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parking in our driveway

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What do you do when your neighbor parks in your driveway without asking? We don't have a car, so this neighbor may think that we don't need the driveway, but we do occasionally get fairly large deliveries. We have a contracting business, and if the supplier can't take the supplies to the place we are working, he brings them here and we store them until they are needed. We aren't going to get any deliveries any time soon, but I still don't want our neighbor to park here. We have spoken to him and told him he could rent our parking space by the day, but we walk out in the morning, and he is parked there.

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I'd be as nice as possible, maybe even take some of those cookies you just baked over to share (wink, wink- See? Now you're going over as a nice neighbor, not as a confrontational neighbor.), and remind him that that's a loading/unloading area for you, and that you cannot have anyone parked there. Then get one of those little folding signs that says something like "No parking- loading zone" to put there. If he tries to park there again, he will have to physically move the sign to do so, and then you have a right to call the authorities.



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What do you do when your neighbor parks in your driveway without asking? We don't have a car, so this neighbor may think that we don't need the driveway, but we do occasionally get fairly large deliveries. We have a contracting business, and if the supplier can't take the supplies to the place we are working, he brings them here and we store them until they are needed. We aren't going to get any deliveries any time soon, but I still don't want our neighbor to park here. We have spoken to him and told him he could rent our parking space by the day, but we walk out in the morning, and he is parked there.


Does he pay your property taxes? If not he needs to park on his own lot. I've never heard of such a thing. :confused:

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What do you do when your neighbor parks in your driveway without asking? We don't have a car, so this neighbor may think that we don't need the driveway, but we do occasionally get fairly large deliveries. We have a contracting business, and if the supplier can't take the supplies to the place we are working, he brings them here and we store them until they are needed. We aren't going to get any deliveries any time soon, but I still don't want our neighbor to park here. We have spoken to him and told him he could rent our parking space by the day, but we walk out in the morning, and he is parked there.


That is very odd that he would park in your driveway after you have asked him not to. I would just remind him again that you don't want him parked there.

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What do you do when your neighbor parks in your driveway without asking? We don't have a car, so this neighbor may think that we don't need the driveway, but we do occasionally get fairly large deliveries. We have a contracting business, and if the supplier can't take the supplies to the place we are working, he brings them here and we store them until they are needed. We aren't going to get any deliveries any time soon, but I still don't want our neighbor to park here. We have spoken to him and told him he could rent our parking space by the day, but we walk out in the morning, and he is parked there.



WOW I can't believe someone would do that!! My way of handeling things like this would be to rent a car and block him in. I'd tell him its your friends car and its there for a couple days and you don't have the keys. His car would be blocked for a couple days and THIS is the very reason you've asked him to not use your driveway. And no I wouldn't feel badly for lying.

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Is this your house or an apartment or condo? I've never heard of such a thing. Our neighbor occasionally parks in our drive, but our driveway is big enough and we said they could. Our neighbors have a tiny driveway and a gazillion vehicles. Go figure.


You shouldn't have to even explain that you need the spot for loading or unloading. It's your driveway, your property and he's trespassing if he parks in your drive without permission. Boy that takes a lot of nerve. Call your police precinct, explain the situation and see if he can be ticketed or fined for this. Then tell him if he does it again, you will call the police and have him ticketed.

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I deal with this on a semi-regular basis, for a different reason. I live in the city, and most of my neighbors park on the street. The owner of the house immediately east of us is running an illegal drug rehab center (in other words--poorly supervised SRO that takes blatant advantage of people who need a legitimate program!!!:cursing:). There is also a hospital half a block from me.


We have a small drive that is just on the parkway--it's big enough for one car.


MY car.


Sometimes random people will park in my drive. Other times, people needing to go to the hospital will park in my drive. And most often and most irritatingly, residents or visitors to the illegal drug rehab facility park in my drive. :banghead:


Each. and. every. time. this happens, I do the following:


Park my own car in such a way as to block to offender IN to my driveway. This is to make sure they come talk to me. I keep it pleasant but remind them that driveways are NOT public parking. This has almost always induced the offender to shuffle and feel ashamed and apologize--I feel better knowing they will never park in someone else's drive again.


Place a pleasant but firmly worded note on the windshield.


