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Why didn't I know about this for flu????!!


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I had heard of it but was very skeptical. Oscillococcinum-homeopathic remedy for flu, for ages 2 and up.


Dd came down with the flu and I couldn't bear the thought of dragging her out to doctor for Tamiflu so I bought this to try-wasn't very hopeful. Wow, it really helped! She has slightly supressed immune function so she gets things bad when she gets it. By that night her fever was much better (from 104.5 in the a.m.) and next morn fever was down to 100.8. Today she is still coughing but was actually able to play outside! This is a remarkable comeback for this dc. She took three doses, six hours apart.


I came down w/ it yesterday and immediately started on the Oscillo. I eneded up w/ only a mild fever and body aches that only lasted during the night. Headache was better by this morn. This is also an incredible recovery for me, since stuff really knocks me out. I have so far taken four doses, six hours apart. I plan to take a whole six doses total.


I think the secret is to start w/ it right away.


Has anyone else tried this and liked it? Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there in case it helps someone!



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I'd heard of it, but for colds not flu. I have another homeopathic tablet that I can't remember the name right now (ETA it was ColdCalm, at first I was wary about the "take one per hour for the first day" thing but it really helped) with a similar regimen to start at the first symptom. Lots of belladonna in those tabs, doesn't bother me and seemed to work but YMMV.

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I had heard of it but was very skeptical. Oscillococcinum-homeopathic remedy for flu, for ages 2 and up.


Dd came down with the flu and I couldn't bear the thought of dragging her out to doctor for Tamiflu so I bought this to try-wasn't very hopeful. Wow, it really helped! She has slightly supressed immune function so she gets things bad when she gets it. By that night her fever was much better (from 104.5 in the a.m.) and next morn fever was down to 100.8. Today she is still coughing but was actually able to play outside! This is a remarkable comeback for this dc. She took three doses, six hours apart.


I came down w/ it yesterday and immediately started on the Oscillo. I eneded up w/ only a mild fever and body aches that only lasted during the night. Headache was better by this morn. This is also an incredible recovery for me, since stuff really knocks me out. I have so far taken four doses, six hours apart. I plan to take a whole six doses total.


I think the secret is to start w/ it right away.


Has anyone else tried this and liked it? Anyway, just wanted to throw it out there in case it helps someone!






Yep, I ahdn't heard of it either up until a few weeks ago and yep, had the same reaction. The ones that got it the fastest upon onset of symptoms were the fastest to recover.

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Just to keep it balanced, read some of the articles that come up when you Google it. Enough said.



Agreed. Homeowatch.org is a good place to start.


More then likely you simply experienced a bug that ran it's course very quickly. I had on two weeks ago that knocked me flat for a day, worse then I've been in years, but left me feeling almost normal by the next day.

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Agreed. Homeowatch.org is a good place to start.


More then likely you simply experienced a bug that ran it's course very quickly. I had on two weeks ago that knocked me flat for a day, worse then I've been in years, but left me feeling almost normal by the next day.



I have had two different times lately where I started to have viral symptoms, took oscillo and never developed the virus. Other people around me (but not my family because they all took oscillo too) were sick for weeks. Believe what you want, but I'm taking it.

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I have had two different times lately where I started to have viral symptoms, took oscillo and never developed the virus. Other people around me (but not my family because they all took oscillo too) were sick for weeks. Believe what you want, but I'm taking it.




This was us. It ran though all of us. The ones that took it the furthest along in the virus were the sickest MUCH longer, even after taking it. The ones that took it right at the onset of symptoms? It was gone within two days, while the first to come down with it and not take it were still suffering.


We have a lot of people for comparison, it worked wonders for us.

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Just to keep it balanced, read some of the articles that come up when you Google it. Enough said.

Agreed. Homeowatch.org is a good place to start.

More then likely you simply experienced a bug that ran it's course very quickly. I had on two weeks ago that knocked me flat for a day, worse then I've been in years, but left me feeling almost normal by the next day.


Don't knock it until you try it.




I was a complete skeptic, as were several friends and family members, and although I can't tell you why this stuff works, there are a whole lot of us former skeptics who have become believers in it, and who have now been using it for at least a few years.


Honestly, almost every negative article and review I have read about oscillococcinum has been written by someone who has never tried it, or who had already been ill for a few days before trying it.


I won't pretend to know how or why it works, but I do know that it has worked extremely well for us, and everyone I have recommended it to, has made a point of telling me how surprised they were that it worked for them, too.



