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When did you consider yourself a runner?

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I started running in June using the Couch to 5k app for my phone. I slowly worked through program and finished it about a month ago. I have continued to run about 3 days a week. I have started the C210k program and am working through it very slowly. I really enjoy running, especially now that the temperatures are cooler and the humidity is much lower!


I have found a wonderful running blog about a woman who has 12 children who began running in 2009 and she is now training for the 2016 Olympic Marathon trials!!! She is incredible.


Anyway, when did you consider yourself a runner? Right now even though I run regularly I still don't "feel" like a runner. Does that even make sense? I guess my idea of runners look a lot different than me. I'm short and have some extra junk in the trunk. I don't have running "stuff" either. I don't have the right accessories. Does that matter? I am also SLOW. Currently I run a 13 minute mile. Although that is much faster than it was a couple months ago. I am running my first 5k Saturday.


I feel like I'm rambling! Does anyone even understand this?? :tongue_smilie:




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I don't have experience in this area, but I just want to say Congrats for finishing the C25K and starting the next step! I recently began reading Running for Mortals and it talks about how runners come in all shapes, sizes, speeds, etc. The point they make is if you run, and run regularly, you are a runner. :001_smile:

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I think it's really more of a mental thing than anything else.

If you're committed to running and it's important to you, than you can consider yourself a runner, whether you're in week 1 of c25k or training for an ultra. It certainly doesn't matter what you look like. :001_smile:

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Girl, you're a runner! You're moving your body in running fashion! Congrats on your accomplishments!


I was a similar runner last year. Plantar fasciitis has sidelined me this year. 5k's are a lot of fun, even if you finish after most everyone else. Enjoy the excitement, and feel good that you're out there running. You're finishing ahead of everyone sitting on their sofas at home.

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you sound like me :) I am at a 12 minute mile. I started "shuffling" in June. not even sure it would count as jogging. I think I'm now going fast enough to call jogging? idk. the furthest I've gone is 4 miles. it takes me about 47 minutes. all outside, I don't have a treadmill.


it is getting a little less fatiguing all the time. and I still have several pounds to lose, like maybe 15 or so.


do you ever do any other type of exercise? are you running outside? what is your plan when the weather is bad? asking for ideas for myself.

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you sound like me :) I am at a 12 minute mile. I started "shuffling" in June. not even sure it would count as jogging. I think I'm now going fast enough to call jogging? idk. the furthest I've gone is 4 miles. it takes me about 47 minutes. all outside, I don't have a treadmill.


it is getting a little less fatiguing all the time. and I still have several pounds to lose, like maybe 15 or so.


do you ever do any other type of exercise? are you running outside? what is your plan when the weather is bad? asking for ideas for myself.


I am not doing any other exercise right now. I will occasionally do Just Dance on the Wii with my dds. I detest exercise videos and I don't have time to go to a gym. I only run outside. I love being outside. Our winters aren't too bad in NC. I'm considering getting a treadmill so that I can run when the weather is bad. I think the worst part about winter will be the lack of daylight. I enjoy running in the evenings and I don't want to run in the dark for safety reasons.


Are you doing other exercise?


Elise in NC

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If you're running with a purpose, you're a runner. Those first 30 second intervals you did with C25K? You were probably a runner then.


It's a mindset; it's not quantifiable.


(FYI, my MIL made the mistake of asking me how my "jogging" was going one time. :glare: Seriously, I don't care if I'm running a 15-minute mile, I'm running! And don't you forget it. :lol:)

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I might start calling myself a runner soon...maybe. I did C25K to get back into shape last spring (2011) after the birth of my last baby. Then, I decided to train for a half marathon while I was at it. Ran that in Nov 2011. I'm now training for my 2nd half and cut 8 mins off of my 5K time in the last year.