Go check at the illegal rehab center to see if the car belongs to someone there. If it does, I both order them (pleasantly!) to get their car out of my drive AND I call the owner of the house and make sure he knows I am not happy.


I have never had to do this, but if someone didn't get their %#@*! vehicle off my property within about fifteen minutes you'd better believe I would call to have it towed.


I think you have been pleasant enough to your neighbor. Spell out your terms IN WRITING. You don't have to be mean or rude, just firm. Make sure you have a copy of your letter. Give your letter directly into your neighbor's hands, and make sure you have dh with you so that you have a witness that neighbor received your letter. Tell neighbor very sweetly that he is NOT welcome to park in your drive.


The very next time he does, barge over there right away and tell him, "I told you this is a problem. You cannot keep your car in my drive. Next time I will have to have it towed."


Stick to your guns--he knows the rules and is taking blatant advantage of you.

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my driveway faces the drive of the people across the street.

they not only do not park in their own drive way

they park on BOTH sides of the street, including in front of my house.

this makes it nearly impossible for me to get into or out of my own driveway

to top it off, I have a corner house, so it's doubly hard to navigate turning in.

to make matters worse, I have a 12 passenger van and am avid about making absolutely sure there is zero chance of a kid behind my vehicle. Which means I have to get out and literally yell at them to get out sight of my van so I can backout.

Sometimes they literally park at the foot of my drive or in my drive.


For those that don't know, there is anywhere from a 10 to 17 foot blind spot behind all such vehicles and I can't see anything in the blind spot, esp if it's below 4.5 feet high.


So yes, I'm not happy with them just being to the side of the van, because I still can't see them or I'm terrified they'll drop a ball at the last minute and jump after it, kwim?


This BIG vehicle can crush a toddler or 6 yr old like a bug, even if I just nudge them at 3 mph.


I've told them this I don't know how many times.

They still park like that and roll their eyes or give me the finger and a snotty look every time I pull in or out of my own driveway.


So now I call the cops. Every. Single. Time.


Because you know what? If I hit their kid or bumped their car - you can bet they'd sue me for it and claim it was all my fault. Not to mention I sincerely just don't want to risk hitting someone.


It's just RUDE. And it's been my expereince they wouldn't give nearly as much consideration to someone else doing it to them either.:rant:


ahh. felt good to get that out.:)

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my driveway faces the drive of the people across the street.

they not only do not park in their own drive way

they park on BOTH sides of the street, including in front of my house.

this makes it nearly impossible for me to get into or out of my own driveway

to top it off, I have a corner house, so it's doubly hard to navigate turning in.

to make matters worse, I have a 12 passenger van and am avid about making absolutely sure there is zero chance of a kid behind my vehicle. Which means I have to get out and literally yell at them to get out sight of my van so I can backout.

Sometimes they literally park at the foot of my drive or in my drive.


For those that don't know, there is anywhere from a 10 to 17 foot blind spot behind all such vehicles and I can't see anything in the blind spot, esp if it's below 4.5 feet high.


So yes, I'm not happy with them just being to the side of the van, because I still can't see them or I'm terrified they'll drop a ball at the last minute and jump after it, kwim?


This BIG vehicle can crush a toddler or 6 yr old like a bug, even if I just nudge them at 3 mph.


I've told them this I don't know how many times.

They still park like that and roll their eyes or give me the finger and a snotty look every time I pull in or out of my own driveway.


So now I call the cops. Every. Single. Time.


Because you know what? If I hit their kid or bumped their car - you can bet they'd sue me for it and claim it was all my fault. Not to mention I sincerely just don't want to risk hitting someone.


It's just RUDE. And it's been my expereince they wouldn't give nearly as much consideration to someone else doing it to them either.:rant:


ahh. felt good to get that out.:)



Well you just need a hug. :grouphug: You're totally right, that sucks.

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I guess I don't understand all this "be nice, stuff"


I may not own the street in front of my house but I sure as hell own my driveway and anyone but me better stay out of it.


I can't even imagine someone so rude....it wouldn't happen where I live.


I'd call the cops right away, and wouldn't feel bad one bit.

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You've already talked to them, and they have decided to ignore you.


