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Had to make the decision to put dd9th into PS

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I put both of my children in ps for high school. Really, it's going to be okay. Some teachers are better than others, but I image it will be the same for them in college. Their personalities and values haven't changed, in fact my oldest is admired by his friends for his sense of fairness and his ability to give good advice and support. My youngest works hard and has found like-minded kids at ps. The other students aren't all bullies, drug-addicts and slackers. There are some very good, well-loved kids there too.


Hope you can come to terms with your situation, even if it's temporary, and embrace your new normal.


Best wishes and many hugs,

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It was with great angst that my two dd's went to ps (one I expelled in her sophomore year, the other begged to go and had to meet some goals, etc to be allowed to), but for now it has been a good decision, even though the one I hoped would only stay a year is in her second year there. However, I have a friend whose dd came home for her junior year after 2 years on ps, and things are going so much better for them now :).

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When you pray that God would put a stop to something if it is not His will and He so clearly does is a wonderful feeling!! I copied this from a facebook group because it is a lot to type.


OH MY GOODNESS. So, I met with the most ______________ high school counselor. You may fill in the blank with your choice of word when I tell you what happened. So, we walk in and he asks what he can help us with. I explain to him what I wanted (to enroll dd for the remainder of the year). He says "You homeschool, correct" I say yes. He then proceeds to laugh (LAUGH) saying "couldn't handle teaching high school huh?" So, as I sit there completely dumbfounded by this guy he says "That is why we hire professionals" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? So, I am trying to compose my thoughts in a semi respectful manner because when we were there I was shaking and near tears anyways because I had to do it in the first place. I looked at him and said "Actually no, it has to do with something completely non academic. Her grades thus far are 90% or higher in all subjects" (because I don't allow less. If she gets less we go through the material again) and he says "Sure they are, well she won't be able to start until Jan 21 because that is semester break and we need to leave room for kids moving into the school district". We live VERY rurally. The entire school district has 1 elementary school and a building that is half middle school and half high school. Last years graduating class had 57 students (a 16 year high mind you) Their buildings are HUGE. I highly doubt overcrowding is an issue here) I was polite (frankly because I was completely dumbfounded by the idiocy of this guy) I think I will make things work with her at home. I am not giving her to that idiot. I am planning to email him when I am not so irritated by his... whatever you want to call it. He stood up and smirked when we left and extended his hand to shake mine when I left. I got up and completely ignored it. Jerk. I just got back from a Veterans Day program she is part of with the school (because she is in the band) and he saw me, smirked and IMMEDIATELY started whispering to the principal who then looked right at me and did a fake half smile. I am SO freaking mad (pardon my language please) SO irritated. When we left dd says "I am proud of you, you didn't smack him" LOL!





So, she will be staying home and we will make it work :001_smile:

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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When you pray that God would put a stop to something if it is not His will and He so clearly does is a wonderful feeling!! I copied this from a facebook group because it is a lot to type.


OH MY GOODNESS. So, I met with the most ______________ high school counselor. You may fill in the blank with your choice of word when I tell you what happened. So, we walk in and he asks what he can help us with. I explain to him what I wanted (to enroll dd for the remainder of the year). He says "You homeschool, correct" I say yes. He then proceeds to laugh (LAUGH) saying "couldn't handle teaching high school huh?" So, as I sit there completely dumbfounded by this guy he says "That is why we hire professionals" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? So, I am trying to compose my thoughts in a semi respectful manner because when we were there I was shaking and near tears anyways because I had to do it in the first place. I looked at him and said "Actually no, it has to do with something completely non academic. Her grades thus far are 90% or higher in all subjects" (because I don't allow less. If she gets less we go through the material again) and he says "Sure they are, well she won't be able to start until Jan 21 because that is semester break and we need to leave room for kids moving into the school district". We live VERY rurally. The entire school district has 1 elementary school and a building that is half middle school and half high school. Last years graduating class had 57 students (a 16 year high mind you) Their buildings are HUGE. I highly doubt overcrowding is an issue here) I was polite (frankly because I was completely dumbfounded by the idiocy of this guy) I think I will make things work with her at home. I am not giving her to that idiot. I am planning to email him when I am not so irritated by his... whatever you want to call it. He stood up and smirked when we left and extended his hand to shake mine when I left. I got up and completely ignored it. Jerk. I just got back from a Veterans Day program she is part of with the school (because she is in the band) and he saw me, smirked and IMMEDIATELY started whispering to the principal who then looked right at me and did a fake half smile. I am SO freaking mad (pardon my language please) SO irritated. When we left dd says "I am proud of you, you didn't smack him" LOL!





