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Pregnancy Complications and Induction


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I started feeling sick this weekend and called my midwife. My blood pressure is all over the place-extreme highs and lows. She took me to the hospital to her back up OB. After a miserable 24 hours of monitoring in the hospital and labwork, they are inducing me on Wed when I'm 37 weeks. I've had an induction in the past and it was pure misery and it did not go well. So, my plans for a homebirth like my last 2 births is out the window. I am so exhausted and upset. The dr sent him home to actually get sleep since I was getting a migraine. Please pray for me Wed. I am not ready for this...

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How are they planning to induce you? I've had 4 inductions and 1 "regular" birth (all without pain meds)--my inductions were much easier. I never have pitocin. Was your induction with your first baby? IMO, first babies are almost always long, hard labors.

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I'm so sorry you're having trouble. I had two easy pregnancies then two very complicated pregnancies with high blood pressure, etc. High blood pressure isn't something you want to mess with! I had my last two babies at 37 and 36 weeks. Just remember in the end that a healthy baby is the MAIN goal!! Hang in there! Praying for an easy labor for you!

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If I were you, in the meantime I would start taking magnesium, soaking in an Epsom salts bath (you can get them at any drugstore), eating plenty of protein and salt to taste, and drinking lots of water. Try to relax as much as you can in the next day. The better nourished, hydrated, and rested you are going into this, the better you'll be able to handle it (and the things above may help stabilize your BP a bit too, so you're less "all over the map").


Good luck to you! I know it's not what you've planned. But (having had both a hospital birth and a planned unassisted home birth) if I were in your position (BP uncontrolled and uncontrollable, symptoms of illness), I would do what you're doing too. I wouldn't be happy about it, but if they're seeing signs of pre-eclampsia, it's time to go on. I'm sorry.


But it WILL be okay.

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I just went through almost this exact scenario and delivered my baby boy on 10/11/12 at 37 weeks 1 day. My water broke while we were trying to decide when to induce, so that decision was made for me. My delivery was great and my bp was fine during labor.


I'll be praying for you.


It is a good you are having a girl. My little guy was (and still is-5 weeks later) a very sluggish nurser. The pediatrician said most 37 week girls are "ready", but most 37 week boys act more like a preemie.


One note of caution.....have your BP checked at 5-6 days postpartum. Apparently it is very common for BP to spike again at this time even if it's normal after delivery. No one told me this, but I felt horrible at 6 days postpartum. I checked my BP and it was 170/110 - higher than it had ever been during my pregnancy highs. I was put on meds to control it, and I've just been able to go off the meds this week.


Praying :grouphug:

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Thank you everyone. My midwife came to check me tonight and the baby is doing well. I head in early in the morning to get started. But I'm having quite a few contractions tonight so I'm hoping I'll be in labor before then.


My midwife will be checking on me multiple times after delivery so I'll stay on top of BP. Thanks!


My first 2 deliveries were inductions and neither were pleasant. I had complications with both. Misery!!!


I do hope this time is different. I'm glad my midwife is coming with me.

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Thank you everyone. My midwife came to check me tonight and the baby is doing well. I head in early in the morning to get started. But I'm having quite a few contractions tonight so I'm hoping I'll be in labor before then.


My midwife will be checking on me multiple times after delivery so I'll stay on top of BP. Thanks!


My first 2 deliveries were inductions and neither were pleasant. I had complications with both. Misery!!!


I do hope this time is different. I'm glad my midwife is coming with me.




Praying those contractions pick up!

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FWIW, my 37w1d baby was the only one healthy enough NOT to need to spend time in the NICU.


My first and second babies were born at home, overdue, and had breathing issues. My third was in the hospital, shocking us with his early arrival, and he was totally healthy. Not saying he was healthy because he was in the hospital, but it was a lovely change to go home with the baby after 2 days.

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Well while I've had some contractions and spotting, I'm not in active labor yet. We leave for the hospital in about an hour. Time to eat breakfast....

I can't wait to meet my little one but I'm so not looking forward to this. I just am not ready!

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Well after a horrific labor and delivery with bleeding, a partial abruption, a baby with a crashing heart rate, and threats of a C-section, our little one is here. She's been released from the NICU finally and we are in our room. We are both ok and it's truly a miracle. Thanks for your prayers!

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Well after a horrific labor and delivery with bleeding, a partial abruption, a baby with a crashing heart rate, and threats of a C-section, our little one is here. She's been released from the NICU finally and we are in our room. We are both ok and it's truly a miracle. Thanks for your prayers!



I'm so sorry things were so difficult, but I'm glad you are both OK now.

BTW- It's OK and normal if you need to cry a little about how things didn't go well. It doesn't mean you aren't completely thankful for a healthy baby.


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Well after a horrific labor and delivery with bleeding, a partial abruption, a baby with a crashing heart rate, and threats of a C-section, our little one is here. She's been released from the NICU finally and we are in our room. We are both ok and it's truly a miracle. Thanks for your prayers!




Oh, dear Lexi. . . . . praying for a smooth babymoon as you recover from such a tough delivery.



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I'm so sorry things were so difficult, but I'm glad you are both OK now.

BTW- It's OK and normal if you need to cry a little about how things didn't go well. It doesn't mean you aren't completely thankful for a healthy baby.




:iagree: Well said.


I am so thankful you are both okay.

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