I'd have them towed right away.


when they come over looking for their car,

very innocently, with big eyes.."oh, was that your car?! I am so sorry, dh had it towed-he didn't realize it belonged to you....we've had problems with people parking illegally on our property and dh decided we had to handle it. Here's the phone number of the tow company so you can reclaim it. Ba'bye."


Big smile and sweetly close the door.

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I would send a notarized letter via certified mail, stating that as per your previously stated verbal agreement, you expect to find money slipped under your door on any day he parks in your driveway. The next time he parks there and fails to pay, you will have him towed at his own expense.


Then follow through.

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You've already talked to them, and they have decided to ignore you.


I'd have them towed right away.


when they come over looking for their car,

very innocently, with big eyes.."oh, was that your car?! I am so sorry, dh had it towed-he didn't realize it belonged to you....we've had problems with people parking illegally on our property and dh decided we had to handle it. Here's the phone number of the tow company so you can reclaim it. Ba'bye."


Big smile and sweetly close the door.


I wouldn't even tell them *you* had it towed. Maybe you weren't even home. Maybe you didn't see it. Maybe it was stolen. How are you supposed to know???


Dh suggests taking a "release form" to neighbor, releasing you from "any harm" that may come to his vehicle while parked on your property.


But me? I'm w/ Remuda. Nails.

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Make sure he has a flat everytime he's ready to pull out. And I don't mean just let the air out either. It's not your fault he's too stupid to see all those nails.


:lol: :cheers2: :thumbup:



haha I LOVE LOVE that there are OTHER women out there with my humor! Thanks for the laugh!

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I send him a certified letter notifying him that any unauthorized vehicle left in your driveway will be towed. Then I'd do it. If you really wanted to you could get one of those generic signs that says "authorized vehicles only, all others towed" Your delivery people will know they are authorized. Your friends are visiting you. Emergency vehicle are authorized.


There is no reasoning with an ----- who would be selfish enough to assume he could just take your driveway. So, what if you don't have a vehicle. what if you want to use sidewalk chalk or play four square. It's your driveway.


For the poster who can't back out because of the neighbors vehicles boxing in her driveway, I'd contact the local traffic authorities and ask if it was possible to have the curb in front of my house painted yellow--no parking at all.

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Two things surprise me:


1. That a neighbor would take it upon himself to park in your driveway when he's been told not to. I like Jeans' solution to this.


2. You don't have a car. How do you get around? I'm seriously curious about this :)


Hang in there. This too shall pass.

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Not that this is relevant, but do you know why he keeps parking in your driveway? An effective solution for dealing with the malicious is probably not the same solution you would choose for dealing with the just plain clueless.


I might pop over and politely apologize to him...(no, I'm not crazy - stay with me). Explain that you are terribly sorry that you haven't had a chance to draw up a written contract about his use of your driveway...but the last time you talked things were left pretty open ended...and you seriously weren't sure what the deal was. Tell him you would be happy to sit down with him now and work out a written contract about the driveway use that is acceptable to both of you, and respects that fact that it is your driveway. Tell him that you can sympathize with his parking issues, since you utilize the driveway as a loading zone for your business, and know what it is like to need a place to park...and that you would be willing to help him out...but just need to get those details down on paper so that you aren't feeling the frustration of miscommunication or resentment.


This places the ball in his court...it allows him to apologize and take responsibility for his actions if he just didn't get it before...or to demonstrate his complete disregard...in which case you can decide what your next step should be based on your solid understanding of his intentions and your needs.


I seriously feel your frustration and hope that this helps.

PS - DH suggested a yellow sign that says,


"Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!"


But he was just joking... I hope...



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For the poster who can't back out because of the neighbors vehicles boxing in her driveway, I'd contact the local traffic authorities and ask if it was possible to have the curb in front of my house painted yellow--no parking at all.


I've got some yellow paint. :D


I'm on my way to housing right now. We don't have assigned parking here at the apts, & the result is that people w/ 2 cars & no kids take all the good parking--they rarely need to go to the groc store & hardly work. :glare:


So my neighbor & I--she w/ 4 dc & 1 car, me w/ 3.5--have to park around the corner. I'm going to housing first, but I've got white paint, too. And our apt. #. And I'm not afraid to use it!

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ok, ok, I tend to want to just tow it also, lol. i REALLY like the nails idea....