So, she will be staying home and we will make it work :001_smile:


What a dipwad! It would be so tempting to tell him you are keeping her home simply because you can't allow her to be around stupid people like him. Not very articulate or composed, but :svengo:

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I am not surprised at all, and yet so sorry you had to experience such rude behavior. However, I am THRILLED that God answered you so clearly on this! What a gift! And now you know that if this is what God wants, then somehow you can rest easy because it will all work out (I was not privy to knowing the reasons that led to trying PS).


Thankful for you tonight, and grateful that you have no doubts.



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What a dipwad! It would be so tempting to tell him you are keeping her home simply because you can't allow her to be around stupid people like him. Not very articulate or composed, but :svengo:




Have you considered trying to enroll her online? I'm not sure why you felt you had to enroll her right now, but a cyber school offers many of the same benefits as ps, except of course the cost. I'd say the price tag will be well worth it to avoid that jerk if you can though!

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When you pray that God would put a stop to something if it is not His will and He so clearly does is a wonderful feeling!! I copied this from a facebook group because it is a lot to type.


OH MY GOODNESS. So, I met with the most ______________ high school counselor. You may fill in the blank with your choice of word when I tell you what happened. So, we walk in and he asks what he can help us with. I explain to him what I wanted (to enroll dd for the remainder of the year). He says "You homeschool, correct" I say yes. He then proceeds to laugh (LAUGH) saying "couldn't handle teaching high school huh?" So, as I sit there completely dumbfounded by this guy he says "That is why we hire professionals" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? So, I am trying to compose my thoughts in a semi respectful manner because when we were there I was shaking and near tears anyways because I had to do it in the first place. I looked at him and said "Actually no, it has to do with something completely non academic. Her grades thus far are 90% or higher in all subjects" (because I don't allow less. If she gets less we go through the material again) and he says "Sure they are, well she won't be able to start until Jan 21 because that is semester break and we need to leave room for kids moving into the school district". We live VERY rurally. The entire school district has 1 elementary school and a building that is half middle school and half high school. Last years graduating class had 57 students (a 16 year high mind you) Their buildings are HUGE. I highly doubt overcrowding is an issue here) I was polite (frankly because I was completely dumbfounded by the idiocy of this guy) I think I will make things work with her at home. I am not giving her to that idiot. I am planning to email him when I am not so irritated by his... whatever you want to call it. He stood up and smirked when we left and extended his hand to shake mine when I left. I got up and completely ignored it. Jerk. I just got back from a Veterans Day program she is part of with the school (because she is in the band) and he saw me, smirked and IMMEDIATELY started whispering to the principal who then looked right at me and did a fake half smile. I am SO freaking mad (pardon my language please) SO irritated. When we left dd says "I am proud of you, you didn't smack him" LOL!





So, she will be staying home and we will make it work :001_smile:



:grouphug:It's always best when things are made clear from the beginning, so I'm glad you chose to continue homeschooling rather than deal with someone so rude, condescending and patronizing. One of the reasons I knew God was the One opening the door for my eldest to move to public school was that we had a highly respectful, intelligent counsellor who has been great to work with the entire time we've been there. Over and over I've seen that this was the best decision for our daughter in our situation.

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I consider that it's even more important to teach high school at home than grade school. I don't know why you were considering sending her to an actual high school but I'm glad it won't be.


Over here, because of our homeschooling laws, if you ever put a child in school, you can never really go back to 'free' homeschooling. You'll be stuck with the school board always looking over your shoulder. So when it got tough last year (DS was in 9th) we had no real choice. We had to keep going. It was hard. And we did consider sending him to school, knowing it was a one-way trip, no going back. That stopped us. And now that he's in 10th, it's going so much more smoothly!


A few years ago, some experienced homeschoolers had warned me that 14 yo was the worst age to homeschool, with 13yo and 15yo behind transition years. They were right!!!!


It does get better.

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I cannot believe that counselor would actually say all those things to your face! How incredibly unprofessional!!!


I had a difficult year last year when I enrolled my son in his current program. Due to the fact that all posts on this board come up on Google searches, I haven't said much about the nature of the difficulties I had, but it was incredibly stressful. Yet, none of the faculty or staff members involved were ever as unprofessional to my face as that!


