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Let's play the (middle) name game

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Baby girl is due in February. We have already picked her first name which will be Persephone, but we are stuck on middle names. We thought I couldn't have children and that DS9 was a one-off thing, so we gave him two middle names Alexander William (Alexander is the english version of my father's name as well as my paternal g-father, William is DH's father's name as well as his paternal g-father). When DS7 came along we decided to just keep up with the two middle names and gave him our maternal g-fathers' names as middle names (Edward Martin). DD5 has our mothers' middle names as her middle names (Elizabeth Anne) and DD3 has DH's sisters' names as her middle names (Rebecca Mary).


Basically we have think we need to keep with the trend and give her our grandmothers' names, which are:


Moira - my maternal g-ma (meaning: of the sea; bitter)

Magda (lene) - my paternal g-ma (meaning: woman of Magdala)

Edith - his maternal g-ma (meaning: rich war)

Vera - his paternal g-ma (meaning: faith)


So which two would you use?


Just as an aside Persephone means "bringer of destruction", but I prefer to just think of the myth of Persephone/Demeter and Hades. DS7 (who is a huge fan of Greek mythology and Percy Jackson) suggested Hazel Bianca as middle names. 20 points if you know why........

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Well, I think Persephone is a very fabulous name. I happen to love both Hazel and Bianca, though I don't know why they were suggested. I'm sure my son would. :) (I just asked him and he explained it to me. Ha!)


My favorite of the middle names is Moira, but I personally wouldn't put it with one of the other two names with the same ending sound. And I'm not a huge fan of Edith.


Hmmm. Maybe Persephone Vera Magdalene?

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Here is my incoherent, insomniac opinion. Moira Vera sounds the best to me. It just rolls off the tongue easily. Also, you have destruction, then bitter, but you end with faith. Kinda cool if you ask me:lol:. Of course, all this I'd null and void if your last name ends with an A. Too many "uh" sounds. Anyway, that's my vote.

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I'm a name blender.

You wanted to play a game...

I would choose to use the names like this:

Magra Edra or

Verith Moirda


Seriously?? The poor child has to have these as her names... Like alternatives to her first name if she doesn't care for it. None of those are names... With a name that is so common and beautiful, I would leave one name for my child in case they're jealous. Persiphone is decent sounding, but it's gonna be a bear as a name. I'd use at least one of the most common names from the list. Moira Edith is what I'd use I would use that one... Persiphone Moira Edith something.... I actually think Moira is pretty and would switch that to her first name, but that's just me. It's kinda in style to use names that are unusual right now...


I guess the problem with announcing it before hand, is people feel the need to tell you their opinion... Sorry :(

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I actually like the name Persephone quite a bit. But it will be a name that few pronounce or spell correctly. Which would not deter me but go in eyes wide open. No complaining when people say pur-sef-own. They will.


This is why I think the middle names need to be somewhat common and easy to pronounce. And go well with Persephone, which is quite a big and strong name on its own. I would lean towards something along the likes of Persephone Anne. Said with any two of your choices, Persephone sounds a bit unwieldyz

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I think it will depend on what you are actually going to call her. Persephone is a mouthful. And apparently where you live now Percy is rude. So will you call her by her first name or will you call her by her middle name?


Hazel still sounds little old lady-ish to me. It hasn't become modern yet.


Moira is nice. I really can't think of anything negative except that perhaps it is too Irish, while Persephone is very Greek.


Edith is again old lady-ish. I'm old enough to remember Edith Bunker (All in the Family) of the early 70s fame.


Vera is classic. It could be old fashioned and that in itself could make it tomorrow's trendy name. I like Persephone Vera.


Magda(lene) along with Persephone gives you a kid with the name of two very well known women of history. Both who got into a bit of trouble. We wouldn't want her to live up to her name. I think I'd go with a different form of the name - Madeline. Persephone Madeline has a nice ring to it.

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Moira is nice. I really can't think of anything negative except that perhaps it is too Irish, while Persephone is very Greek.
Not necessarily so. The Moirai are the three Fates, and it's more complicated than this, but Moira is like the power of the Fates. :001_smile:
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I like Persephone Moira Edith. It's pretty.


:iagree: I was going to suggest Persephone Edith moira, but botb work. I think theese days people with think more of Downton Abbey. :) that said, with a name like Persephone, I'd go with a common middle name. We did thT with our girls: uncommon first name, common middle. But I do like how you've used family names. Not sure I'd mess with that.

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I'm not sure DH would know what his g-mas' middle names were. His father's mum died in the 1920s so not sure how to even find out.


My g-mas' middle names were Janet and Ilonya.

I have a subscription to Ancestry.com and access to tons of genealogical databases. If you are interested in finding out, pm me and I might be able to help you.

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If it were me, I'd consider Jane as a nod to Janet. I had thought of working Jane into the middle for one of ours in honor of a Janice. But it didn't work out.


Anyway, if that's an option: Persephone Moira Jane or Persephone Vera Jane or Persephone Edith Jane or Persephone Magda Jane would be on my list. But if Jane isn't an option ... I love Moira and would put it in there for sure.

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I think a cute nickname for Persephone is Seph (Sef), but that would probably be heard as Steph.


:iagree: I love that.


Persephone is a completely awesome name. It's along the same lines as Penelope and Phillippa and Clementine that I suggested and my husband quickly shot down. He has no guts when it comes to naming children. :lol:

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