HOWEVER, i do understand that maintaining neighborly relations can be a boon in th future. hopefully. maybe.


so in the same idea as taking cookies:

I think I'd approach them from the aspect of property liability: his car on your property affects your risk to your homeowner's insurance company. Even if you rent, teh property owner will have problems if something happens to this guy's car on your property. Go ahead and call your property insurance and ask THEM --get a statement from them laying out how if anything happens w/ HIS car YOU or your landlord are liable.


Then let him know that due to this unacceptable risk ANY unauthorized vehicles left for more than 15 minutes will be towed. You are busy and can't be making several calls first to the owner and then to the towing company --it will be a one-call deal. Get that sign that betty talked about and put it on a simple stand. maybe even get a gate for the driveway, including a no-trespassing sign. You don't need a STURDY gate, you just need a cosmetic gate. I bet you can find one on craigslist or freecycle [something dented that doesn't work well for everyday use?] for almost nuthin', and set it up w/ some concrete blocks to support the sides or something.


but yeah, I agree that you need to take more than verbal steps.


good luck!

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What do you do when your neighbor parks in your driveway without asking? We don't have a car, so this neighbor may think that we don't need the driveway, but we do occasionally get fairly large deliveries. We have a contracting business, and if the supplier can't take the supplies to the place we are working, he brings them here and we store them until they are needed. We aren't going to get any deliveries any time soon, but I still don't want our neighbor to park here. We have spoken to him and told him he could rent our parking space by the day, but we walk out in the morning, and he is parked there.


Is this your property or are you in an apartment or condo or something?


If it's your property, you've done your bit in talking to him, from now on have him towed at his expense.


If he's parking in front of your house on the city street then I don't think there's anything you can do.


If it's an apartment or condo then the property office needs to handle it.

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Our neighbors had a dog they couldn't house break..so they left him outide while they were gone. Fenced in yard..no problem right??

Wrong. He howled for hours on end. OUr Boys couldn't study in their room as it was 10 feet from where the howler would stand and howl.

We told them and told and told them politely their dog was howling at night when they were gone late or overnight. We never EVER complained about the day time.

Finally, one hot summer, we coulnd't take it. DH had to get some sleep. We called the police.

Officer was appauled at the noise the dog was making...

Neighbors haven't really spoken to us nicely since. Their excuse, neighbors don't call the police on you.

Couple months later, the police were called again, but we were out of town, so it was someone else. They were so mad at us they were sure we called from out of town??

HOWEVER..couple of years later, a dog on the other side of them was barking during the day and they were furious! They turned the hose on the dog until it ceased to bark at them.


Bottom line, make your point clear with them..in person, tell them what you are going to do and then do it. Yes, call your insurance company and let the neighbors know you did.

Some people only worry about themselves and what works for them..and that may not be what works for you!

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I guess I don't understand all this "be nice, stuff"


I tend to agree with you, HOWEVER, I also tend to want to avoid getting my vehicle keyed or egged or my dog let out of the backyard the minute we aren't watching, kwim?


I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt and a bit of forgiveness when possible - because I like my own property.;)



For the poster who can't back out because of the neighbors vehicles boxing in her driveway, I'd contact the local traffic authorities and ask if it was possible to have the curb in front of my house painted yellow--no parking at all.


See now, I'm not really for going that far if I can avoid it. Because thta would mean *I* can't even park in front of my house! The reality is no one anywhere (well in my state/county) is supposed to park within so many feet of a stop sign (on my corner) or a fire hydrant (also on the corner) or to block both sides of traffic.


However, the first few times we noticed this happening, we just thought they must be having a birthday party or whatever. Heck twice a week in the afternoons I have cars parked up and down both sides of my house and a bit further. (playdate and coop are often at my house and can easily equal about 30+ kids with parents) But they aren't blocking traffic or anyone's driveway.