My only catch for me is that when I'm not training for something, I don't gravitate to running. I didn't run at all for 3 months this spring, but did other workout type things. This year, I'm not going to quit running after the half. It was no fun starting over again even though I was still in decent shape. I'd like to keep working on my speed. So I guess I'm becoming a runner. I have a Garmin running watch FWIW :tongue_smilie:.


Congrats on your achievements! It is so great when you say for the first time," I only ran 5 miles." I love that running isn't intimidating anymore. At my Crossfit gym, that makes me a runner :001_smile:.

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Personally, I don't really know how to answer a question like that because I don't define myself by my activities and actions (or health, or marital status). I've been running my whole life. I've also been swimming, biking, ice skating, cross-country skiing, and training Taekwon-Do for years and years. I don't think of myself as a runner or swimmer or biker or skier. I'm a lady who enjoys running (as well as a bunch of other stuff). It's not my identity, just a part of the big picture of myself.


What does it matter how fast, what distance, or how many years you have run? You enjoy running right now - so just get out there and have fun doing it. :001_smile:

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I called myself a runner when I began to really want to run. It wasn't just exercise--I seriously needed to get out and RUN.


Same. And then, like Ali in OR, I ended up sidelined with plantar fascitis. I've never had any issues with my feet. I'm so bummed--I am looking forward to healing and running again. Soon, I hope.

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Mandylubug, I like the quote of John "The Penguin" Bingham that you posted. :)


I'll always consider myself a runner even though at age 56, I'm not as fast as I was when I ran the New York City Marathon at age 47. Age and speed are non-factors in my book. :001_cool:

Edited by ccm
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I think it's really more of a mental thing than anything else.

If you're committed to running and it's important to you, than you can consider yourself a runner, whether you're in week 1 of c25k or training for an ultra. It certainly doesn't matter what you look like. :001_smile:

:iagree:If you run you're a runner.:)

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I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about running inside without a treadmill? I want to do C25K but weather is going to be a problem soon. I can't go out until after dh gets home which means it will also be dark soon and we live in an area with no streetlights and bears.


Can't run along with the kids, they go faster or slower or stop. They can't ride bikes so that's not an option.


We have no room for a treadmill. We were going to join the Y but that is now on hold until a situation with dh's job is settled.


Every time I search on running in place on-line, the only answers are a bunch of suggestions like - run outside, join a gym. It seems like I may be missing something really obvious.

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I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about running inside without a treadmill? I want to do C25K but weather is going to be a problem soon. I can't go out until after dh gets home which means it will also be dark soon and we live in an area with no streetlights and bears.

If the local high school, middle school, or community center keeps the lights on at its track, maybe you could run there after your dh gets home. Some of the schools here keep the track lights on till 8 PM.


Could you run in the morning before dh leaves for work?

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One of my favorite topics. :001_wub:


And :grouphug: to you for sticking with the program and doing your first 5k!! So awesome!


I've been running since April of last year, but the first time I felt like a "real" runner was at my first race, a local 5-miler, because I got a t-shirt for it. :D Now I'm obsessed with running, even when I'm stuck at home for weeks with no way to get out. I just did my 2nd half marathon this past Sunday and LOVED it. And I'm no Speedy Gonzalez, either--but I'm faster than I used to be, and that's (mostly) all I care about.


You are TOTALLY a runner. Further, you are the only one qualified to make that statement about yourself--nobody can tell you that you are or aren't. Running is a hobby, a pleasure, an addiction, a torment, a challenge, a joy--not a speed.


Best wishes at your race! Be sure to come back and report.

Edited by Classical Country Mama
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You are definitely a runner! Good job on finishing C25K and planning your first 5K! I hope it goes great for you! I finished C25K last year but didn't get to do the 5K I had planned because of scheduling. I need to get back on that.

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If the local high school, middle school, or community center keeps the lights on at its track, maybe you could run there after your dh gets home. Some of the schools here keep the track lights on till 8 PM.


Could you run in the morning before dh leaves for work?