It's difficult when you feel the current situation is unsustainable but any other options have major downsides. There are some things that are working out well for my son now, but I have to say that I feel the academic bar is low in some areas (ie, in over a year my son has only been required to read ONE full-length book). I am also dealing with permanent damage to my son's attitudes about some things that came because of the way the school responded to my advocacy regarding my son's dyslexia & dysgraphia.


I'm in a much better place with my communication with the school, but there are days when I kick myself that I didn't listen to my gut and go with dual enrollment rather than a full-on middle college program

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A few years ago, some experienced homeschoolers had warned me that 14 yo was the worst age to homeschool, with 13yo and 15yo behind transition years. They were right!!!!



My aunt says that 14 is the lowest point in human development;). That said, while most dc have that as the lowest point, some stay there longer. When my eldest was 15 I called my aunt back to ask when they got over and her answer was basically "it varies":glare::001_huh::001_smile:. I can see that this is probably going to be true for my middle one, though, and am looking forward to having her back to her wonderful self by 16 :). Here she can come back home just the way we used to. Even though we live in a red state, we live in a very easy town to homeschool in. However, had I had a counsellor like that of the OP, there is no way any of my dc would to to that high school.

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When you pray that God would put a stop to something if it is not His will and He so clearly does is a wonderful feeling!! I copied this from a facebook group because it is a lot to type.


OH MY GOODNESS. So, I met with the most ______________ high school counselor. You may fill in the blank with your choice of word when I tell you what happened. So, we walk in and he asks what he can help us with. I explain to him what I wanted (to enroll dd for the remainder of the year). He says "You homeschool, correct" I say yes. He then proceeds to laugh (LAUGH) saying "couldn't handle teaching high school huh?" So, as I sit there completely dumbfounded by this guy he says "That is why we hire professionals" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? So, I am trying to compose my thoughts in a semi respectful manner because when we were there I was shaking and near tears anyways because I had to do it in the first place. I looked at him and said "Actually no, it has to do with something completely non academic. Her grades thus far are 90% or higher in all subjects" (because I don't allow less. If she gets less we go through the material again) and he says "Sure they are, well she won't be able to start until Jan 21 because that is semester break and we need to leave room for kids moving into the school district". We live VERY rurally. The entire school district has 1 elementary school and a building that is half middle school and half high school. Last years graduating class had 57 students (a 16 year high mind you) Their buildings are HUGE. I highly doubt overcrowding is an issue here) I was polite (frankly because I was completely dumbfounded by the idiocy of this guy) I think I will make things work with her at home. I am not giving her to that idiot. I am planning to email him when I am not so irritated by his... whatever you want to call it. He stood up and smirked when we left and extended his hand to shake mine when I left. I got up and completely ignored it. Jerk. I just got back from a Veterans Day program she is part of with the school (because she is in the band) and he saw me, smirked and IMMEDIATELY started whispering to the principal who then looked right at me and did a fake half smile. I am SO freaking mad (pardon my language please) SO irritated. When we left dd says "I am proud of you, you didn't smack him" LOL!






So, she will be staying home and we will make it work :001_smile:


WOW! I would be speechless. You should have gotten up and walked out. I would probably also write a complaint to the principal and tell them exactly what I thought about being treated like that. Mr.Counselor might not think it's so funny to belittle people then, and his boss probably won't think his turning people away and being unprofessional is very cute. But so glad you found out now and feel better about your decision to homeschool.

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It's difficult when you feel the current situation is unsustainable but any other options have major downsides. There are some things that are working out well for my son now, but I have to say that I feel the academic bar is low in some areas (ie, in over a year my son has only been required to read ONE full-length book).



This is what the Common Core standards are pushing - reading excerpts of books instead of the whole book. I heard an English teacher at my school saying the kids hate it. They feel cheated and want to read the whole thing.

