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Christmas Travel Near Due Date

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Please help me figure out who is being unreasonable here.


If your due date was Christmas Eve, would you travel 45 minutes (35 miles) for Christmas Dinner with the inlaws? especially since the nearest hospital to the inlaws is five minutes from your house in the other direction? and where it could easily take 90+ minutes to get to the hospital in traffic? And the doctor has told you not to travel more than 20 minutes away from the hospital after 36 weeks because you will probably deliver in the triage room?


Obviously, it will all be moot if the baby arrives before Christmas Eve. In Dh's defense, I've been induced in all three pregnancies at term due to complications and have never gone into labor on my own BUT. . .



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Yes I would, but that doesn't mean that is the right choice for you.


:iagree: I wouldn't expect there to be traffic on Christmas Eve. Although I would probably tell everyone that I reserved the right to cancel at the last minute if I felt "off" on the day.


And then I would try really hard to be as honest as possible about how I was feeling that day.

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Yes I would, but that doesn't mean that is the right choice for you.


I birthed at a hospital 60 miles from home so, yeah, *I* would... but I like the idea of chilling with my feet up while the ILs bring me food :) I'm less easy going postpartum, though; all the women in my church are the type to show up for worship immediately after a C-section, and I was still sitting at home two weeks after my far-less-eventful birth, because that's what felt right for me :)

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I would, but all my experience is long labors and living at least an hour from the hospital. I also HATE to feel cooped up so as long as I wasn't on bedrest (and in good news at 40wks you wouldn't likely be on bedrest!) I'd want to be doing something to pass the time. If a family member said they couldn't come to Christmas dinner because they were 40wks pregnant I wouldn't think twice about it though. People handle pregnancy differently.


I'd also think it completely normal to say that you're coming but change your mind at the last minute if you don't feel up to it. I actually had a cousin do that last year at Christmas and nobody thought it terribly odd.

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I'd need more info before I could decide. If you've never gone into labor on your own, what makes him think that you will AND that it'll be a super fast labor?

I'd ask the doc if this advice is based on anything specific or if it's standard advice. Way back in the dark ages, (see the ages of my kids) I definitely went farther than 45 minutes from the hospital in the last 4 weeks of my pregnancies. But your history may warrant more caution.

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I wouldn't expect there to be traffic on Christmas Eve.


Apparently, you have never tried to get back to Manhattan from Long Island late at night on Christmas Eve... what a nightmare! (Ask me how I know. :glare:)


I guess it depends on where Christine lives -- traffic would definitely concern me, but what would concern me even more is being so far from the hospital.


Past history isn't always an indication of how this particular labor will go, and I wouldn't travel that close to my due date. The health and well-being of both mom and baby would mean a lot more than Christmas Eve with the in-laws -- and if they (or her dh) are being a nuisance about it, I think Christine should be quite offended.


Additionally, I can't imagine that her doctor would recommend that she go, either.

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I'd need more info before I could decide. If you've never gone into labor on your own, what makes him think that you will AND that it'll be a super fast labor?

I'd ask the doc if this advice is based on anything specific or if it's standard advice. Way back in the dark ages, (see the ages of my kids) I definitely went farther than 45 minutes from the hospital in the last 4 weeks of my pregnancies. But your history may warrant more caution.


With DD2, from the time they put in the cervidil to the time she was in my arms was about 6 hours. It took less than an hour after the doctor ruptured my membranes. The girl before her came out even quicker although she was sunnyside up (13 minutes of pushing).


My cervix usually doesn't soften on its own--which is why I've needed cervadil with all three, but this time it was shorter at 29 weeks than it was at 39 weeks with the others.

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