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Don't knock it until you try it.




I was a complete skeptic, as were several friends and family members, and although I can't tell you why this stuff works, there are a whole lot of us former skeptics who have become believers in it, and who have now been using it for at least a few years.


Honestly, almost every negative article and review I have read about oscillococcinum has been written by someone who has never tried it, or who had already been ill for a few days before trying it.


I won't pretend to know how or why it works, but I do know that it has worked extremely well for us, and everyone I have recommended it to, has made a point of telling me how surprised they were that it worked for them, too.


The part that is funny is when you say, "Just try it. It's sugar granules, you have nothing to lose." And then they tell you how much better they are feeling and how incredible it is.


I doubted for so many years, I feel like a fool. '


I love their chestal, too, but I've yet to try thier cold stuff, though now I will make sure I have it in the house!

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Yes, well, apparently I'm an idiot and gullible. Good to know!


Take comfort in the knowledge that you have company. I'm right there with you.


I'm always surprised when people get so adamant that a product doesn't work... when they have never tried it. If people don't want to use it, that's fine, but to essentially tell those of us who have used it for a long time (and have found it to be very effective) that we are idiots is just plain rude. :glare:

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Yes, well, apparently I'm an idiot and gullible. Good to know!


Oh for goodness sake.


I have no doubt that Oscillo makes people in this thread feel better. I don't think folks here are idiots or gullible. What I think is that people are likely getting a useful placebo effect. I've been the recipient of powerful examples of the placebo effect (including having serious pain and cold symptoms disappear) and it's very useful.


But there should be no harm in pointing out that the benefit people are getting from Oscillo is likely the placebo effect. Especially when there's no evidence to cite that it's effective beyond that placebo effect and when the homeopathic remedies recommended have been diluted to the point that there is effectively NO active ingredient in the treatment anyway. I think the last point is especially key for people to understand, that homeopathy relies mainly on what most people would call sugar pills and is based on ideas that science doesn't support.


None of this is controversial or is something that shouldn't be said. None of this means people taking Oscillo are idiots. I once carried an Advil tablet around in my pocket as a teenager because simply having it relieved a lot of symptoms I was having with my period. I wasn't an idiot. I recognized that it helped in some way and used it. But, I would not have been offended to have someone point out the pill was actually not doing anything beyond acting as a placebo.

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Well, I guess the placebo effect is powerful enough to keep this immunocompromised person (who has been to the ER for the last 4 years with complications from viruses because I am prone to chronic pericarditis) virus free this year. I've always heard that sugar suppresses your immune system instead of boosting it. So. . . perhaps it isn't the sugar that is helping. I guess I find it harder to believe that wishful thinking would do anything to a virus that is attacking my system.

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Anytime homeopathy comes up on this board in a positive way, there are ALWAYS naysayers. Just a tip for next time. ;)


We use true homeopathy here on a regular basis. While I don't fully understand it, we've had amazing results in many areas. Some say it's just a placebo effect but as an anecdote, let me tell you about one that went very wrong. I was trying to find a way to treat my underarm sweating that is non-stop, especially when I'm cold. I went through my repertory and found a remedy that matched me so I tried the first 30c dose. It worked great for a while but the life of that dose is short so I moved up to the next dose. Again, good results, but again, the dose ran itself out. Finally I went to the higher dose still and within a day, I was a raving lunactic with panic attacks. It took me some time to figure out why, but I am sorely convinced that it WAS the remedy. I ran it by my mil who's a trained homeopath and she was mad at me for taking it so far. She felt I'd chosen the wrong remedy. This was the first time I'd ever experienced something negative with homeopathy. No placebo effect, imo.

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Anytime homeopathy comes up on this board in a positive way, there are ALWAYS naysayers. Just a tip for next time. ;)


We use true homeopathy here on a regular basis. While I don't fully understand it, we've had amazing results in many areas. Some say it's just a placebo effect but as an anecdote, let me tell you about one that went very wrong. I was trying to find a way to treat my underarm sweating that is non-stop, especially when I'm cold. I went through my repertory and found a remedy that matched me so I tried the first 30c dose. It worked great for a while but the life of that dose is short so I moved up to the next dose. Again, good results, but again, the dose ran itself out. Finally I went to the higher dose still and within a day, I was a raving lunactic with panic attacks. It took me some time to figure out why, but I am sorely convinced that it WAS the remedy. I ran it by my mil who's a trained homeopath and she was mad at me for taking it so far. She felt I'd chosen the wrong remedy. This was the first time I'd ever experienced something negative with homeopathy. No placebo effect, imo.



