't know what kind of man would want that. Just ew. And dumb and fake.


I often wonder how far that "surrender" extends. I just don't want to know......


Not to poke at you while you're down, but why do you hate that phrase?


I remember using it from time to time when mine were younger and spending the weekend with my parents or something . . . I didn't realize I was pissing anyone off by saying it.


Oh, you're not poking me while I'm down. I don't think it's the phrase that I dislike; it's the intent behind it.

Dh and I were married for 7 years before we had children. We used Kid-free during that phase in our lives to convey that we were happily without children (verus battling infertility).

I think it just bothers me because the way it was said was that their children were burdens. And that this weekend they were pawned off on someone else and they were free of their commitment. It was said like many people talk about work. I realize children can be burdens sometimes and it is good to have a break. It's just the way it was said and meaning behind it for these 2 ladies that I dislike.

Does that make any sense?

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Not to poke at you while you're down, but why do you hate that phrase?


I remember using it from time to time when mine were younger and spending the weekend with my parents or something . . . I didn't realize I was pissing anyone off by saying it.



I never realized it might offend anyone either.

I never have a babysitter, other than once in a blue moon when my mom asks to have him. So those 4 days a month that he is at his dads are literally MY time. I use it to wander around Target aimlessly, or spend all afternoon at the used bookstore. DH works weird hours, so its not like he could really take over while I go do my thing either.


Ds is 11, so pretty independent, but he also doesn't sleep well, so we aren't even getting any real down time in the evenings anymore.


As a side note, I have never been able to go to bed if he was still awake, I might be in the other room, but if he is up, so am I. I am thinking with the teen years looming, that is something I am going to have to let go of. I have no problem taking a short nap while he plays minecraft, but actually going to bed.... nope.

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I think one of the problems is the bible is read SO literally these days. It's like a contest to see who can be the most biblically correct. The men are the ones winning in this and women are left barefoot and pregnant with countless kids and feeling guilty for not being able to do it all. It's very sad but I don't think there's a thing anyone can do to reach these women. Let them hear our voice and hope they ask for help when they are ready to listen.


This is where I wouldn't mind seeing some oversight in homeschooling. These children deserve a chance at a life and there is absolutely no one there to check in on them in some states. IDK what the answer is though. It's way too easy to hide under the guise of religion.



I'm with you on the oversight. I think it's a reasonable thing for government to demand that people have some basic understanding of how the planet operates beyond the idea of our planet being 500 years old. At some point in time these people are going to be going out into the world, Driving cars. Buying houses. Getting jobs. You are at a huge disadvantage in the world if you don't have a basic working knoweldge of things like... gravity.


But then you get states like Lousiana and Texas who don't want that taught either.


I'd like to see homeschooling overseen by Sweden maybe. :laugh:

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I think everyone here has lost a friend to cults Deserts so you are in good company!!


I don't get how people can start out normal and then morph into this. Did you friend wake up one day and just think, "Wow. Thinking is so hard. I'll let my DH do it all now."


I get the giggles about it because I lost a friend to this same thing at the exact same time as I lost another friend to BDSM. It cracked me up how similar the two lifestyles were. At the least the BDSM couple was able to see and acknowledge it. The surrendered wife and spouse didn't get it at all, and honestly that just made it all the funnier.


I don't know what kind of man would want that. Just ew. And dumb and fake.


It's a super slow progression. Like watching your children grow up but you don't see the growth while it's happening. Religion is slow like that. It starts with a simple God loves you, come to church. It's all good for a while but you slowly start changing. More and more of the bible starts making sense. You're told to have blind faith like a child. You'll be persecuted for your beliefs so don't be surprised. It's a sign you're doing things right. There are bible verses to back every single crazy thing a Christian does. You're told the bible is the only truth and base everything you do off of it. You're told the earth is non believers heaven and you're heaven awaits you when you die. Live this life for God. So it's a very slow brainwashing and does not happen fast at all.

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I often wonder how far that "surrender" extends. I just don't want to know......




Oh, you're not poking me while I'm down. I don't think it's the phrase that I dislike; it's the intent behind it.

Dh and I were married for 7 years before we had children. We used Kid-free during that phase in our lives to convey that we were happily without children (verus battling infertility).

I think it just bothers me because the way it was said was that their children were burdens. And that this weekend they were pawned off on someone else and they were free of their commitment. It was said like many people talk about work. I realize children can be burdens sometimes and it is good to have a break. It's just the way it was said and meaning behind it for these 2 ladies that I dislike.

Does that make any sense?


