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s/o stockings

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I was reading through the 'what to put in stockings' threads and saw people mention some big things. Just how big are your stockings? Do you have special ones? We have the cheap traditional ones with glitter glue spelling our names. I can't bring myself to spend big bucks on special stockings.

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I haven't read that one, so I don't know how big of items you are talking about. But I did sew stockings for our family. I used felt, and it wasn't expensive. They are slightly bigger than some you buy. But they are not huge. In fact, I have been kind of annoyed w/myself for making them as big as I did. Now I have to fill them each year :)

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My dc's stockings are fairly big. They are getting harder to fill! :tongue_smilie: I don't remember where I bought my ds's, but I got the girl's stockings at Cracker Barrel when they were little. Theirs are felt, while ds has a quilted one. They were big enough that I could put a Disney vhs or two in them and still have room for lots of other goodies. They didn't seem so huge back then!

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my MIL made the stockings for the kids and they are HUGE....when she made the first one for our daughter, she was almost 4 months old and we have a picture of her IN the stocking...that is how big it is...so filling it (and the boy's which are the same size) is a royal pain some years...if you actually fill them, then they can weight too much...so I have to find filling, yet light weight items....not easy...but some one suggested a container of Pringles....which my kids love and that fills them nicely....

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I made our stockings and I made them alot smaller than most. I find that I never have enough room when I'm done filling them....this year I'm going to LIMIT my spending so I can actually fit everything in nicely. :)


I used the peanuts fabric because my dh loves that as part of a show he watched during his childhood. I cut out the names with felt and attached them to the top cuff of the stocking.

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Although my kids have huge stockings, I don't feel the need to completely fill them. Also, t-shirts and deflated soccer balls take up a lot of space. Maybe my kids' stockings aren't so gigantic afterall. Maybe if they were truly outrageously big, I could put an inflated soccer ball in them.

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I don't like big stockings, but it's hard to find small ones! I would rather the kids get fewer gifts, and it's hard to find enough small stuff to fill up a big stocking without going overboard.


At some point I found some medium-sized stockings - maybe 15" long and 5" wide. They are still hard to fill up, but I'm OK with them not having stuff bulging out the top.

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Ours are pretty big. My aunt made them and gave them to us when each of the kids was a baby. They are beautiful with a knit-in Christmas tree picture and names and birthdates (for the kids). Before that I had bought some very simple ones from Target that were pretty big but $10 or less each. I like big stockings because otherwise the only thing I can think of to fill a tiny stocking for young children is candy or junky toys, and I really don't want to get my kids more of that. The big stockings give me more options.


We had the same stockings growing up. As we got older mom started putting stuff like hats and mittens or calendars in them so she didn't need to put in toys or other junk that we didn't want anymore.

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Our stockings are small, by design. I made them when the boys were little. They have enough room to hold a toe-full of candy, a pack or two of batteries (Santa leaves batteries in stockings at our house), and two small gifts. For example, this year it's a Lego minifigure and a pack of astronaut ice cream. Santa fills our stockings and leaves one gift under the tree each year.


When my son was born, one of the first things my mom told me was to keep stockings small and limit Christmas gifts from the beginning, that's it easy to scale up but almost impossible to scale back. I'm glad I listened!

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Our stockings are average size, but the rule growing up in my family was that we were allowed to open them before my parents woke up but nothing else. Often, my parents would get us silly little toys that we could play with while we waited for them to get up. So our stockings became more of a stocking sitting on a small pile of presents.

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Small. Ours were all made in the mold of my mother's, which was made by her great Aunt when my mother was a child. The great-aunt also made mine, my grandmother made dh's, my mother made the ones for my two ds. So they're special and beautifully made, but also not bought.


But, of course, you can still spend a lot of money on a small stocking. We try to keep it not too expensive... try...

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Ours are just regular stocking sized. Whatever size the felt stockings you'll find in any big box store, that's the same size as ours. I actually found really cute ones that match our theme at Dollar Store a couple of years ago. I had a woman I worked with embroider our names on the top. They look cute and, as they only carried them one year, they're unique.


I've never had an issue filling the stocking, but it irks me when I have to "de-package" something to get it in the stocking.

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Average size. Stockings here are just for candy and anything so small it would get lost under the tree. I don't really specifically buy anything for the kids stockings (except the candy). As I wrap things I just add the gifts to the pile of "stuff that will fit in the stocking". The tree is for the big gifts.

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I have a friend that I Christmas shop with each year. She routinely will have some huge thing like a board game and say, "That's for so and so's stocking." They just lay the presents near the stocking because they won't fit. I so do not understand this logic. It's a present that's too big for the stocking therefore it goes under the tree. But no, they consider that present a stocking present. Maybe it's a mid-western thing. I just don't get it.



lol, we do this. Stockings are a huge thing in my family. But yeah, there are gifts next to/on top of the stocking. That clarifies that it is from Santa, not parents.

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I haven't read the stockings thread either but I'll bite on this one. Our stockings are pretty average Christmas stockings and we only fill it with small things (matchbox cars, cards, bubbles, specialty candy, little flashlights, chapstick). Ours are various and they don't match. I think 1-2 of them were handsewn by my mother-in-law. One is my husband's, which his grandmother knitted, and the rest were bought. We don't hang them up either we always put them on the end of the bed so they see them when the wake up the in morning.


Now the adult kids don't get their stockings filled, just the youngest two still at home permenently.

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