No, but it could either have been coincidental or a nocebo effect. :D :p


I don't think it's a surprise people like me pipe up when homeopathy is mentioned. There IS no evidence of it's effectiveness. The treatments ARE diluted to such a degree that the active ingredients are no longer present in the treatments and that's because of the scientifically unsound idea that somehow the active ingredients leave an "imprint" on the "memory" of water molecules.


Those are things people who mention homeopathy generally don't point out or don't understand. Those are things that I think should be explained whenever homeopathy is recommended so people understand what they are trying.


Personally, I don't understand the opposition to the idea that there's a placebo effect. Placebo effects can be powerful and extremely helpful. As I mentioned, I've taken advantage of the placebo effect when I can. No biggie. I'm not dismissing anyone's experiences, I'm simply saying that when you're taking something that is chemically nothing more then water, alchohol or sugar then it's very likely it's having no chemical effect on you. I think we greatly discount the role our minds play in lessening or eliminating symptoms.

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Agreed. Homeowatch.org is a good place to start.


More then likely you simply experienced a bug that ran it's course very quickly. I had on two weeks ago that knocked me flat for a day, worse then I've been in years, but left me feeling almost normal by the next day.


I've used it on 2 different years where the entire office got knocked down to the point they closed down due to lack of staff and it was confirmed flu. I used it as soon as I started getting hit and was fine within 24 hours both times.

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I've used it on 2 different years where the entire office got knocked down to the point they closed down due to lack of staff and it was confirmed flu. I used it as soon as I started getting hit and was fine within 24 hours both times.



Yes, I believe you. Partly because I had a horrible flu bug two weeks ago that knocked me flat. Within 24-36 hours I was fine. Some flu bugs are like that.


Again, I don't disbelieve the stories here, but they're anecdotes with variables and contributing factors we can't measure. There's no way for us to establish whether any of these stories show anything more then coincidence or a placebo effect. Here's a good article that deal with some factors that contribute to the unreliability of anecdotes.

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I'm curious then, why are mainstream medical doctors prescribing Arnica for surgery patients to aid in the healing of soft tissue?



Perhaps for the same reason some will still prescribe antibiotics for colds.

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I'm curious then, why are mainstream medical doctors prescribing Arnica for surgery patients to aid in the healing of soft tissue?


If the claim is true (are mainstream doctors doing this? How many? A few? Half? Most? All?) then there could be several reasons but first it should be made clear that simply prescribing Arnica doesn't make one a homeopath. Homeopathy comes in when ingrediants are diluted, generally to degrees that, for all intents and purposes, they simply don't exist in the water, alchohol or sugar they were diluted with.


Second, mainstream doctors can be susceptible to anedotes or to claims made without evidence.


Third, they may have read some of the research that suggests Arnica does aid in healing and decided to give it a try. That doesn't mean they're prescribing Arnica in a homeopathic treatment though. If they are, they should be doing more research.

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I've used homeopathy remedies for over a decade and while I am not an expert, I do understand the idea behind how it works. The tiniest part or the dilution of the source is what stimulates healing in the body.


Perhaps you don't. It's supposedly the water's "memory" of the substance, not the presence of trace amounts of the substance itself. Indeed, it's likely there's not even a single molecule of the substance left if most homeopathic preparations.

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What it most likely is is a placebo. And if, knowing that, you think it offers you relief, then go ahead and use oscillo. I'm firm believer in the power of placebos to suppress pain and some symptoms.


1. I don't think homeopathic remedies are a placebo.


2. As medicines or supplements go, it's very inexpensive and has kept me and my family out of the doctor's office countless times.


3. Saves me money in the long run and frees up health care for someone else.


To each his/her own, I say.

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Perhaps you don't. It's supposedly the water's "memory" of the substance, not the presence of trace amounts of the substance itself. Indeed, it's likely there's not even a single molecule of the substance left if most homeopathic preparations.


From what I've read about homeopathy there is still a trace amount of the substance in there. If not, I wonder why homeopathic Opium is not legal in the US. At least it wasn't legal several years ago. I haven't looked into it lately.

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Wow, I didn't realize that even *this* could be a triggerpoint topic on here. I just wanted to mention something that helped us in case it could help someone else.


Yes. I don't understand why people think that a thread on what works for someone is an invitation for rude comments.




