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Can we talk about the debate without politics?

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You know, I didn't even notice the clock, and I watched every minute of it on CNN.




:iagree: I watched the whole thing too, and I remember seeing the clock exactly once, for a brief moment. I don't even remember which candidate was standing in front of it.


Really? Hmmm....Did all of the channels have the same cameras? I'm going to go back and watch it somewhere online.


Trying to remember which channel I watched it on....might have been ABC which is where I watched the others. Might have been Fox News.

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OP you aren't the only one who thinks that mics should be shut off. I like debates, but dislike the "did not, did too" raised voice, interruption filled mess that the presidential debates have become.


A foreign moderator isn't a bad idea either.


I'd also give them enough time to flesh out their ideas. 30 min for one side, then 30 for the other, back and forth, no interruptions, no questions, just talk about what you feel is most important. - Unfortuantely, I think I might be one of only a dozen people who would watch, and it would completely mess up their sound-bite, talking point driven, system that they have going now.


No, not the only one. I would love a format like that.

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I'd also give them enough time to flesh out their ideas. 30 min for one side, then 30 for the other, back and forth, no interruptions, no questions, just talk about what you feel is most important. - Unfortuantely, I think I might be one of only a dozen people who would watch, and it would completely mess up their sound-bite, talking point driven, system that they have going now.




I don't bother to watch them anymore. But I would be more likely to watch them if they actually had time to form an idea/argument and then rebuff. The format they currently use is useless.

Edited by Amy in NH
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My college-aged son was comparing the "sound-bite" debates we have now compared to the past. He was reading about Abraham Lincoln and ? (not sure who) when they were running for Senate. One side spoke for 3 hours or more and then it was Abraham Lincoln's turn so Mr. Lincoln sent everyone out for supper first because he expected to speak for at least 3 hours and then there would be an hour each for rebuttals.


We've been commenting that in our modern society our attention spans just wouldn't stand for that kind of situation.


Thanks for sharing this.

DC watched with us last night and DS is constantly bringing up comparisons (or the lack thefreof) to his heros, Lincoln included. I'm excited to spark a new topic of interest on Lincoln's debates :)

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For those who would like foreign moderator, why?


It would really not ensure that there was no bias. We non-Americans know you guys intimately and have strong opinions.



I've been wondering about this. The rest of the world probably has very strong ideas on who they'd like running the US, and a lot of frustration about not being qualified to vote! :lol:



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Actually, your answer shows that some men do need to jocky with women to prove they are "the man." I had been thinking most men were a bit classier. Thanks for setting me straight, Alpha-Bill.


We've had major recent debates with women participants. You speculated if things would be different. I don't believe anyone would think so.


You are not helping the cause.



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I think it would be much improved if they HAD to adhere to formal debate rules, and any infractions resulted in dockage of votes later. Then, they'd REALLY have incentive to be prepared, be intelligent, and be professional about it.

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Anyone know if I can watch the debates online? My son is doing a report on the Presidential candidates and we don't have a television we use or could even use if we wanted to for watching anything but movies.





The full debates are in this list, you just have to dig them out. DH has been watching them live on our Roku via one of the news channels, but after-the-fact video is just as good, IMO.



Edited by Sweet Morning Air
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Really? Hmmm....Did all of the channels have the same cameras? I'm going to go back and watch it somewhere online.


Trying to remember which channel I watched it on....might have been ABC which is where I watched the others. Might have been Fox News.


We watched every minute of it on Fox (local channel), and you know, I don't recall noticing the timer until about 2/3 of the way through. Then I was like, "Oh, there's the timer!" Once I saw it, I felt distracted by it. All I could think about after that point was how long the speaker kept talking until the clock went black. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Donna A.
fixed typo
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For those who would like foreign moderator, why?


It would really not ensure that there was no bias. We non-Americans know you guys intimately and have strong opinions.


I think there have got to be some very well informed and intelligent American journalists who can recognize and deal with their own biases. Hiding somewhere in a PBS affiliate perhaps?


I wondered this as well. Would a foreign moderator really be any less biased than an American? I doubt it.


That said, I would like to see someone who's NOT a professional journalist or media pundit do the moderating.

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We watched every minute of it on Fox (local channel), and you know, I don't recall noticing the timer until about 2/3 of the way through. Then I was like, "Oh, there's the timer!" Once I saw it, I felt distracted by it. All I could think about after that point was how long the speaker kept talking about the clock went black. :tongue_smilie:


Maybe it's just one of those things that immediately draws my attention. :)


I was trying to re-watch it on YouTube last night and was having trouble getting it to play. However, the clock was clearly visible through well over half of each candidates initial time answering the first question.


I'm going to keep trying to watch it to see if my initial perception was off.

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Maybe it's just one of those things that immediately draws my attention. :)


I was trying to re-watch it on YouTube last night and was having trouble getting it to play. However, the clock was clearly visible through well over half of each candidates initial time answering the first question.


I'm going to keep trying to watch it to see if my initial perception was off.


Your initial perception may have been completely accurate. I suspect that different channels had different camera angles, some showing the clock, and some not.

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We watched every minute of it on Fox (local channel), and you know, I don't recall noticing the timer until about 2/3 of the way through. Then I was like, "Oh, there's the timer!" Once I saw it, I felt distracted by it. All I could think about after that point was how long the speaker kept talking about the clock went black. :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: And then my next question was how come sometimes the moderator called them on it and sometimes not? :confused:

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I don't even know why it should be/has to be that the candidates participate with each other. Why couldn't there be a format in which each candidate is asked numerous questions alone. They have a time-range, say 3-4 minutes to explain their plan/position/proposed action for the problem in place. There wouldn't be all the distractions of, "You said *blah, blah, blah*" and "You lied when you said..."

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I don't even know why it should be/has to be that the candidates participate with each other. Why couldn't there be a format in which each candidate is asked numerous questions alone. They have a time-range, say 3-4 minutes to explain their plan/position/proposed action for the problem in place. There wouldn't be all the distractions of, "You said *blah, blah, blah*" and "You lied when you said..."


I think we need the opportunity to see each candidate interacting with his opponent, because eventually, he'll have to do it with leaders of other nations as well.... some of which he may not like. (And which may not like him.) We need to see how he can handle the pressure of direct questions on hard topics, with time limits and the world watching, knowing that every word, no matter how well-intentioned, can and will be used against him whether he meant it the way it was perceived or not.


I do wish they were allowed more time to answer each question than just 2 minutes, however, and that interruptions from the other party (or moderator!) were not allowed.

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I don't have time to read 13 pages, so . . . maybe this has been mentioned.


If I were in charge :tongue_smilie: I would have Siri (sp?) ask the questions.


Then for every second the speaker goes over his time, the opponent would get 4 times that amount added to his time! Twenty seconds of too much wind would get the other person an additional 80 seconds of talk time.


Boy, I'm good in math :D

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What's that saying, "Women are from Venus, and Men are from Mars"? So, what has happened is that the males have once again demonstrated that they do not understand females! :lol::lol::lol: It's like humans pandering for votes from vulcans without knowing anything vulcan culture.


Deborah Tannen has an editorial in today's New York Times about this.


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