Unfortunately the high schools with lights only put them on when there's games since they are in residential neighborhoods.


Dh leaves at 6am. As much as I would love to....:closedeyes:

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I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions about running inside without a treadmill? I want to do C25K but weather is going to be a problem soon. I can't go out until after dh gets home which means it will also be dark soon and we live in an area with no streetlights and bears.


Can't run along with the kids, they go faster or slower or stop. They can't ride bikes so that's not an option.


We have no room for a treadmill. We were going to join the Y but that is now on hold until a situation with dh's job is settled.


Every time I search on running in place on-line, the only answers are a bunch of suggestions like - run outside, join a gym. It seems like I may be missing something really obvious.


I'm in a similar place as the OP (finished 2 5K's this year, much to my own surprise!), and the one thing that really helped me *indoors* was the Leslie Sansone exercise DVD's. They seem really easy at first, but when you hit your level, they really helped to stretch my endurance and build strength. You can go outside when you can (weekends, an occasional afternoon or so?) and then use the indoor stuff to build your ability (not ideal, but it worked for me).

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I'm in a similar place as the OP (finished 2 5K's this year, much to my own surprise!), and the one thing that really helped me *indoors* was the Leslie Sansone exercise DVD's. They seem really easy at first, but when you hit your level, they really helped to stretch my endurance and build strength. You can go outside when you can (weekends, an occasional afternoon or so?) and then use the indoor stuff to build your ability (not ideal, but it worked for me).


I do have the Leslie Sansone Walk off the Weight dvd. I'm glad to hear that could help me get ready for running. That's probably my best option for now.


Thank you.

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I only started running this past March. I ran my first 5K in August. I embraced the label of "runner" once I had committed to running regularly and knew that I was definitely running in a 5K. My thoughts before my first 5K were similar, though; I thought, "I'm so slow. I'm not a 'good' runner. This is hard." Etc. But running the race was more motivating than my regular runs and I averaged 10.5 minutes/mile. After that race, I started averaging 10-11 minutes/mile. I really think running in a race was what made me fully embrace my view of myself as a runner.


I don't have that many clothes either; I need some cooler weather gear and I'm not even totally sure what I'm going to do when it gets too cold and dark to run mornings. Still - I'm a runner! If you are committed to running, you are a runner!

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Once I enjoy running a mile plus distance more than a root canal. So never. :glare: And I am a fitness oriented/active person. But no matter how hard I try to like running, I just don't. Now I actually stay on a field and kick a ball a little in front of me to keep me from getting bored. Mostly my cardio is that stair step thing, running stairs or biking. I used to run longer distances in college but I realized I hated it and stopped.

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I started running regularly in June. Did the couch to 5K program and now I run 3-4 times a week. I can run 5K but I am still slow. I started considering myself a runner when I found myself planning my next run (speed/distance) and starting to look at running websites (no one was more surprised than me!)


Good for you for sticking with it!

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Here is what I wrote on this topic about 8 months after I, too, graduated from c25k.




Congrats on your graduation and on becoming a runner!


HAPPY RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!


ps. Since I haven't made a blog entry lately, I will update to say that I am still running more than ever, have run abt 200 miles in the past 40 days, and I am still loving it. Marathon #2 is up next month. :) It is still awesome for me. I hope it is as good to you as it has been to me!

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I do have the Leslie Sansone Walk off the Weight dvd. I'm glad to hear that could help me get ready for running. That's probably my best option for now.


Thank you.


Other weight training and cardio will help your running too. I dropped a run from my half marathon training this year in favor of another Crossfit (intense cross training) day. So, I have 2 Crossfit days and 3 running days every week. My running is improving more than ever and the variety is keeping me motivated. I think that ideally I'd have 3-4 Crossfit days and 2 running days in between race training...maybe someday when I don't have so many littles.


Maybe you could get a few more DVDs at the house and concentrate running on the weekends? The programs the ladies post on the exercise thread sound interesting.

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