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What does your "Me" time look like?


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I was just thinking about things I want for myself in this new year and one thing keeps popping up for me and that is "Me" time. I want to invest more into myself. Body, soul, and mind.


Body- I took up running this past year. I would love to feel and look better than ever this year.


Soul- I pour into others all the time. Teaching my kids, I teach Sunday School, I have a friend that I mentor. I need to pour more into myself, so I am planning to spend time reading my bible and praying on a more consistent basis.


Mind- I want to read more this year. I am drawn to nonfiction more than anything, but this year I want too incorporate more fluff, fun and light reading.


So what do you do in your "me" time?

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Most of my me-time is in the form of dance classes. If I don't leave the house for a class, I just don't take any time for myself. Somehow, though, this recreational me-time turned into a job. I love my students and the gigs I get with my performance troupe, but I'm beginning to think I need some me-time to recover from dance rehearsals. 😒

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My "Me" time is reading at night after all is quiet. It used to be running, but now I run pushing a jogger. Hopefully I can sneak in a solo run on the weekends. The ultimate 'Me' time would be a weekend all to myself at HOME so I am going to plan a weekend trip for my hubby and the kids this year. I say I am going to every year, but never do. This year I am going to make it happen :)

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Very long bubble baths with a glass of wine and a good book.


Quilting while watching musicals.


Time alone on my comfy outdoor swing with a glass of iced tea and a stack of magazines.


Curling up in my PJ's in bed on a weekend afternoon, reading and maybe snoozing.


Grocery shopping by myself, for fun ingredients for new meals, leisurely...


Going to Barnes and Noble and having lunch alone, then perusing the racks.


When DH takes the kids out, I use my alone time to organize HS stuff and work on plans and schedules. I need to be uninterrupted for that.


I have a returning love of window shopping at the mall. There are incredible malls here. Fawncy merchandise! :tongue_smilie:


I do not tend to use me time to exercise. I either do something with the kids or exer-clean. When the kids hear ABBA Gold start up, they know to clear out. :lol: The exception would be swimming in the summer. I love coming up for breath and hearing silence or just the chirping of birds.

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This year, beginning on Sunday, my "me" time will be during all of Sunday. Only absolutely necessary chores will be done - like feeding the dog. I'll make Sunday's dinner on Saturday night (or we'll have leftovers).


Until now, my "me time" has been spent reading and dog training. I haven't been able to begin any projects that are just for my enjoyment and that take large blocks of time while I still have energy. Having Sundays free for myself means I can do that. I don't have any aversion to spending some Sundays with DH and the kids -- they aren't usually available or interested in doing things, but if I can persuade them to go somewhere or do something interesting, I will.


Sundays will be reserved for projects I want to do, such as:


* Sewing - I can make clothes and curtains; now want to make slipcovers, dog clothes, dog bed

* Learn to knit

* Crewel embroidery

* Needlepoint

* Art - I'm going to work through two art instruction books for the non-talented.

* Might try canning vegetables

* Take open courseware classes from MIT (Kitchen Chemistry is the first one)

* Learn German

* Teach myself Physics

* Relearn calculus, if my brain can handle it

* Baking things I haven't tried yet; may try to develop the skill of decorating cakes and cookies, too

* Learn how to use my camera's manual controls, and learn to take great photographs

* Persuade my neighbor to teach me how to make a coffee table (he has a complete, professional, workshop)

* Figure out how to make a tarantula Christmas ornament.

* I enjoy dissecting animals, so I may order some and do that

* Plus more stuff that requires warm weather, like gardening, hiking, tree identification, and swimming


My ongoing dog training project will be handled daily, except on Sundays. Aidan and I will become more involved with the dog training association we just joined. My new exercise schedule will also take place daily, including walking Aidan on Sundays.


I'll continue to do low-energy things I enjoy during the week, like reading and watching a bit of television. DH and I are going to start having movie night on Fridays (if he's not too tired) or Saturdays. That way, he can sleep late the next morning. DH works 7 days a week, 360 days a year -- he is a workaholic. I am hoping to persuade him to take one or two Sundays off each month so we can do something together.

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My me time plans this year are:


To continue trying to go out with friends for a few hours of an evening a couple of times a month. We often play scrabble or share some wine and food or go to the pub and it is really refreshing.


I want to hike at least once a month but ideally more. I find it really clears my head and I am lucky to live somewhere really pretty.


Build art and photography into every day life. I try to do alot of creative things as they help to make me feel more emotionally balanced. I am moving away from doing knitting, crochet, sewing as they hurt my hands too much into art & photography. Carry out photography art/challenges with friends. Take some online art courses.


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Just now my me time looks very thin; if I manage to have a shower, eat breakfast while looking at my computer, without having someone talking at me, then I'm doing well.


I'd like more time to read, write, go for walks and take photographs. One day.

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What is this "me" time you speak of? Is it fun???


