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Update on my boy's broken arms.

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Great news today! He did break the radius and a small bone in the wrist in each arm. The doctor had a bad experience with the wrist bones and wanted to cast him all the way up to his arm pits. When he saw the look of shock and horror on my face, with tears starting to form, he consulted with the doctor who work only with hands. Verdict: Short arm casts for 6 weeks! After the threat of full arm casts, I was giddy. :001_smile:

He has learned to eat and use the bathroom. We did good getting a shower this morning. I washed his hair in the sink first, then wrapped up his arms and stared at the ceiling while he showered. My ceiling needs to be dusted! ;)

He should be fine. I should be fine. With this situation at least. All the other stuff with in-laws and our only vehicle needing repairs and my dh's job and my dad's estate? Well, we're going to pretend that stuff isn't happening and deal with it later. I'll take this victory and enjoy it.


Here's a picture of a happy boy in casts. He picked one black and one green going for the camo effect. He feels so much better with the permanent casts on! He says it doesn't hurt nearly as much now.

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I was thinking about you today! And then I got a call the ds12 had hurt his finger, so now I'm waiting on a call from the doctor on what the x-ray showed. Ds12 was pretty upset at himself (he was supposed to be doing school work; instead he and ds13 were horsing around) and I told him about your boy. He sends your boy sympathy.

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BIG :grouphug: for you and your DS!!


On July 26th my DS broke his radius and ulna- but it was just in one wrist. At urgent care they put it in a two-part splint up to his shoulder. (They were really scared about that radius break too.)


But when we went to the Dr. a few days later, they took the top part of the splint off and he only wore the bottom part in a sling for 5 more weeks. The Dr. did tell us that a radius break can be a problem. He said that about one in twenty people will need surgery to correct problems in that area.


He was supposed to get a cast for the last 5 weeks, but when we went back, the Dr. just put it into a brace instead. DS was thrilled, but I was really uncomfortable with that.


He finally got his brace taken off Oct. 3, but he's still not totally back to normal. It's been a LONG two months.

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I was thinking about you today! And then I got a call the ds12 had hurt his finger, so now I'm waiting on a call from the doctor on what the x-ray showed. Ds12 was pretty upset at himself (he was supposed to be doing school work; instead he and ds13 were horsing around) and I told him about your boy. He sends your boy sympathy.


I hope his finger is okay! Yikes! Mine was told no tricks. When I reminded him AFTER the accident, he said I only told his brother. :glare:


I am so happy for you guys!!!! Is it bad that I just made all three of my boys look at the photo and tell them to take it easy?!!!! ;)


Heck! Print it out and put it on the fridge. :tongue_smilie: The poor boy in Nevada who is in double casts for doing bike tricks his momma told him not to. My brother told him, "Well, if you're gonna be dumb, you better be tough." Ha!


It's nice to see him smiling. :001_smile:


It really is! And thanks to everyone who commented. I am very happy he's gonna be okay. Thanks for giving me a safe place to vent and for all the hugs!

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I hope his finger is okay! Yikes! Mine was told no tricks. When I reminded him AFTER the accident, he said I only told his brother. :glare:


It's fractured, but it isn't a bad fracture. Boys!


I am glad that your boy got short casts. I hope that he heals quickly!

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Gre… Here's a picture of a happy boy in casts. He picked one black and one green going for the camo effect. He feels so much better with the permanent casts on! He says it doesn't hurt nearly as much now.


Glad to hear the good news.


I am so happy for you guys!!!! Is it bad that I just made all three of my boys look at the photo and tell them to take it easy?!!!! ;)


Be sure to tell them about the personal hygiene difficulties with 2 arms out of commission! That alone would motivate me to be safe!

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Great news today! He did break the radius and a small bone in the wrist in each arm. The doctor had a bad experience with the wrist bones and wanted to cast him all the way up to his arm pits. When he saw the look of shock and horror on my face, with tears starting to form, he consulted with the doctor who work only with hands. Verdict: Short arm casts for 6 weeks! After the threat of full arm casts, I was giddy. :001_smile:

He has learned to eat and use the bathroom. We did good getting a shower this morning. I washed his hair in the sink first, then wrapped up his arms and stared at the ceiling while he showered. My ceiling needs to be dusted! ;)

He should be fine. I should be fine. With this situation at least. All the other stuff with in-laws and our only vehicle needing repairs and my dh's job and my dad's estate? Well, we're going to pretend that stuff isn't happening and deal with it later. I'll take this victory and enjoy it.


Here's a picture of a happy boy in casts. He picked one black and one green going for the camo effect. He feels so much better with the permanent casts on! He says it doesn't hurt nearly as much now.




He is a doll face too. :D

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