Exactly, Jean. :) And HappyGrace, I'm glad you started the thread, and have no idea why people are making such a big deal out of it. If they don't think oscillococcinum will work for them, they don't have to try it, so I see no need to turn this into a huge debate.


Some people just love to argue, I guess. :rolleyes:


FWIW, I don't buy into the placebo effect argument here, because I was sure it wouldn't work when I tried it, but I figured it was worth a shot, and I'm not the only initially-skeptical person who felt the same way, yet now swears by the stuff. And several people I know have their little kids take the stuff when they start to get sick -- and they're too young to even think about whether or not the product will work, yet it still does.


And I do want to point out that we still have yet to hear from anyone who is anti-oscillococcinum... who has also actually tried the product.

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From what I've read about homeopathy there is still a trace amount of the substance in there. If not, I wonder why homeopathic Opium is not legal in the US. At least it wasn't legal several years ago. I haven't looked into it lately.


I'm sorry, but you might want to do some more reading. Setting aside the question of efficacy, this isn't consistent with homeopathic theory.

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The part that cracks me up about conversations like this is the sheer amount of BS that is prescribed WITH 'scientific proof' that is later found to have long term side effects that NO ONE had any idea about. A white lab coat doesn't make anyone all knowing. The problem is that you don't know what you don't know.


Ot the fact that the FDA would love to shut down the nutritional companies and yet push drug after drug that harm people, yet it's all scientifically proven--with bazillions of dollars of testing and investments of course--and so unfaulty.


Got it.


I didn't take it for years because I believed it was ridiculous. But, because I took it, and because I think it works, I am gullible and dumb, falling for something that has no basis in logic or medical science. But up until the point I tried it--I was just all miss smarty pants like because I doubted it.


Thanks, I'll be well and dumb, thank you very much. I have been in the industry for years, and watched it for years before I entered it. I can tell you time after time medical science offered quackery and did irreparable harm to those around me and people in my family.


I'll take the sugar pills. What I have found is that time and time again, those in the alternative health industry have been right, the white lab coats just took years to catch up with them.

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The part that cracks me up about conversations like this is the sheer amount of BS that is prescribed WITH 'scientific proof' that is later found to have long term side effects that NO ONE had any idea about. A white lab coat doesn't make anyone all knowing. The problem is that you don't know what you don't know.


Ot the fact that the FDA would love to shut down the nutritional companies and yet push drug after drug that harm people, yet it's all scientifically proven--with bazillions of dollars of testing and investments of course--and so unfaulty.


Got it.


I didn't take it for years because I believed it was ridiculous. But, because I took it, and because I think it works, I am gullible and dumb, falling for something that has no basis in logic or medical science. But up until the point I tried it--I was just all miss smarty pants like because I doubted it.


Thanks, I'll be well and dumb, thank you very much. I have been in the industry for years, and watched it for years before I entered it. I can tell you time after time medical science offered quackery and did irreparable harm to those around me and people in my family.


I'll take the sugar pills. What I have found is that time and time again, those in the alternative health industry have been right, the white lab coats just took years to catch up with them.


I don't think CAM is a terribly sidelined and set upon industry -- it's a multi-billion dollar industry. And I don't see how saying some "big pharma" companies have ethical problems and push some drugs with questionable research (an assertion with which I agree) necessarily has a bearing on the efficacy of homeopathy. That isn't relevant. I know that's not exactly what you're saying here, but it's an argument I hear with great frequency. (Think about where I live... smack dab in the middle of CAM central.)


FWIW, I think you're neither gullible or dumb. But I do think that the placebo effect and coincidence can work together to reinforce beliefs on a small scale that simple don't pan out in larger scale testing. It's the latter I'll look to to judge the efficacy of homeopathy.

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I've used homeopathy remedies for over a decade and while I am not an expert, I do understand the idea behind how it works. The tiniest part or the dilution of the source is what stimulates healing in the body. It's the theory that what causes symptoms in a person in homeopathic form stimulates the body in healing those same symptoms.


It's not for everybody. No need to say it's absurd just because you don't believe it works. Have you tried it?


I think people are saying it's absurd because it posits that water retains a "memory" of the ingredient that was diluted in it. It's absurd because it stands in direct contradiction ot what we know about chemistry and physics.

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Thank you, OP, for the recommendation. Will definitely get some of this to have on hand!


I, for one, am very grateful for homeopathy which is helping to manage my chronic disease rather than a lifetime of prednisone staring me in the face.