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He says "You homeschool, correct" I say yes. He then proceeds to laugh (LAUGH) saying "couldn't handle teaching high school huh?" So, as I sit there completely dumbfounded by this guy he says "That is why we hire professionals" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? So, I am trying to compose my thoughts in a semi respectful manner because when we were there I was shaking and near tears anyways because I had to do it in the first place. I looked at him and said "Actually no, it has to do with something completely non academic. Her grades thus far are 90% or higher in all subjects" (because I don't allow less. If she gets less we go through the material again) and he says "Sure they are, well she won't be able to start until Jan 21 because that is semester break and we need to leave room for kids moving into the school district". We live VERY rurally. The entire school district has 1 elementary school and a building that is half middle school and half high school. Last years graduating class had 57 students (a 16 year high mind you) Their buildings are HUGE. I highly doubt overcrowding is an issue here) I was polite (frankly because I was completely dumbfounded by the idiocy of this guy) I think I will make things work with her at home. I am not giving her to that idiot. I am planning to email him when I am not so irritated by his... whatever you want to call it. He stood up and smirked when we left and extended his hand to shake mine when I left. I got up and completely ignored it. Jerk. I just got back from a Veterans Day program she is part of with the school (because she is in the band) and he saw me, smirked and IMMEDIATELY started whispering to the principal who then looked right at me and did a fake half smile. I am SO freaking mad (pardon my language please) SO irritated. When we left dd says "I am proud of you, you didn't smack him" LOL!






So, she will be staying home and we will make it work :001_smile:




Wow, what a complete jerk. I'm nice most of the time, but I have no problem calling out guys like this on their arrogance. You could have had some fun with this guy!

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This is what the Common Core standards are pushing - reading excerpts of books instead of the whole book. I heard an English teacher at my school saying the kids hate it. They feel cheated and want to read the whole thing.

Yes, which is why it's better to find good honours classes or to do AP classes if you have a teen who is strong in academics and they do go to ps. These classes often go beyond the Common Core standards.

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Yes, which is why it's better to find good honours classes or to do AP classes if you have a teen who is strong in academics and they do go to ps. These classes often go beyond the Common Core standards.


This is the only way I'm allowing my dd to go full-time next year. I'd still rather she stay home - I have such an awesome syllabus lined up for humanities next year, and it kills me when the teaching finally gets interesting she's bugging out! But she very much wants to go, and I'm willing to let her, provided the honors/AP classes all line up to fit in her schedule. Otherwise, she'll continue going part-time, and I'll do a little happy dance. :)

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This is the only way I'm allowing my dd to go full-time next year. I'd still rather she stay home - I have such an awesome syllabus lined up for humanities next year, and it kills me when the teaching finally gets interesting she's bugging out! But she very much wants to go, and I'm willing to let her, provided the honors/AP classes all line up to fit in her schedule. Otherwise, she'll continue going part-time, and I'll do a little happy dance. :)


Right. I'd love for my 14 year old to be schooling at home now, but she loves going to ps, so next year she'll take her first AP class. There are only 2 they can take their sophomore year, and she doesn't want to do AP Psychology & it's not something she could fit into her schedule anyway with band, which is something I wanted her to take that she really enjoys. However, I don't want to school another teen who argues with me all day (like my eldest did her last few years at home), but my 14 year old doesn't have to know that.

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Right. I'd love for my 14 year old to be schooling at home now, but she loves going to ps, so next year she'll take her first AP class. There are only 2 they can take their sophomore year, and she doesn't want to do AP Psychology & it's not something she could fit into her schedule anyway with band, which is something I wanted her to take that she really enjoys. However, I don't want to school another teen who argues with me all day (like my eldest did her last few years at home), but my 14 year old doesn't have to know that.




Band is so funny. My dd has played violin since she was 5, but last year (when she was in 8th grade here at home) I told her she should take up an instrument she can play in marching band because it's so much fun. Her response: I hate football! I had to convince her it was SO not about the football. :tongue_smilie: So, she decided she wanted to play flute, and I found a cheapie on Craig's List. She's now at the high school part-time, for band & choir. She's taken to it beautifully, loves marching band so much she is in tears that the season is over until next year, and can hardly believed she ever argued with me about being in it.


I love kids. :smilielol5:

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Band is so funny. My dd has played violin since she was 5, but last year (when she was in 8th grade here at home) I told her she should take up an instrument she can play in marching band because it's so much fun. Her response: I hate football! I had to convince her it was SO not about the football. :tongue_smilie: So, she decided she wanted to play flute, and I found a cheapie on Craig's List. She's now at the high school part-time, for band & choir. She's taken to it beautifully, loves marching band so much she is in tears that the season is over until next year, and can hardly believed she ever argued with me about being in it.


I love kids. :smilielol5:


They are a hoot. Mine did it because I insisted, but didn't hate football. It's the social part of school for her, and it's something I don't mind because it's supervised. She also started taking flute lessons and now that she is starting to sound good, she loves it even more.

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