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About what time do we start getting firm election results?

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Polls close at 7, so 7:02? IDK, I just hate that the tv people start saying so and so is the clear winner w/ 1% reporting. I wish they would hold off on any numbers until all votes are in and counted, and they are announcing the winner!! I think I'll go rent a movie for tomorrow night.

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Hmmm...yes, I can see that it might be tough in this race to tell if we'll have results earlier or later. Maybe I'll let the older dc stay up but not the younger. It will also depend on how early they get up tomorrow morning, I guess. They usually go to bed pretty early and need a lot of sleep.

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Hopefully soon. I would really like to get my life back. I can't seem to draw myself away from the news for the last three weeks. I'm tired!


This is me, too! My hubby is tired of me watching endless news coverage. To be fair, there is a lot of repetition.


I have a feeling a clear winner will not be known tomorrow night. There will be recounts and litigation 'til someone finally says Uncle. Just a guess, and I hope I'm wrong.

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This is me, too! My hubby is tired of me watching endless news coverage. To be fair, there is a lot of repetition.


I have a feeling a clear winner will not be known tomorrow night. There will be recounts and litigation 'til someone finally says Uncle. Just a guess, and I hope I'm wrong.


I don't know if I can handle that. I'm beat! I'm tired! Please God - let it be decisive whatever it is!

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Don't they wait until the polls close on the West Coast before making too many calls about who won? Or maybe they used to, but with internet and cable they don't wait? Oh well. At least the phone calls will stop.


I don't think so. They start making predictions a little bit after polls close on the East Coast, and the polls are still open on the West Coast. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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I have a feeling a clear winner will not be known tomorrow night. There will be recounts and litigation 'til someone finally says Uncle. Just a guess, and I hope I'm wrong.


I'm worried about this, too. I would love a clear winner... either way. How can our country be so clearly split down the middle?

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Don't they wait until the polls close on the West Coast before making too many calls about who won? Or maybe they used to, but with internet and cable they don't wait? Oh well. At least the phone calls will stop.



Nope. Generally they start calling it as soon as the polls in EST are closed. Often they call Florida before all of the polls in that state are closed (since the panhandle is in CST). It's really frustrating living on the West Coast and having them call it before we close our polls. I can't imagine what it must be like for those living in Hawaii.

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It depends upon how close it is in battleground states. I imagine it could be the next day. I don't think it will be as close as it was with Bush/Gore.


I don't think so. They start making predictions a little bit after polls close on the East Coast, and the polls are still open on the West Coast. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


That is because there aren't many battleground states in the west.


Nope. Generally they start calling it as soon as the polls in EST are closed. Often they call Florida before all of the polls in that state are closed (since the panhandle is in CST). It's really frustrating living on the West Coast and having them call it before we close our polls. I can't imagine what it must be like for those living in Hawaii.


I voted absentee when we lived in Hawaii. :)

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I don't think so. They start making predictions a little bit after polls close on the East Coast, and the polls are still open on the West Coast. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


True. Since the Bush/Gore debacle, I believe they have started waiting until the polls close in each state before calling the election results in that state. Previously, they would predict winners before the polls had even closed, based on exit polls. But since they called Florida for Gore before the panhandle polls had closed, and ended up being wrong (at least judicially!), now they at least wait until the stroke of 7:01 to avoid looking like they are affecting the outcomes. But they don't wait until the polls are closed everywhere.

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Exactly. Some article today outlined just what a nightmare it could be if Ohio votes were contested or so close because of provisional votes that will have to be "cleared" within ten days or so. We may not know for a few days even though I hope we are spared a replay of the Florida disaster a few years back.

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