Seriously, I am with you. New Years Day they all went to their corners to play video games. I finally left with a friend to go to a grocery store. I was disgusted with how I have nothing to do on those days everyone wants to do their own thing. I just stand there bored! Then they all did nothing for my birthday yesterday. I am hurt, and angry, and going to do something about it. I plan on going out to eat my myself sometime in the next week....to the expensive place and get anything I want. :laugh:


I already decided to start doing the church Bible Study. It's the only free night our family has but heck, if you are going to go play video games for hours you won't miss me for Bible Study. I am already doing more devotional time/prayers.


I want to start working out again but haven't figured out when yet. But I am tired of waiting on others to join me. If it's just me so be it.


I already read a book this year lol!! The family was watching a movie I didn't care about seeing but I sat in there with them and read a book. Finished it too. No more joining in just to sit there.....I can sit and read at the same time.


I also have a quilt I need to finish.


So yes, I am carving out family time.....just so tired of being available and no one else wanting to do family things. So me time has come!

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My regular me time is a line dancing class once a week. I also go on scrapbooking weekends 2 or 3 times a year. My mom friends from when my kids were in preschool also try to get a Moms' Night Out together every so often. I'd like to read more and exercise more. I've started meditating in the mornings when I first wake up, but I can't seem to figure out the exercise part. Need to work on that.

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My me time has varied over the years. In the past it has been volunteering, pursuing hobbies, exercising, defined self-education, decorating, and genealogy research.


In 2007 I started writing again, I found a local Nanowrimo group and we hit it off. The group was my me time, we wrote and met all year, played together, fun stuff. Then we moved (WAH!!!)


So I still write, decorate, trying to exercise, trying to self-educate and stay ahead of ds. As ds got older, it was important that he see me doing something besides being wife and mother and teacher. It's important for our kids to see us taking care of our own needs too (even if it's 10 minutes a day) Especially with an only child, I wanted to be well on my way to pursuing something by the time he goes to college. It had to be something I'm already in the thick of otherwise I'll have no motivation. Either that or I'll end up eating Nutella out of the jar while sobbing over his empty desk in the classroom.

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I usually read a book when I crawl into bed for the night. I really don't have a lot of me time. I do get a massage maybe once a year too. But nothing regular in terms of "me" time. I really don't pamper myself.




When the kids were little, I had almost no me time. Once they didn't want to be around me 24/7, I was able to fit in more me time. Take it from someone who was blindsided by cancer. You need to take care of yourself.

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You need to take care of yourself.



I agree. I didn't do a good job of taking care of myself until my oldest was 7 and I was pregnant with #5. Suddenly 2 of my children got really sick (turns out from food allergies), my baby wasn't sleeping more than 1-2 hours at a time, EVER, and I just about went insane. It was at that point I hired a mother's helper to come over so I could nap or have some quiet time in the afternoon (I have never figured out how to enforce quiet time with all my kids so I can nap, so I have to pay someone to come over). I no longer feel guilty about taking care of myself. I remember driving past a cop and wondering what I would have to do to get him to take me to jail or put me in a mental institution, just so I could have some time alone with no responsibilities. It was a terrible time and I realized the need to not drain myself constantly.

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My boys are 7.5 and I'm just now getting better about giving myself "me" time. I've been taking some time out of the day to read a little bit -- enforcing quiet time. I'm going to the basement to exercise for an hour while I watch Dr. Oz :-). The boys are downstairs with me though while I do this so not totally me -- but I am making sure I get my exercise in. I am almost done organizing my craft room and plan to set aside at least an hour a day (hopefully more on the weekends) to get caught up on my photos and scrapbooks. That is probably my biggest passion right now (the thing I want most to do for me). Today I am going to lunch with a friend. I have 2 friends that I meet for lunch every few weeks. Otherwise, it is usually just me and the boys (and DH when he gets home at night). I am fortunate that my dad and my in-laws live close to us. My dad comes over once or twice a week to let me get out to shop for groceries, etc. My in-laws take the boys at their house for about 3 hours on Tuesdays and come over for a couple of hours on Thursdays. I am usually racing around doing something productive, but at least I'm not having to keep watch on the boys.

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When the kids were little, I had almost no me time. Once they didn't want to be around me 24/7, I was able to fit in more me time. Take it from someone who was blindsided by cancer. You need to take care of yourself.



I don't post much, but I think about you often. I hope you are doing well with your treatment!!!!!

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sewing. canning. reading. watching a show that isn't animated, lol. i am starting back my workout routine, i've let that really slip. i am also starting guitar lessons on friday and looking forward to it! my kids aren't old enough to really be home alone, but they are old enough that i can be home and self absorbed in a hobby & they easily can entertain themselves.


on a random note, every year on my birthday, i choose a new hobby or goal of sorts and seek to accomplish that for the year. i started when i was 37 & it has been a fun adventure for me. it makes birthdays more exciting! :)

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There's not a lot of "me" time to be had since I went back for my masters degree. However, I do take ballet which counts towards fitness and "me" time in my book.

Plus I do some stamping and scrapbooking. In fact, I'll be going on a scrapbook retreat at the end of this month. That's about it because so many other things take up my time!

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