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A very important poll! :) Update!


Need a name for my sweet boy :)  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Please pick a name that you think fits...

    • Amir (Prince)
    • Asim (Protector)
    • Nasir/Naseer (Helper)
    • Luka (light)
    • Aero
    • Ace
    • Niko
    • Ceras
    • Phoenix
    • Acis
    • Aziz (DH likes this one, lol)

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Help a poor sick gal out :)


My poor Arab has yet to be renamed....his current name of Amos just does not suit him and I'd love to be out working with him and trying some new names out, but this cold/flu/whatever it is, is kicking my butt and I'm only able to spend small bits of time during the day out there.


I'll explain his personality as best I can: He loves to fling his neck and head around when checking things out. He is a messy eater. He will come running when I whistle and full out enjoys the run. He is very light on his feet and floats along when he's moving. He is very aware of his surroundings and rarely gets in my space in a pushy way, but does enjoy being next to me. Loves his neck scratched and the base of his ears and will turn his head for me to get to the other side, lol. He likes to work I was told and when I rode him he willingly did what I asked...


So I've put some names on the poll that we've picked (dd, DH and myself)...I'm normally pretty good at naming our pets, but it's not coming to me this time...


Or feel free to suggest one or two, lol :)


This was a show training picture...




and the day I got to ride him.


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Haha. I thought you were talking about a child at first. It started getting a bit weird during your description. Then a LOT weird. Then I realized... Horse! (Then you added pics and it became obvious)


How about Sirocco or Ghibli. "Sirocco is a Mediterranean wind that comes from the Sahara and reaches hurricane speeds in North Africa and Southern Europe. It is known in North Africa by the Arabic word qibli or ghibli"

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sirocco for more explanation.

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Thanks! He does have a air about him, but from what i've been reading, arabs can be like that. He does not seem full of himsekf hough. When he spooks at things he looks to me and stays close. But does not run into me whch is good. By the end of today he'll have a name :)...i'm tired. Of calling him 'buddy' lol.

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Haha. I thought you were talking about a child at first. It started getting a bit weird during your description. Then a LOT weird. Then I realized... Horse! (Then you added pics and it became obvious)





Same here! I was trying to reconcile your username, "Countrygirl", with the names you had listed in your poll for your "sweet boy!"

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I can't vote in the poll because you didn't mention my two favorites, "Mr. Wiggles" and "Fluffy." ;)


I like Eagle's suggestion of Sirocco, although wasn't that also a Volkswagen? So maybe not. But i think the VW was spelled Scirocco, so it's sort of different, and it still sounds pretty cool.


Whatever you choose, make sure it's quick and easy to call, and that you won't get sick of it. If he already knows his name as Amos, maybe Amir would be a good option because it sounds sort of similar and wouldn't be confusing for him.


Or you could just call him Bob and be done with it.

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I can't vote in the poll because you didn't mention my two favorites, "Mr. Wiggles" and "Fluffy." ;)


I like Eagle's suggestion of Sirocco, although wasn't that also a Volkswagen? So maybe not. But i think the VW was spelled Scirocco, so it's sort of different, and it still sounds pretty cool.


Whatever you choose, make sure it's quick and easy to call, and that you won't get sick of it. If he already knows his name as Amos, maybe Amir would be a good option because it sounds sort of similar and wouldn't be confusing for him.


Or you could just call him Bob and be done with it.

I totally forgot to add those two above :).

But oh dear. No Bob...just. cant. do. it lol

All the ones we picked we can live with, but i have two favorites.

He doesnt come to his current name.


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Amazingly beautiful! Did you train him?


I likes all the names, but voted for Aziz & Naseer.

I did not train him. He was actually given to me because he wasnt making the higher marks that they had hoped when showing.


Poor fellow though is getting picked on a bit by one of my horses....Jeaux is a brat...

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You could call him Alice. It sounds close enough to Amos not to confuse him, and if it's masculine enough for Alice Cooper, who are we to judge? ;)



Sorry, that probably wasn't much help...


Nope, only Alice Cooper can rock that name, lol. But it made me laugh. We've spent most of the day watching our poll move along. I'm leaving it till tomorrow...my head hurts and so I'm heading off to bed after I take some meds. I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So just to update because we finally decided....dum da da dum ...... :)


It's LUKA!


We were playing with Amir for a few days and though I mostly liked it, it just wasn't really working for me. I then called him Luka for a few and had him out at 4-H with friends and we all agreed that Luka just suits him. He's got such a personality that is fun and upbeat! He's prancy and likes to toss that head. He's just a fun little horse. His name has stuck and since it's very different from the others here, he'll adjust to it rather quickly.

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