It makes sense to me!! I went through this with my best friend after her divorce. She was just so... jubilant at not having her DD around twice a month. We probed each other gently to explore that. As it turned out for her, holding her DH together AND practicing AP parenting was driving her a bit nutters. Nuttier than I realized.


Ultimately, she toned down the, "I'm free!" stuff and I ramped up some activities outside the home. We were both half-ish right. :)

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It's a super slow progression. Like watching your children grow up but you don't see the growth while it's happening. Religion is slow like that. It starts with a simple God loves you, come to church. It's all good for a while but you slowly start changing. More and more of the bible starts making sense. You're told to have blind faith like a child. You'll be persecuted for your beliefs so don't be surprised. It's a sign you're doing things right. There are bible verses to back every single crazy thing a Christian does. You're told the bible is the only truth and base everything you do off of it. You're told the earth is non believers heaven and you're heaven awaits you when you die. Live this life for God. So it's a very slow brainwashing and does not happen fast at all.


I completely agree. This is exactly how I've watched it happen. I wonder why some people take it so far. My parents are/were are Christians. They are kind, generous, understanding. They live good lives and by example show they are believers. Is it a personality trait, like OCD, that makes people take it too far?


Discuss amongst yourselves. :) I'm going to soccer practice and lunch (I'll have fun, remember, wine!). I'll look forward to checking in this evening.


Thanks again, ladies! I can't tell you how much better I feel to be understood. It's a relief. I felt like I was losing it a little bit. Ya know, everyone else around you is one way so *you* have to be the one with problem. Thanks for giving me a safe place.

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I often wonder how far that "surrender" extends. I just don't want to know......




Oh, you're not poking me while I'm down. I don't think it's the phrase that I dislike; it's the intent behind it.

Dh and I were married for 7 years before we had children. We used Kid-free during that phase in our lives to convey that we were happily without children (verus battling infertility).

I think it just bothers me because the way it was said was that their children were burdens. And that this weekend they were pawned off on someone else and they were free of their commitment. It was said like many people talk about work. I realize children can be burdens sometimes and it is good to have a break. It's just the way it was said and meaning behind it for these 2 ladies that I dislike.

Does that make any sense?


Oh, yes. I do see.


Well I probably did offend back in the day, because I have one of those "in your face" personalities and it was amped up to 100 all the time when I was younger.


Now I don't even know where the heck my son is half the time. I think he's probably somewhere doing a happy dance and telling his friends that he's "Mom FREE."

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Guys. I think I just need some virtual hugs today from other non-religious folk.


I had this entire post typed out and decided it was too personal for the public forum.


Suffice it to say that one of my very best friends has become more and more religious to the point that I'm worried for her and for one of her children (my 12yo's best friend). She's become a submissive, helpmeet wife. Gag. She has given over so much control over her own life to her husband (as the "sprititual leader of the household").

My son's friend is becoming so legalistic that my ds is confused.


I had originally wanted advice. Now, I just want to be around people who aren't religious. Who see how scary it is to give up your life like that to any other person. I am honestly sick to my stomach over it. She is a good friend. I don't want to lose her (the advice that I had originally wanted). I almost feel like I've lost her already.


I'm just sad and lonely, the saddest kind of lonely. They kind where your friend is sitting right there, but you just feel alone.


I don't argue religion with people. I don't ever bring it up at all. She knows I'm an atheist. I was fine with her being religious. It wasn't a defining point in our friendship. Now? It's just the conversations. How conservative she's gotten. How submissive (it really, really, really bothers me!).


Don't know where this post is going. But, I know I'm safe to express it here, even if it doesn't make sense. My dh gets it and he is so sad for me. I guess I just needed hugs.


I'm So sorry. :(

You never know. This might not last. I wanted to be a submissive wife, but my husband didn't want to be a patriarchal leader. We worked out fine as we're atheists now. Maybe it will go similarly for your friend. I am sorry though for the present reality *BIG HUG*

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Is there an incense that does not stink so much?? I need my wind element and I love incense but some of them are too strong!


Don't buy the black sticks. They smell fake anyway, but also quite strong. Herb & Earth is my favourite brand. MorningStar is also nice. Try vanilla, chamomile or green tea. Those tend to be milder scents.

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Is there an incense that does not stink so much?? I need my wind element and I love incense but some of them are too strong!


What's a "wind element"?


Around here (three teens, two are boys, husband who might as well be teen), "wind element" would be another way of saying "whispering into panties," or "barking spiders," if you know what I mean.




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Guys. I think I just need some virtual hugs today from other non-religious folk.


I'm just sad and lonely, the saddest kind of lonely. They kind where your friend is sitting right there, but you just feel alone.


