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Bad to worse.

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Sorry I haven't had much positive to say in the few times I've been on here lately. But things keep happening and I keep hoping there is going to be a light somewhere at the end of this tunnel. There doesn't seem to be one right now and I need a hug. :(


I told y'all about leaving my dh, and then had to come back. We spent a couple weeks getting the house straight and just getting back in the groove. We decided to homeschool again and started that back up this week. THe kids had several extra curricular things they wanted to do, but dh was not able to come thru with getting me a vehicle so we could do those things. But, eh... he hasn't come through on any of the promises he said he'd keep if I came back. We've done nothing but fight. It's exhausting.


Right after getting home, I fractured a bone in my foot doing something stupid while cleaning house. Have to keep my foot wrapped and propped up for a few weeks. Going a little stir crazy.


Last night dh found out his company is closing and today will be his last day. There was a lay off a while back. He missed it, but now since he wasn't laid off he isn't getting the severance package they got.

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We had a year like that in 2009/2010. It is so hard to recover when things keep knocking you down. I'm so sorry this is happening to you now.


Things are pretty good here now, so try to focus on how it can only get better. I know it is hard to have any kind of positive feelings when in the middle of a storm, but I think it is the only thing that kept me (sort of) sane.


I hope that this change will end up a blessing in disguise.



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