At first we just thought it was a bit odd and somewhat thoughtless, but didn't let what we thought was an occassional irritant get to us, kwim? And we are aware that since most people aren't driving 12 passenger vans they are ignorant of the blind spots. But no, these people are just rude and hateful and it's NOT occassional, it's every day all day. And they do not park in their own 2 car garage driveway that could easily park 4 SUVs?! :glare: Why not? Because they don't want to block each other in! I kid you not that's what they said when my dh asked them! Well actually the first thing they said was that they didn't speak english. Odd how ticked they were when my dh accomodated them and spoke spanish and said that he knew good and well they could speak english because he understood what they were laughing and saying in spanish when they saw him crossing the street to chat with them!:toetap05:


ARGH. Anyhoo, for the most part calling the cops each time nipped it pretty quick. And so far, my vehicles and my dog have not sufferred for it. We fully expected to have at least an egged van shortly after that last call...:001_cool:

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Dh suggests taking a "release form" to neighbor, releasing you from "any harm" that may come to his vehicle while parked on your property.


But me? I'm w/ Remuda. Nails.


This is a GREAT idea. IF it is parked on your property adn something happens to it, is there a chance you could be held responsible? I know that this might have been meant tongue in cheek, but seriously, you probably could be sued. This might also open his eyes a little bit to the fact that you are taking this VERY seriously. If you insist on parking here, it is at your own risk. Oh, and don't mind the BIG trucks with BIG blind spots pulling in and out of our driveway. :D

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That is unreal!!! People amaze me. I know there are a lot of legal things you could do, but even though he is totally in the wrong, I'm sure you want to avoid being on bad terms with a neighbor. I would do as some of the others have said, and just re-state what you said in your post. And be honest and say you don't want there to be hard feelings, but you need him to respect your wishes.


Good Luck!:patriot:

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I have actually had this happen a few times by my neighbors friends; and I have their cars towed. I tried the nice route and that didn't get their attention and it continued until I had the cars towed. Now it doesn't happen very often but still occassionally does. I have had this done twice now and will do it again in the future, unless I get the oppertunity to block them in with my car and then go out for dinner, movie, hike, even camping overnight in my husbands car. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Some people just have no idea how rude they are.:grouphug:

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We can't really put a beach chair on the driveway. We live in a resort area, and who knows what people would think. I will consider all the other suggestions though, nails to cookies to towing. We live near a hospital, and they charge for parking. Even their staff has to pay $120/month for parking. I hate the idea that staff and patients must pay to park. It is wrong, but that is one of the reasons parking is at a premium in this neighborhood. This particular neighbor has more cars than parking places.


To DB in NJ-- we have just never owned a car as a couple. We had cars when we were young adults straight away from home, but then we were poor academics, quite literally living hand to mouth, paid by lecture class, and a car was WAY out of our budget. Now we move with the jobs. We spend six months on a job, then move to another country. We always scope out the job first to see if it is close to a library and doctor and other things. We have a list of things we must be within walking distance of, otherwise we reject the job. Some places are easy for car-less people, other places are horrible. We made the mistake of not scoping out one place beforehand, but fortunately it was a short job.


We walk and bike and have taught the kids to do the same. Dd has to take a bus to the place she trains. I have a pushcart I take to the stores. It means I have to go to the stores pretty often, but that means we get fresh produce all the time too. Neither of our mothers had cars, so I guess dh and I grew up this way anyway. I came from a big family, and we all learned to cope without a car. We are all still car-less.


Right now, I am glad we have adjusted to life without a car, because it is terribly expensive to own one with the gas crunch. We have seen this happen twice before while we were car-less.

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I tend to agree with you, HOWEVER, I also tend to want to avoid getting my vehicle keyed or egged or my dog let out of the backyard the minute we aren't watching, kwim?


I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt and a bit of forgiveness when possible - because I like my own property.;)





Oops, forgot about stuff like that. Gosh I hate people sometimes. My husbands car got smashed in with a hammer on year and I'm sure it was our neighbors son.


I'm not big on being friends with all the neighbors but I do understand needing to be friendly and keep relations peaceful. I guess I was thinking that if a neighbor parks in your drive he must not care much about neighborly relations.

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Oops, forgot about stuff like that. Gosh I hate people sometimes. My husbands car got smashed in with a hammer on year and I'm sure it was our neighbors son.


I'm not big on being friends with all the neighbors but I do understand needing to be friendly and keep relations peaceful. I guess I was thinking that if a neighbor parks in your drive he must not care much about neighborly relations.


Oh no, I completely agree with you.:iagree:


Unfortunately my concern is/was that since they don't care about neighborly relations they wouldn't care about damaging neighbor property either.;)

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