I don't argue religion with people. I don't ever bring it up at all. She knows I'm an atheist. I was fine with her being religious. It wasn't a defining point in our friendship. Now? It's just the conversations. How conservative she's gotten. How submissive (it really, really, really bothers me!).


Don't know where this post is going. But, I know I'm safe to express it here, even if it doesn't make sense. My dh gets it and he is so sad for me. I guess I just needed hugs.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Guys. I think I just need some virtual hugs today from other non-religious folk.


I had this entire post typed out and decided it was too personal for the public forum.


Suffice it to say that one of my very best friends has become more and more religious to the point that I'm worried for her and for one of her children (my 12yo's best friend). She's become a submissive, helpmeet wife. Gag. She has given over so much control over her own life to her husband (as the "sprititual leader of the household").

My son's friend is becoming so legalistic that my ds is confused.


I had originally wanted advice. Now, I just want to be around people who aren't religious. Who see how scary it is to give up your life like that to any other person. I am honestly sick to my stomach over it. She is a good friend. I don't want to lose her (the advice that I had originally wanted). I almost feel like I've lost her already.


I'm just sad and lonely, the saddest kind of lonely. They kind where your friend is sitting right there, but you just feel alone.


I don't argue religion with people. I don't ever bring it up at all. She knows I'm an atheist. I was fine with her being religious. It wasn't a defining point in our friendship. Now? It's just the conversations. How conservative she's gotten. How submissive (it really, really, really bothers me!).


Don't know where this post is going. But, I know I'm safe to express it here, even if it doesn't make sense. My dh gets it and he is so sad for me. I guess I just needed hugs.





It's hard when you see someone falling into self-inflicted illness -- and that is what those extreme situations end up being, IMO and IME. It is frustrating to see another woman -- especially one you care about -- throwing her self-hood away like that.


I don't have any advice, because my experience tells me that people have to come to certain realizations on their own -- you can't help them get there. However, you definitely have my sympathy. It is such a hard thing to watch -- like a trainwreck in slow motion. :crying:

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Please, never use "moist" again.


Thank you.



Not a good word. And it squicks out almost everyone.

Please. It makes me cringe every time. :p


Hmm... that one doesn't bother me at all. There are far more squicky words I can think of than that one.

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Speaking of words that one cannot stand.....my sister is freaked out anytime someone says the word "kernel" or even "Colonel" because when she was 14 my mom used that word to describe a certain female body part to her. I can make her freak out just by saying "popcorn" due to association. It's funny. :smilielol5:


I don't like the word "pop"

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Guest inoubliable

My kids have been watching this vid for the last few days. I like the last one best.


That video skeeves me out! I laughed the first time I saw it, but then.... I don't know. *shudder* Those screams.

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mmm, not to be picky, but doesnt talk about 'wind elements' belong on the alternative spirituality thread? not that it offends me or anything, but i'm just a sorting-type person and it seems to me it makes more sense there.


I think this thread and alternative spirituality are in the center of a Venn diagram. I blame Audrey and Rosie. :D

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Hugs to you DR. It can't be easy to watch your friend giving up her will. I am very much of the camp grownups-can-make-their-own-decisions-about-relationships, but the problem with that is, when you give over control so completely, you can't get it back without getting extreme.


I wonder if these patriarchal movements are the product of some seeing the secularization of our society and, looking for a reason came up with the (always clever and effective) "it's the women". Because, really, when you're looking for someone to subjugate, it has to be the women or the foreigners, doesn't it, and the foreigners have probably been ruled out in this case.


Delaney, I like nag champa (in fact your inquiry inspired me to light some off) and Shisheido sticks (no wood, pure incense). I like the jewel series: not too perfumey, leaves a nice scent.

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I'm with you on the oversight. I think it's a reasonable thing for government to demand that people have some basic understanding of how the planet operates beyond the idea of our planet being 500 years old. At some point in time these people are going to be going out into the world, Driving cars. Buying houses. Getting jobs. You are at a huge disadvantage in the world if you don't have a basic working knoweldge of things like... gravity.


But then you get states like Lousiana and Texas who don't want that taught either.


I'd like to see homeschooling overseen by Sweden maybe. :laugh:


Well since homeschooling pretty much isn't allowed here I'm not sure we are the best at overseeing ;) But sure why not :gnorsi:

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Speaking of words that one cannot stand.....my sister is freaked out anytime someone says the word "kernel" or even "Colonel" because when she was 14 my mom used that word to describe a certain female body part to her. I can make her freak out just by saying "popcorn" due to association. It's funny. :smilielol5:


I don't like the word "pop"



Now I'm trying to figure out what on a woman's body resembles a popcorn kernel. Gee, thanks! :w00t:


Do I just not have one??

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