To the naysayers: how do you explain the successful use of homeopathy in animals and plants? Surely the placebo effect cannot be a part of it for them.

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Looked at a book I hadn't read in years, Homeopathic Medicine At Home by Panos, M.D. and Heimlich. Quoting:


The Law of Potentization

Each [potency] is prepared by a controlled process of successive dilutions alternating with succussion (shaking), which may be continued to the point where the resulting medicine contains no molecules of the orginal substance. (Here I stand corrected) These small doses are called potencies....


The Law of Proving

The law of proving refers to the method of testing a substance to determine its medicinal effect. To prove a remedy, each of a group of healthy people is given a dose of the substance daily, and each carefully records the symptoms experienced. Conforming to the standard double-blind method used in pharmacological experiments, approximately half of the test group are used as control and given an unmedicated tablet or pill (placebo). When the proving is completed, all the symptoms that the provers consistently experience, such as dizziness, loss of memory, and restlessness, are listed as a characteristic remedy picture in the Materia Medica.


End of quote.


This is the beauty of the freedom we have in this country, at least as it stands now. I can take a remedy and gain health and you can think it is snake and mirrors. Why is it such a big issue? I feel safer taking homeopathy than allopathic drugs. I still take some allopathic drugs, but if I can be cured w/homeopathy I use it instead or in conjunction with other medicines and herbs.

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And I do want to point out that we still have yet to hear from anyone who is anti-oscillococcinum... who has also actually tried the product.


Well, that's my whole point. I could try it and find it "works". But that would prove exactly as much as any other anecdote here...Nothing. I might have a placebo response, I might have a short-lived bug, I might have ingested something else that actually did something, etc.


The plural of anecdote is not data. Real evidence requires more then just a collection of people saying it works.


Find a peer-reviewed study that concludes oscillococcinum does more then a placebo and then I'll be impressed.

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Thank you, OP, for the recommendation. Will definitely get some of this to have on hand!


I, for one, am very grateful for homeopathy which is helping to manage my chronic disease rather than a lifetime of prednisone staring me in the face.


To the naysayers: how do you explain the successful use of homeopathy in animals and plants? Surely the placebo effect cannot be a part of it for them.


Yes, Libby our disabled wonder dog has been helped tremendously by homeopathic medicines. Not, oscillo, obviously! But stuff for swelling and pain after she was hit by a car. And no, I can't believe that the placebo effect was in operation there. And no, this wasn't just coincidence or time or whatever - it was in place of high powered steroids.

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Thank you, OP, for the recommendation. Will definitely get some of this to have on hand!


I, for one, am very grateful for homeopathy which is helping to manage my chronic disease rather than a lifetime of prednisone staring me in the face.


To the naysayers: how do you explain the successful use of homeopathy in animals and plants? Surely the placebo effect cannot be a part of it for them.


What successful use? Do you have links?

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Looked at a book I hadn't read in years, Homeopathic Medicine At Home by Panos, M.D. and Heimlich. Quoting:


The Law of Potentization

Each [potency] is prepared by a controlled process of successive dilutions alternating with succussion (shaking), which may be continued to the point where the resulting medicine contains no molecules of the orginal substance. (Here I stand corrected) These small doses are called potencies....


The Law of Proving

The law of proving refers to the method of testing a substance to determine its medicinal effect. To prove a remedy, each of a group of healthy people is given a dose of the substance daily, and each carefully records the symptoms experienced. Conforming to the standard double-blind method used in pharmacological experiments, approximately half of the test group are used as control and given an unmedicated tablet or pill (placebo). When the proving is completed, all the symptoms that the provers consistently experience, such as dizziness, loss of memory, and restlessness, are listed as a characteristic remedy picture in the Materia Medica.


End of quote.


This is the beauty of the freedom we have in this country, at least as it stands now. I can take a remedy and gain health and you can think it is snake and mirrors. Why is it such a big issue? I feel safer taking homeopathy than allopathic drugs. I still take some allopathic drugs, but if I can be cured w/homeopathy I use it instead or in conjunction with other medicines and herbs.


For me, it's not a big deal if you take it. But it also should not be a big deal to reveal that homeopathy is not supported by "rigorous clinical trials" and rests on ideas that run counter to our basic understanding of physics and chemistry.


ETA: Honestly, it's the physics and chemistry thing that really trips me up. Do people that use homeopathic treatments go rewrite the science texts and books they're using for their children to make them jive with homeopathic ideas?

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